The Most Beautiful Man

He’s the most beautiful Man.

His beauty is so great it makes me weep.

I fall to my knees from His radiant light…simultaneously I cry even as my heart explodes with joy; rejoicing resounds in my inner man at the sight of the greatest Lover in all creation.

He causes me to cry and laugh at the same time.

There are only two things that pierce the human soul: beauty and pain.

He is both.

He is the greatest beauty, the most radiant light, the highest joy, and yet those eyes of fluid love like liquid lava burns the one it meets.

 In His eyes I see an all-consuming fire; I see a deeper knowledge of myself than I have, I see Heaven, I see grace offered at a great sacrifice.

I see His pain.

I see His joy.

I see His passion.

I see the One who created me from a desire to love every part of me.

I see a redeeming love.

I see His wrists, knowing blood dripped from them like a river.

I see the eyes of eternity loving my ethereal form and my spiritual inner person.

I see a Man who pursued me at the highest cost.

I weep, I sob, I am ruined and saved in His arms.

He tells me He loves me.

He tells me, “Everything I have is yours, and everything you are is Mine.”

I walk on a distant hill in the cool of the morning. The sky glows a deep blue and I realize I am married to the greatest King.

He is no ordinary King. He doesn’t own a nation; He doesn’t own a country; He doesn’t own seas of gold; He doesn’t own a thousand rolling mountains on miles and miles of land…no…

He owns it all.

He owns the oceans.

He owns the world.

He owns every speck of dirt on the ground.

He owns every tree, every seed, every beast, every insect.

He owns justice.

He owns time.

He owns all wisdom.

He owns all riches.

He owns all goodness.

He owns…everything.

I look up and see the stars, glistening above my head, and He tells me, “They are yours.”

I think of them like wedding rings gifted to me.

The galaxies, infinite.

My mind tries to wrap around eternity.

My heart understands His love when my mind doesn’t.

Image by TweSwe from Pixabay

I know He will love me forever.

I know because over the years the greatest gift He’s ever given me wasn’t my initial salvation…no, it was loving me day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year faithfully, despite my brokenness, despite my unfaithfulness, despite the times I fussed angrily at Him, despite my weakness, despite my flight, despite my disobedience, despite my incapability to believe His love.

He loved me in my mess, in my dirt, in my blood, in my sin.

He’s seen the worst of me, and He proclaims the best anyway.

He calls me a princess.

He calls me beloved.

He shocks me time and time again when He says, “I commit myself to you. Receive my love.”

I look upon Him, all beautiful, so holy, so pure, so glorious, so powerful, so rich, so loving, and I weep.

His love drives out fear from my veins and floods me with living water.

He loves me so much He puts His Spirit in me.

He puts His very heart in me.

He says, “We are no longer two but one. I am inside of you.”

I cry.

How could He?

He, so pure and holy, put something so precious and eternal in my body?

No human lover, no matter how much passion, no matter how pure or fiery their love for a spouse, mother, father, or friend was, could ever give them their own life on a spiritual level.

It’s so much more than going to die for a person.

It’s permanently putting yourself in another no matter what the cost.

It’s sharing breath, sharing thoughts, and sharing emotion at the deepest conscious and subconscious level.

Only He is powerful enough to do that, only His love is that beautiful.

He tells me “I love you” daily and His whispers of passion erode the wall round my heart like the waves of an ocean against rock.

You love me, and all I want to do is worship You.

“His voice and speech are exceedingly sweet; yes, he is altogether lovely [the whole of him delights and is precious]. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem!”

—Song of Solomon 5:16 AMPC

~This worshipful sonnet is taken from my book about Jesus’ bridegroom love, Romantic Rendezvous for The Soul. To purchase a copy click here. Thank you for your support! <3

As I read, I quickly became enthralled with this book, so beautifully written in the language of love. Each of these short stories so accurately reflects the romantic and wooing heart of the Bridegroom which draws you to Himself into a deeper place of love and intimacy. If you have not yet experienced romantic intimacy with God, I’m confident that this book will set you on course. It’s bound to warm your soul and whet your desire for your own heart-to-heart conversations and experiences with God. The author creatively ministers to the soul, bringing truth to light in the most tangible ways; you will feel that God is speaking directly to you, and He most certainly is! Some stories caused me to be drawn away into remembrance of my own experiences and conversations with God that have freed my soul; others caused me to reevaluate my heart’s commitment to my first Husband and cry out for forgiveness; and yet others simply took me on a delightful and exciting adventure of what the beginning of a holy, unadulterated love looks like – so refreshing to the soul! I commend the author for using her creative gifting to share personal reflections and heart intimacies which I know could only come from the deep well of Father’s heart. I highly recommend this book as a must read!” -Marina Garcia, worshipper.

Head image by Felix Merler from Pixabay

A Car Conversation with Jesus

“Unbelief is rooted in lovelessness—the lack of accepting the full measure of my love. Without love there cannot be faith, for faith works by love. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. You cannot receive what we yearn for you to have…what I paid a dear price for you to have.” Jesus sighed heavily.

His words bit at the philosophy in my mind, and thus damaged my pride with health-giving grace.

We were nearing the lake. As I looked ahead, I discerned glimmers of its moonlit waters behind the tall pine trees.

I began to be thirsty, and without verbalizing my desire, Jesus reached in the back and grabbed a cold bottle of water. “For you, love.”

I took it with a small “thank you.”

Inside, I mulled on his words and felt like the watery surface of my soul was being stirred by an unfamiliar wind. I knew his presence was causing the stirring and I wasn’t sure I was ready to uncover what was masked underneath the water.

“Don’t be hurt by my words. They are only meant to heal you and set you free.” He extended his arm and stroked my cheek with his right hand. “I love you just as the Father loves me. You mean more than the world to us. What I am saying to you now is the same thing I dealt with my disciples about. They too were often fearful. Think of when I walked on water and they imagined I was a ghost, or when they feared after my death and hid? Even after I told them I would rise again. What has tempted you is common to man. But I Am the door of escape.”

There was a great inflection of hope in his voice. “You will see great things. I will perform wonders in your life.”

My heart lit up with warm joy at his words. It was as if the Spirit of God inside me poured a cup of warm oiled water over the table of my heart’s imagination, scenting everything with hope. I was so awed by the deep intimacy of having the very Spirit of God indwell me and bear witness to the words of Christ.

However, without warning my reverie was soon interrupted by the accusatory thought that miracles could never be performed in my life or by my hands. My emotions began to sink.

Jesus’ face wrinkled as he sensed the enemy. “What’s this?” he asked, prying for me to confess a truth he already knew.

I stammered, “I…I…”

“This is the real enemy love. Not the devil. He is already defeated. But the entertainment of thoughts that are not of faith is the enemy. It’s the only enemy that has the possibility of stealing what is rightfully yours by grace. It’s the only enemy of physical and emotional healing, salvation, deliverance, and wholeness. Don’t you see? You already have everything in me. You are blessed with every blessing. How could Father spare not even me from you…yet deny you anything else? He has graciously given you all things for life abundant and godliness. You are not your own righteousness, you are not your own salvation, you are not your own qualification for our blessings. You will never be your own deliverance. Every good and perfect gift comes from above, from our Father. He is light. He doesn’t change his mind. These promises do not shift. They are a constant reminder of our unshifting grace and unmovable love for you. Faith for the promises is based on your understanding of Father’s goodness and my finished work.”

I started to sense that my soul was knit to his, and that I couldn’t hide in any way. I became aware of his presence within me like concentrated love attempting to ease every hurting place. I felt undivided acceptance and affection and peace that produced confidence. 🌱💐🌳

-I hope you enjoyed this snippet from my newest book, Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul (about inner healing through intimacy with Jesus ❤ )! To purchase a copy, click here ☕️

~To learn more about my book, visit my Free Inspiration page ✍️

Scripture references from this preview ❤ :

Galatians 5:6, Hebrews 11:6 John 15:9 1 Corinthians 10:13 Ephesians 1:3 Romans 8:32 2 Peter 1:3 James 1:17


Discussing Intimacy, Sex and God

~This preview is taken from my upcoming Christian fiction book, At the Time for Love, a book based off Ezekiel 16:6-14. This novella is meant to introduce young women to the intimate love of Jesus while transparently discussing the topic of: romantic relationships, the often tumultuous and confusing emotions of teenage girls (as well as their blossoming longing for mature love), sex, and above all, the tender Bridegroom love of Jesus. When I was 16 years old, Jesus came after my heart and I wrote my first romantic story, I Do, about being his bride while listening to the song Hero by Enrique Iglesias. Because of his pure love, I walked through my young adult life whole and avoided much heartbreak and compromise. Later, I married the man of my dreams (my 1st boyfriend). My passion is to bring purity and sexual healing back to this generation. I pray Jesus uses this book to save young women in the same way He saved me. This book is meant for girls ages 12-18.

This scene opens up with the main characters tiredly making their way back home at dawn after a long day of harvesting. Enjoy!

“I think you’ve gained a few pounds,” Kendell said after a few minutes and fake grunted as he readjusted me.

“You just can’t say anything nice, can you?” I said and gently slapped him across the back of his head.

“Ouch,” he laughed teasingly.

“You’re carrying a sack of potatoes around your chest Kendell, not just Autumn,” David said in my defense.

“And you’ve been working all day,” James added.

And Autumn gained weight,” Kendell mocked, “probably from working at Mills around all that good food.”

“You’re such a jerk!” I scolded.

“I’m carrying you, aren’t I?” Kendell stated, “last time I checked, jerks didn’t do that.”

“I’ll gladly walk,” I fumed and began to untie my legs. Kendell held me fast, “I was just kidding. No need to get all hurt.”

I tried again and he leaned forward, “Oh stop being such a big baby. It’s not like we don’t spar with our words all the time!”

“But you’ve never called me fat.” I fumed.

“I didn’t call you fat. I simply said you gained weight…and I was just joking.”

“You’re quiet the prince charming.” James commented toward Kendell.

“I know, won’t he make some woman happy one day?” David quipped sarcastically.

“Pssshhh. And you guys are ladies’ men, are you? Last time I checked no woman was drooling over either of you,” Kendell grinned before proudly adding, “now I’m a different story entirely.”

“Sure, you can get a woman easily but keeping her is totally different. She’d use up less than half a brain stem before leaving your over-cocky backside.”

Kendell frowned, “What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked James.

“Your complements are cheap,” David said seeking to explain.

“Your flattery is empty,” James continued before grinning, “if you even have flattery.”

Kendell threw his head back in fake amusement, “isn’t flattery the only thing a man has?”

James and David passed each other a knowing look.

“No way dude.” James said almost admonishingly.

“It’s about heart,” David continued, “looks will only get you so far. Eventually any decent woman would leave a man without heart. And it’s the decent ones that you want.”

“And last time I checked prince charming wasn’t running after a million different women. He had his eyes set on one…and he pursued her with all his strength. We could learn a lesson or two from that alone.” James preached.

