Teaching on the Bridegroom Love of Jesus

Click below to watch or listen to the audio recording of this devotional:

Now we are on sacred, holy ground. My ultimate prayer is that everything I share will be inspired by the Holy Spirit in washing the bride in pure, white linen fit for her glorious King. May I be like Hegai was to Esther in preparing the Bride of Christ for the day she will stand before her groom with unadulterated dove’s eyes.

Introduction to the Bridegroom Love of Jesus

Jesus began to woo my heart when I was sixteen years old. It started with small visions that played in my mind. My first memory of this came when I was waiting for a family member in the car as they shopped. Rays of dusty pink and golden orange had melted away into a velvety Prussian blue over the sky. Eventually, the sun completely set, giving way to glowing city lights and a canopy of glittering silver stars. I was sitting quietly in the car, listening to clean love songs. Like most girls my age, I was longing for romance, to be seen as beautiful and to be special to someone. I had no idea just how special I was to Jesus.

As I sat there in the car, a warm-hearted romantic song began to play. The lyrics and melody expressed the sacred and passionate love of a couple for each other. Unexpectedly, I saw myself in an elegant ballroom. The pearl and gold floor were so polished it was like glowing glass. I was donned in an exquisite gown fit for a heavenly queen with multiple skirts. Jesus was dressed like a King, and we began dancing together. For a few seconds, I allowed myself to linger in the vision. I had a sense of peace and Jesus’ delight. However, doubt began to prick my conscious thoughts, and I tore away from the visualization. I was afraid the Devil was tricking me, so I spoke out loud, “No! Get behind me Satan!” The vision vanished.

Jesus did not berate me, push me or punish me when I mistakenly rebuked him. He did not correct me because he knew I was ignorant of this deep knowledge of him. It’s amazing how religious teaching or ignorance can keep us from deepening our relationship with Jesus. For a long time, I mentally separated Jesus from romance. I knew his saving love, his redeeming love and his family love, but I had no understanding of his bridegroom love.

God is the creator of love: eros (romantic), storge (family), philia (brotherly) and agape (transcendental or unconditional love). He is not exclusive to only one type of love.  He is the masterful designer of all the relational love we crave. For example, in 1 John 3 we are called children of God. See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are! That is family or storge love. In scripture God calls Abraham his friend, that is philia or brotherly love (see James 2:23), in the Bible we can see that God has both an eternal love for us and an unconditional and sacrificial love for us. We can see an example of this in Jeremiah 31:3, The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.

 And John 3:16 where it says, “For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only son so that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life.” God gave us his absolute best when he gave us Jesus, that is agape (unconditional) love.

Scripture also speaks about God’s love for us in terms of a husband and wife. In Isaiah 54:5 it says, For your Maker is your husband— the Lord Almighty is his name— the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; he is called the God of all the earth. Hosea 2:16 reads: “And in that day, declares the Lord, you will call me ‘My Husband,’ and no longer will you call me ‘My Baal.’ The apostle Paul talks about this kind of relationship with Christ as being a profound mystery. In Ephesians 5, starting with verse 21, Paul goes on to explain that God’s desires for husbands and wives. He goes on to expound on the mystery of being one in unity, submission and love in marriage. Then he goes on to conclude that the semblance of unity in marriage speaks about Christ and the church. For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church.” 

This is not earthly or sexual, like what husbands and wives share, but it is reflected of the sort of wholehearted devotion and covenantal unity Jesus desires with us. We are called the body of Christ. We become one flesh with him. He enters our hearts by faith (as described in Ephesians 3) and we share breath, life, and thoughts with him. Our unity becomes closer through our yielding to the Holy Spirit, just as Christ was unified with the Father on earth. He was so close to the Father, he said, “if you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the Father for I and the Father are one.” This is how close He expects us to be with him. He expects us to be so close that we can truthfully say, “if you’ve seen me, you’ve seen Jesus.” We are to worship in Spirit and in truth.

