Jesus Weeps with You Healing Through Loss

.-This snippet is from the revised version of my book, Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul. In this chapter, I lovingly engage the narrative behind the “sovereignty of God” teaching that once crippled my faith by incriminating the goodness of God when it came to healing. I hope this snippet helps build your faith, comforts the hurting places in your heart and helps you trust in your heavenly Father’s heart toward you. Jesus came to heal, and it is God’s will that we have abundant life.

Chapter 8: The Accuser

..Jesus smiled with pleasure at my decision to trust his word. He explained, “My love, the adversary has no grounds to accuse you before our Father, because my blood has purified the heavenly holy of holies. I forever sit as your High Priest in heaven. Your right standing with our Father is as secure as mine as long as you never reject me.

“Wow,” I breathed, feeling as if I were inhaling air fragrant with grace.

“As well, Father is not displeased with you. He is not angry with you in the slightest. He has promised never to be incensed against you. He has promised never to rebuke you.[i] This is the Gospel of Peace Isaiah prophesied about. Our Father delights in you and he rejoices over you. You are his well-beloved child.”

I smiled without knowing, “amen” I whispered, feeling at a loss of anything more to say. All I wanted to do was continue to listen to Jesus and be healed by his words.

“Even though the Accuser cannot slander you before our Father, he can still whisper lies to you about Him. He has falsely accused the Father to you for months now. He’s used almost every hardship that you’ve experienced as an opportunity to blaspheme God in your ears. The incorrect way that you see the Father now has not just been a result of your own conclusions.”


Without warning, my emotions were thrust back to eight months prior when one of my dearest childhood friends, Cassie, passed away forty-eight hours after a terrible car accident. I had rushed to the ECU to see her, praying hard the whole way in the car. I remember struggling to see through my tears as I drove and cried out for God to heal her.

I was let into the hospital room with her family and together we prayed, hugged, sobbed, and anxiously waited, hoping she would wake up. When the heart monitor flat lined, I felt like my own heart had stopped. We all watched with held breath as more doctors rushed in after a small emergency alarm rang. They tried and failed to revive her. When the head doctor finally dropped the defibrillator and turned toward us with sad eyes, I broke down. A flood of wails erupted in the room as Cassie’s family cried loudly.

In that moment of hopelessness and heartbreak, I remembered hearing an evil being whispering in my mind. It told me that God wanted my friend to die and that’s why my prayers hadn’t been answered. It told me, God needed another, “flower in his garden in heaven,” so he took her. It told me that perhaps if I was a better Christian, God would have reconsidered and healed Cassie. A chilly sensation had run through my heart that day. The words of the enemy successfully broke a tender place in my soul and formed a bleeding rift in the area of my trust in God’s goodness.


The memory opened up my hidden wound afresh and I bowed my head as heavy sorrow weighed on me.

Jesus read my thoughts and asked, “do you think it was God’s will that Cassie died by a drunk driver?”

I shut my eyes tightly as the fresh inner wound of Cassie’s tragic death opened. Fast tears formed before slipping down my cheeks, “I don’t know,” I said brokenly even though I knew I believed it had been God’s will.

“It wasn’t,” Jesus said, his eyes flooding with pained compassion.

“But how can that be? I thought God’s will was always done?” I said with a small frown of confusion.

“Sadly, not always. The Word of God says, God wills that none should perish but that all should come to repentance.[ii] Tragically, people perish every day even though God paid the ultimate price for everyone to be saved. When my disciples asked me to teach them how to pray, I told them to pray for God’s kingdom to come and for his will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.[iii] The fact that I told them to pray for God’s will to be done on earth implies that his will is not always done.”

