Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul introduces fictional stories painted with tender intimacy to gently unravel the ageless waters of human desire for everlasting love. Based on the sacred theology of Jesus as the Church’s Bridegroom, Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul’s storybook manner sparks the imagination, exposes hidden wounds, and nourishes the soul. Through deeply warm conversations, unsuspecting characters encounter Jesus, who is sometimes disguised, and come to find Him as the healing Lover of their souls.
These therapeutic conversations take place in a café, a ballroom floor in heaven, beside a lake, in Jerusalem and other colorful places that welcome rest. Each story is uniquely crafted to touch the reader in a deeply personal way by ministering the curative and multi-faceted love of Jesus to their specific need. These stories shine in a myriad of ways to reach readers in their precise season of journeying deeper into the satisfying love of Jesus; while simultaneously encompassing the overall desire for a greater relationship. Every consoling story is like a thread in the archway of the readers personal pilgrimage, sensitively inviting them to enter the most holy covenant relationship.
The book is framed by the extended story of Noble and Trisha’s romance—one that connects with many young women. Ultimately, this book was designed to usher the reader into the comforting arms of Jesus, where He can make them whole with pure love.
The Stories and Their Descriptions:
–A Date with Jesus, expresses the pursuing love of Christ for both a saved woman and an unsaved woman. His love is just as gentle but his approach differs. In a café, he woos a comely barista with compassion, theology anchored in freeing truth and relentless love.
–Salvation at Snow Café, displays the pursuing love of God to an unsaved man through a Christian barista. Trisha serves Noble not coffee or cake in this café, but the message of salvation and forgiveness for all past sins. The story ends with tears as Jesus makes a personal appeal to his prodigal son to come back home.
–Lavereen’s Rain, paints the tender motherly love of God through a thoughtful mother. Lavereen prays over her infant child and soon her words become mingled with the wisdom of Jesus as she realizes his infinite love for Rain through her musings.
–The Holy Wall, takes place in the Middle East. The story is set in a time of war. A soldier on the run is tempted to give up hope and flee his country. He stays as the Holy Spirit calls him with the love and hope of Christ through a widowed and pregnant woman. Despite her losses, this woman of hope is filled with a heavenly peace that brings this soldier to Jesus and a miracle at the wall.
–I Do, is an illustrative allegory of Ephesians 5:25: Men love your wives as Christ loves the church and gave himself up for her. Jesus gave me this story when I was 19 and it has forever changed my heart. This story has been given to women at a Christian conference and in Bible groups. It has brought women to tears and even silenced men as they realize the weight of the Bridegroom love of Jesus and his constant forgiveness even when the church commits adultery.
–Dancing with Jesus, takes place in a Persian ballroom on a starry night. The main character is in the midst of swaying royalty but finds herself alone. When a man asks for her hand in a dance, she discovers that he is Jesus. She places her trust in Jesus for her future spouse.
–Love Like a Fairy Tale, is based on the book of Hosea and displays the fierce and unfailing love of Jesus even in the midst of extreme depravity, betrayal and utter darkness. When Jesus, who is a king, asks a poor woman to be his wife she discovers that it is hard to accept his love when she doesn’t accept herself. She runs away from him constantly and indulges in every evil imaginable. He faithfully pursues her through it all. She finally realizes that he is her safe home.
–Growing in Love, follows the story Salvation at Snow Café. Trisha and Noble grow closer together as they walk intimately with Jesus. They find that he is the author of all “happily ever after’s” and that he is the source of every “good” pleasure enjoyed on earth.
–A Meeting with God’s Son, takes place in a book store and fancifully threads two characters together through their personal encounters with Jesus. Both characters are complete strangers at the beginning of the story and each are reading books at separate tables. Through prompting by the Spirit of God they begin to engage in heartfelt conversation. Stories of salvation and personal testimonies are shared that are sure to uplift and be relatable to the reader.
–Pine and Coconut Love, vividly describes the pleasure and thankfulness between a husband and wife for one another. In showing the intimate connection between the two, readers can see how Jesus is the glue that interlocks families together.
–Naked, confronts the timeless shame of condemnation with the fierce grace and devotion of God. The main character seeks to hide herself in the same way Adam and Eve did so long ago. Only, she finds that in the New Covenant, she is not told to leave. Jesus displays the true heart of God in pursuing her, washing her clean, clothing her and assuring her of her unstained worth in his eyes.
–Adult Childhood, shows the healing love of God in places of hopelessness. This story acts like warm ointment on the wounds of disappointment that fester into cynicisms. Jesus shows that no matter how disillusioned anyone might be, there is a place that people can put their hopes that will never fail them. This story is meant to heal broken hearts and inspire people to pick up their buried dreams. It takes place on a snowy trail as the main character converses with Jesus.