Christ isn’t meant to just become a part of our lives; he is our lives. Colossians 3:4 says, When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” We become one with Christ in a greater way than a husband and wife do. Marriage is a shadow of what unity with Christ is meant to be. Jesus is the vine, and we are the branches, everything that gives us life comes from him and flows through us. This unity bears eternal fruit.


All throughout the Old Testament we can see God bemoaning the faithlessness of his people to turn away from him and pursue other gods. He describes his deep pain as akin to a husband with an adulterous wife. Some powerful examples of this are sprinkled in the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and others. Hosea is dedicated to exemplifying this kind of relationship with God when he asks Hosea to marry a harlot to give his bride (his people) a visual show of what it’s like to be married to her.

God desires our whole hearts. He wants our deepest devotion. On earth, a godly marriage is the clearest picture we have of this. Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your might and all your mind. This is impossible without retaining first love fire (Revelation 2:4-5).

Have you ever seen two people who are in love? They possess this. Each of them considers the other to be the most precious person on earth to them. They think (or meditate) on ways to be a blessing to one another. They plan to spend quality time together. They say positive, encouraging and enforcing words to each other. They may write each other beautiful words.

No wonder God called David a man after his own heart. If I had someone who wrote me over a hundred songs of love describing how wonderful, amazing and majestic I was, I’d be hard pressed not to open my heart wide to that person. David sang to the Lord and danced before him with all his might. He was unashamed about his love for God. David spun songs together that described his personal knowledge about the intricate details of the Lord. David’s songs dripped with potent adoration toward God.

Jesus knew I was at the age where I was ready for love, and he wanted me to understand his bridegroom love. Nonetheless, I was not ready to receive this type of love because I had an erroneous religious belief that God was not involved in romance. Romance was a taboo subject. It was hardly discussed in my church. Meanwhile, the secular culture around me and some peers at school boldly spoke about the perverse version of romance they experienced. Because of the silence of my church to show me how this type of love was godly and pure and the decadence of the culture, I considered the bridegroom love of Jesus to be too scandalously close to the sensual love between a man and a woman.

Eventually, the Holy Spirit, the greatest Hegai to our role as Esther, began to show me the spiritual depth and holiness of Christ’s bridegroom love. This revelation graced my walk with Jesus during my single years. I was empowered to walk in purity and godliness in large part, because of this revelation.

May Jesus begin to open your eyes to his love through scripture. You are his beloved, you are his song. He desires more of you:

“‘I came by again and saw you, saw that you were ready for love and a lover. I took care of you, dressed you and protected you. I promised you my love and entered the covenant of marriage with you. I, God, the Master, gave my word. You became mine. I gave you a good bath, washing off all that old blood, and anointed you with aromatic oils. I dressed you in a colorful gown and put leather sandals on your feet. I gave you linen blouses and a fashionable wardrobe of expensive clothing. I adorned you with jewelry: I placed bracelets on your wrists, fitted you out with a necklace, emerald rings, sapphire earrings, and a diamond tiara. You were provided with everything precious and beautiful: with exquisite clothes and elegant food, garnished with honey and oil. You were absolutely stunning. You were a queen! You became world-famous, a legendary beauty brought to perfection by my adornments. Decree of God, the Master.”- Ezekiel 16:8-14 MSG

To delve more deeply into the topic of the bridegroom love of Jesus, check out my book, Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul. Click here to see it on amazon or the divine romance tab to explore the first chapter for free:

For centuries, the female heart has burned with desire for the lasting pleasure of unchanging love. In the course of time, civilizations have risen and fallen, yet the longing for tangible intimacy has never faded. Millions of lyrics have been written to the passionate tune of this fluid yearning.

Unfortunately, few people find the lasting love they’ve longed for, even as children. Life, education, and societal pressures transform what was once a tangible hope into a mythical fairy tale. Industries have reaped unlimited monetary gain from the erosion of this hope. Billions of girls grow up to become women who have long since tossed their dreams of true love in the trash bin of cynicism. Countless others have buried their ache of unmet desire under the disappointment of failed relationships and hopelessness.

