The Worship Behind Visions of Celestial Love

I wrote Visions of Celestial Love for the same reason I imagine David wrote the Psalms. I love David’s heart for God, and I admire how he bore his soul before Him like oil from a soul adorned with worship. His love for God was fluid, messy, real, human and heavenly.

David, like all men, experienced everything from elated joy to deep sorrow as he walked through life. Eventually he always brought his emotional struggles from life’s circumstances to God, in quiet time with Him. God called David, “a man after my own heart.”

God created each of us for intimacy with Him where we can feed on His goodness. Jesus was an example of the life God wants to have with each of us. Long leisure nights on a mountain in communion with Him. This life with Him looks like family. 

Every need that we have was meant to be fulfilled in and through Him. God intends for our relationship with Him to ravish our hearts.

In this book, you won’t find perfect theology or a list of dos and don’ts. I don’t promise you’ll have a revelation of religious understanding. But, in this book you will find love sonnets of praise that express intimate encounters with the Lord. I want to share with you the meat of my soul that has communed with Him.

I also wrote this book as an emotional outlet…in times of peace…in times of grief…in moments of questioning life circumstances and in moments of celebration. Visions started out as a journal where I would write during my devotional times with God.  During those sacred times, the Lord’s love would soothe my heart and canopy my soul.

I pray you feel the healing rain of his presence as you read. And may your own heart, sit at the table of his presence and be filled with his undying love.

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“Ashley presents us with a true cornucopia of modern psalms, personal testimonies, and short stories. She has set out to reveal and unravel some of the most complex heart issues mankind faces in our quest of understanding what true intimacy with God really looks like. Prepare to have your soul massaged and worked on as you read Visions of Celestial Love.” — Jeremy Minard, Servant King Apparel