~This is a snippet of part 3 to my short story series on Trisha and Noble. To read part one, Salvation at Snow Café, click here or to purchase part one and two, in my book, Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul, click here.
…For miles and miles, we traveled on a mostly open highway. I was relieved for the lack of traffic. The mountainous, glinting-snow terrain melted away into lush soft earth. Velvety lakes sparkled opal blue on either side of us, shimmering the heavens. Shamrock green grass sheeted rolling hills that expanded as far as the eye could see. Rainbow flowers grew up like gems and their broad petals stretched open like a delightful yawn to soak in the rays of the sun. Delightful daises speckled the hills like the bubbling laughter of babies.
Trisha kept looking around her in admiration. She commented more than once on how beautiful everything was.
A heavily aromatic vineyard was spotted up ahead. A large white stoned chateau with a red roof sat prominently in the center. Brambling, floral vines climbed up the stone fanning deep violet flowers. Blossoming trees fanned out their polychromous fruit and leaves like peacock feathers.
Trisha gasped and took out her phone for a picture.
She turned the window down and stuck her hand out before snagging a few shots. Afterward, she hung her elbow lazily out the window enjoying the warm fragrant breeze.
“I hope the vineyard we’re going to smells like this,” she said dreamily.
“I hope so too. If only to see you smile like this all day.”
She chortled and then took a picture of me, “for memories,” she said before taking a selfie.
A feeling of peace expanded like a cloud in my heart.
She would like California. She would like the church.
I smiled broadly and reached into the glove compartment box for my dark amber shades. Putting them on, I managed to work my sweater off. Revealing my lean honey-tanned torso in a white v-neck.
Trisha glanced my way and then sharply turned her head away.
“Hey dear?” I asked.
“Could you grab me a Gatorade from behind?”
“Sure,” she said and unbuckled her seat belt. She pressed her knees on her seat and leaned her torso over searching my snack bag, “which flavor?” she asked.
“Wild berry,” I said, and she took out one.
After handing it to me she refastened her seat belt and admitted, “I have to use the restroom.”
“How about we stop by this nice vineyard up ahead?” I asked with anticipation.
“To use the bathroom?”
“To bless you with a fine lunch and some winetasting,” I said and then added, “and yes, also to use the powder room.”
Trisha lifted her shoulders to her ears, “that would be lovely.”
She sighed with hearty pleasure, and it was like soul stirring music to my ears.
The dirt pathway to the vineyard was lined with tall iridescent flowers that swayed in the gentle breeze. They flowed in the breeze like a colorful sea, and I wondered if the rainbow above the throne in Heaven reflected on the sea of glass by Jesus’ feet like this. The smell of sugared wine and dust intoxicated the air with the ushering of a welcoming embrace. Ripe, bright vines hung juicy red and purple grapes.
A clearing opened between a lime green bush cut in the shape of an arch. I parked the car near several others and took off my shades. The sunlight filtered through the car and hit my back. When I turned toward Tish she just stared.
“Yes dear?” I paused, looking into her almond-shaped eyes.
She voiced, “your eyes are like sky,” she blushed, “I mean…they’re glowing blue.”
I laughed lightly, “they’ve always been that color,” I stated matter-of-factly.
“I suppose it’s the light,” she stated, “it makes them more beautiful.” She unconsciously reached and tousled my summer brown bangs.
My heart caught in my throat as I stopped myself from kissing her wrist.
I leaned back in retreat and that motion seemed to “wake” her up. She took her hand away.
“Maybe,” I said, attempting to speak coolly.
She started fussing with her boots until they came off, “it’s much too warm for these anymore,” she stated, and I checked the temperature on my phone.
“A perfect 70 degrees,” I grinned.
Her dark blue skinny jeans and striped light blue and white long-sleeved shirt complimented the rich pecan brown texture of her smooth skin.
She tied her hair in a back bun and walked outside to the trunk. After she knocked on it I pressed the open button and it unlatched. She unzipped her suitcase while I rolled up the windows. When I got out, she had slipped on a pair of copper tinted flip flops.
“Free feet,” she grinned widely and wiggled her French-tip pedicured toes, “I hadn’t expected to wear these for at least two more months.”
“Welcome to California.”
We found the entrance. A polished cherry wooden door arched between hanging pots of flowing plants.
When I opened it the mosaic windows filtered colorful light inside a quaint gift shop. To our right was a fancy restaurant and to our left was an ornamental mini market of local farm products, and fine jewelry. Unfortunately, it had a mystical influence, and I noted several eastern religious baubles.
We went straight toward the diner, passing a few richly clad folks.