Jesus continued, “My dear if our Father’s will was always done, earth would look just like Eden, and everyone would have a life-giving relationship with God. My earthly ministry alleviated human suffering by destroying the works of the devil through preaching the truth of the Gospel to the poor, through healing the sick, binding up the broken hearted, casting out devils, raising the dead, and ministering to the needs of people.[iv] God’s will came to earth from heaven in every miracle his Holy Spirit performed through me. For the Spirit of the Lord was upon me to do all those things.[v] With every blind eye opened, with every hungry belly filled, with every crippled man leaping for joy, with every truth spoken, and every disease healed, people saw God and often praised him afterward. I only did what I saw my Father doing.[vi]

“This is beautiful news,” I said as a cleansing flow of cool tears spilled from my eyes and slipped down my cheeks. Jesus smiled tenderly at me and softly held my chin with his thumb and pointer finger. For a moment, he watched my tears fall as if they were precious gemstones. I remembered the scripture that said God collected the tears of his children in a bottle and that he recorded each one in his book.[vii]

After a few seconds of only our eyes speaking, he gently released his hand from my chin and continued sharing the good news. “My ministry on earth is the clearest picture mankind has of the heart of God. His heart is good. He does not delight in human suffering. I always obeyed his command to love and to declare truth. If you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the Father.[viii] I and my Father are one.[ix] And no one who denies me truly knows God for I was with God in the beginning.[x] I am Truth, I am the Word made flesh.[xi] My dear, God is love.[xii] He so loved the world that he sent me.[xiii] All true goodness originates with him.”

His healing words broke through a dam of religious lies and self-protection in my heart releasing a fresh pool of tears. My eyes welled before the assembling tears began dripping down my chin and wetting my sleeves.

Moved by great love, Jesus gently wiped them away even as his eyes misted with deep consoling compassion. He inched his face closer to mine until all I could see was his radiant face. His visage was pouring with beautiful love. “Noelani, God wanted to heal Cassie and comfort you and her family, like I did at Lazarus’s tomb when I came as the resurrection and raised him from the dead.[xiv] God wept with you as I wept with Mary and Martha. He felt your pain, as well as his own.”

I shut my eyes to flush them of the tears that began blinding my vision. When I began to turn to look away, Jesus softly cupped my face still and I allowed my face to rest in his hands. As I did, I felt peace behind the surface of his fingertips. Jesus tenderly stroked my eyelids with his thumbs and to my surprise, I didn’t flinch away. Normally, I had a natural reaction to protect my eyes from anything that would touch them because of how sensitive and crucial they were to body and well-being. But when Jesus touched my eyelids, I felt no need to self-protect. This soothing motion of his thumbs melted me. It was like he was blessing me with clearer spiritual vision. He spoke again and I felt his balmy breath on my nose. His words washed over me like a warm mineral pool.

“Healing is my Father’s will for his kids, it is part of the atonement. Healing is the children’s bread.”[xv]

I felt a stony weight lift from my chest and my breathing became more relaxed as the truth came in. A place in my mind felt disencumbered.

Jesus released his hands from my face, and I looked upon him like someone who woke up to see sunshine for the first time after hibernating through the winter.

For the first time in a year, I felt a sense of peace come into the pained place that ached for Cassie’s presence. I smiled without effort at Jesus.

-To delve more deeply, check out the unrevised version of Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul, by clicking here.

“Ashley depicts such a level of intimacy with Jesus so poignantly that I believe it will arouse others’ hearts with passion to pursue a new depth and commitment in their relationship with Him. I pray with all my heart that through her insights seamlessly woven into the stories, the church (men and women) would recognize their one true identity as brides and not servants. The author helps us learn to allow ourselves be loved and healed and no longer driven to meet unrealistic expectations of ourselves and others. I believe that Ashley’s book will facilitate cultivating a fulfilling relationship with Jesus and abandoning religion once and for all! Ashley gives hope to those of us who feel or have felt they have sunk too low in their depravity. She demonstrates and enables us to believe that, no matter how vile our pasts, we can be washed white as snow by the blood of the Lamb and made beautiful new creations. She conveys with a refreshing rawness that nothing is beyond His power and (most reassuringly) His desire to redeem and restore. She illustrates the amazing grace of God with its power to enable us to live holy lives by His spirit and not the letter of the law and religion.
Possibly the most pertinent lesson that Ashley wisely shares in some of her stories is the most painful yet wonderful journey we go through if we choose to face the surrender of our lives and desires to God. Through her writing she gently urges us to come to this place of trust with the Father who loves us beyond our comprehension. The stories are heartwarmingly honest. Ashley has a beautiful gift of using descriptive language which instantly creates pictures in your minds as she relates her stories and makes them so real and alive.
May it lead you into your own passionate journey deeper into the heart of Jesus and to experience wonderful encounters with Him, our eternally faithful and true love.”
 ~Celina Haywood, Licensed Minister, Former Missionary to Thailand, Beautiful Encourager 💗