Despite most women’s best attempts, this starved craving remains alive, like a stimulating aroma. This ethereal hope goes back to the first relationship, in a place of being so “seen” and “lovingly known” that “she” was naked and unashamed.

This novella was not written to add salt to the gaping wound of unsatisfied need. It was written to satisfy the need completely. Let Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul introduce you to a lasting relationship with Transcendent Love, where reality becomes sweeter than your dreams.

The Beauty of Submission

For this is how the holy women of the past adorned themselves. They put their hope in God and were submissive to their husbands, just as Sarah obeyed Abraham and called him lord. And you are her children if you do what is right and refuse to give way to fear. -1 Peter 3:5-6

My Testimony:

For years self-preservation has caused a soulish rift of fear between my spouse and me. It has taken place nowhere but in my own mind. The ungodly influences of the world’s view on marriage have also been a separation factor. Right now, God is both lovingly and firmly correcting me concerning my relationship with Stephen. It has been hard for me to not “conform to the patterns of this world but to be transformed by the renewing of my mind.” Sadly, I have rebelled against the Word of God in many ways by not honoring my husband in the way God designed me to as a royal daughter of the King.

While the world says a wife should not have to honor her husband, God says a godly wife is to honor her spouse. Colloquial statements from wives like, “I have two kids including my husband,” and “happy wife equals happy life,” or “if mama isn’t happy then nobody is happy” are evidence of an ungodly cultural mindset. I have often laughed at these statements, but I don’t believe Jesus laughed with me. They are not trifle slogans. They are often the visible sprouting of a much deeper issue. There is no place in God’s kingdom for rebellion.

The Kingdom of Heaven is always near to us, but it requires repentance (a changing of mind). For me, God has asked me to learn what it means to be a “help meet” to my husband and to use my free will to have a submissive heart. God will not force this upon me. I have a God-honoring husband who would never force it upon me as well. The kingdom of Heaven has an order, and this order doesn’t change with culture. It is timeless. There are set laws and principles that scripture lays out in marriage. For wives, this includes submitting ourselves to our husbands. This also includes honoring our husbands. God means for our lives to be governed by his Word.

 For many years, I have unknowingly disrespected my husband. I have also competed with him instead of learning what it means to be his helper in the same way the Holy Spirit was the “Helper” of Jesus. Jesus patiently showed me how “fear” played a huge role in my stiff-necked refusal to wholeheartedly support my husband in having leadership authority in our marriage.

1 Peter 3:5 says that the godly women of old put their hope in God. This helped me as I realized that these precious women were empowered by their hope in God. I realized I could only ever submit myself to my husband if I put my hope in the surety of God’s character and his power to cover my family even if my husband made a mistake. Verse six says that we will be their daughters if we “refuse to give in to fear.” I realized that I was afraid of Stephen blowing it. I was also afraid if I submitted to him, he would take advantage of me. I was afraid he wouldn’t care for me the way I wanted to be cared for. I was afraid of financial depletion. I was afraid of being bossed around. I was afraid of so many things. Jesus helped me see that underneath my fear was my true heart. My truest heart wanted to fully believe God and obey his Word.

Thankfully, my truest heart is finally beginning to win.

I have truly begun to walk in purposeful repentance that results in godly fruit. I have a wonderful husband. He’s not perfect, but he is God-honoring, and he loves me more than anyone, other than Jesus. If you’re a wife in a similar or different circumstance, I can’t tell you how God will lead you in your marriage relationship. Only be sure that he will never lead you to disobey his Word. Also, be comforted with this; he will guide you in a way that is loving and personal to you.

If you’re a wife in an abusive relationship, I am so very sorry! Please know God’s Word does not condone violence. God’s Word says that the Lord hates the one who “covers his wife with violence.” -Malachi 2:16 AMPC. 1 Peter 3:7 says that if a man doesn’t act considerately toward his wife (like a delicate vessel) or honor her as a fellow heir, his prayers may be “hindered.”