–He’s the Most Beautiful Man, attempts to describe the excellences of Jesus as the holy Bridegroom of the church. This “story” is akin to Songs of Solomon in that it reads like a descriptive sonnet.
–Ballroom Lover, takes place in a ballroom in heaven. This story is likened to Dancing with Jesus. The main character finds herself married to Jesus and living in heaven with him. They converse and she learns of his goodness and desires for her life
“This book is simply wonderful. Deliciously descriptive, it nourishes the soul with fresh revelation of God’s love for humanity. This collection of short stories may challenge your thinking about what true intimacy looks like, while making your heart yearn to daily experience the Perfect Love described within its pages. It invites you into a world created by Love Himself, where there’s no mistaking that His love is not only unconditional and never-failing, but also deeply personal and precious to Him. Get ready to experience the purpose, pleasure, and power of real love!” -Amazon Reviewer.
To purchase a copy of, Romantic Rendezvous for The Soul,click here.
Then God said, “Let Us (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) make man in Our image, according to Our likeness… -Genesis 1:26 AMP
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. –Genesis 2:7
How precious do you believe you are to God?
Every single one of us are so loved by God. He has, does and will love us with everlasting love. In his eternal wisdom and mercy, He planned our salvation and our admission into his heavenly family.
Recently Jesus showed me that when He released his last breath and gave up his spirit on the cross…that it was like God (Triune) breathing breath into Adam’s/my/our body and then Adam becoming a living soul…a son of God.
We have become children of God by putting our trust in what Jesus accomplished on the cross. (1 John 3:1)
There is so much wonder in the what Jesus did on the cross. There is so much love and so much grace.
I felt like Father told me that He has never stopped looking for Adam. He looks for Adam in unbelievers today. He lovingly searches for them so He can breathe his Spirit breath into them like He did for us.
He has never stopped wanting mankind to live in fellowship with Him in a heavenly place (once called Eden), now called the Kingdom of Heaven which is near us and in us by his Holy Spirit. (Romans 14:17)
Like He breathed into Adam…He breathes his Spirit, his love, his very life into us.
There’s more glory and love from God that He wants you to experience and receive…there’s so much more .
The Father’s love is boundless.
His plan is eternal.
His wisdom is magnificent.
I hope you continually increase in the experiential knowledge of his amazing love for you. He had you in his mind before time began. (Romans 8:29)
Father God has your face imprinted on the palm of his hand (Isaiah 49:16 AMP). I know it’s tradition for some people to tattoo the names or faces of loved ones on their bodies. God has shown his love in yet another way, by putting your face on his palm. And while I’m not sure if this looks exactly like our human example of a “tattoo” it does mean that you are “ever before” Him. He is mindful of you.
Jesus displayed the greatest love, in giving his life on the cross for you. (John 15:13) . And He bears the marks of his love for you on his wrists.
When Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, He yielded up His spirit. At that moment the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth quaked and the rocks were split.… -Matthew 27:50-51
If you would like a compilation of words on the Father’s eternal love for you, check out my book, Visions of Celestial Love, by clicking here. It is filled with the things Father has shown me. His love for you is deep. He woos you with transformative grace, steadfast compassion and cleansing truth
“Ashley Thompson’s book, Visions of Celestial Love is just that; a visionary work of epic proportions. It is glimpses into a loving and remarkable relationship with the creator of the universe.
You are invited to Dive into stories of love and compassion, healing and provision, loss and recovery, profound grace and faith. Ashley draws us in with her descriptive prose and unique style of writing.
There are so many stories to relate to in this book and I’m sure you will find your own story among the many that are told here. So, find your favorite spot, your favorite beverage, and curl up with “Visions of Celestial Love”!” –Amazon Reviewer.
And I will betroth you to me forever. I will betroth you to me in righteousness and in justice, in steadfast love and in mercy. –Hosea 2:18 ESV
I wrote this story in my book, Romantic Rendezvous for The Soul, as a type of allegory of the: book of Hosea, Mary Magdalene, Rahab, the prodigal son and a few other characters in the Bible who have caught my eye. I purposefully chose to have the main character try different kinds of sinful behaviors that are generally looked down upon in church to show that no sin is too dark to keep anyone away from the saving grace of God. All throughout the Bible we see the underlying faithfulness and devoted love of God for people who have deeply fallen. Scripture, from my eyes, is the greatest love story of all time. I hope as you read this short story that you saw a fresh perspective on the mercy and grace of God, His goodness, His love, and His endless devotion to transform sinners into saints, rebels into priests, and paupers into kings/queens:
Jesus, our story is somewhat of a fairy tale. Before my birth, even before I was in my mother’s womb You knew my name. You saw my birth and You said, “That one, I want that one, especially and just for myself. Look at her; she invokes holy hunger in me! I must have her. She must know my great love.”