Scripture references from this snippet:

[i] Isaiah 54:9

[ii] 2 Peter 3:9

[iii] Matthew 6:10

[iv] Acts 10:38

[v] Luke 4:18

[vi] John 5:19

[vii] Psalm 56:8

[viii] John 14:9

[ix] John 10:30

[x] 1 John 2:23, John 1:2

[xi] John 1:14, John 14:6

[xii] 1 John 4:8

[xiii] John 3:16

[xiv] John 11:25

[xv] Matthew 15:22-28, John 6:32-35

-For an amazing Biblical teaching on the Sovereignty of God by Andrew Wommack, click here.

Crying Out For Eternal Beauty

One thing I have asked of the Lord, and that I will seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord [in His presence] all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty [the delightful loveliness and majestic grandeur] of the Lord. And to meditate in His temple. -Psalm 27:4 AMP

David said he sought this one thing of the Lord.

I have this request too.

I imagine the tabernacle, knowing God has already torn the veil of separation through Jesus’s body. I want to bypass it all, all the form, all the ritual, all the religious nonsense and go straight into the chest of God and drink of the wine of his heart.

I want to know his inner thoughts, his emotions, his feelings, his mind, his very essence as intimately as his Holy Spirit.

I want people to look at me like they did the disciples on the day of Pentecost and see that I am drunk…not with the wine of the world, but the wine of his presence.

I am full and surrounded by the most pure, beautiful, powerful, amazing, intoxicating, clarifying, extravagant, enriching, life-giving, source and presence in all of existence…the love of God.

Father, I want to be so close to your thoughts that I can feel your breath coursing more deeply within me than my own blood.

I desire to fall in reverence under the brilliant splendor and beautiful weightiness of your holiness.

I long to know your divine truth in such a way that surrender is natural and easy. Because You are worthy of my daily surrender.

There is no treasure on earth worthy of more pursuit than You!

There is nothing more costly or precious than your Presence!

You are the King who breathes life into the dead. You are the Savior who laid down your life for your beloved.

You are unshakable living hope. You are everlasting security. You are profusely gracious and merciful. You are extravagantly giving and generous. You are full of sacrificial love!

You are eternal glory!

Whom have I in Heaven but You? And on earth, there is nothing that I desire besides You! -Psalm 73:25

You are worthy of my hearts’ affection!

You are worthy of my eternal devotion!

You alone are worthy!

Beautiful, wonderful, loving, glorious Jesus. Your presence is the cure for all of man’s woes.

I adore You!

King of all kings and Lord of all lords!

None can compare with You.

-If you enjoyed this prayer psalm, you may be refreshed by my book, Visions of Celestial Love (A Devotional Book to Draw You Closer to God’s Heart)

“Come, all you are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me and eat what is good, and you will delight in the richest of fare.” – Isaiah 55:1-2 NIV

Are you ready to taste of the sweet delicacies of God in a deeply reviving and personal way? For those who want to drink, for those who want to eat and be refreshed and renewed, Visions of Celestial Love is a feast between you and the King of Heaven, who loves you more than anyone else. He invites you to dine on wholesome, good, savory food and delicious, zesty, fruitful drink. He awaits you with a sparkle in His eye. He is ready for your company. He delights to have you as a guest.

“Eat, friends, and drink; drink your fill of love.” – Song of Songs 5:1 NIV

*To purchase this goodie book, click here

When I read Visions of Celestial Love, it is as if I am brought down to my knees to worship. What the Holy Spirit has done in and through Ashley, He is doing also in me. What a wonderful experience. It is very rich. Thank you for sharing the treasure.”—Riko Suci Alam, CEO of Ligar Jaya and owner of Clove Garden hotel in Bandung Indonesia. 

