Keeping Hope for the Journey

How do we accomplish big goals without becoming overwhelmed? 

By taking small daily steps. 

I know I’ve had a tendency to become paralyzed or discouraged when I dare to “dream big.” I don’t think I’m alone in this. I can recall many conversations with girlfriends and life coaching clients who have shared their hearts. I’ve seen their eyes light up with hope and their bodies become animated with life from a vibrant place as they share their secret dreams. And then a sudden dismal cloud comes and covers up their joyful expectation. Like a chilly breeze blowing out a scented candle. They look down with foggy eyes and then start naming all the obstacles in their way. “I don’t even know where to begin,” is the confession I’ve heard uttered many times in hundreds of different ways. Behind this confession is usually a deeper root. This root is often a limiting belief.

Everybody has different reasons for the limiting beliefs that they develop or take on. 

It took me about a year to lose the 60 pounds that I desired and return to the picture on the right. It seemed like a daunting task when I first began because I struggled with a limiting belief. My negative thinking made me feel like I was slugging along like a snail—always moving but never accomplishing.

Then God whispered four words to my heart and it was like I grew wings inside. It’s amazing how powerful the truth is!

God has had a special and sweet way of relaxing me with truth. 

When I’m faced with a “mountain of obstacles” He reminds me that I don’t have to tackle the whole mountain in one day. But I can walk side by side with Him and enjoy the journey of living a full life where I become grateful for every little thing. He has often uplifted me by saying, “you will win if you don’t quit.” So winning becomes an everyday celebration instead of just a one time event. Every day is winning as I keep hope and faith.

I want to encourage you that you don’t have to quit. You are already a winner. Whatever you are facing today, whatever obstacles are in your path…they are never stronger than you and Jesus together. Nothing becomes impossible for the one who believes. I pray Jesus whispers sweet things to you that sprout the seeds of godly dreams in your heart. His kind of hope does not disappoint (Romans 5:5).

~If you find yourself in need of someone to talk to and share your heart with, I am a certified Christian Life Coach and I would love to share the sacred journey of believing, hoping and accomplishing with you. I know it can often be scary to even “dare” to speak our desires out loud. I know it’s a vulnerable and brave thing to do. But I promise you, your dreams are safe with me. & they are most definitely safe with Jesus! I include prayer therapy in my coaching sessions and root level worksheets. Together we will converse and go to His Word for answers and the specific truth that you need to propel you forward. I’m confident that through His loving guidance you will see your dreams become reality. 

There has hardly been anything more sweet in my life than answered prayer (hopes being realized). I have found that prayer often leads to partnership with God. He’s no respect or of persons. He has made all of us winners (more than conquerors) through Christ. I know sometimes we just need a helping hand. If you’re looking for a hand to help, it would be an honor for me to walk with you.

“Whenever I talk to Ashley, I feel like I can finally be myself. I am free to be transparent without fear of judgment. I can share deep secrets without fear of betrayal. In doing so, I am able to let down my guard, which makes it so much easier to hear from the Lord. God has given Ashley great wisdom and insight into His character and nature, and often when I speak to her or read her writings, I learn something new about Him that changes my perspective on a grand scale. I’m so glad that she has become a certified Life Coach because this is definitely her calling. Just being friends with her, watching her live her life, inspires me to go forth and conquer!” -Adelline Darsens, Freelance Editor, Ordained Minister, Worshipper, Former Middle School Teacher 

~For information on my life coaching services, click here.

God bless you!