Though my mother was a pauper, and I a peasant of the lowest rank, and You the richest and fairest of kings, your eyes were captivated by me. It is the sheer largeness of your heart that made You smitten by me.
When I was a little baby You rocked me to sleep with the sweetest lullabies, when I was a girl You romanced me with toys and flowers, and when I became a teenager lost in emotions and hormones You were my truest friend.
Now that I’m a woman, already pledged to You, being the gentlemen that You are, You still asked for my hand. Forever as I grew I saw no flaw in You, though You and I both saw my listless number of flaws.
Your beauty dazzled angels and shook the earth. Mountains melted before your stunning glory and every human heart longed for You and worshiped You.
Yet here You were, on one knee, with loving eyes, such gorgeous eyes, staring up at me!
“I love you,” You said, casing my hand in both of Your hands. “I want to make you mine officially, but I will not force you to. Please do me the honor of being my beloved bride.”
Your very soul poured through your perfect lips and your warm eyes motioned with tears until they appeared like new glass. I slipped my hand out of your hands and drew it to my side. I always knew You loved me, but it felt so real now…underserved and strangely unexpected. I knew You were requiring of me a choice now, and this choice would change my life forever. I was sure after You saw my childhood and adolescent years, that You would annul our marriage before the faithful day came of my maturity. Surely You loved me, but not that much!
“I’m not worthy,” I voiced.
You responded quickly, “I don’t care.”
“You know my sin nature. You know I’m prone to adultery. I cannot remain faithful.”
You shook Your head, “That does not matter. I’m willing to work with you for however long it takes. You can be born-again if you receive my Father’s grace and He will give you a new nature through my sacrifice on the cross. You don’t have to have a sin nature any longer.” Tears were in your words. Desperation coated your voice.
“I’m so common. Look at me. What man wants a wife that he’s more beautiful than?”
“My Father has made you most beautiful to me. Take my hand and you will see. I’ll take you to my palace and wash you clean and adorn you with jewels. Just take my name. I died to have you.”
I looked away; my head was spinning with thoughts. Could this be true? Could such a perfect love be mine?
You drew my attention back by calling my name.
“Ashley! I moved Heaven and earth just to be beside you. I shifted the cosmos that you might be My princess.”
Before I could respond You silenced me with your pursed lips that breathed out, “Shhh.” “Just listen,” Your eyes seemed to say.
Digging in your royal ruby red coat pocket You pulled out a golden wedding ring. The band twined like grape vines. Diamonds hung like ripe fruit from it and in the center was an aquamarine gem, brilliant like the sea of glass in Heaven. Such waters glowed like bioluminescent light.
I gasped.
Being a country girl never had my eyes ever beheld such rich jewelry.
Tears rolled down your cheeks and mine.
I now realized that You had set your love on me and I had done nothing to deserve it. But could I accept it? I didn’t know, but I wanted to.
I mumbled a weak, doubtful yes.
This felt too good to be true.
Your lips trembled into a bright smile revealing your beautiful white teeth.
You cried and slipped the ring on my finger. The feeling of your fingers sliding up my ring finger tingled my skin, and sent waves of holy joy rippling throughout my body. Raising to your feet You swept me up in your arms and spun me around laughing with exceeding joy like You did when I was a little girl. I felt a difference in your touch. When I was a little girl You held me like a Father, when I was a teenager You held me like a friend, now your touch felt like a Bridegroom’s touch. I noticed something familiar in all of your embraces though—your arms were always protecting.
He who has the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bridegroom, who stands by and listens to him, rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice. So this pleasure and joy of mine is now complete. -John 3:29 AMP
I hugged your neck as You sang the most precious love song over me.
I knew I’d have to leave everything behind upon saying yes, but I didn’t know how much pain it would cost. My destitution had become a part of my identity and so although I was now a princess of the most extreme wealth and love, my heart was still that of a pauper of the lowest proportions.
Jesus, over the years You managed to gently love me until You were finally able to fully enter the mind of my heart and crown me queen there. The eyes of my soul and spirit saw my wealth in You.
But it was a long journey, my Love, and the journey’s not over yet. As I recount our years it amazes me that I had to learn how to love You and You loved me from the first! It seems to me it should have been the opposite, for You were always good, and perfect in everyway. I on the other hand was most disagreeable.
I’d try to argue with You when You wouldn’t let me have my way. I’d fuss, complain, doubt and yell, and You’d simply say, “This is for your own good, trust me.”
Sometimes I’d refuse to share a room with You, and I’d stomp to the couch in the living room and grumble against You all night.
It always amazed me how You’d get up in the morning and greet me with a smile, and a loving, “Good morning.” You never once let my bad attitude lower Your dignity.
Indeed, like I said I would, I had several affairs, some of them daily. I ignored your romancing and pushed away your gifts. I’d swear and curse at You.