“Women want a great lover, not a great flatter-er.” David said.

Thomas and Ginger had slightly wandered off, and he was spinning her around in whimsical circles. She stretched her arms out like wings. Her gaily laughter floated in the air like translucent rainbow bubbles,”wwwhhhhheeeeeeeeee!”

I was beginning to feel awkward to be in the midst of such a conversation amongst the guys. Yet, in some way I liked being there. It gave me an inside scoop on all of them and I felt like a fly on the wall. I wanted to be invisible and I quelled my breaths unconsciously.

“Since you guys know so much about women how come both of you are single?” Kendell inquired.

I waited for their answer as well.

“Because I choose to be.” David answered.

“Loser.” Kendell coughed.

“What’s wrong with that?” James asked.

“Oh, come on! You can’t tell me you’ve never wanted a girlfriend? David, seriously, you’ve never had a girlfriend in your life and you’re in your twenties. Is that even possible?”

“Clearly.” David answered.

“Is it healthy?!” Kendell asked quite ardently.

“It’s much healthier than sleeping around with a whole bunch of women and having shallow relationships,” James spoke, “that stuff tends to damage peoples’ souls.”

“Amen,” David said echoing his approval before glancing at Kendell, “you have a false sense of romance. If dad would have let you have your way you probably would have dated half the women in this town.”

“And they would have each obliged me happily.”

James shook his head, “that’s not what it’s about bro.”

“I’m not saying I would have literally dated so many. But to be this age and having dated none? It’s ridiculous. David, doesn’t that bother you?”

“Not when you know what you want.”

“How could you know what you want and never have experienced?”

“When you’ve studied. And then you finally see the one.”

“How do you know she’s the one when you see her?” Kendell asked before jesting, “does a big flashing arrow point to her?”

“You get a check in your spirit.”

Kendell rolled his eyes, “Okay David, better question. Have you found the one?”

 David’s answer surprised all of us, besides James it seemed, “maybe.”

My eyes shot open.

“What? You have a girlfriend?!” Kendell asked now excited.

“No,” David said quickly, “but…never mind.”

“No, you have to talk now!” Kendell said matching his stride to David’s.

David remained quiet and Kendell harassed him for information.

“Forget it. It’s none of your business.” David said hushing him.

“Weren’t you the one just preaching to me about relationships? Now you don’t want to share? Spill the beans buddy, I’m finally interested.”

When David didn’t speak, I voiced, “mama mentioned that you liked someone.”

David eyes widened and flashed, yet he remained cool, “did she?”

“Who is it Autumn?” Kendell probed nudging my leg.

“I don’t know,” I said honestly, “she wouldn’t tell me.”

The conversation remained on David for a while until Kendell got absolutely fed up of running into dead ends with our eldest brother who insisted on shielding information.

Done with David, Kendell interrogated James, “what about you?”

“What about me?” James asked feigning ignorance.

“Oh, don’t play stupid. How’s your non-existent love life?” he smirked.

James took no offense and smiled, “wonderful.”

“I find that hard to believe.”

“I’m not gonna lie to you. I’ve made a lot of mistakes as a non-believer. Being single in this season with Jesus has been one of the most peaceful times of my entire life.”

“What kind of mistakes?” Kendell asked completely ignoring the fact that James said he was at peace.

“Pre-marital sex,” James said with no difference of tone. His brute honesty caught Kendell off guard. My heart sank even though he had already told me about his former life before. The hurtful information came to me anew, before a purifying forgiveness that wasn’t my own, washed my emotions clean.

“You’ve had sex before?” Kendell asked completely taken aback.

“It’s not uncommon in the rest of the world outside Pomeberry,” James said, “this Amish community is an anomaly.”

“Well yeah, I know. But…I could never have imagined you doing stuff like that.”

“Jesus changes people,” James said with a grin.

“How was it?” Kendell asked startling me.

David glanced at me and felt my embarrassment. “Perhaps these things shouldn’t be discussed with our little 16-year-old sister around.” David said looking dead on at Kendell.

Kendell remained quiet for a while as he shifted his gaze between James and David. “She can… cover her ears?” Kendell said in a suggesting tone.

“Maybe he needs to hear it bro,” James said looking at David before he glanced at me, “…I won’t say anything inappropriate… if it’s okay with you?”

I nodded my head and tried to seem cool even as my emotions ran wild within. I turned my face away from him.

When David slightly nodded his approval, James answered, “It was shallow and completely unsatisfying. Sin will only give you pleasure for a moment. After the pleasure’s gone you’re left feeling just as empty as you were before…if not more.”

“Then why is sex so strong an influence?” Kendell questioned.

“I can tell you this, outside of marriage it’s nothing more than a drug to the body and a sword to the heart,” James paused and then his tone shifted to reverence, “but inside of marriage sex is a beautiful expression of covenant love. It’s wholly satisfying, connecting, and life giving. It’s even holy before God because He created it to be a bonding experience between a husband and his wife… and to procreate life. Tell me something…don’t you want to make love to the woman you know chose you over all the other men on earth and is committed to loving you for the rest of her life? Think about it. Making love to someone who will stay with you forever, who will be there when you wake up in the morning and who you’re deeply in love with? Her offering her body to you is the expression of her offering you the deepest parts of her. People who play around with sex have insecure love and their lust is often a reflection of grasping selfishness, but people who have sex within marriage have secure love. They have made a public commitment to give their all. There’s nothing better than guilt free pleasure with security.”

My cheeks were aflame now and I was so grateful for the dark that hid my blushed skin. My heart was drumming wildly and I pushed my chest from touching Kendell’s back so he wouldn’t feel it.

Kendell fell silent for a brief moment before saying, “yes. Who wouldn’t want that?”

“Exactly,” James said pleased at the expression on Kendell’s face, “this is God’s good desire for his children. Naked and unashamed.”

The conversation tarried on before we finally arrived at the house.

I was all too pleased to get down from Kendell’s back and escape inside.

David, and James noticed my quick flight.

“She doesn’t do well with romantic topics.” David told James.

“I noticed she doesn’t fare well with compliments either. She had a hard time accepting it when I called her a princess.” James said.

“Yeah…she’s maturing, but more slowly than your average…” David paused struggling with the word, “wo-man. Just two nights ago I asked her about her crush and she was mortified that I read her so easily. She wouldn’t tell me who the guy was.”

“Oh really?” I heard James say. His voice was animated and he arched an eyebrow.

David nodded, “I’ll eventually find out though.”  

“I pray she’s brave enough to let you in soon. I know how much you care for her.”  

Photo by ramtin ak from Pexels

Mama made beef stew and sticky rice for dinner. It was delicious and incredibly warming. I sucked and chewed on the tender seasoned meat. After dinner Ginger brought out the pie and everyone dug in.

“You make the best pies Autumn,” James said as he took a bite.

“Thank you,” I said trying to hide my shyness. I remembered that warm day between the blueberry branches where I told him that everyone knew my pies were “good.” He’d bought one at the next market to test one of them.

“Ginger helped too,” Paige said as she went for a tub of vanilla ice cream to add on top of the hot pie.

“It’s incredible,” Marian said toward Ginger. She then looked at me, “it really is.”

“I’m glad you like it,” Ginger beamed happily.

Paige set the tub down and dipped the scooper in, “who wants some?” she asked and then proceeded to give to those who raised their hands.

After the desert was finished Ginger and I presented the extra gift pie to James and Marian who accepted it with thanks. Shortly after, they waved us goodbye and bid us good night.

“Until the morning,” James waved with Marian at his side.

“God willing,” David waved and showed them out before closing the door behind them.

After hearing the sound of James’ truck drumming away, I headed upstairs.

“I’ll help you with the dishes ma,” I heard David say.

“That won’t be necessary. You’ve had a long day,” she said patting him on the arm.

He sighed, clearly too tired to argue, “good night ma,” he said and kissed her on the head before scaling the stairs.

Showers were timed as everyone needed to wash up. Mama offered Ginger and I dad’s restroom and I found it comical that I was bathing with Ginger when just the other night I had shooed her away. Her dark ebony curls were so soggy with shampoo that the foam of it dropped down her forehead and cheeks. She proceeded to play with the bath bubbles by blowing them in my face and I remembered with annoyance why I had kicked her out of our bathroom last night.

After showering, I stayed up for a long time in bed staring at the ceiling and thinking about the awkward conversation I was subject to. While I had been reluctant to even bring God into the subject of dating until a few days ago, thinking it sacrilegious, James had brought Him into his sexual understanding without the slightest unease. He talked about it like he would talk about scripture, yet his demeanor was one of complete rest and peace. He even called it “holy” in the same breath that he called it “pleasurable.”

Something shifted deep within me, and I felt myself gape open within. I felt a freedom to express myself to God about this in a way I hadn’t before. I poured myself in prayer that night, and asked The Lord to help me see things the way He did. I asked Him to help me grow up into womanhood. I knew I had avoided things that forced me into adulthood many times in the past:

I remembered the day Paige blow dried my hair and put me in her clothes for my interview, and how the word “beautiful” came out of David’s lips when he saw me. I couldn’t ever remember being called beautiful in that sense before.

I thought about the first day I saw James. Something inside my soul awakened for the first time and my secure little world continued to ebb away the longer he stayed. A desire was kindled despite the waters of resistance I put on it, and it only fanned into a bursting flame whenever I’d come in contact with him.

I thought back to the day that Paige said, “you will be a wife and a mother someday. You can’t afford to make these kinds of mistakes anymore!” It was the day I had left bread in the oven and she followed behind me and turned it off. At that moment, I was almost unbelieving at the suggestion in her tone. Sure, I knew someday I would be a wife and mom…but the way she spoke of it made it seem like it was sooner rather than later.  

 I remembered the fleeting moments I had when the Holy Spirit would nudge me with a whisper to talk to Him about my newfound affections. I remember the afternoon Danielle told me to take my feelings to Jesus, and the many times Paige opened up the subject to me in a safe way so that I would share.

I remember slighting David for asking me about my romantic emotions. What I thought was his imposing was actually his invitation for intimate conversation. I remembered Kendell telling me as I explored my wardrobe that I wasn’t the “dirty nailed, jumper wearing, messy haired, cool girl” that he grew up with anymore. He had called me “French girl” in reference to my changed preference of dress.

I also remembered the day I saw Matt pacify his wife Kate outside and then kiss her. When I saw that a wistful ache of longing was felt within me for the briefest of moments until Ginger distracted me.

A cataclysm of other memories filled my mind of moments where romance had called me and I had rejected it. These memories boiled together in a stew of blended pictures. All this time I had been fighting back the hands of time. I wasn’t a little girl anymore. Some part of me was, but that part was receding while the other part was growing.

