The Power of Trust

He delighteth not in the strength of the horse: He taketh not pleasure in the legs of man. The LORD taketh pleasure in them that fear him, in those that hope in his mercy. -Psalm 147:10-11

Trust is Our Strength

God never meant for us to live by the power of our own strength. Trying to live by our own power is the expression of a lack of faith in him. He calls us to trust fully in his strength and power because we know that he is full of love, mercy, and righteousness. Scripture is filled with this message of God’s strengthening grace.

It took me awhile to understand that God wasn’t impressed by my natural talents, abilities, or endurance. While the world prizes this, especially in famous people, God doesn’t take delight in it. Rather, God takes delight in those who are captivated by his beauty, goodness, mercy, ability, power, and love. In essence, God is pleased with those who place their trust in him and not in themselves apart from him.

The miracle of the Gospel and the revelation of the power of God’s kingdom by his Spirit through his Son’s sacrifice is revealed by trust. When we leave the realm of self-trust to God trust, the supernatural power of God is activated and miracles, signs and wonders follow. Think of all the miracles of old: the parting of the red sea, the slaying of Goliath, the walls of Jericho crumbling None of these wonders happened by the strength and power of man (their legs), it happened by the power of God through those who allowed him to be their strength. To those who trusted in His mercy. May we “fear” (worship and honor) him enough to let him be God in our lives and follow His plans.


Father God, I come before You in Jesus name and I acknowledge You as my power, my strength, my God, and the source of my life. Father, I pray that You will lead me to levels of deeper trust in your mercy and your goodness to care for me. By faith, I allow You to be my strength. I humble myself before You in childlike trust because You are a loving Father. Cause me to hope in your mercy in a way that displays the power of your Gospel and honors Jesus Christ. Holy Spirit, flow through my life and fill me with peace and the knowledge of God’s will for my life. In Jesus name, amen.