In my lowest hours, I’d run away from home and you would swiftly mount your lightning white steed and search every corner of the kingdoms of earth until You found me. Indeed, I always heard You first before I saw You, for your horse’s hooves sounded like rolling thunder.
“Have you seen my bride?” You’d ask everyone. Sometimes a warrant for my “arrest” was given out in Heaven and on earth, for man and angels. Whoever found me would receive riches from You, the King of all the heavens and earth.
In fear, I’d run to the dark forest and crouch behind a gnarled leafless tree and still my breaths so You wouldn’t find me, because I was ashamed.
I had the sores of poverty all over my skin.
I remember our darkest night, the night I refused to be rescued. The sky was starless and I had just slept with the enemy, who had half killed me with his hate that he had convinced me was love. I only remained alive because You had kissed my heart with eternity.
You shone Your lantern behind the tree. I shook from the power of Your majesty and my dimmed eyes almost went blind from the light that emitted and radiated from You.
“Darling!” You exclaimed in deep compassion at my wounds. Sorrow was in Your eyes, and I knew the lack of my presence pained You.
I had almost forgotten how beautiful You were! Glowing gold on Your shining pearly white steed. Your cloak gleamed like the sun on water!
You swung off of your horse and rushed to my side with open arms. I rejected your hug and hissed at You. Being a gentleman You relaxed your arms to by your sides, and kept an arms length away.
“Come home,” You said gently.
“No!” I yelled, as if I was being attacked, and surely, I was, for your grace fought for my whole heart and that included the place inside where the enemy’s pride of condemnation and self-righteousness resided.
Your eyes stared at me wistfully before You spoke, “Beloved…”
“Go away!” I spat angrily, “I told You not to marry me! I’m ugly.”
“Your pride makes you ugly.”
“Shut up!”
No angel would dare speak to You the way I did. The most powerful warrior of Heaven, who could kill hundreds of thousands of people with one breath, dared not even look at You (Isaiah 37:36)! And here I was, commanding You to be quiet.
You furrowed your brow and called me a “stubborn child.” With that comment, You sadly shook your head and mounted your horse.
“You will return to me, whether now or later…it’s just a matter of time. I chose you and you could run all you want but I’ll never let you go. My love won’t allow it. You’ve been touched by My love. Nothing will ever satisfy you but Me. Maybe you just need time to realize that.”
My eyes widened when You wrapped the reins around your hand. I realized You might actually leave me there, and that terrified me! My heart ached to go home with You. I wanted to be held, loved, protected, and taught by You. I desired to sit down and read books together over something warm to drink. Flashes of our winter honeymoon in the snow mountains of Heaven rushed across my mind and heart: the great banquet, the glass roof of the hall of merry children, the icicles dangling on the windows like curtains, the inner glow of every house, and the joy of fellowship with my brothers and sisters. Your voice stole me away from my sweet memories.
“So?” You asked me, extending Your hand for me to take it.
A voice that was lodged in my throat burst forward, “Never!” I groaned deeply.
I was too proud to admit I had nothing without You…that I was nothing without your love. You were the only one who could revive my soul with hope and joy. You were the only one who could raise me from the dead.
Your gaze was like fire.
“I shall send My ministers to watch over you until you call on My name again. Your pride has to go. They, My servants shall keep you from death…and that alone until you humble yourself before our Heavenly Father.”
With that You pulled back on the reins and your powerful horse let out a thunderous neigh, like the crackling of a million forest fires. He reared back and spun around on his two rear hooves before storming off into the sky. I saw the heavens open up like gauzy curtains and receive You.
This story is taken from my book, Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul. To purchase a copy, click here.
Suddenly I felt so terribly alone. An ache like death overwhelmed me and I collapsed in a crumbled mess of tears. At that moment I’d do anything to salvage the horrible pain of loneliness that engulfed me.
Two tall men glowing white with majestic robes and beautiful faces appeared before me. One had short, curly, blond hair and piercing blue eyes. The other had long, dark, wavy hair and honey eyes.
“Queen Ashley,” they said in union, greeting me politely.
“Go away!” I half shouted and half sobbed.
Just leave me alone to die, I thought bitterly.
“We can’t do that, princess,” the blond one stated, his voice was like a song. I knew he sung in the choir of Heaven. He gave hope to God’s children.
“Our King has commanded us to stay with you to preserve your life,” the one with honey eyes stated, finishing the blond one’s sentence. His presence was like a hearth in Heaven. It warmed my chilled bones.
For weeks they followed me around and watched me do the vilest, most disgusting, and wicked things. I indulged deeply in lust, hate of the heart; and in desperation to numb my pain, exercised the power of darkness in witchcraft. Nothing I tried even began to quench the sinking feeling that was in my heart as a result of my Lover’s absence.