In the quiet of the night I besought the Lord and in a moment of prayer I heard Ezekiel 16 in my spirit. At first, I didn’t want to bother opening my Bible since I was having such a good time in prayer… but a nudging filled me. Reaching for my Bible I opened it and fingered my way to Ezekiel 16. The words jumped out of the pages at me and burst in my heart:

And as for your birth, on the day you were born your navel cord was not cut, nor were you washed with water to cleanse you, nor rubbed with salt or swaddled with bands at all. No eye pitied you to do any of these things for you, to have compassion on you; but you were cast out in the open field, for your person was abhorrent and loathsome on the day that you were born. And when I passed by you and saw you rolling about in your blood, I said to you in your blood, Live! Yes, I said to you still in your natal blood, Live! I caused you [Israel] to multiply as the bud which grows in the field, and you increased and became tall and you came to full maidenhood and beauty; your breasts were formed and your hair had grown, yet you were naked and bare.Now I passed by you again and looked upon you; behold, you were maturing and at the time for love, and I spread My skirt over you and covered your nakedness. Yes, I plighted My troth to you and entered into a covenant with you, says the Lord, and you became Mine. Then I washed you with water; yes, I thoroughly washed away your [clinging] blood from you and I anointed you with oil.I clothed you also with embroidered cloth and shod you with [fine seal] leather; and I girded you about with fine linen and covered you with silk. I decked you also with ornaments and I put bracelets on your wrists and a chain on your neck. And I put a ring on your nostril and earrings in your ears and a beautiful crown upon your head! Thus you were decked with gold and silver, and your raiment was of fine linen and silk and embroidered cloth; you ate fine flour and honey and oil. And you were exceedingly beautiful and you prospered into royal estate. And your renown went forth among the nations for your beauty, for it was perfect through My majesty and splendor which I had put upon you, says the Lord God.

 I could hardly believe the intimate words of my Lord. The words; behold, you were maturing and at the time for love ministered to me in ways that caused my heart beat to become clear in my ears. The hairs on my neck pricked up and goose bumps spread across my arms in a dominos affect. I sucked in a breath of air sharply before slowly releasing. My desire arose within in me in such a powerful way that I was completely unaware of my surroundings for a brief moment. This “feeling” was more real than the clothes on my back. I desired, I wanted, I longed…and for the first time I saw with the eyes of my heart that this was from God. It wasn’t just accepted by Him, it didn’t just please Him, but it was from Him!

A tangible Presence seemed to enter the room and sit in front of me. My eyes went wide and I melted at the heavenly Presence.

“My beloved, my dove, my spotless one, my bride.” (Song of Solomon 5:2)

I closed my eyes overwhelmed by the intensity of the love I felt. Tears pricked at my eyes and I knew a new dawn had come. As the pure and beautiful Presence dissipated I knew things would never be the same. I was awakened.

~If you liked this sneak peek of, At The Time For Love, check out my book, Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul! There is deeper love awaiting you! A love the world can’t take away.

Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul introduces fictional stories painted with tender intimacy to gently unravel the ageless waters of human desire for everlasting love. Based on the sacred theology of Jesus as the Church’s Bridegroom, Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul’s storybook manner sparks the imagination, exposes hidden wounds, and nourishes the soul. Through deeply warm conversations, unsuspecting characters encounter Jesus, who is sometimes disguised, and come to find Him as the healing Lover of their souls. These therapeutic conversations take place in a café, a ballroom floor in heaven, beside a lake, in Jerusalem and other colorful places that welcome rest. The book is framed by the extended story of Noble and Trisha’s romance—one that connects with many young women. Ultimately, this book was designed to usher the reader into the comforting arms of Jesus, where He can make them whole with pure love.” -Ashley Thompson McClelland

Long Awaited Confession

~This is a sneak peek at my upcoming book, At The Time For Love, based on the holy marital covenant God made in Ezekiel 16. I hope you enjoy! <3

I gazed into his frozen emerald eyes. His frame stood like a mountain over mama’s. His broad shoulders were once the landscape that I leaned on.

Just as sorrow threatened to rise I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit, I am with him. He will be home soon.

“Thank you for looking after him.” I whispered to my divine Friend.

Always. I will never leave him or forsake him.

The Holy Spirit ministered to my soul as I went in my parents’ bathroom. It smelled of fragrant oils and I opened the sea foam green cabinet with a sapphire blue knob. I saw mama’s oils in a clear container. After opening it I searched for the two peppermint and myrrh. It took a while to finger through and read the tiny labels, but after a few minutes I successful retrieved them. Making sure to roll the dark amber oil glass containers in place, I secured the lid back on before putting the container back. As I raised I noticed a weathered looking letter addressed to mama. I could see faded black words in ink through the folding. It looked like Papa’s penmanship. Curiosity itched my mind but I withdrew purposefully. I was sure it was a letter that all of us had read before. And besides, I didn’t want to go sifting through anything that mama wasn’t aware of.

I made my way into the kitchen and saw that David had taken out several ingredients for the cookies. He was already done with the alcoholic mixture and Thomas seemed very well contended sipping it.

“High quality stuff,” Thomas said leaning back in the chair causing two of the legs to lift off the floor.

“What did I tell you about that?” Mama gently reprimanded and Thomas quickly corrected his posture. Kendell was finishing his drink and I saw the annoyed, tight-lipped expression on his face as he glanced at Thomas. He surely didn’t expect the tables to be turned on him like it was.

When I came within eyeshot of mama she waved for me to follow her. I was grateful we weren’t going to have our one on one in the same room as my brothers…especially with the mood of things.

Mama took me back down the hallway but this time instead of making a right turn we made a left. I saw we were headed to her library, also known as papa’s office.

She closed the door behind us and I waited for her direction.

She stretched her hand out with an open palm, signaling for me to sit on the plush kali tufted chaise lounge chair. The smell of old books was like wearing a comforting sweater to my senses.

I took her nonverbal cue and sat down at the edge of the chair. She took up a small bag from the large mahogany desk and looped around me before sitting at the base. Her legs stretched forward on both sides of my hips and I briefly grabbed the hazelnut cushion to steady myself.

“Lean back a little dear,” she welcomed.

I obeyed and held out the oils over my shoulder. She took them and put them beside her.

Slowly and quietly she unwound my hair.

Soft red curls made long waves down my back and fell by my lower spine. Mama gathered the hair in her hands and gently flicked her hands, causing bunches of my hair to fan out and then return like a swing at a park.

“Such glorious flames,” she praised.

I almost blushed as a swell of heat flushed my cheeks.

“Thanks mama.”

“I’m glad you never cut yours like Ginger.”

I nodded, “me too. Although I know Ginger likes her short Shirley temple bob.”

Mama agreed, “I do too. I didn’t think I would… but her haircut suites her. She had eyes to see what I couldn’t.”

“Hmmm…she had eyes to see what none of us could…even papa.”

Mama made a noise that left me wondering. I heard her untwist the lid to one of the oils. Within a few seconds I knew it was the peppermint one because the strong refreshing aroma burst into the air like a birthday candle being lit.

Mama let a few drops fall on her finger tips before she began massaging the therapeutic oil into my scalp. Her nimble but gentle hands immediately caused my shoulders to relax. I closed my eyes and let myself breathe in deeply.

After a minute or so of receiving a silent scalp rub mama spoke, “I believe you have eyes to see what others cannot dear.”

My eyes opened at that.

“What do you mean?” I asked curiously.

Mama didn’t answer at first. She picked up the brush and began stroking my hair. She seemed to be searching for a way to verbalize her thoughts. Finally, she spoke.

“I believe you have a way of seeing God that is special.”

My heart went warm.

“I think everyone has their own special way of relating to God.”

“Of course, we all do,” mama agreed, “everyone must have their own personal relationship. He’s not a distant God. He’s right here,” she tapped the skin over my heart and then her own. “And He’s up there,” she said pointing toward the heavens.

Mama reached for the comb when she hit a few small knots. I was amazed that I had missed the amount that I did.

“But dear…it isn’t the personal relationship I was talking about. It’s your child-like innocence.”

I didn’t know how to respond so I remained quiet.

“Few people grow up and remain so oblivious to…the corruption of the world. If not the corruption then at least the knowledge of the evil.”

“Oh mama, if that’s anybody in this house then it’s Ginger.” I said trying not to sound dismissing.

“Yes, Ginger is pure and unsurprisingly so. She’s 14 and has been homeschooled her whole life.”

Several seconds passed by and mama sighed. I didn’t know whether it was from the tangles in my hair or something bottled inside of her. “Autumn…you see God in everything dear. He talks to you. He shows you things…and you listen. You may not express it much but you listen.”

“It’s why I write.” I confessed and felt my eyes water. I didn’t know why I was reacting the way I was. “I don’t know how else to give life to what He speaks to me. I try to live out the way He wants but I find I fall short often…especially with my mouth.”

She worked in silence, waiting for me to continue.

“But I’m coming to realize He’s not after my performance. He’s been after my heart…my fears…my desires and our relationship. I think once I let Him in…the behavior will naturally follow.”

“Of course, it will,” mama said lovingly and kissed my ear.

A tear slipped from my eye and I wanted to hide it but didn’t.

“He’s amazing mama. More amazing than I ever knew. More amazing than I understand now. And He’s so close. So close and always present to all my needs. He knows everything about me and He just wants in on everything because He just wants me.”

My vision blurred and I wrung my fingers.

“When did this start happening?” I heard mama whisper thickly to herself. Her voice was so hushed I thought I’d imagined it.

“About the time James came to town,” I said without meaning to. The words flew out of my mouth but it was like I was hearing them being spoken by a stranger.

“What?” Mama asked, her pitch much higher this time.

I bite my fingernails into the cushion and held my tongue.

“Autumn?” Mama questioned when I stayed quiet.

I gulped slowly. I had just realized the truth of it myself and I was still processing everything. More so, I was mortified that my mother was the first to know!

“Autumn?” She inquired again, this time with a little more force.

“Huh?” I answered innocently.

“What do you mean?”

I glanced down at my hands. I felt a tingling sensation in my chest…like saccharine roots burrowing down in my heart.

She had completely forgotten about my hair. Her hands were now on my arms. I risked and leaned back into her chest and she embraced me. Clear trails of tears lined my cheeks.

“Oh honey. Why are you crying?” She asked surprised.

Woman, why are you crying? I remembered the first words of Jesus when He had resurrected from the dead. Healing words meant to comfort his beloved friend Mary Magdeline.

Mama hugged me more snuggly and she planted light kisses across my forehead.

Mama, I love him! I wanted to say. It felt so safe to tell her but I couldn’t bring myself to do it and I wasn’t sure why.

“It’s just…he has been such an example of Jesus in our friendship. And I know our relationship has made me open up to God in ways I hadn’t before. I feel like I’ve let go of some fears and so I’ve been able to grow up in Christ and mature more.”

“You certainly behave more maturely…and you even dress more…womanly.” Mama commented thoughtfully. Her eyes flickered and I saw she was thinking. A pensive look overshadowed her face and then a brightness.