God cares deeply for his daughters. God cares deeply for his sons. The ideal marriage is when both spouses love Jesus more than anything or anyone because Jesus will always, always, always lead them to love each other much more than they could without him.

Lastly, always remember that you are the beloved bride of the Prince of Peace, and he wants to woo your heart and give you an abundant life. You can trust his rules. You can trust his leadership. You can trust his heart.

-For a beautiful song on Christ as our Bridegroom, click the video (enjoy!):

I don’t own any rights to the music.

-For my book on the divine bridegroom love of Jesus, click here.


This book was so beautiful! Reading this book felt like the Lord was drawing me to dance with Him. The more I read the book the closer I felt Him pulling me closer. If you read this book you will see the Lord’s heart to romance you, and it will draw you into a deeper place in His heart.

Saleena B. Bible teacher in France

Just Breathtaking

This was the most captivating, read I had in a while. It warmed my heart, made me feel loved, and gave me a desire to want a more intimate relationship.


This Book is a Blessing!

Such an intimate encounter with our Lord and savior. I was blessed to read this book, it has changed my relationship with Christ.

Alicia. D

A Book for your Heart

Ashley has a very talented gift of weaving words together that display tenderness, compassion and purity. Each story reveals the heart of Jesus towards His children. As you read each one you can see past the characters and feel the depth of Jesus’ heart, as well as the longing for a deeper relationship with Jesus inside yours.

Everesta H.

Romantic Rendezvous

Romantic Rendezvous is a beautiful invitation into intimacy with Jesus! Ashley has done a masterful job of creating stories that depict the heart of the Father. I have truly been blessed by this book! As I read each story, I felt the closeness of Jesus and had continual reminders of how deep the Fathers love is for me. From the very first chapter, I felt the flame of my heart be rekindled with God’s goodness and love. This book is a must read!

Jessica Leon, teacher.

Must Read

Wow that was an amazing book! I just finished it! I read it in increments and it really ministered to me at the times I was reading it. I totally felt the presence of God and was like wow this really ministers to me at certain situations I am going through in life !!!!! The way you portray Jesus is so beautiful and is what our soul yearns for. It is possible to be soo intimate with God. Thank you so much for writing it and sharing it with me! New York Times Best Seller.

Kristina Esber

Falling in Love with Jesus

Have you ever thought about this, the Bible begins with a marriage relationship in a beautiful garden between Adam and Eve, and it ends with a divine marriage feast in Heaven between Christ and the church?

This is a glimmering preview into a new book idea I’ve had in my heart for several years now. This book is about preparing the hearts of God’s people for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Revelation 19:7). It is a prayerful and worshipful journey of mine to create words that make others thirsty for Jesus and to fall in love with Him. I often pray that the Holy Spirit would use me to woo the Bride of Christ back to Jesus. Just as the Spirit of God helped John the Baptist turn the hearts of the children back to their fathers, may He rise up within my heart to help the Bride of Christ return to her First Love. May you be blessed by this sneak peek:

-This book is artistically based off the Biblical writings of: Songs of Songs, Isaiah 54, Esther, Eden, Ezekiel 16, and finally the Marriage between Jesus and the Church in Revelation.

Eden scene:

“How come the King makes it so I am always attended?” I asked my attending angel.

“Because you are his royal wife.”

“We are not married yet.”

“In your carnal mind time still exists.” He said without condemnation or rudeness, “You forget that the Word says the Lamb was slain before the foundation of the world.  Before Adam sinned in this Paradise, Christ had already become the sin offering.” (Revelation 13:8)

I (Ariel, name meaning, Jerusalem) remembered that God symbolically showed Adam and Eve the promise of his eternal redemption through Christ when He slaid an animal to cover them with its skin. He covered their shame. He paid for their sin. He kept them warm…all with that one act to show them divine grace, mercy and sacrificial love. But it came at an ugly cost…the cost of innocent blood. (Genesis 3:21)

“It doesn’t seem like death could have ever happened in such a beautiful place as this…” I whispered thoughtfully.