The restaurant was brightly lit with tall windows…the height of an average grown male lining an entire wall.
Behind a rustic deck bar was a hanging list of expensive wine, among more reasonably priced drinks.
Trisha turned to me, “Are you sure Noble? It’s a little pricey.”
“Nothings too pricey for your enjoyment.”
A well-dressed man in an azure button-down shirt with ironed black slacks assisted us, “where would you folks like to eat?” he asked in a warm tone.
His visage was welcoming and his skin was like running caramel. His peppered black and white hair was slicked back neatly.
“Outside,” Trisha said seeing the white cobbled stoned quad with a running swan fountain.
“Excellent choice,” the man said and lead us to a wooden table with a glass-blue center.
We sat in cushioned chairs. Flowers surrounded us on all sides and monarch butterflies fluttered by shaped bushes.
Trisha kept looking around and was silent.
When I asked her what was up, she responded, “I’m taking it all in.”
I scanned the menu and deciding on the roasted quail in mushroom parmesan sauce with wild rice and steamed vegetables. Trisha choose the seared ahi tuna salad with berry vinaigrette dressing and buttered rye bread.
Our waiter, whose name we discovered was Rameriez asked us, “how about drinks?”
Trisha chose flavored sparkling water and I settled on the house red wine, “We’ll have the whole bottle please…and two glasses.”
Ramierez pressed his pointer finger to his thumb to amplify his words, “superb choice sir.”
I winked at Trisha when the waiter walked away.
“Noble, how do you expect to drive if you drink?”
“I figured we could walk around a bit after lunch until the alcohol passes…maybe give it an hour or so? I’m no light weight dear. When I wasn’t saved it took a lot to get me wasted. Besides, I saw a pathway around the vineyard on our way in.”
“I could also drive my four hours in,” she offered kindly before questioning, “how many more hours have we to go before we reach Kris’s house?”
I checked my wrist watch, “let’s see…. we left home at a little before 4am and its 2:20. That’s a little over ten hours behind us. We have about 8 more to go.”
“You’ve really been a trooper,” she complimented.
“It’s easy to do when you have good company.”
“Thank you for saying that even though I’ve been asleep for at least six of those hours. You’re always good company, but I think you should sleep the whole time I drive.”
“I think I will,” I said feeling a yawn coming along. I let is escape and lifted the back of my hand to it.
Trisha excused herself and sat by the swan fountain. Tiny droplets of water splashed on her skin and she seemed to be enjoying the coolness of it.
The scene around us was breathtaking but I couldn’t seem to take my eyes off the loveliest article around us…the woman that I truly loved.
I leaned my chin on my folded hands and stared freely, admiring the deep and elated feeling in my chest. She was a painting in motion. I let my eyes silhouette her curvy frame.
I had never known love.
I thought I did, when I was in the world. But of all the girls I had dated and slept around with, it hadn’t been out of love. Not even close. It was a selfish flesh feast on both ends. They were all prestigious tall sexy blondes or light brunettes with long legs and short skirts or leather tights. We had all hung around the same scene of popularity, wealth and rat-race ambition. Every relationship was built on self-absorption—using the other person to advance career by making a scene and exciting the tabloids. Each new level of success left me more hallow.
Then this saint leads me to God through Jesus Christ. For the first time, I knew what it was like to be loved into wholeness. I had such freedom in forgiveness and it led to captivating devotion…a personal choice to crown Jesus not only Savior, but Lord of my life. I didn’t know He was so good that He would give me such a life-giving and pure relationship with a beautiful woman.
Purity had always seemed dull to me before, like an intrusive wall that blocked pleasure. But now I discovered it was, in fact, the deepest pleasure. Pleasure of the soul that led to effortless self-sacrifice. Eternal pleasure, because it was done God’s way.
I wouldn’t exploit her sensitive heart, knowing I was her first relationship. I would guard her chaste, unsullied innocence. I would pursue her for a covenant relationship.
I thought of the rose gold diamond-studded ring hidden in my suitcase and released a tightly held breath.
We had only been dating for a few months. I didn’t want to scare her off, but in the same breath, I knew I wanted her for a lifetime. I wanted to love her right. I wanted to love her forever. So why wait?
Oh Father, please soften the soil of her heart to it. I feel your blessing on our relationship. But she’s still fearful in some ways.
Trisha leaned over the fountain and glided her hand along the clear water in cursory circles.
I heard Ramierez behind me before I saw him. He bent over and laid a scrumptious looking quail before me, set atop steaming wild rice and colorful vegetables. The parmesan sauce dripped over the cooked bird and soaked into the other food.