“You and James are good friends?”

My heart thudded in my chest.

“Yes, we are.” I admitted.

“Just friends?” Mama asked.

Dread came over me and I felt the blood rush down from my face. “Not just friends. We’re…uh…brother and sister in Christ.” I bleated. I was grateful for the scapegoat.

“Well of course you are,” mama chuckled warmly, “I already knew that.”

I raised up and she released me.

Before she could say anything more about James I rushed away from discussing him, “he’s helped me open up to God more without realizing it. But mostly I hear from God when I’m away from James. He speaks to me in the night before I go to bed…well that is…if I listen. I find myself talking to Him more when I wake up. And I’ve been seeing things too mama. Such beautiful things. I can’t fully describe them.”

Mama played along, “what kind of things dear?” she asked untwisting the myrrh. I described to her the vision I had in James truck on my way to see Carol and Josh for the first time.

Her breath caught when I told of her seeing people from every tribe, tongue and nation worshipping…and how big Jesus was that all I could see was his legs and feet.

She sniffled and said emotionally, “I could almost see it when you were talking.”

“I think that’s the first time anything like that’s happened to me.”

“Yes….” Mama said slowly, a corner of her lips lifted, “and you said you were in James’ truck?”

I sighed loudly, “yes, but what does that matter?”

“It doesn’t unless it does.”

“Well it doesn’t.”

“Doesn’t it? You just said so yourself that your relationship with God has changed since you’ve known James.”

“I…I think God just used James to introduce me to Himself in ways He’s been trying to for a long time now.”

“God uses people hun. We are His body. He seldom if ever moves without us. We are His temple, His church, His children…” she began massaging the myrrh into my scalp before whispering, “His bride.”

I unconsciously stiffened.

“But you don’t have to tell me anything that you’re not ready to,” she continued, “I could tell you’ve been blossoming over the past few months. You’re like a late rose, opening up to reveal the most beautiful petals. You’re maturing. At the time for love.”

I chortled nervously, “I think Paige and David are at that stage mama. They are more mature than Kendell, Thomas or Ginger and I.”

“Yes, they are.” She agreed.

“If you want grandchildren, I would recommend them first.” I tried to make my voice sound flat and emotionless.

“I never said anything about grandchildren,” Mama said pleased, “but the sound of some is a nice change.”

I bit my bottom lip and said nothing.

Mama detected my spiking nervous energy and began a prayer, “Jesus, thank you for Autumn. I pray you help her to receive more of your love and to show her how much I love her. Thank you for steadily driving out any fears or misconceptions that she may have toward herself, You and her family. I pray that one day she understands fully that she can share anything with me. Strengthen our relationship by your love and Spirit. In your name I pray, amen.”

Her prayer eased me as well as the way her fingers rubbed into my skin.

We both sat in silence until she was done. I was grateful that she didn’t press me anymore.

Afterward she French braided my hair and it resembled a stocky glossy rope.

She tied the bottom with a green elastic band.

“There,” she exhaled satisfied.

I spread my fingers as my hand trailed down the braid, “thank you mama.”

“You’re welcome dear.” She said and began putting everything away in the bag.

I stood and when she gave me her nonverbal approval, I headed for the door.

Just as I reached the doorframe she called me back.


“Hmm?” I said turning to face her.

“For the record. If you were to like James and he, you in return, I couldn’t be more pleased with it.”

My lips parted unintentionally.

She continued, “I think he’s one of the godliest young men that I’ve ever met. He’s genuine, giving, wise, loving, and… handsome too.” She chuckled with a wink.

I rubbed my arm, “so you wouldn’t mind at all mama?” I asked bravely.

“No. I would wish him to marry one of my girls. In fact, I would pray that all of you find a man with characteristics such as him.”

I couldn’t help myself. A broad and blushful smile spread across my face, lifting my cheeks and causing them to rose in hue like unfolding flower petals.

Mama saw my reaction and smiled brightly in return.

James already had her approval and I knew the odds with David were in my favor. It was only papa that concerned me now.

“Thanks mama,” I said and then dipped my chin, “I do like him. I love him.”

Mama’s eyes misted now and she touched a hand to the skin that surfaced her heart, “does he love you back?”

I nodded and she rose from her chair before coming toward with arms wide open.

She hugged me tightly for a long time and I rested my cheek on her shoulder—sobbing and laughing. Peace like a flood washed over my whole being. I felt so light and free.

Mama kissed my cheek. Her lips were wet with salty tears. I didn’t expect her reaction to be so admirable and jovial. Our elation was almost tangible.

I leaned my whole body into her and she hugged my torso securely.

After what seemed like eternity and a few seconds at the same time, we parted. She cupped my face, “did he propose?” she asked.

I laughed brokenly, “no mama. He wants permission to court me.”

“A man like James has only one thing in mind with courting…a permanent relationship.”

“I’d marry him tomorrow if he asked.” I confessed.

Mama threw her head back and laughed. When she was finished she wiped tears of mirth form her eyes, “not so fast turbo. We need your father to walk you down the aisle remember? I’d doubt he’d want David to substitute such an important event.”

My smile slowly faded, “papa doesn’t know James.”

“It won’t take him long to read him. Your father has a gift for discerning people.”

When I said nothing, she assured me again and then asked, “is this why James wants to speak with your brother and I?”

“Yes,” I admitted.

“He’s such a gentleman.”

“He is.”

“Has he ever kissed you?”

My face flamed, “no mama! At least…not on the lips.” I sounded more alarmed than I intended.

“Hands then?” She asked undeterred.

“Yes ma’am.”

I could tell she wanted more information but decided it was best not to pry. She smiled at me fondly, “I’m so happy.” She said and in her hazel eyes, I truly saw she meant it.

“Me too.”

That afternoon and evening, I labored for several hours over Paige’s knitting tools to make Danielle a scarf. Time bled together and I only stopped to go to the bathroom or indulge in David’s delicious ginger cookies. It was a meticulous but rewarding task and I listened to environmental music while I created. My imagination took me away into previous encounters with James while I worked. Love like sweet honey coated my soul like the glaze over a donut.

That night, mama surprised me with homemade chai tea latte. She even frothed the milk and sprinkled cinnamon on top.  Paige, Ginger, and Thomas helped themselves to a cup while Kendell settled for hot apple cider.

Mama enjoyed some herbal tea and before long David descended the stairs after an extra-long hot shower.

I was surprised to find him shirtless with nothing but his wool white long johns on, and some thick cotton socks. His ash brown hair was damp and locks of it stuck to his forehead. His skin was tanning nicely and was taking on a goldish shade. I had forgotten how muscular and lean he was. He was my brother and the only time I thought about those kinds of things was when I was wrestling him…and losing. His broad shoulders were set like armor above his washboard abs. His jaw was smooth from shaving which illuminated his handsome face. Despite his shower, his emerald eyes showed signs of weariness.

“Before anyone say’s anything. I apologize for the lack of clothing,” he announced with palms open and then turned to Paige, “where are we doing this thing?”

I looked at Paige curiously who seemed unable to answer his question.

Before she could speak he sighed, “don’t make me climb those stairs again.” He pointed a thumb behind him.

“Alright,” she lightly huffed and then removed some pillows off of the couch, “lay here.”

He collapsed chest down on the couch and turned his head to face us. Paige went to the kitchen and took a face towel out of a boiling pot of water with some tongs. She let it cool on the counter for a few minutes while she poured David a glass of water over some ice.

She put a powder mixture in it and then stirred with a spoon.

“Here you go,” she said handing it to him, “some electrolytes and vitamins to help you recover.”

He lifted his head lazily, “thanks.”

~For more stories like this. Check out my latest book, Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul (Pleasure that makes you whole)!

“Ashley your personal encounters have illuminated through these stories. They have reminded me of my personal relationship with my Savior Jesus. I used to have an empty seat at the table when I ate or fluff a pillow by mine when I went to bed.
I love the way you describe each person and each heart in your stories. Every one of these beautiful stories is heartfelt. Everyone of these stories carries a strong message. A message of love, a message of faith and a message of the importance of meeting Jesus right where we are. Thank you for the opportunity of being able to share my thoughts on your new upcoming book! May God come alive in each person who picks it up to read it, may God touch hearts and bring souls closer to Him.” –
Ramona Trevino, Pastor, Author, Education Specialist and host of Blossoms of My Life radio show on KKMC 880

Created for Heaven’s Blisses

The room changed and suddenly I was clothed in a scintillating white robe. Jesus stood beside me and we were on a beach. Gentle waves lapped the shore. The sand was a beautiful color and were almost as smooth as sheets on a bed. Mountains lush with vegetation stood like emerald diamonds along the shoreline. Tropical flowers and fruit glittered along the mountains like polychromatic gems. It was almost unbelievable beautiful. Everything here was made from peace, love, joy and righteousness. The Father’s Spirit was tangible in everything. The waves were like jade glass with aquamarine splashed inside. Every time a wave rose to meet the sun before lapping down a sweet laughter like wind flutes ticked the air.

“What are you feeling beloved?”

I saw everything yet it was like an invisible wall was around me preventing me from truly indulging in all the magnificence of the wonderful beach I was in.

When I didn’t respond Jesus responded for me.

“I created you to be surrounded by wonderful beauty. Your soul was created for heaven’s blisses.”

“I don’t feel like I belong.” I murmured.

I reached out and took Jesus’s hand. I felt like I would almost faint.

“No beauty is too great for you.” Jesus reassured me and held my hand, “nothing in all the world is lovelier than you. No sunset, no ocean, no natural wonder. The world is a gift to man… Ashley, we created you in our image.”

When He said “we” I knew He meant Abba and Holy Spirit as well.

“Well, yes but…”

“Do you think this place is too beautiful for me?”

“No,” was my immediate response. I knew nothing was too good for Jesus.

“I live in you.”

A small and unexpected gasp escaped my lips. A sense of worth came into my soul from my spirit.

Jesus knew and quoted Romans, “The Spirit bears testimony with your spirit that you are a daughter of God.”

I paused and gazed at my surroundings again, slowly spinning. Such beauty was so lavish I couldn’t imagine gulping it in…such wonder would cause my heart to burst from fatness (the profuseness of spiritual joy). Perhaps I could sip it in…and slowly allow my tongue to savor the taste.

“You are not a beggar my daughter, my Bride, my treasure…”

The sweet air intoxicated my imagination like shimmering translucent rainbows. The heavy scent of aged wine rose on the wings of the wind.

I felt the Presence of peace nearby me and reached my hand out, expanding my fingers as if to lace them around the Holy Spirit.

“Sweet friend,” I whispered, deep affection welling from the roots of my soul, like soaked soil, “I love you.”

I wished I could lean my head on His shoulder.

My sweet Friend.

…to be continued.

~For stories like these, check out my book Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul. May your heart be ushered into the deepest romance with Jesus.

