Miracles of Loving Grace

“I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father.” -Jesus in John 14:12

The Holy Spirit moves so mightily in prayer ❤🕊

“You’ll never believe what happened!” I turned and saw the woman I had prayed for three days ago standing beside my chair with an excited look in her eyes. It was break time at Charis Bible college and I had just set out on the new adventure of trusting God with everything…finances, school, this journey, transportation, boarding, etc.

She had told me earlier that week that she lost all appetite for food. “Why?” I asked as she forced herself to eat. “I had stomach surgery years ago…and something went wrong. Since then, I only eat because I remember to. My body never feels hungry.”

I watched her chew and asked her, “do you want God to heal you of that?”

“Well…I’ve had it so long.”

I marvel at the level of faith I showed those 4ish years ago…it was almost as if I didn’t hear her words. They rolled over me like water off a ducks back. I simply inquired again, “do you want God to heal you of that?” I was confident the Lord would touch her.

When she saw I didn’t flinch she nodded, “yes.”

I took her hand and prayed a simple prayer, “thank you God for touching her body and making her whole. In Jesus name amen.”

Now three days later, she found me in a crowd with the good news.

“Ashley! For the first time in years I feel hungry again!”

I smiled at the news of healing and said calmly, “praise God.” She seemed confused at my lack of visible enthusiasm. I continued my studies. Healing miracles were a natural part of my life back then.

As I look back on my journey of understanding grace, faith-righteousness, the Holy Spirit, and the Gospel, I realize I’ve been going through loops…between victory and defeat, faith and fear, resting and striving, etc. Recently my husband and I have been re-evaluating our beliefs. We both went to Colorado seeing more supernatural miracles than when we left.

My husband has shared stories like praying over a cloth and seeing a man healed of cancer, seeing a man’s back healed, and seeing demons cast out. We both believe in the power of the Gospel to heal, deliver and save. Recently we’ve seen more acts of God in witnessing, seeing someone baptized in the Holy Spirit, and seeing healing manifest. (I just want to say that knowing God is with us in our mess and wants to set people free from whatever cripples them, makes living in hope and joy a beautiful, comforting reality). We both came to California for the purpose of doing the Lord’s work by making disciples.

Years later, I found myself praying for a friend and she felt a weight lift off of her mind and experienced a level of freedom. Weeks after that I was praying for my daycare children and a little girl heard God’s voice speaking to her (she has since changed dramatically). Before that I prayed for a lady who had pain in her hand and a lump. Before I was done praying the lump shrank and went away along with the pain.

I’m learning again to lean into Him when I pray and rest in His love and abide in His truth. Trusting only in His power 🙏😇🌈

He truly wants to heal the sick, comfort broken hearts, set captives free and minister grace. God truly gets all the glory. It’s by His grace.

Thank you Jesus for paying it all so that mankind could receive the favor and blessings of God on earth as it is in heaven. ❤

~I pray you receive from Gods loving heart the power of his miracle working grace in your circumstances. He doesn’t give to us because we work for it, He gives to us because He loves us and Jesus paid for us to have nothing short of God’s kingdom on earth. There is nothing that you may be suffering with right now that God hasn’t paid for it to be taken care of. He loves you soo much. You are his beloved child. God has richly blessed you in Christ!