The Most Beautiful Man

He’s the most beautiful Man.

His beauty is so great it makes me weep.

I fall to my knees from His radiant light…simultaneously I cry even as my heart explodes with joy; rejoicing resounds in my inner man at the sight of the greatest Lover in all creation.

He causes me to cry and laugh at the same time.

There are only two things that pierce the human soul: beauty and pain.

He is both.

He is the greatest beauty, the most radiant light, the highest joy, and yet those eyes of fluid love like liquid lava burns the one it meets.

 In His eyes I see an all-consuming fire; I see a deeper knowledge of myself than I have, I see Heaven, I see grace offered at a great sacrifice.

I see His pain.

I see His joy.

I see His passion.

I see the One who created me from a desire to love every part of me.

I see a redeeming love.

I see His wrists, knowing blood dripped from them like a river.

I see the eyes of eternity loving my ethereal form and my spiritual inner person.

I see a Man who pursued me at the highest cost.

I weep, I sob, I am ruined and saved in His arms.

He tells me He loves me.

He tells me, “Everything I have is yours, and everything you are is Mine.”

I walk on a distant hill in the cool of the morning. The sky glows a deep blue and I realize I am married to the greatest King.

He is no ordinary King. He doesn’t own a nation; He doesn’t own a country; He doesn’t own seas of gold; He doesn’t own a thousand rolling mountains on miles and miles of land…no…

He owns it all.

He owns the oceans.

He owns the world.

He owns every speck of dirt on the ground.

He owns every tree, every seed, every beast, every insect.

He owns justice.

He owns time.

He owns all wisdom.

He owns all riches.

He owns all goodness.

He owns…everything.

I look up and see the stars, glistening above my head, and He tells me, “They are yours.”

I think of them like wedding rings gifted to me.

The galaxies, infinite.

My mind tries to wrap around eternity.

My heart understands His love when my mind doesn’t.

Image by TweSwe from Pixabay

I know He will love me forever.

I know because over the years the greatest gift He’s ever given me wasn’t my initial salvation…no, it was loving me day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year faithfully, despite my brokenness, despite my unfaithfulness, despite the times I fussed angrily at Him, despite my weakness, despite my flight, despite my disobedience, despite my incapability to believe His love.

He loved me in my mess, in my dirt, in my blood, in my sin.

He’s seen the worst of me, and He proclaims the best anyway.

He calls me a princess.

He calls me beloved.

He shocks me time and time again when He says, “I commit myself to you. Receive my love.”

I look upon Him, all beautiful, so holy, so pure, so glorious, so powerful, so rich, so loving, and I weep.

His love drives out fear from my veins and floods me with living water.

He loves me so much He puts His Spirit in me.

He puts His very heart in me.

He says, “We are no longer two but one. I am inside of you.”

I cry.

How could He?

He, so pure and holy, put something so precious and eternal in my body?

No human lover, no matter how much passion, no matter how pure or fiery their love for a spouse, mother, father, or friend was, could ever give them their own life on a spiritual level.

It’s so much more than going to die for a person.

It’s permanently putting yourself in another no matter what the cost.

It’s sharing breath, sharing thoughts, and sharing emotion at the deepest conscious and subconscious level.

Only He is powerful enough to do that, only His love is that beautiful.

He tells me “I love you” daily and His whispers of passion erode the wall round my heart like the waves of an ocean against rock.

You love me, and all I want to do is worship You.

“His voice and speech are exceedingly sweet; yes, he is altogether lovely [the whole of him delights and is precious]. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem!”

—Song of Solomon 5:16 AMPC

~This worshipful sonnet is taken from my book about Jesus’ bridegroom love, Romantic Rendezvous for The Soul. To purchase a copy click here. Thank you for your support! <3

As I read, I quickly became enthralled with this book, so beautifully written in the language of love. Each of these short stories so accurately reflects the romantic and wooing heart of the Bridegroom which draws you to Himself into a deeper place of love and intimacy. If you have not yet experienced romantic intimacy with God, I’m confident that this book will set you on course. It’s bound to warm your soul and whet your desire for your own heart-to-heart conversations and experiences with God. The author creatively ministers to the soul, bringing truth to light in the most tangible ways; you will feel that God is speaking directly to you, and He most certainly is! Some stories caused me to be drawn away into remembrance of my own experiences and conversations with God that have freed my soul; others caused me to reevaluate my heart’s commitment to my first Husband and cry out for forgiveness; and yet others simply took me on a delightful and exciting adventure of what the beginning of a holy, unadulterated love looks like – so refreshing to the soul! I commend the author for using her creative gifting to share personal reflections and heart intimacies which I know could only come from the deep well of Father’s heart. I highly recommend this book as a must read!” -Marina Garcia, worshipper.

Head image by Felix Merler from Pixabay