Holy Lover

There is a cry of a lover in my heart.

It’s a faithful song with rays more golden than sunlight.

It’s the sweet singing of a bride awaiting her bridegroom.

This song twirls through the windpipes of heaven and strums from the stringed instruments of eternity.

It’s the beckoning smile of a beloved’s face.

It’s more melodious than birdsong in early Spring.

There is no deeper intimacy than sharing breath and body with this holy Lover.

He lives inside of my spirit and my heart pulses with the warmth of his presence even as I long for the tangible warmth of his physical skin. (John 1:14)

This holy Bridegroom who has stolen my heart and keeps it safe inside his chest as if I were within the lock and key of a vault.

His whispers enter my mind as He shares his thoughts with me.

They are always thoughts that bring me peace and life when the storms, troubles or worries of life are present.

His Holy Spirit kisses melt more sweetly than sugar on my hearts’ tongue. (Romans 5:5)

I crave His company more than all others.

I desire everything about Him.

No one from the outside looking in can truly understand or know this love without experiencing it.

This is the most faithful love, because it will never die.

This love has conquered death.

My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses to the king; my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer. You are the most handsome of men; grace has anointed your lips, since God has blessed you forever. -Psalm 45:1-2 BSB