New Anthology: The Runaway Bride of Christ

I feel incredibly honored to be the featured author in this new heartfelt anthology compiled by Dr. Sherley.

Writing my chapters brought back a rekindling of first love fire for Jesus (Revelation 2:4). I pray the Holy Spirit will use this book as part of the eternal song in drawing the Bride of Christ back to her heavenly Bridegroom. You are the King’s beloved. đź’Ťđź‘‘

There will be a joyous wedding feast in Heaven (Revelation 19:6-9). ✨🍷🍞🕯

His love is real. His healing is a promise. đź•Š

Have you ever experienced hurt in the church?

I believe most of us have.

All worthwhile, long-term relationships inevitably come with painful offenses, sorrows, high joy, fierce love, developing trust, and a copious amount of forgiveness. No ongoing relationship is free of these things.

The Runaway Bride of Christ: Overcoming Church Hurt Anthology, is composed of powerful teaching, inspiring testimonies and empowering scriptures and prayers. Our hope is that this book will bring healing, encouragement, revelation and a renewed sense of faith to those who need it most.

Book Synopsis đź“š:

In The Runaway Bride of Christ: Overcoming Church Hurt, Visionary Dr. Sherley Lefevre, along with contributing authors Ashley Thompson, Dr. Ebony Michelle Collins, Leah Clement and Lillie B. Randle courageously confront a topic often silenced within the sacred walls of churches: the profound pain of church hurt. This book isn’t just a recounting of past events; it’s a raw and vivid exploration of betrayal, abuse, and exclusion that permeate modern faith communities.

Through powerful storytelling and biblical wisdom, Dr. Lefevre and the contributing authors take readers on an emotional journey from the depths of despair to the heights of redemption. Each page in the testimony section of the book is filled with personal experiences and testimonies of those who have endured unimaginable pain within the church but have emerged stronger, finding healing and purpose through God’s grace.

The Runaway Bride of Christ serves as both a beacon of hope and a rallying cry for change. It challenges readers to confront uncomfortable truths, reclaim the purity of their faith, and create spaces of genuine love and acceptance within their communities. For those who have suffered in silence, this book offers a lifeline—a guide to overcoming church hurt and transforming scars into badges of honor.

Whether you’ve personally experienced church hurt or are seeking to support others on their healing journey, this powerful anthology will inspire you to find strength, hope, and resilience in the face of adversity. This is more than just a book; it’s a transformative journey toward healing and a call to action for all believers…

Sample Chapter

Please enjoy a sample of my teaching chapter, False Spirits verses The Holy Spirit.

“To fall in love with God is the greatest romance, to seek him the greatest adventure, to find him, the greatest human achievement.” -St. Augustine of Hippo

The Lord gave me another message. He said, “Go and shout this message to Jerusalem. This is what the Lord says: “I remember how eager you were to please me as a young bride long ago, how you loved me and followed me even through the barren wilderness… This is what the Lord says: “What did your ancestors find wrong with me that led them to stray so far from me? They worshiped worthless idols only to become worthless themselves. – Jeremiah 2:1-2, 5 NLT.

The Bride of Christ is the most precious, beautiful, and valuable treasure Jesus owns. His church is His bride. To touch the natural wife of a king evokes severe punishment, for her stature is elevated by the love of her king. She is guarded by the power and authority of her kingly husband. If men throughout history were punished because they touched a king’s spouse, can you imagine the consequences of those who willfully harm, defile, or seduce the Beloved of Christ? To touch the bride of the King of kings and Lord of lords, the Ruler of heaven and earth, is infinitely more dangerous. For our King is eternally devoted and sacrificially given over to His bride. You are a part of the precious Bride of Christ.

This great and mighty King acts justly and has a heart perfumed with sweet mercy. This glorious King is, “chief among ten thousand” (Song of Solomon 5:10 NKJV). He is perfect in beauty, grace, wisdom, power and holiness. He walks on a street of “pure gold, like transparent glass” and His gates are “made of a single pearl” (Revelation 21:21 ESV). He is worshiped and adored by majestic angels and creation heralds His praises. He is incomparable and everything the bride could ever want. As omnipotent as He is, He doesn’t force himself on his Beloved even though He created her for Himself. He has given her one of the loftiest gifts—free will. He asks His Bride to respond to His call for a covenantal relationship and leaves it up to her to say “yes.” He has everything prepared, everything she needs “for life and godliness” (2 Peter 1:3 TPT) He loves His Bride with an undying, selflessness that is wholehearted. But this King has an enemy His Bride is unfamiliar with.

Now, picture a husband on his wedding day, dressed up in finery, as he watches the aisle anxiously to see his lover. I’ve seen husbands so overcome at weddings that they cry or almost jolt back in surprise when they see their beautiful bride. Some men jump with joy or break out into a spontaneous little dance. There’s always a special kind of smile on their faces, a smile reserved only for their future wife. Now, what would you suppose would happen if some murderer came running down the aisle and grabbed the bride’s arm and attempted to drag her away? I bet the groom would start swinging his fists, giving that criminal a good beating until he released her. I imagine Jesus has more protective instincts for His Bride than a natural husband who would readily defend his fiancĂ©. Unfortunately, the enemy of the Bride of Christ is a lot cleverer than that. He doesn’t often use physical force…

I pray the testimonies written in here will be a tremendous blessing to you!