“The stories in this book will invite you into a marriage relationship with Jesus showing you what it looks like to be loved without condemnation. Ashley brings you into personal conversations with the one who’s very name is Love. Sometimes life just gets so busy and I grow distant from the Lord that I don’t hear His gentle voice wooing me, calling me to His side. As I read this book, Jesus was reminding me of His great love for me, reminding me that He actually longed to spend time with me. If you are longing to know what it means to be loved and romanced by your creator, read this book and allow Jesus to romance you like only He can!” – Rachel Sklenicka, Licensed Minister, Graduate of CBC, Former Missionary to Russia

Jesus in the Romance

~The sequel to Nobel and Trisha’s love story.

…Sarah turned on a sapphire blue speaker and attached her cell phone Bluetooth to it. Beautiful island worship music began playing and I felt as if I were on a black sanded beach next to lapping crystal waters. A chorus of singers synchronized in the background, complementing the main singer harmoniously.

After flipping on the coffee machine, I leaned my back against the island as Sarah started dicing up potatoes and mincing vegetables. She worked like a sous chef.

I felt admiration for her in my heart.

She sliced through some honeyed ham and turned her oven on preheat before taking some frozen buttermilk biscuits out.

“I feel bad just standing here while you work,” I confessed after several minutes of waiting for her to ask me to do something.

“Then you haven’t quite understood grace yet,” she said with a refreshing tone.

Her words caught me off guard and I didn’t respond for several seconds.

“I’m not sure where you’re coming from,” I admitted.

She smiled up at me, “it’s a pleasure to serve you Nobel. Being served should never cause you emotional discomfort. You have no guilty obligation to help me.”

I froze and felt a depth in her words that struck the bars of an imprisoned place in my heart.

Suddenly what was unconscious became conscious.

Sarah said no more and left me to my thinking while she worked.

I envisioned Jesus kneeling at my feet shirtless with a large clay bowl of hot water in his hands. Those large bronze hands had the rough callouses of a carpenter, yet they carried the tenderness of a healer. His wavy black onyx hair was dusted from the dirt of sandal and foot travel.

Dip your foot in friend.

I gulped loudly and felt a sting of religion beckon me to pull away.

No, let me wash your feet Jesus! I almost spoke the words in my head out loud.

I saw Him look up at me with those burning ember brown eyes that knew every inch and corner of my soul like the back of His hand. His was the dearest face in all the world to me.

He seemed pained at my response.

My love is crippled by your thinking He said, tears gathering behind His eyes. You won’t impress Sarah or Kris through your works… so don’t try.

I sucked in air and suddenly the vision was gone.

My palms were sweaty now and I tried to rub them on my pants without being noticed.

Sarah didn’t seem to care and cracked six eggs into a measuring cup before whisking them and adding in spices.

The sunlight behind her spilled into the kitchen and living room like blonde paint and caused her silhouette to glow in ethereal gold.

Sarah threw two spoonsful of minced garlic in a frying pan with olive oil.

My stomach began to feel pangs of hunger when she threw in some chopped onion and cut bell peppers. She finally added the potatoes and began stirring things around with a large wooden cooking spoon.

“You haven’t touched your coffee,” she said over a shoulder with a soft smile. It took me a second to register her words and respond correctly, “no I haven’t,” I said and caught a whiff of the strong, full bodied aroma, “but it sure smells wonderful.”

“We have vanilla, hazelnut or Irish creamer. I have to warn you the Irish one has a little liquor in it.”

I grinned more widely than I meant, “I don’t mind a little alcohol ma’am.”

She laughed at my expression and touched a hand to her heart, “oh good! I was hoping our customs wouldn’t offend you. We do live on a winery.”

I laughed with her, “I’ll take the Irish.”

With that statement, I headed for the fridge and sifted until I found the choice creamer.

I went for the upper cabinet and grabbed a ruby red mug. His Blood was printed in white cursive on the cup. I poured some coffee in.

Afterward I added the creamer.

Sarah opened the frozen biscuits and lined them in a pan before placing them in the preheated oven.

I sipped at my coffee and almost closed my eyes in gratification at the rich taste.

Several minutes passed and the biscuits were baking, the eggs were cooking on the stove and the potatoes were browning.

I wondered what was holding Trisha up and just as I was about to pick up polite conversation with Sarah, Trisha opened up the front door.

She was smiling brightly and exclaimed, “that was one of the most beautiful sunrises I have ever seen!”

She hastened toward me and put the pitcher on the island. I saw the pure bliss on her face.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it darling,” I said, taking joy at her pleasure.

She then thanked Sarah and told her, “I was romanced by the Lord the whole time I was out there!” She giggled like a school girl and Sarah joined in her glee.

“Don’t you just love it when He does that?”

The two of them started chatting fluidly and before long Trisha asked for an apron and joined Sarah in cooking.

They worked together as if they had been best friends since childhood. I stood back amazed and still felt a little awkward for standing back idly while they cooked.

When I was done with my coffee I headed back to living room and sat on the couch.

Guilty thoughts tried to press their way into my mind.

What will Kris think when he walks in and sees you sitting on the couch while his wife and your girlfriend slave away in the kitchen? Some minister he’ll think you are!

I shook my head and rejected the accusations that were coming my way. I recognized its dark origin and refused to heed.

I glanced at the women in the kitchen, laughing together and knew they were having a good time.

I tapped my pointer finger on my knee nervously. Lord what do I do now?

Nothing, came the gracious answer.

“Nothing…” I repeated quietly, “sounds like a plan,” I said with an amused chortle.

I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, “okay Lord.”

Before long I heard the oven ding and then a strong male voice erupt in laughter, “now there’s the man of the hour!” Kris said chuckling deeply.

My eyes popped open and I began to stand.

Kris put a firm hand on my shoulder, “no please, sit!”

He swiveled around and joined me on the couch. I saw the tickling jest in his blue eyes.

He was wearing a white polo shirt, dark shorts, and Bryce lace up shoes. His summer blonde hair appeared paler in the sunlight.

“Good morning Kris,” I said, unsure of what tone to take.

“Morning, how’d you sleep?”

“Pretty good,” I answered and then shrugged honestly, “not as long as I’d like.”

“Well weren’t you drifting on the couch a second ago?” he quipped playfully.

I couldn’t help but chuckle, “no sir, anything but…”

Sarah came toward us with a cup of strong black coffee in her hand. She set in on a saucer in front of Kris and gave him a peck on the cheek, “thanks dear,” he responded and looked up at her fondly.

She returned to the kitchen and Kris took a slow sip.

“Nothing like straight black,” he praised and then patted my shoulder.

“You’re from Europe?” I asked.

“Why do you ask?”

I pursed my bottom lip slightly in thoughtful reflection, “well in my former career, I ran across people from different countries often enough. A lot of my male European counterparts liked their coffee pitch black.”

Kris lifted his brows, “what career was this?”

I dipped my chin, “I’d prefer not to say…sometimes I try to forget.”

I glanced at him from the corner of my eye and saw his unassuming visage. A feeling of peace from the Holy Spirit rose to my heart and I knew everything would be okay.

“I was a male model for a prestigious…company.”

Kris arched an eyebrow, “yes Thomas told us you had a scarlet past,” he said and then took a leisure sip of his coffee. I slightly cringed when I remembered the glamorous parties that were only started to sleep with fast women. Kris set down his cup and smiled in triumph, “the good news about scarlet pasts is that God uses them for his glory. There’s no greater transition than from blood red to milk white.”

I nodded, “I know that for sure. Everything in my life is different. I had no idea this level of joy and peace…and purpose was possible.”

I leaned back and couldn’t help but glance at Trisha, “I had no idea how tremendous the goodness of God was. He amazes me with how God He is…first to have Him and then to be given such good and perfect gifts from His hand.”

Kris followed my eyes, “ahhh, yes. I know what you mean. I cannot think of a greater treasure, a more perfect gift than my wife…”

We both remained silent for a moment in reverential awe.

My heartbeat quickened, “she’s truly perfect. A masterpiece”

Kris perked up, “He knows whose perfect for us…”

I nodded.

“The greater news is…He makes us perfect for Him.”

My eyes enlarged as I felt a swell of the love of God rise in my heart.

“Let the two become one,” I said quietly.

“It’s a mystery. Somehow we are the bride of Christ.” Kris said slowly shaking his head, “I still don’t understand it.”

“Neither do I,” I responded truthfully and then stroked my chin, “but I’m beginning to experience it.”

Kris studied my face intensely for a brief moment.

“Hmmm, and what does that look like?” He probed.

I remained silent for a few seconds, combing for the right word. When it came, I turned to Kris, “like union,” I said in a hoarse whisper.

My eyes went wet before I could control the tears. Love for God wrecked my heart.

Kris examined me quietly and I felt an opening between us. We connected without speaking.

Finally, I broke the silence, “I’ve been experiencing Him all morning. It’s different now. I don’t have to search scriptures for hours or go into a prayer closet and try to focus and not lose interest. I’ve surrendered everything to Him. He talks to me first. We converse more easily than I am with you. I feel Him in me, I sense what pleases and displeases Him and I try to comply with His inaudible wishes…”

I hadn’t realized that my voice was gruff with emotion until Kris’s changed visage caught my attention.

“You sound like a man in love.”

I nodded and wiped my eyes, slightly mortified by the unmanly tears and yet proud of them.

Kris sipped at his coffee and I could see the smile he tried to hide behind the cup’s rim.

“I suppose I am. Madly in love with Jesus. It’s an odd sort of thing in a way.”

~To follow the beginnings of Trisha and Nobel’s pure romance, you can purchase a copy of Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul. May you find the greater eternal romantic story of Jesus pursuing you weaved through its pages <3

“Ashley has a very talented gift of weaving words together that display tenderness, compassion and purity. Each story reveals the heart of Jesus towards His children. As you read each one you can see past the characters and feel the depth of Jesus’ heart, as well as the longing for a deeper relationship with Jesus inside yours.” -Everesta Hannon, prayer minister.

A Date with Jesus in the Swiss Alps

~A sequel to Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul’s story: A Date with Jesus. To read it for free, visit my Free Inspiration page <3

Your presence releases a fragrance so pleasing—
over and over poured out.
For your lovely name is “Flowing Oil.”
No wonder the brides-to-be adore you.
Draw me into your heart.
We will run away together into the king’s cloud-filled chamber.
-Song of Songs 1:3-4 TPT

My heart yearned for him like a swallow for the wind. I longed to spread my wings and ride the current of his vaporous love until I was perfumed with the scents of his soul.

I wanted the oil of his skin to become like an eternal anointing on the terrain of my flesh. Jesus, my heart had cried…

The Swiss alps were quite a sight. Majestic mountains powdered with glinting white gold bounced reflective shafts of light from the sun’s aureate waves. Blades of emerald green grass made pockets like quilt along the rugged terrain— lustrous gemstones. Clouds formed puffy castles that spilt like rain in slow motion down the cliffs. Their fluid motions seemed celestial. The cloud cover glowed like pearls and appeared as rich as whole milk. A double translucent rainbow made an iridescent crest in the sky before touching down on a distant mountain that was hazed purple.

