Seeing Jesus

~Written by: Stephen McClelland. For free sermons and resources you can visit his ministerial website by clicking here <3 Be most blessed!

This morning I was reading in Romans where Paul compared Jesus to Adam. By one man’s transgression many were made sinners, and in the same way the obedience of one man, Jesus, many would be made righteous.

It reminded me of the things that the Lord had shown me comparing the ministries of Moses and Elijah to Jesus. Jesus had compared Himself to Jonah and Solomon, saying that one greater than them was here.

So I asked for more.

Lord if the Old Testament is filled with types and shadows, how does Jesus mirror and outperform Joseph?

Now in some ways it’s obvious, but I still asked.

He answered! In answering He connected a lot of things that I had never thought of or heard preached.


Joseph was his father’s favorite son. His brothers resented and rejected him, even more-so because he spoke of them bowing to serve him. He had dreams of even his parents bowing down to serve him.

To get rid of him and to redistribute their father’s favor among them, his brethren sold him to foreigners. He was falsely accused and judgement was executed against him. After being put in prison, he was quickly put in charge of it. Nothing happened in the prison without his knowledge and oversight.

Eventually he was delivered from prison and seated next to Pharaoh. Pharaoh said that Joseph would be ruler over his house. Pharaoh would be greater only in the throne. Everyone was made to bow before Joseph.

He became the savior of Egypt, and then the savior of all the surrounding nations. Finally, when Jacob and his sons saw their own lack, Joseph became the savior of the very brethren that rejected him. He told them what they had meant for his harm, God in His greatness had worked for their good.


Jesus was the Father’s favorite. His brethren resented and rejected Him. They hated Him even more because He was presented as the Messiah, the one whom they were to bow down and serve. Jesus responded to the critics asking them why David prophesied of the Messiah, calling him Lord, if the Messiah was to be one of David’s sons. That’s the direct equivalent of Joseph’s second dream.

In their jealousy they gave him over to foreigners. They begged the Romans to get rid of Him. He was found not guilty of any crimes but executed anyway. Then Jesus showed up in the underworld, the prison where the dead were awaiting final judgement. The moment He arrived He took over. He took the keys of death, hell, and the grave.

Three days later He came fully alive out of prison of the dead. He ascended to heaven where He was seated at the right hand of God the Father. The Father has given Jesus all authority in heaven and in earth. He rules the whole house. God the Father is greater in name only, as Jesus is God the Word, and has been from the beginning. Jesus being in the form of God considered it not robbery to be equal with God. At His name every knee will bow, those in heaven, those in earth, and those under the earth.

He has become the savior to the Romans that put Him in the prison of death. He has become the savior of all nations on earth. Scripture speaks of a time where all Israel will return and receive this great salvation. Caiaphas prophesied by the Holy Spirit that it would be expedient for one man to suffer so that whole nation wouldn’t perish. Caiaphas was one of the ones that resented Jesus and worked to have Him killed. What they had meant for evil, God in His greatness has worked for the good of all men forever.


If you are lacking the substance of life you need to seek out this Jesus. He holds the keys to the storehouses of heaven.

Joseph distributed grain out of Egypt’s barns to the hungry. Jesus distributes Himself because He is the bread of life.

Joseph was given an Egyptian name: Zaphnath-Paaneah which means “Treasury of the glorious rest.”

Jesus said, “Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Jesus is the glorious rest. He opens up heaven’s treasury to all those that seek Him.

What are you waiting for?

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