How I missed him so terribly!
But instead of admitting that, I denied it stupidly and continued to do the most degrading things the world had to offer, like shooting narcotics up my arm. Men without number promised me fulfillment, and their bittersweet lies lulled me into bed with them. My body was violated in the lowest ways, and none of my lovers gave me the life Christ gave me. Some of the men I slept with were the sons of darkness!
My angels watched me do everything without uttering a word, but every time an evil spirit tried to assault me they would draw flaming swords from their waists and defend me ardently.
“Let me have her!” one demon screeched, “She’s slept with my host!”
I, drunk with wine, crawled out of bed where my sleeping lover slept. Half out of mind, I saw this dark figure fussing at my angels.
“You shall by no means touch her!” my blond angel warned angrily.
In furry the demon tried to jump on me anyway. His large form barely moved an inch before my light angel mercilessly plunged his sword in the demons’ gut.
I watched my angels tirelessly war on Christ’s behalf of me daily. Though my body, soul, and spirit were being protected physically, the inner pain of my heart nearly drove me mad with sorrow. The consequences of my sin were ruthlessly stabbing my heart that would not die, because of Christ’s kiss. How I wished I were just dead on the inside so the pain would end.
“What am I to do?” I cried looking at my angel with honey eyes. He knelt down and touched me on the shoulder.
“You have a husband who loves you most. Call upon His name.”
I collapsed on my knees and buried my head in my hands. Salvation at this point seemed impossible. How could God forgive me for all the treachery that I had done?
“But I am so ashamed.”
My blond angel spoke next, “He died to bury your sins and the stains of guilt that come with them.”
Their words were like a familiar song of Heaven, and finally with a crushed heart I cried out to God.
“Jesus, take me back!” I thrust my neck back and gazed up at the sky with arms flung open. “Forgive me, I’m so sorry,” I wailed.
“I never left you,” the peaceful voice of my bridegroom said in my heart.
When my guardian angels heard his voice, they fell upon their faces in reverential worship.
The heavens opened up and Jesus came storming to me, glistening in the night like moonlight. The tornado-like winds of His presence fanned the wings of His cloak and bent every tree in the forest in a wave of ripples. I felt naked and bare once again in Your sight. With no branches to protect my skin from Your radiance: You saw me clearly. The mountains bowed down and the noise they made sounded like a million volcanic eruptions.
You stood before me and all I could say was, “I’m sorry. I’ve played the harlot…a-again. I’ve lied, stole—,” I broke into tears, “Please f-forgive me.”
You embraced me, and as You did my heart, soul, mind, body, and spirit were made whole again. I sunk into Your chest and was swallowed by Your heart for me.
I heard the rejoicing of Heaven. It was like the rushing of many waters.
I cried, and my torn, dark clothes evaporated into my lovely soft pink dress; it was my most favored royal piece of attire. The angels that had attended me were overjoyed with rejoicing and followed Yeshua and I into Heaven a few feet back. And here I find myself living with You again as Your beloved bride.
Today, I stand amazed that it is I who have learned to love You when You are so faithfully perfect and I…so not.
My heart is just now rejoicing over You with singing when yours has always rejoiced over me. Your love is too good for me, yet I accept it gladly as the free gift You have made it to be. Our story reminds me of a fairy tale, my King. Never could I have imagined myself being the beauty, the one pursued and fought for in any book…yet here I am, the heart’s gaze of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.
And here you are reading this story.
You, most beloved and favored of men.
Yes, you are an irreplaceable gem in the King’s crown, a son or daughter worth the tireless search of the universe. Our King shifted the cosmos that He may have you. He had you read this for a reason, He orchestrated this moment.
Shhh, can you hear him singing over you…for you? Isn’t it the most beautiful song? The very rhythm of His heartbeat speaks your name in longing that you would see his great, glorious love for you, and respond by giving more of your life to Him.
Allow yourself to be swept away in the divine romance of a God who is more romantic than Solomon in Song of Songs, and more faithful to you than the sun’s rising every morning.
Trust in his saving grace. He can and will wash away every sin. You only need ask.
Don’t drown out his whispers of intimacy with any form of business, including excessive church attendance. Do not burn yourself out in ministry or with chasing the endless trifling of the world.
Sit and listen to the Bridegroom.
Pray, call upon His name. Stop hiding behind your myriad of masks and let Him see you in every area that you are naked, so that He can clothe you in holy array. Do not fear his eyes of love that see the core of your heart.
Let yourself be deeply loved with an unguarded heart.
Release every offense in your heart, surrender and be loved.
Be most tenderly loved.
You are most tenderly loved.