Richly clad people, sitting on crimson plush benches, leaned over each other to peek out the windows in the luxury tour train that seated us all. I noticed a woman with a remarkably large ruby ring set on a rose gold band. Her fine fingers were speckled with gold dust and she wore a long sleeved nude dress sequined with light bronze beads that formed star patters. The patterns were clustered around her lean torso and then thinned into a V shape around her tapered waist. Indeed, the jewels, so keenly fashioned into her gown they seemed a part of her flesh. Her caramel skin glowed like honey in the sun and she had amber eyes flecked with a darker cinnamon brown color. Her charcoal shiny black hair was tied back with a silver burette with tiny gems. A gold chain with a captivating moonstone hung from her petite neck. She arched a curvy eyebrow and her full lips painted red wine curved upward in a small, pleased smile. She lifted a perfectly manicured finger to the clear glass window and tapped. Rosy pearls hung in her ears.

Her lover, a man of lighter complexion rubbed her shoulders and kissed the nape of her neck. As beautiful as it was outside, his eyes were steadfastly set on her. His blue eyes were as clear and piercing as the sky over the ocean after a hurricane washed clear through. It was like morning light. His lustrous hair resembled the dark burgundy color of wet henna. He had a strong chin, Jude Law nose and his box beard shaped his chiseled jaw and lined his lower face.  He wore a collared white dress shirt underneath a dashing, long black trench coat. A Rolex Trench watch donned his left wrist. A thick golden band with curious inscription was on his middle finger. He looked like he could be a duke, and she a countess.

Suddenly aware of the enamor and wealth of everyone else’s attire, I became embarrassed for wearing my sky-blue pajamas under a cream wool robe. My hair was pinned up in fat dark chocolate brown twists and lip balm was my only facial dress.

Jesus sat across from me and because of my own self-awareness, I failed to notice the smoothness of his bronze skin. It was like a brown terrain of amber butterscotch as placid as silk. The corner of his lips lifted into a smile. A joy foreign to the world shone in His swirling chestnut eyes like sparkling fire embers against a velvety night sky. Deep peace came off of Him like a swell of sauna waves from an invisible ocean…

To read my first romantic novella about the Bridegroom love of Jesus, click here.

“The stories in this book will invite you into a marriage relationship with Jesus showing you what it looks like to be loved without condemnation. Ashley brings you into personal conversations with the one who’s very name is Love. Sometimes life just gets so busy and I grow distant from the Lord that I don’t hear His gentle voice wooing me, calling me to His side. As I read this book, Jesus was reminding me of His great love for me, reminding me that He actually longed to spend time with me. If you are longing to know what it means to be loved and romanced by your creator, read this book and allow Jesus to romance you like only He can!” – Rachel Sklenicka, Licensed minister and former missionary to Russia.

Top image by David Mark from Pixabay

White As Snow

~A sneak peek from my upcoming book, At The Time For Love, inspired by Ezekiel 16

I curled up on the couch and drew back the curtains. Powdery white snow flaked down like glinting pearl dust. I leaned my head against the plush sofa and my eyes drifted toward the heavy ivory clouds. I noticed how the tree branches gently swayed and how the few leaves they had left, rustled. I pulled my hands into my fuzzy sleeves and secured them under my arm pits. Just gazing outside gave me the illusion of a chill. Perhaps I was still weak from yesterday? Everything was so white, my eyes got lost and sometimes I couldn’t tell the difference between land and sky. The earth…all the mud was completely covered over. A sweet scripture came softly to my mind like the taste of syrup on my heart’s soft palate. “Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. (Isaiah 1:18 NIV)

My arms slowly uncurled and I felt warmth from the inside. I inhaled physical air even as my soul inhaled the grace that had already washed away all my stains.

My Autumn, unlike the dirt that is caked underneath the snow outside…you are not muddled underneath my righteousness. You have become my righteousness in my Son. You are all snow white. Stainless beauty. Living proof of the glories of my grace. Proof of my Son’s accomplishments. You never have need to be ashamed.

Like an infant yawning at dawn’s first light, my heart exhaled hidden shame. I felt as innocent as a new born babe. My body shivered from what was taking place and suddenly the warmth that I had begun to feel intensified. I dropped my arms to my side and let my robe open up at the center. I felt my heart glow like a miniature sun. How could God be so good? How could I have not known He was this good? What more of His love was there to be explored? I smiled without effort and thought of all the things Jesus had already done for me. Things, I was only now discovering thousands of years later. I wiggled my hands free from my sleeves and kissed my fingertips…pretending they were the toes of Christ.

“I love you, I love you,” I whispered affectionately. I hugged my chest, pretending that I was holding onto Jesus, “I love you, I love you my Lord.”

I chortled gaily and stood up before closing my eyes. I took imaginary hands and pretended I was slow dancing with Jesus. I dreamed that the carpet turned into a glass ballroom floor. After a few minutes, I opened my eyes and snatched up my journal. I wrote on the couch for almost two hours. Sometimes the noise from my sisters cleaning and chatting upstairs would distract me. However, the sweetness of God’s love easily captivated my attentions. I wrote out a prayer of thanksgiving and then a sonnet of love to God:

I love Your presence.

 Your warm embrace melts me inside, and implants seeds of joy in my heart that grow into suns, melting me even more.

 I love worshipping You, and love the feel of Your Spirit rushing within, stirring me, and embracing my skin.

 I love the joy You bring.

It is true that in Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

You are my greatest love.

 My holy, relentless Lover.

My David, slaying all my Goliaths.

My Romancer, spoiling me with the keepsakes of Heaven, with gifts extravagant, with pleasures far greater than any on earth, and with intimacy that awakens the deepest parts of me.

 I love Your arms—they hold me like a Father’s: pulling me closer to Your chest and letting me listen to Your heartbeat.

 Your breaths fall on me like a waterfall, moving tendrils of my hair and sweeping over my face.

 I love Your kisses.

The feel of Your lips on my head.

 Like hot coal it burns me within, tingling every inch inside me, and causing the hairs on my body to prick up with goose bumps.

 Oh, how I love worshipping You!

 It is my greatest joy!

My highest honor!

I think I see why the angels love worshipping You.

 I’ve tasted something so divinely sweet in the act and life of worship that I cannot go back to plain food.

The pleasure draws me.

 It lulls my heart, calling me more and more.

 You are my greatest desire.

My highest joy. My perfect peace.

My best comforter.

My only real and true Friend.

 My Creator.

 You are the Prince Charming who ran after my heart.

You fought every foe, and captured my affection slowly, as your love patiently captivated my heart.

 You romanced me until I melted away into You.

I crumbled in Your strong arms that caressed me tenderly.

 I evaporated in Your chest.

I dissolved in Your tears.

I floated in Your laughter.

You entranced me in every way.

 The brightness of Your face fascinated my eyes.

 You are my El Shaddai.

You’re my Rapha.

 I am my Beloved’s and His desire is for me.

I love living with You.

 Sharing life with You.

Awakening to find You smiling upon me by the side of the bed.

I love the feeling of Your fingers trailing my face, cupping my chin.

I love You so much that I even love Your rules!

 I love Your beautiful holiness.

Your righteousness is life.

I love You.

 I love You.

 I love You.

You first loved me.

You will always love me.

 You have secured me as your own.

I am your own.

 Nothing brings me greater joy than knowing that I belong to You.

By the time I was done scribbling, my journal was stained with tears. I sniffled and swiftly wiped at my eyes. “Will I ever stop crying?” I questioned hoarsely, my voice rough with emotion. “It seems all I do lately is cry.” Just as quick as my pondering came, the answer came right behind it. It’s a softening of your heart. Your tears are proof of my rain in the garden of your heart. I chewed on my bottom lip. “Okay…” I said resolved not to fight God anymore. I thought of how God must cry tears of joy often.

            A clanking noise caught my attention and I looked over my shoulder. Mama had lingered out of her library and was now in the kitchen. She was bending over and deciding on which pot she would use. After retrieving the crock pot, she stood. She went to the sink where some chicken had thawed. She took out tomato paste, creamy tomato soup, chicken broth, three cheese tortellini noodles, savory spices, onions, garlic, and a few other choice ingredients. I watched her pour ingredients into the crock pot and then dice up vegetables. I thought to ask her if she needed help but then decided against it. I knew she would say no. Plus, I didn’t want to intrude and risk a scolding. She seemed focused and I knew how she didn’t like to be interrupted when cooking. After putting everything in the crock pot, she started shaking spices in it. I always wondered how she could do that without ever measuring and yet come out with perfectly seasoned meals! I imagined only food in heaven could surpass hers. No chef in the world could rival my mother…. although I hadn’t ever traveled out of the country, I was sure of my conviction.

When she was finished Mama washed her hands and cleaned up the counters. She glanced up at me and I averted my eyes, pretending that I had been studying the fireless hearth the whole time.

            “Autumn, why haven’t you washed and combed out your hair?”

            “Huh?” I asked and turned my body toward her.

            “Your hair?”

            I almost slapped my hand against my face, “oh gosh. I’m sorry. I completely spaced.”

            Mama remained tight lipped for a few seconds, then her eyes gentled, “you were catching up on your writing?” she asked pointing to my journal that laid on my lap.

I nodded and she sighed before the corner of her lips lifted slightly.

            “That’s good dear. Your father always encouraged you with your writing.”

I nodded again, thinking fondly of Papa. Mama slowly made her way toward me. I tensed but then relaxed when I saw her demeanor.

She touched my shoulder and sat on the coffee table in front of me. “I’m glad you are able to relax and do something that you love today.”

“Thanks mama,” I said smiling.

Her eyes flickered, a soft shimmer welling them, “and I’m sorry that I didn’t encourage you in your gifting like your father.”

My fingers tightened on my journal before becoming sweaty, “it’s okay mama” I said, thinking of no other suitable response.

She shook her head, “no it’s not dear.” Her bottom lip quivered slightly and she rested a hand on my knee, her fingertips brushing my knuckles.

Her gaze drifted to the words in my journal. At first, I thought to hide them out of routine fear, but I realized I had nothing to hide, least of all from her. I turned my journal with a hand so she could read the words without tilting her head. She accepted my invitation bravely and even picked up my journal. She read quietly and I could feel my pulse in my neck.

I played with the wooly fabric on my sleeves and kept my gaze in my lap. Several moments went by and I wondered how long it would take her to finish. Jittery, I began to comb my fingers through the knots in my hair. When mama was finished, she softly placed my journal beside her. She curled her pointer finger under my chin and guided my face up so I could see her.

“God has given you an anointing to write dear.”

A huge smile stretched my lips upward. “Do you really think so?”

She nodded her head.