The Joy in His Voice

“I have told you these things, that My joy and delight may be in you, and that your joy and gladness may be of full measure and complete and overflowing.” -Jesus in John 15:11. 


When Jesus speaks to you, keep in mind that He is speaking to you to bless you, to lavish you with grace and truth, to give you rich life, to help you to receive His joy, love, freeing truth and peace in abundance until you are so full you are overflowing. 🍂

Jesus is wonderful and His nature is good. Therefore, when He speaks to you Who He is comes out…. pure goodness. 🌻

He wants to bless you more than you know. 🌼

Healing is in His heart of love toward you…🥰

Until next time, may this Autumn bring you great and soft reminders of the goodness of God’s heart toward you. May you count your blessings and continually keep your gaze on the things of Heaven, so your soul may experience the peace and delight of Heaven. 




P.S: If you enjoyed this small devotional, you would enjoy my book, Visions of Celestial Love (a cornucopia of a modern psalms, personal testimonies, devotionals, prayers and short stories). You can order a copy, by clicking here.

Upcoming Book: His Beauty for My Ashes

I’m very excited to share this chapter in the book, His Beauty for My Ashes!

God showed me a vision of Heaven and how He created me… and it’s my honest belief that He wants to show you your priceless value, acceptance, purpose and divine uniqueness so you can shine on the earth because the DNA of Heaven is inside of you…


HIS BEAUTY FOR MY ASHES Anthology with Visionary DrSherley Lefevre.

This book is a dedication to the resilient kings and queens transitioning from weeping to reaping. Crafted by fearless women who’ve conquered adversity, it’s your manual for empowerment, filled with testimonies, revelations, and biblical insights to deepen your faith. Get ready to rise above, triumph, and thrive!


Promo Video:

The expected publishing month is November 2023! Be on the lookout for more details soon.

To check out my previously published books, click on the books tab. I pray you are blessed by God as you read!


“Ashley Thompson’s book, Visions of Celestial Love is just that; a visionary work of epic proportions. It is glimpses into a loving and remarkable relationship with the creator of the universe. You are invited to Dive into stories of love and compassion, healing and provision, loss and recovery, profound grace and faith. Ashley draws us in with her descriptive prose and unique style of writing. There are so many stories to relate to in this book and I’m sure you will find your own story among the many that are told here. So, find your favorite spot, your favorite beverage, and curl up with, Visions of Celestial Love.” -Amazon reviewer

Romantic Rendezvous is a beautiful invitation into intimacy with Jesus! Ashley has done a masterful job of creating stories that depict the heart of the Father. I have truly been blessed by this book! As I read each story, I felt the closeness of Jesus and had continual reminders of how deep the Fathers love is for me. From the very first chapter, I felt the flame of my heart be rekindled with God’s goodness and love. This book is a must read!” -Jessica Leon

My review is biased but Fallen Coins really reminded me of my childhood growing up with the author(My Sister) she would tell me many stories before bed but this one i remember i asked to repeat several different times. The characters brought back many memories of us playing and enjoying each others company as well as the situations we’d find ourselves in often due to our impulsive curiosities the settings paints beautiful scenery of a wonderful small village our protagonists find themselves in. This short story is a wonderful read driving the importance of obedience especially to our parents.” -Amazon Reviewer

Finding Strength in the Father’s Arms

From the end of the earth, I will cry to You, when my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. -Psalm 61: 2 (a prayer of king David to God 👑🕯❤)

When your heart is anxious or overwhelmed, where do you go to find strength and security?

Lately my daughters have developed a natural gravitation toward their father.

In some ways, it’s like they are leaving their once tightly held need for my tender, maternal arms and now they are branching out to find strength and assurance in the strong, masculine presence of their father.

I know their young hearts are finding boldness, safety, and identity in their dad’s love and discipline.

Seeing Eden with her father today reminded me of a psalm of David.