You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you. -Song of Solomon 4:7
Reflection Questions:
1) Do you believe Jesus/God loved you before you were even created? (This story opens up with the main character describing how much Jesus wanted her, even before she was born/conceived. “Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes.” -Ephesians 1:4 NLT)
2) How has your relationship with Jesus matured/transitioned over the years you’ve known Him? Where are you now with Him? (“When I was a little baby, You rocked me to sleep with the sweetest lullabies, when I was a girl, You romanced me with toys and flowers, and when I was a teenager lost I emotions and hormones, You were my truest friend…”)
3) Have you ever experienced the goodness of God in such a way it was hard to receive? (The Gospel when translated in the Greek means “almost too good to be true.” God is good. His goodness was how He revealed his glory to Moses. “I now realized that You had set your love on me, and I had done nothing to deserve it. But could I accept it? I didn’t know…but I wanted to.”)
4) What do you believe is the realest thing about you? Do you believe that you are royalty (perfectly loved, completely made righteous, born-again/made in God’s image and a sharer of His nature)? (“I knew I’d have to leave everything behind upon saying yes, but I didn’t know how much pain it would cost. My destitution had become a part of my identity and so although I was now a princess of the most extreme wealth and love, my heart was still that of a pauper of the lowest proportions.”)
5) How have you learned to love Jesus as you have walked with Him? (“As I recount our years it amazes me that I had to learn to love You and You loved me from the first.”)
6) Something to ponder: Jesus will never treat you badly because you treat him badly (“You never once let my bad attitude lower your dignity.” Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. – Hebrews 13:6 If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful because he cannot be untrue to himself. -2 Timothy 2:13.) One of the ways royals are trained, is to not act undignified even if everyone else around them is. They are trained that they are “above” common or base behavior. They literally have a royal sense of self.
7) Has shame ever kept you from receiving God’s love? (In this short allegorical story, the main character hides from Jesus because she is ashamed.)
8) Has self-righteousness (religious pride) ever kept you from receiving God’s mercy through Jesus? (“…I yelled as if I was being attacked, and surely, I was, for your grace fought for my whole heart and that included the place inside where the enemy’s pride of condemnation and self-righteousness resided.” God gives us righteousness by faith not by works)
9) Do you believe no matter how far anyone falls, if they ask, Jesus will take them back and treat them as if they never sinned?
…what are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them? -Psalm 8:4 NLT
I went to college to study environmental science because I wanted to help protect the earth from global warming. I took all sorts of classes: marine biology, botanical science, geology, environmental science, etc.
In high school I spent roughly 30 hours writing an extensive article for the journalism team on how global warming was a major threat to the earth. I took about 80 pages of research and condensed it down to 3. I interviewed a large number of people. My instructor loved the paper so much, she published it in the end-of-the-school-year newspaper and my parents laminated it (my ego was puffed up).
Little did anyone know that in all my fervor and misplaced zeal…I began to lose my love for mankind. I began to forget that God made man in His image and that He paid the greatest price to redeem His sons and daughters. Although I was never fully persuaded to endorse or agree with population control…because I knew murder was wrong, I did think the earth would be better if people would just get their “act together” whatever that meant.
Out of all the people I interviewed, I had a Christian teenager tell me God wasn’t scared about global warming when I had asked him what his thoughts on the topic were. I practically rolled my eyes at him. Even though I was a Christian too, I thought he was so naive and simplistic to give such an answer because my head was bloated with false science and humanism and atheistic philosophy (like most 17 year olds my age, I thought I knew everything). Because he didn’t agree with me, I rushed through our interview and made sure not to include his sentiments in my final notes. Talk about unbiased journalism. (Apparently loss for human worth is more common in our society than I knew. I recently heard of a study done where this question was asked: “If your dog was drowning in the ocean and a stranger/person was drowning a few feet away and you could only save one, which one would you save?” 70%+ of people said they would save their dog over a human they never met. That’s what I call a low view of human life).
Then on a drive home from high school I heard God speak to me from my heart. He asked me three times, “do you love trees more than my children?” I realized after the third time, God was ACTUALLY speaking to me! I also realized I cared more about trees than people.
Slowly during my six years of college, my major changed from environmental science to Humanities. I never intended to get a degree in Humanity but slowly the hot love of God began to warm and melt my heart. He softened me to truly love on others and dedicate my life not to “save the whales” but to save the people.
Years later I began to realize false science has been responsible for the literal murder of billions of people: False science claimed African slaves were 1/3 human so because they were “mostly” animal they could be enslaved, raped, abused, killed and treated like chattel. They actually had false science books and articles and news to “prove” this. False science said Jews, those with special needs, and the handicap were “subhuman” and not real “persons” and so they could be brutally experimented on, annihilated, gased, burned, skinned (with their skin used as decorations in Nazi camps), etc by the millions if they weren’t the anglo white race.