Just the way I like it.
The smell of the food sent a stab of pain in my gut and all of a sudden, I was famished! Trisha noticed and returned to the table as he set her plate.
“Enjoying the view ma’am?”
“It’s lovely.”
Rameriez smiled, “enjoy your food,” he said after setting her sparkling water beside her and then pouring two iridescent glasses half full of red wine.
“We will, thanks,” I said and offered to bless the food.
After prayer, we both ate quietly. Only the sound of our savoring hums and yums conversed between us.
Before long our plates were empty and our bellies full.
“That was probably the best meal I’ve tasted in a long time.” I said wiping my hands on an embroider pearl cloth napkin.
Trisha patted her belly and sighed, “I agree.”
She took gulps of her sparkling water and a breeze picked up, bouncing loose tendrils of her coiled, nutmeg dark hair.
I sniffed my wine glass and stirred it by moving my hands in small controlled motions.
After taking a sip I smacked my lips, “rich.”
“Strong?” Trisha questioned.
I was honest, “probably strong for you. You shouldn’t have much.”
She reached for her glass and smelled the robust flavor precariously.
She took a tiny sip and then another. Her face screwed, “is red wine always so bitter?”
I chortled at her naivety and inexperience, “it’s not grape juice dear.”
She smiled, “no, I guess not.”
She took some more sips before putting down the glass a quarter full.
“I’m done,” she said.
I finished mines off and poured myself another glass. She let me enjoy the flavor of the richest wine I had tasted before leaving my life of sin behind.
“He saves the best for last,” I mused remembering the wedding feast in Canaan. Jesus’ first miracle. Such exuberance and opulent generosity was seen as sacrilege to some. But to me, it spoke of the copious wealth of the creativity of God and the bounty of His goodness. I decided to stop after the second glass and left the bottle on the table after paying the check and tip.
We strolled through a dappled path and savored the scenery. Tree leaves rustled and cast dancing shapes of light and shadow on the trail.
Trisha bent down frequently to sniff flowers. We stayed almost 5 minutes by some lavender bushes while she admired the smell. Bees buzzed unbothered by her face.
I tucked my hands in my pockets and praised God silently.
Father thank you for an easy, beautiful trip. Thank you for Trish. Thank you for your love, you display it every day to me in faithful and new ways. I’m so at peace because of knowing you. I love you Father. Thank you for Eve, for Trish getting to minister to her. Draw her to you Lord. Show her how good you are…that your forgiveness is free to us because Jesus paid for it. Give her hope and joy. Convict her heart to believe Holy Spirit. Nobody comes to Jesus unless you draw them. Show me how to love Trisha right. Give me grace to honor her, uphold her, be good to her. I so appreciate you Lord. I know you hear and that you withhold nothing good. So, I rest and rejoice in you.
I closed my eyes and felt the warm presence of the Holy Spirit inside of me. Kisses from my Father.
I sighed slowly and sucked in the air around me through my mouth.
How good it is to know you. To be held by you, faithful friend.
When I opened my eyes, Trisha was standing beside me, her eyes closed. She opened them and said with a reflective smile, “I was thanking God too.”
I chortled, “how did you know I was?”
“I just did.” She responded and we continued.
Joined by the Spirit. I remembered Ephesians 4: There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
We walked on for about thirty minutes before circling around to the car. It was so nice to be able to stretch my legs after being cramped up in the car.
Trisha asked for the keys, and I handed them to her. As she adjusted her seat and the car mirrors I leaned back and kicked off my shoes.
I was sleepier than I realized and hardly mumbled two sentences before drifting off…
~I hope you enjoyed this brief sneak peek!
“This was the most captivating, read I had in a while. It warmed my heart, made me feel loved, and gave me a desire to want a more intimate relationship.” -Staryln
“Ashley has a very talented gift of weaving words together that display tenderness, compassion and purity. Each story reveals the heart of Jesus towards His children. As you read each one you can see past the characters and feel the depth of Jesus’ heart, as well as the longing for a deeper relationship with Jesus inside yours.” -Everesta
“This book is simply wonderful. Deliciously descriptive, it nourishes the soul with fresh revelation of God’s love for humanity. This collection of short stories may challenge your thinking about what true intimacy looks like, while making your heart yearn to daily experience the Perfect Love described within its pages. It invites you into a world created by Love Himself, where there’s no mistaking that His love is not only unconditional and never-failing, but also deeply personal and precious to Him. Get ready to experience the purpose, pleasure, and power of real love!” -Amazon Reviewer

~To purchase a copy of, Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul, click here.