David knew his power was limited but God’s power wasn’t. He knew where to go to find unstoppable victory, strength, wisdom and goodness. And so, because of his confidence in God, he was emboldened to go forth and conquer.

Because he was trusting in a good, majestic source of power beyond himself, he had courage to rule, worship, teach and wage war with enemies that were naturally stronger than him and whom had the rest of the nation cowering in fear.

There is a deep place where we can know God as our Father. There is a sacred place where we can cry from our spirits and breathe the same intimate name by which Jesus called God, “Abba…Daddy…”

Because of the intimacy David had with God, he accomplished feats that have become timeless in their fame.

David slaid a massive giant because of his confidence in God.

God can take care of your giant too.

Are you dealing with an impossible financial situation right now?

Are you heartbroken over a relationship?

Is there a disease that has waged war against your body or the body of a loved one?

No matter what you are facing, your Father is bigger….

There is security and incomparable strength in his loving arms.

May your close connection with your heavenly Father be a source of saving power and hope to your loved ones and those around you, in the same way that David was a beacon of hope and strength to Israel.

Seeing my two daughters with my husband also reminded me of the relationship I had with my father as a girl. He made me feel safe, secure, loved and protected because of the power of his strength, his unflinching discipline and expectations, his fierce loyalty to family above all else and his steadfast diligence in providing for his family.

It gladdens my heart seeing Eden and Elena discover something of God and their own feminine souls through their transforming and blossoming relationship with their dad. 🤍🕊👑😚💐

Something deep is happening underneath the surface. Something I caught a heavenly whiff of as I snapped these shots and meditated on what it could mean for my daughters 🙏🏽☺

“…casting all your cares [all your anxieties, all your worries, and all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares about you [with deepest affection, and watches over you very carefully].” -1 Peter 5:7 AMP

These pictures of Eden and Stephen were captured during our family beach walk 🌊💙🌱

Years ago, I attended Charis Bible college and the school put on a spectacular musical about the life of king David. One of the scores is called, Whom Shall, I fear? In it, a young David boldly declares “the Lord, He is my strength, He is the stronghold of my life…whom shall I fear?” I want to share this scene with you and I pray your heart sings along in faith with the lyrics because God is the same yesterday, today and forevermore and He is your heavenly Father. To listen, click here. I do not own any rights to the music or play.

If you enjoyed this devotional, check out my book, Visions of Celestial Love (An Initiation into Healing Intimacy)

“A delightful book that reflects the praises from a heart that desires to abide closely with our Heavenly Father. Written in a style that summons us to experience a journey of deeper intimacy with a loving God. Ashley covers the foundation of the Christian faith that brings encouragement and assurance of God’s promises when faced with life’s challenges. Embracing our uniqueness and the safety of transparency before our Maker who cares about the most intricate details of our life. Yes, an invitation indeed from the One and only who can fill what are heart’s ache for.” — Jocelyn Reyna, Entrepreneur

Falling in Love with Jesus

Have you ever thought about this, the Bible begins with a marriage relationship in a beautiful garden between Adam and Eve, and it ends with a divine marriage feast in Heaven between Christ and the church?

This is a glimmering preview into a new book idea I’ve had in my heart for several years now. This book is about preparing the hearts of God’s people for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Revelation 19:7). It is a prayerful and worshipful journey of mine to create words that make others thirsty for Jesus and to fall in love with Him. I often pray that the Holy Spirit would use me to woo the Bride of Christ back to Jesus. Just as the Spirit of God helped John the Baptist turn the hearts of the children back to their fathers, may He rise up within my heart to help the Bride of Christ return to her First Love. May you be blessed by this sneak peek:

-This book is artistically based off the Biblical writings of: Songs of Songs, Isaiah 54, Esther, Eden, Ezekiel 16, and finally the Marriage between Jesus and the Church in Revelation.

Eden scene:

“How come the King makes it so I am always attended?” I asked my attending angel.

“Because you are his royal wife.”

“We are not married yet.”