Today false science says unborn babies aren’t “fully” human so they can be killed, torn limb from limb, left to die in cases of botched abortion, burned by chemicals inside their mothers wombs, have their organs harvested, experimented on and have their tissue used in vaccines, injected into mice and pigs and basically used as biological timber.
False science hands are swimming in human blood. And I weep thinking of all the innocent casualties it has claimed. All the dying screams it has caused while numbing public ears to the excruciating pain of others by filling our ears instead with politics, religion and fancy language.
My new lingo is: “Save the people.” I cannot choose between mother and baby. They each have equal worth in my eyes.
The worst injustice I can ever imagine is the abuse and deaths of truly innocent, defenseless human beings (children and babies)
Today over 3,000 people lose their lives every day. They are judged and condemned for the actions of adults (actions they did not cause). Their lives are all irrefutably innocent and free of guile. Yet they receive the death penalty.
My prayer is for love for humankind to be put back into the hearts of men/women everywhere. It doesn’t matter if you are left, right, independent, black, white, hispanic, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Jew, etc.
Human is what matters.
~Also, if you are a woman who has had an abortion, please know, I am not, nor will I ever be anything but loving toward you. I’ve prayed with several post-abortive women. Jesus loves us all just the same…no matter where we’ve been. He died for everyone. If you need healing, counseling or someone to talk to, please seek care from a trusted source.
~I am still what some may call a “science geek.” I watch science shows for fun. I am absolutely fascinated with biology and how God mircologically created all life to operate. I care for the environment and I long to see the day where our oceans are clean and our planet is free from pollution. I believe in treating animals well…even the Bible says a wise man is kind to his animal -Proverbs 12:10. God does not endorse animal cruelty. But as much as I love the earth, I love mankind infinitely more. God has helped put things in proper perspective for me (He is still working on showing me more truth). And one day, God will recreate the world and make it into a place He originally had in his heart: free of all sickness, abuse, pollution, death, cruelty, fear, etc. See Isaiah 11.
God, brilliant Lord, yours is a household name.
2 Nursing infants gurgle choruses about you; toddlers shout the songs That drown out enemy talk, and silence atheist babble.
3-4 I look up at your macro-skies, dark and enormous, your handmade sky-jewelry, Moon and stars mounted in their settings. Then I look at my micro-self and wonder, Why do you bother with us? Why take a second look our way?
5-8 Yet we’ve so narrowly missed being gods, bright with Eden’s dawn light. You put us in charge of your handcrafted world, repeated to us your Genesis-charge, Made us stewards of sheep and cattle, even animals out in the wild, Birds flying and fish swimming, whales singing in the ocean deeps.
9 God, brilliant Lord, your name echoes around the world.
-Psalm 8 The Message Translation
Dear reader, if you have the means to, I want to encourage you to help pregnant women who are fearful right now. I ask you to reach out to them in any way that you can (no matter how small). I know some women are afraid of financial ruin if they have their baby, I know some women are suffering from lack of employment, poverty, domestic abuse, self-rejection, anxiety and other factors. Please pray for them and if you can support ministries that help women facing an unwanted pregnancy. I truly believe that the love of God is strong enough to not only care for babies but their mothers as well. No one is invaluable to Him. No life is without extreme beauty to Him. We are worth more than the gold in heaven to Him. Together, we can be examples of his love and save lives. Below is a list of a few ministries you can partner with (I have helped all of these ministries myself):
~The head photo of my daughter Elena was taken by Ruthy Esquivel Photography.
One thing I have asked from the LORD, that I shall seek: That I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the LORD And to meditate in His temple. -Psalm 27:4
Father, I love your gentleness. The sweetness of your Presence is the healing balm to my heart. You are the perfect embrace and shelter for my heart. Your kindness is better than life. I taste You like the softest of fruits that melts into whip cream in my mouth. You are sugar within my soul. You are waves like air lapping at my feet, traveling like fragrant whimsical ripples from incense smoke around my ankles. You are softness. You are gentle love. You are romance in the best way. You are honey in the sun. You are like a cool, refreshing tropical breeze to the sweating, weary brow. You are my Romancer. My Bridegroom. My Daddy. My best Friend. My Master, and my Maker. My deepest conversations have been with You. You sing me to sleep with the music of your breaths and your stilling whispers. Your tangible arms are more pristine than peach and cream alabaster pillars. Your heart is like a fire that blazes and burns; like a warm campfire I long to linger near. I sit by your beating, consuming heart in a rocking chair and you sing over me—swaying me softly back and forth in your pleasure. I am most at home in You. You are my home. And I love the way You love me. Your love changes me. Your love transforms me…and I’m not the same. I’ll never be the same…so long as your love is before my eyes.