The garden was vibrant with flowers and fruit and vegetables bright like polychromatic gems. Sparkling mist rose from the foundations of Eden like clouds of cream. The etherealness of it reminded me of the slow dancing clouds that descend like steaming, gauzy sheets of vapor over the amazon rainforests.

The rivers of Eden could be heard everywhere. The sound of moving water pleasantly rushed around my ears as if I were canoeing on streams with the clearest crystal waters fresher than artic rivers. One river had flecks of gold chaffing so plentiful that the gold clustered smoothly on river stones and when aureate sunlight graced the waters it gleamed so brilliantly it was like light on mirrors, refracting the brightest yellow.

I knelt by this heavenly river, feeling the soft, moist turf cushioning my knees. As I cupped this water in my hand, fine gold settled to the bottom of my palms like light glitter floating in water and it covered my skin completely like a layer of metallic lotion after the water had dripped from my hands. (Genesis 2:10-14)

All of the animals glowed like moonlight. They seemed to be infused with an otherworldly presence…as if divinity had been sewed into the delicate weaving ladder of their DNA. They were full of life. Holy life. They were full of peace. They never harmed one another. They lived in harmony with the earth and all of creation around them. Even through them, I saw Him. (Romans 8:20-23, Isaiah 11:6-9)

He was inescapable…

Even when He went off to judge, to reign, to deliver, to conquer and to rule as the mighty King of kings, and Lord of lords …He was always still with me. (Matthew 28:20, 1 Corinthians 6: 19-20)

In my own heart, I tasted the fragrance of his pure presence. His loving faithfulness was transcendent. Not even death could overpower or diminish it. (2 Corinthians 2:15)

It was like I was in a dream. Or a dream of a dream. But at the same time, no fantasy or dream, could come close to matching the beauty of Paradise. Undefiled, unadulterated…Eden. The highest hopes of man paled in comparison to the dreams of God.

In some ways, I felt like Esther, living within the gilded fortress and walls of the king’s magnificent palace, and his subsequent beautiful mansions speckling around his main palace. Within this main gate was his royal court made of pearl floors almost as clear as glass with thick curvy pillars crested and belted with rose gold that flamed into an amber color when torchlight came near.

All of this was encircled with water and delightful gardens rich with life, fruit, exotic animals, jewels, and every good delight known to man. Between two of these gardens was the king’s lush vineyard where grapes more aromatic than flowers grew in iridescent rows of emerald leafy vines….

The [Holy] Spirit and the bride (the church, believers) say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take and drink the water of life without cost. -Revelation 22:17 AMP

For previous books on the amazing love of Jesus, check out, Visions of Celestial Love and Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul.

"Ashley Thompson’s book, Visions of Celestial Love is just that, a visionary work of epic proportions. It is glimpses into a loving and remarkable relationship with the creator of the universe. You are invited to Dive into stories of love and compassion, healing and provision, loss and recovery, profound grace and faith. Ashley draws us in with her descriptive prose and unique style of writing. There are so many stories to relate to in this book and I’m sure you will find your own story among the many that are told here. So, find your favorite spot, your favorite beverage, and curl up with “Visions of Celestial Love”!" -Amazon Reviewer
"Romantic Rendezvous is a beautiful invitation into intimacy with Jesus! Ashley has done a masterful job of creating stories that depict the heart of the Father. I have truly been blessed by this book! As I read each story, I felt the closeness of Jesus and had continual reminders of how deep the Fathers love is for me. From the very first chapter, I felt the flame of my heart be rekindled with God's goodness and love. This book is a must read!" -Amazon Reviewer

Worship Him

He’s so beautiful, isn’t He? Look at Him, the desire of the nations. The world trembles for his presence again. (I don’t own any rights to this beautiful music or video):

Beauty – Bethel Music – YouTube