“In your carnal mind time still exists.” He said without condemnation or rudeness, “You forget that the Word says the Lamb was slain before the foundation of the world.  Before Adam sinned in this Paradise, Christ had already become the sin offering.” (Revelation 13:8)

I (Ariel, name meaning, Jerusalem) remembered that God symbolically showed Adam and Eve the promise of his eternal redemption through Christ when He slaid an animal to cover them with its skin. He covered their shame. He paid for their sin. He kept them warm…all with that one act to show them divine grace, mercy and sacrificial love. But it came at an ugly cost…the cost of innocent blood. (Genesis 3:21)

“It doesn’t seem like death could have ever happened in such a beautiful place as this…” I whispered thoughtfully.

The garden was vibrant with flowers and fruit and vegetables bright like polychromatic gems. Sparkling mist rose from the foundations of Eden like clouds of cream. The etherealness of it reminded me of the slow dancing clouds that descend like steaming, gauzy sheets of vapor over the amazon rainforests.

The rivers of Eden could be heard everywhere. The sound of moving water pleasantly rushed around my ears as if I were canoeing on streams with the clearest crystal waters fresher than artic rivers. One river had flecks of gold chaffing so plentiful that the gold clustered smoothly on river stones and when aureate sunlight graced the waters it gleamed so brilliantly it was like light on mirrors, refracting the brightest yellow.

I knelt by this heavenly river, feeling the soft, moist turf cushioning my knees. As I cupped this water in my hand, fine gold settled to the bottom of my palms like light glitter floating in water and it covered my skin completely like a layer of metallic lotion after the water had dripped from my hands. (Genesis 2:10-14)

All of the animals glowed like moonlight. They seemed to be infused with an otherworldly presence…as if divinity had been sewed into the delicate weaving ladder of their DNA. They were full of life. Holy life. They were full of peace. They never harmed one another. They lived in harmony with the earth and all of creation around them. Even through them, I saw Him. (Romans 8:20-23, Isaiah 11:6-9)

He was inescapable…

Even when He went off to judge, to reign, to deliver, to conquer and to rule as the mighty King of kings, and Lord of lords …He was always still with me. (Matthew 28:20, 1 Corinthians 6: 19-20)

In my own heart, I tasted the fragrance of his pure presence. His loving faithfulness was transcendent. Not even death could overpower or diminish it. (2 Corinthians 2:15)

It was like I was in a dream. Or a dream of a dream. But at the same time, no fantasy or dream, could come close to matching the beauty of Paradise. Undefiled, unadulterated…Eden. The highest hopes of man paled in comparison to the dreams of God.

In some ways, I felt like Esther, living within the gilded fortress and walls of the king’s magnificent palace, and his subsequent beautiful mansions speckling around his main palace. Within this main gate was his royal court made of pearl floors almost as clear as glass with thick curvy pillars crested and belted with rose gold that flamed into an amber color when torchlight came near.

All of this was encircled with water and delightful gardens rich with life, fruit, exotic animals, jewels, and every good delight known to man. Between two of these gardens was the king’s lush vineyard where grapes more aromatic than flowers grew in iridescent rows of emerald leafy vines….

The [Holy] Spirit and the bride (the church, believers) say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take and drink the water of life without cost. -Revelation 22:17 AMP

For previous books on the amazing love of Jesus, check out, Visions of Celestial Love and Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul.

"Ashley Thompson’s book, Visions of Celestial Love is just that, a visionary work of epic proportions. It is glimpses into a loving and remarkable relationship with the creator of the universe. You are invited to Dive into stories of love and compassion, healing and provision, loss and recovery, profound grace and faith. Ashley draws us in with her descriptive prose and unique style of writing. There are so many stories to relate to in this book and I’m sure you will find your own story among the many that are told here. So, find your favorite spot, your favorite beverage, and curl up with “Visions of Celestial Love”!" -Amazon Reviewer
"Romantic Rendezvous is a beautiful invitation into intimacy with Jesus! Ashley has done a masterful job of creating stories that depict the heart of the Father. I have truly been blessed by this book! As I read each story, I felt the closeness of Jesus and had continual reminders of how deep the Fathers love is for me. From the very first chapter, I felt the flame of my heart be rekindled with God's goodness and love. This book is a must read!" -Amazon Reviewer