“Ashley McClelland presents us with a true cornucopia of modern psalms, personal testimonies, and short stories. She has set out to reveal and unravel some of the most complex heart issues mankind faces in our quest of understanding what true intimacy with God really looks like. Prepare to have your soul massaged and worked on as you read Visions of Celestial Love.” — Jeremy Minard, U.S Navy, Minister, Founder of Servant King Apparel
I fall to my knees from His radiant light…simultaneously I cry even as my heart explodes with joy; rejoicing resounds in my inner man at the sight of the greatest Lover in all creation.
He causes me to cry and laugh at the same time.
There are only two things that pierce the human soul: beauty and pain.
He is both.
He is the greatest beauty, the most radiant light, the highest joy, and yet those eyes of fluid love like liquid lava burns the one it meets.
In His eyes I see an all-consuming fire; I see a deeper knowledge of myself than I have, I see Heaven, I see grace offered at a great sacrifice.
I see His pain.
I see His joy.
I see His passion.
I see the One who created me from a desire to love every part of me.
I see a redeeming love.
I see His wrists, knowing blood dripped from them like a river.
I see the eyes of eternity loving my ethereal form and my spiritual inner person.
I see a Man who pursued me at the highest cost.
I weep, I sob, I am ruined and saved in His arms.
He tells me He loves me.
He tells me, “Everything I have is yours, and everything you are is Mine.”
I walk on a distant hill in the cool of the morning. The sky glows a deep blue and I realize I am married to the greatest King.
He is no ordinary King. He doesn’t own a nation; He doesn’t own a country; He doesn’t own seas of gold; He doesn’t own a thousand rolling mountains on miles and miles of land…no…
He owns it all.
He owns the oceans.
He owns the world.
He owns every speck of dirt on the ground.
He owns every tree, every seed, every beast, every insect.
He owns justice.
He owns time.
He owns all wisdom.
He owns all riches.
He owns all goodness.
He owns…everything.
I look up and see the stars, glistening above my head, and He tells me, “They are yours.”
I think of them like wedding rings gifted to me.
The galaxies, infinite.
My mind tries to wrap around eternity.
My heart understands His love when my mind doesn’t.
I know because over the years the greatest gift He’s ever given me wasn’t my initial salvation…no, it was loving me day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year faithfully, despite my brokenness, despite my unfaithfulness, despite the times I fussed angrily at Him, despite my weakness, despite my flight, despite my disobedience, despite my incapability to believe His love.
He loved me in my mess, in my dirt, in my blood, in my sin.
He’s seen the worst of me, and He proclaims the best anyway.
He calls me a princess.
He calls me beloved.
He shocks me time and time again when He says, “I commit myself to you. Receive my love.”
I look upon Him, all beautiful, so holy, so pure, so glorious, so powerful, so rich, so loving, and I weep.
His love drives out fear from my veins and floods me with living water.
He loves me so much He puts His Spirit in me.
He puts His very heart in me.
He says, “We are no longer two but one. I am inside of you.”
I cry.
How could He?
He, so pure and holy, put something so precious and eternal in my body?
No human lover, no matter how much passion, no matter how pure or fiery their love for a spouse, mother, father, or friend was, could ever give them their own life on a spiritual level.
It’s so much more than going to die for a person.
It’s permanently putting yourself in another no matter what the cost.
It’s sharing breath, sharing thoughts, and sharing emotion at the deepest conscious and subconscious level.
Only He is powerful enough to do that, only His love is that beautiful.
He tells me “I love you” daily and His whispers of passion erode the wall round my heart like the waves of an ocean against rock.
You love me, and all I want to do is worship You.
“His voice and speech are exceedingly sweet; yes, he is altogether lovely [the whole of him delights and is precious]. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem!”
—Song of Solomon 5:16 AMPC
~This worshipful sonnet is taken from my book about Jesus’ bridegroom love, Romantic Rendezvous for The Soul. To purchase a copy click here. Thank you for your support! <3
“As I read, I quickly became enthralled with this book, so beautifully written in the language of love. Each of these short stories so accurately reflects the romantic and wooing heart of the Bridegroom which draws you to Himself into a deeper place of love and intimacy. If you have not yet experienced romantic intimacy with God, I’m confident that this book will set you on course. It’s bound to warm your soul and whet your desire for your own heart-to-heart conversations and experiences with God. The author creatively ministers to the soul, bringing truth to light in the most tangible ways; you will feel that God is speaking directly to you, and He most certainly is! Some stories caused me to be drawn away into remembrance of my own experiences and conversations with God that have freed my soul; others caused me to reevaluate my heart’s commitment to my first Husband and cry out for forgiveness; and yet others simply took me on a delightful and exciting adventure of what the beginning of a holy, unadulterated love looks like – so refreshing to the soul! I commend the author for using her creative gifting to share personal reflections and heart intimacies which I know could only come from the deep well of Father’s heart. I highly recommend this book as a must read!” -Marina Garcia, worshipper.