He is Healing

~A short devotional on healing, written by Stephen McClelland.

Jehovah Rapha. “I WAS, I AM, and I ALWAYS WILL BE your healing.”

Let’s say my hands were covered in dirt, with motor oil, or something else hard to get clean. Or, say I had an infectious disease like leprosy. If I touched you with my unclean hands, you would be unclean where I touched you.

But when Jesus touched a leper, Jesus didn’t become unclean and infected. The leper became clean.

The leper asked Jesus, “if you are willing, you can make me clean.” Jesus answered “I am willing, be made clean.” And He touched him.

A God that is still able, and just as willing. You can’t clean up enough to receive Him, His touch is what cleanses you. Whether it is physical healing, or something else in your life that makes you feel unclean and unworthy.

Not a God that heals, but a God that IS healing. Not a God that changes your circumstances and makes things hard on you to clean you up, but a God that exudes cleansing from within Himself.

All it takes is one touch. “Be made clean and whole.”

Stephen McClelland is a licensed minister and a church consultant . A graduate of Charis Bible College. He runs a radio show in California called Encounter, where he retells amazing personal stories of people experiencing Jesus. He has served God as a preacher and pastor, with a strong emphasis on relationship with God and hearing His voice. He runs a ministerial website where viewers can listen to inspirational messages designed to mature believers in grace and truth. To visit his webpage click here