The Source of All Holy Pleasure

Why do men try and be their own god? How can the created know or surpass the Creator? Why do men worship nature, science, the created order, physical possessions, and knowledge when God is the One who founded and thought of all those things?

Why do men worship their own pleasure even at the cost of hurting others when God is the source of all beautiful, enjoyable, pure, healthy and wholesome pleasure?

Men seek power, fame, sex, and wealth to fulfill them when God offers these as blessings through wisdom to certain people at certain times. Yes, God gave our skin sensors so we could feel pleasure, God gave us taste buds so we could enjoy food, God gave us wine, God gave us majestic mountains, green rolling hills, birds of color, rainbows, sky, rivers, good families, bountiful oceans teeming with life, honey, emotions, music etc.

God isn’t boring. He’s not dull, He’s not hateful, and He’s definitely not anti-fun. He’s the One who has blessed us with all these wonderful things to be enjoyed in their proper context. Not to be indulged in without thought, and certainly not to be enjoyed more than Him (thus making that thing your god).

Everyday I realize I need a humility check. I know nothing without God. My weakness is my greatest strength…because He fills my weaknesses with His strength. The pride of man is one of our greatest downfalls. God is the only One who can give man the eternal joy man craves. He is our greatest pleasure, and when we come to that conclusion we can enjoy His blessings as just that…blessings, and not gods. God is most beautiful ❤