“Thank you, Mama!” I sang.

“You have words for the world dear,” she encouraged and then played with the damaged ends of my hair, “now go wash this please.”

I chortled and stood up to go shower. I took a step forward and then retreated and bent down to wrap my arms around her neck. Mama embraced me tightly and kissed my cheek, “my Autumn. I’m so proud of the woman you are becoming.”

I pulled my face away to look her in the eyes, “thank you Mama.” I whispered hoarsely and retreated away before I teared up.

For the first time in my life, mama had complimented my writing. I didn’t realize how starved I was of her approval before, until now. The want in my heart had been met and it was profounder than I realized. Hidden places were watered.

~If you enjoyed this sneak peek, you may also enjoy my book Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul. It’s based on the sacred romance between Christ and his Church. The short stories are designed to be like healing dates with Jesus…the lover of the human soul. You can purchase an ebook copy by clicking here.

Picture taken from the Facebook group: Peaceful Moments for Women

At the Time for Love

~The following is a sneak peak of my upcoming book: At the Time for Love, based on Ezekiel 16 <3

…When I reached I saw he wasn’t there. My eyes widened and I nimbly made my way down the steps. My mind swam with ideas of where he might be and a part of me was hesitant to look for him. The air was cooler downstairs and I saw he had the curtains drawn back so the moonlight could spill in. The earth, blanketed with snow, glowed with moonlight more radiant than desert sands in the winter night. It was like a white ocean and my breath drew. Billions of stars hung like ornaments in the sky. They winked at me like silver bells. Withdrawing, I slowly stepped close to the bathroom build underneath the stairs. When I saw nobody was there I went into the kitchen. I noticed the coffee pot was damp with vapor. But nobody was inside. I went into the library, holding the walls in the dark of the hallway. When I reached the library, no light was on and nobody was in. I went into the washroom at the back and found he wasn’t there.

“Where are you?” I voiced quietly. I opened up the back door and saw not a soul. Closing it I folded my arms and shivered a little from the cold outside. Going back into the kitchen I cracked the front door open and saw a small candle burning in a lantern on the dirt road leading to the house. I squinted my eyes and saw the silver silhouette of a man in the distance. It was James!

Closing the door, I opened up the hall closet and put on dad’s boots and his great winter coat. After buttoning it up and placing a beanie on my head I went outside in the cold frosty air. My stride slowed as I neared him. I saw my breath before my face and smiled as it disappeared and blended with the cool of the air. I approached as quietly as possible, but before I was within ten paces of him he turned around. Silver light danced on his henna brown hair and the bronze terrain of his face was dappled with moonlight and shadow so that some of his features were hidden. He appeared so tall and stately, strong yet gentle. He moved to pick up the lantern and held it before his face. “Autumn?” he said surprised. His honey eyes luminous near the small flame.

“Yes, it’s me,” I voiced shyly.

“What are you doing outside? In the cold?” he reached to take off his jacket but I lifted my hand, “it’s okay. I put on my dad’s coat.”

He let out a sigh of protest but relented. His butterscotch skin seemed so smooth, and so warm against the cold of the white night.

“May I join you?” I asked walking to his side, my blue eyes glowing.

He gazed at me before blinking. A small sweet laugh came from his lips, “forgive me. I have to remind myself not to look at you…like that…for so long,” his words were coated with affection.

I blushed despite the cold.

“For a little while,” he responded.

“Just a little while?”


When my brows crinkled he chortled, “Need I remind you that you almost suffered from hypothermia this morning?”


“Sometimes it’s better to listen Autumn…without putting up a fight.”

“I don’t have red hair for nothing,” I quipped.

He smiled but remained quiet and looked up at the stars.

“Thank you for saving my life today…” I whispered.

He turned to me, “God saved your life today. I was simply His envoy,” he grinned, “a very happy emissary.” He turned again and I watched the stars with him.

Things remained quiet for about three minutes. Not one of us spoke. Everything was so still, serene. Only the faint musical sound of the occasional gust of wind tickled my ears. James took a sip of coffee from a thermos he was carrying. My nose picked up the mild sugary scent of winterberry. I glanced and saw the red hue of the candle in the lantern James was holding.

Enjoying the silence yet wanting to hear his voice more I asked, “what were you doing out here?”

“Talking to God,” his voice moistened in deep thought, “this is my quiet time with Him.”

“At night?”

“Yes…and early into the morning. That’s the time Jesus would go up to the Mount of Olives and pray to His Father. I find it’s the most fruitful time…when the world is quiet…when everybody is asleep. It’s just me and the Father. Some of my richest moments have come from these times. He teaches me things and I get to pour out my soul to Him and feast on His goodness. ‘More than the watchmen wait for the morning do I wait for You. O Israel, hope in the Lord; For with the Lord there is lovingkindness, And with Him is abundant redemption.…’”

“King David,” I whispered remembering the author of the scripture he quoted.


“Does He always speak?” I asked in wonder.

“…He’s always speaking. This is just a time that I’m usually quite enough to listen. It’s all about resting in Him.”

“….so, what has God been telling you tonight?”

“He’s reminding me.”

“Of what?”

“That there isn’t a person on earth that I love more than God. And because of that, I love every person on earth. Our hearts were made for one love. The perfect, full, gracious, lavish, and awesome love of God. From His heart, true benevolence and affection for people flows.”

I was quiet for a moment. His words were like a balm on my heart…sweet peace rose from deep within me.

“Wow…you summed that up so neatly.”

James gently slipped an arm around my shoulders and the lantern dangled from his gloved hand. I leaned into him and felt a warm mist coming from his skin. I began to feel light…and a deep sense of love.

“I feel God right now,” James said and suddenly tears pricked my eyes.

“I feel Him too,” I said softly, my voice quivering a little, “the moment we hugged…”

James laughed lightly, “I knew I wasn’t alone.” A deep sigh rose to his chest and then a long exhale, “you know Autumn…you’re the first girl that God has given me peace about. After I was born-again there were a few women I thought God might put me together with…but I lacked peace about every single one of them…even if everything looked perfect in the natural. But with you…it just feels so clear. It’s His pleasure flowing right now between us. I recognize it,” James began to laugh again.

My eyes widened with his words but then relaxed and soon I was laughing too. I laughed from an overdose of joy! I was in awe at the goodness of God. A verse came to my mind:When the Lord brought back the captives [who returned] to Zion, we were like those who dream [it seemed so unreal]. Then were our mouths filled with laughter, and our tongues with singing. Then they said among the nations, The Lord has done great things for them. The Lord has done great things for us! We are glad! –Psalm 126:1-3.

I turned and wrapped my arms around his waist, “who would have thought God would have given me such a wonderful man?” I closed my eyes and giggled.

James pulled me back a little, “from what I remember woman is the gift of man. It’s you who is the treasure. I’m the one who should be most thankful.”

A slight breeze blew past us, and snowflakes of the purest white dusted the sky. I saw my breath in the air and I closed my eyes and tilted my chin up. When I peeked, my eyes open a bright silver streak shot across the sky and I gasped.

“A shooting star!” I exclaimed.

James smiled widely, “yup, I’m definitely feeling like this is a God-moment.”

“All moments are God-moments,” I laughed to tease him.

“How right you are love,” he grinned and set down his lantern and coffee. He took my hands in his and instinctively I knew what to do. I began to circle him and then I ran. He held on tightly and swung me. I bent my knees and let out a “wwwwwhhheeeeee!” as he lifted me in the air.

Setting me down after about the fifth circle he took my hands again, resting one on his shoulder and keeping one. With his free hand, he held me above my waist and together we danced. Our eyes locked and all the world disappeared into a void behind him. All I could see was him and for a moment I was lost in his gleaming hazel eyes. He began to sing a love song to me and the sound of his rich, deep, and mellow voice in song undid all walls my heart had ever erected. Suddenly I enjoyed the godly gift of giving and receiving love in a flowing stream of divine pleasure.

My lips smeared into a crumpled smile and my eyes watered all over again.

We seemed to dance forever until he stopped. He kissed my hand before picking up his coffee and the lantern.

I was in a daze as he escorted me back to the house. We were both quiet again. I started to walk up the stairs but James didn’t release my hand. I looked back at him and his caramel colored face seemed to glow. Blades of his curly deep auburn hair had escaped from underneath his dark blue beanie. A muscle jerked in his jaw and he opened his mouth and then hesitated. I turned around, faced him and waited.

After several seconds he finally spoke, “I think it’s time to come clean.”

My heart jumped, “What do you mean?” I asked.

“I mean, well…I think I can come out and tell your father, mother and brother how much you mean to me.”

I could hear my heart in my ears and felt my pulse in my neck.

“Why my mother and brother as well?” I asked out without thinking.

“Because your mother and David are also authority figures in your life. And that position warrants the upmost honor.”

He saw how my eyes shifted in the candlelight.

“Are you ready, sweet one?” he asked and released my hand to rub the back of my arm lightly.

I chewed my bottom lip for a moment out of joyous thoughts and also nervousness. I was tempted to fear that my family would reject his request to court me, but I quickly denied those thoughts access to my mind. Hadn’t God already proven that He was faithful so many times?

I nodded my head slowly in response, a smile growing on my lips.

James beamed and appeared relived at the same time, “I’ve been praying about the right timing for a while now. And honestly, I feel like I could wait for you forever. You’re a treasure worth any price Autumn.” His voice became hoarse with emotion and my eyes misted. My heart felt full like a peach close to its fattest and sweetest state. He cleared his throat and continued, “it’s hard to explain, but I know somehow that God has been doing something in your heart that makes…now a good time. Even though whatever He is doing hasn’t fully…matured yet. I know you’re blossoming. Also, I want to be as honest and forthcoming with your family as possible. And I know they respectfully deserve to know my intentions. I have the highest regard for your family. They mean more to me than I can describe.”

“I know they do,” I said and took his hand. With trembling lips, I kissed his fingers gently and briefly. He seemed surprised and his eyes enlarged at my intimate gesture. I never blinked as I kissed him. I wanted him to know that my heart was swollen for him. I wanted to remove the emblematic veil from my face. James slowly withdrew his hand and kissed the exact same spot I had. My stomach fluttered and I felt my knees go weak.

After ascending the stairs James opened up the front door for me, “have a good night beautiful princess.” He bid me. I saw he was going back outside to talk to God. “Good night,” I whispered with a large smile, “enjoy your time with God.” Slowly he closed the door and I watched him from the window as he walked back to the spot where I met him. With the music of his voice still ringing in my heart I took off Papa’s coat, pulled off his beanie and kicked off my boots. I climbed up the hall stairs and curled up in bed, once more gazing up at the star streaked sky. All I could do was voice, “thank you God,” over and over again before I began drifting to sleep. Another verse from my spirit rose to my understanding like the sweet potency of an aromatic candle shop: I went to sleep, but my heart stayed awake. [I dreamed that I heard] the voice of my beloved as he knocked [at the door of my mother’s cottage]. Open to me, my sister, my love, my dove, my spotless one [he said], for I am wet with the [heavy] night dew; my hair is covered with it. (Song of Solomon 5:2). The verse came like an undercurrent of sugary water to my heart…and inside I saw Jesus at the door of a secret alcove in my heart. I heard a voice speak from within, “It’s Me. I’m speaking to you through the pleasure. Let me in deeper beloved.”

