Heart Nutrition

On the last day, the climax of the festival, Jesus stood and shouted to the crowds, “Anyone who is thirsty may come to me! Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.’”

—John 7:37–38 NLT

There is a nutrition every human heart needs…unconditional love. I’ve found a fountain of silver vaporous waters where streams of grace flow unhindered. They course from the gates of heaven, rippling through emerald and jade paths overgrown with lush vegetation, ambrosial fruits and polychromatic flowers. They spring from the heart of God and steam in the presence of the Holy Spirit—like the aromatic spa fog of boiling rose water.

These streams of grace are smooth oil to the flesh of man and vital nourishment to the spirit. They are the early morning dew glittering on the land, each drop containing the source of life. They are breath to the lungs and peace to the mind. They are a bed of petals, a concave of love, beautiful like sunlight to the soul. They are truth and grace all intertwined into one.

Welcome to the river of God. They are rest, they are peace, and they are clarity. Let His oceans of lavender, let His voice of myrrh, let His tender touch, let the glowing warmth of His heart—like a softly crackling fireplace on a cold winter night—enter your soul and give you love…give you peace…give you rest. Be refreshed, be restored, be rejuvenated, be healed, be made whole. You are deeply loved. His Spirit is your heart nutrition.

~This small excerpt was taken from my book Visions of Celestial Love. You can order a physical or ebook copy by clicking here.