I whispered to my holy Bridegroom, “every door in my heart I open to You without reservation.”

A tangible peace coated some deep part within my soul before my eyes finally fluttered close. That night I dreamed I was in Heaven. I was sailing on an endless crystal glass ocean like sapphire waters. Jesus was on the sail ship with me and before us was mountains covered with lush vegetation. Clouds of desert pink glowed and made images in the sky. I was in a sheer white dress and a golden crown—simple yet elegant was on my head. Jewels were pressed into the points of my crown. Jesus came from behind the steering wheel to my side. He grinned as he approached. His eyes were burning love. He spoke in a voice like many waters, “this is the ocean of my pleasure…of my goodness…of my provision. It is my delight that you sail on it always. It is my happiness to give you good and perfect things.” I turned to Him teary-eyed, “the only real goodness in my life is You…from which all these other blessings flow.” I hugged his neck and He took me in His arms and I never felt more loved. The sky was blue…so blue it appeared fluid. The colors here were beyond imagination and they burst with radiant light…

~I hope you enjoyed this sneak peak. If you want more stories on divine romance, see my Free Inspiration page. You can also purchase a copy of my book, Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul, by clicking here!

~If these stories have blessed you, please share the blessing with a friend <3

I Do

Click below to listen or watch:

Most people wouldn’t believe I wrote this sacred story while listening to Hero by Enrique Iglesias. So, what does Jesus have to do with that song? It’s simple…Jesus is the ultimate hero. There is no love that can save us like his.

This is a symbolic story that compares idolatry with spiritual adultery. “For your Creator will be your husband; the LORD of Heaven’s Armies is his name! He is your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, the God of all the earth.” -Isaiah 54:5

Jesus, you are the Lover of my soul, my husband forever <3

“I do” doesn’t burden my heart like it used to. Now my heart is lifted because I stand in white and look up with sparkling hazel eyes into the eyes of my one true love, my beloved Savior, into the warm eyes of Jesus, my hero. 

I can picture myself standing and smiling, tears of gladness and peace flooding my eyes. I wipe them with a cloth He offers, rubbing off some of my wine-colored eye shadow over-laid with gold dust. My painted red lips make my teeth seem whiter than they are. Jesus gently takes my hand and tells me that I am beautiful. My white gown glitters like recently fallen snow in the sun, and fans out past my feet on the streets of gold. 

We are in a garden of trees dripping with succulent golden, red, and orange colored cherries. My Husband pulls out the ring, golden with love, and engraved with a red ruby representing His shed blood for me. His fingers flutter beneath my hand until they case my ring finger. 

“Do you love me?” He asks, His voice rich and deep like the oceans.
I nod my head “I do,” I say. He smiles and slips the ring on my finger. He opens His arms and I melt inside of them. His embrace is sweeter than honey, and I feel like I am falling into His heart. 

“Then love me every day,” He whispers in my ear. I shiver from His breath. His voice unlocks my heart. The key to my most sacred place has been delivered to Him by my hand. Choirs of Angels rejoice in the background between the trees, they are blurry to my vision. But all are beautiful, majestic and dressed in white robes with gauzy flowing sleeves.

Men love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her. -Ephesians 5:25

Years later, and I find myself coming home to my faithful Husband after having yet another affair. The night is cold and white with snow. The winter sky is a dark blue and ample with stars, but to my broken heart, outside is dark with pain. I knock on the front door and He opens it, and lets me inside.

I walk in, the fireplace is burning, and herbal tea is inside the kettle on the stove. There beside it is soup made with healing spices like ginger and red pepper. Jesus closes the door behind me. I notice an empty box of Kleenex tissues by the coffee table. Had He sat there and cried? How long had He waited for me to come home? My heart sinks. Without looking at me, without seeing my expression He knows. 

“Did not my Spirit go with you?” He say’s looking at me with eyes that know my soul. And the two shall become one flesh. Don’t you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit? -1 Corinthians 6:19

Shameful tears spring from my eyes. “I’m sorry,” I mummer with a trembling voice. Ever forgiving He takes my coat and draws me warm water for a bath, and waits for me to get dressed. Shyly I meet Him in the living room by the fireplace. There He fixes me a bowl of soup and tells me He’s glad I’m home. I am found in His arms, and He strokes my hair and restores my soul. Mending it with His care He prays to God above. Truly He has saved me in all ways, spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical.

“I will stand by you forever,” He says. 

Amazed by His love I whisper, “Why?” I am so unworthy of it. 

“Because I’m in love with you,” He says. 

“As I am with you,” I respond. 

“No,” He answers. Feeling insulted I move away from Him, offense settling inside of me.

“You love Me, but you are not in love with Me because you don’t know My heart.” 

“I married You,” I say in defense. 

“Yes, after I died for you. After I freed your soul, and brought salvation to your spirit. After I delivered you to God above, and rescued you from the enemy whom you play games with. Why? Why would you run back to someone who had you in chains? Who hates you and means only to destroy you and break your heart? I have done nothing to deserve that. Sweetheart I love you. I’ve promised to take care of you forever.”

I am dumbfounded by the truth. Though His words are firm, His tone is coated with love and care that left me feeling as if He were hugging me, as if He had just kissed my heart. 

“Sweetheart, why would you visit a place that you ran from? There, you were dying in darkness. I sought you out and asked for your hand while you were consumed by bad habits, hot attitudes, temperaments, shortness of patience, a careless tongue, and lustful desires. So why, I ask, would you let him tempt you into your past again?”

I sit quietly rubbing my arm. A vision came to my heart. I pictured Jesus as a priceless treasure and I pictured myself walking away from Him to live in trash. Jesus scoots close to my side on the floor in front the fireplace. The sand colored carpet below me with sewn red roses seems softer now that He is by me. “It’s because you’re not in love with Me.” He breathes and touches my hand. 

“When I took you as my wife, I gave you one request…to love me every day.” He gazes in my eyes. The love pouring from His fills me with that amazing peace I felt when I first asked Him to come into my heart and be my Lord and savior. He opens His arms and I melt in His embrace. “So, love me every day. Taste and see that I am good,” He whispers in my ears and I shiver again. 

That night like every night that I am home He tucks me in bed and kisses me on the forehead. It was a holy kiss that seemed to heavenly remove my parading thoughts. After reading the Bible to me, He gets underneath the covers and blows out the dancing flames of the candles by our bedside.

I know past my soul, but deep in my spirit that I am home. He puts an arm around my waist and tells me goodnight. My heart is most comfortable by His touch, my mind is at ease with Him, and I am in harmony when I remain faithful to Him.

“Why?” I ask Him, confused as to why I would ever cheat on Him. “Why am I not in love with you?” 

Jesus takes a deep breath in then out before sitting up. He turns on our bedside lamp, and it gives off a yellow glow. I sit up as well. 

“Honey how much time do you spend with Me?” He asks. I lower my eyes. 

“I know You frequently ask me to spend more time with You.” 

“Some days,” He say’s slowly, “I don’t see you at all.” He lifts my hand to his lips and places a tender kiss on it. “On those days, I miss you. What could be more important than our marriage?”

I thought about it, and felt guilty to find that I placed things like television, video games and even foods over Jesus. I spent more time at work, school, and with my friends than I did with my Savior, whose uttered name rescued me from demons. Idolatry is not just bowing down to another God; it is placing anything and anyone over God. Not only had I cheated on Him, but I committed idolatry, I violated my body, my mind, and my heart and disgraced His body.

“Nothing is more important…I cannot explain my actions.” 

He rubs my leg. “I can darling,” He says offering me the truth.

“Then, please explain,” I ask. 

“You want the best in life my love, but you already have it. You want tangible love when you own the deepest there is. You seek things to make you happy when I offer you eternal joy, on earth and in Heaven. You don’t know yourself because you have not been made perfect in unconditional love. Your heart is like a body of water, some parts rage with waves, others stir, and yet others are lined with ripples. Every woman’s heart is made that way for a reason…so she can find Me at the center of her thoughts, of her heart, of her emotions, and so I can calm her waters, in a touch that goes far beyond the physical, but brings every part of her health. It’s the journey of falling in love that few have the patience to walk.” Jesus then puts His hand on mine. 

“Your path is colored by the times of day and night. It is laid with stones, and mapped with valleys, mountains, forests, deserts, and rivers so that once you’ve found Me inside you will never be lost on the outside. Let your journey be a testimony to others. All these things are necessary just like soil, sunlight, and water is needed for a seed to grow, and flour, eggs, sugar, salt, and milk is needed to bake. What is honey without nectar, without the bee? What is land without water? What is the sky without the sun and the moon?”

“Without You I’m lost…there is no me without You.” I say looking at Him, the Holy Spirit revealing to me the truth. “I was bought with a price, Your life. I am no longer the devil’s, nor the world’s, nor my own…I am Yours. My heart, body, mind, and spirit belong to You…. so why don’t You take me?” 

“My dear I am far too much of a gentleman to force you to love Me, and remain faithful. I will only ask you too, and take care of you when you come home if you choose to stray. My heart will never stop loving you, no matter what. Nothing you do could ever stop Me from loving you. I am Love and it delights My heart to love you.” 

I fall into His embrace and He cuts off the lamp before snuggling me. Our room curtains are drawn back and the night sky is glittered with stars. It is true once you have a constant well of joy, peace, and love on the inside you can enjoy the simple beauties of life. Jesus is the water that springs this well on the inside of me. Peace has flooded me. I lay my head on His chest and listen to the musical sound of His heartbeat. Like base drums, calming, steady, and deep His heart gives me all I could ever want and need. 

“I will,” I whisper, “Love You every day.”

~This short story was taken from me newly published book: Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul. You can read the first story for free on the Free Inspiration page. If you’ve been blessed by this story may you consider writing a review for it on amazon? Writing a review will expose more women to the book so that they can be blessed by it. Thank you so much for taking your time to do this!

“The stories in this book will invite you into a marriage relationship with Jesus showing you what it looks like to be loved without condemnation. Ashley brings you into personal conversations with the one who’s very name is Love. Sometimes life just gets so busy and I grow distant from the Lord that I don’t hear His gentle voice wooing me, calling me to His side. As I read this book, Jesus was reminding me of His great love for me, reminding me that He actually longed to spend time with me. If you are longing to know what it means to be loved and romanced by your creator, read this book and allow Jesus to romance you like only He can!” – Rachel Sklenicka, Licensed Minister, Graduate of CBC, Former Missionary to Russia