Worship Him

He’s so beautiful, isn’t He? Look at Him, the desire of the nations. The world trembles for his presence again. (I don’t own any rights to this beautiful music or video):

Beauty – Bethel Music – YouTube


Weightless Peace and Childlike Faith

There’s a peaceful weightlessness about children that Jesus calls us to live in:💖

“…unless you become like a child, you shall not enter the kingdom of Heaven…” Matthew 18:2

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” -Matthew 19:14

Healthy children raised with love, security, and wisdom are:


-Have no stresses or worries.

-See the world for all its color and light. They have an untouched innocence that is beautiful and is the closest living reflection of Adam and Eve in paradise before the Fall.

-Trust with all their hearts.

-Feel loved.

-Are able to give love.

Because they feel and know they are taken care of.

We are children of God. We alone have the perfect, benevolent Father. We have a Fathe who is gracious, all-knowing, holy, good, and whose definition is love in its truest and purest form. We have a Father who never runs out of resources, in fact He is the richest, most powerful King and He generously bestows undeserved blessings through the finished work of the cross.

Recently Jesus has been encouraging me to rest. Rest is one of the deepest forms of faith because it requires us to have the humility of a child by casting all our cares, fears, and adult worries on the Lord. “Cast your cares on me because I care for you.” (1 Peter 5:7)

It also requires us to come to the end of our own strength and instead depend upon the strength of the Lord (Zechariah 4:6). It calls for us to lay down our wisdom and understanding for his greater wisdom and understanding (Proverbs 3:5).

It’s not always easy to become like a child when you’ve been an adult for long enough.

I find that popular culture promotes a self-sufficient, independent, get-it-done attitude. This is the opposite of the Gospel. This is the opposite of the Father-child relationship Jesus paints for us in scripture or the shepherd to sheep relationship the Bible often uses as an allegory of our own relationship with God.

Jesus himself did nothing but “what he saw his Father doing,” and he proclaimed that the works/miracles he did was really “the father doing the works.” (John 14:10) Jesus lived in dependence upon God as “Abba.” As I think Of Jesus’s own earthly walk, I am coming to grips with how rooted faith must be in God as Father. There is something so pure and life-giving when we call upon God as Father and trust him with the simplicity that we see children give their fathers.

I don’t know where you are today, but I pray you hear Jesus speaking to you through this. He is such a good Bishop of our souls. He is the Restorer of our souls. He is the binder of the brokenhearted. He is the “God of all comfort.” (2 Corinthians 1:3)

In his presence is fullness of joy. (Psalm 16:11)

In this season, I’m needing to lean more into grace like a well-loved child. As a wife, mother of littles, teacher, student, and author, I wear many hats…but non eof these things, no matter how great a blessing they are define me. My ultimate identity is a loved daughter of God. And recently Jesus has had to remind me of this.

Let’s lean in together…there is more than enough room in the Father’s arms.

Prayer 🙏

Dear Jesus, I thank you for your son or daughter reading this right now. I pray for everyone who will read this. I pray you will lead us into your shalom for you are the Prince of peace. I pray the shalom of God will make us whole. I pray for divine strength and rest to enter our bodies by your Holy Spirit. I ask that you restore whatever is broken in our lives whether it’s physical, mental, emotional, relational, circumstantial, etc. I pray for you to “lead us beside still waters” and for us to be humble enough to allow you to lead us (Psalm 23:2-3). May we always remember that we are well-beloved, and may we continually experience fuller and fuller measures of your heavenly love until we are overflowing and learn how to drink of your bounty without reservation. For you cause the sons of men to drink from your river of delights (Psalm 36:8). We choose to rest in You, sweet Savior.

I have some exciting news! My 1st children’s book is now available for purchase on amazon! This has been such a dream come true and I know Father God is leading me to write more stories for kids that will help connect them to their heavenly Daddy. You can check it out by clicking here.

Story synopsis 💐:

Four copper coins… four vastly different siblings… one task.

Aline is finally given the chance she’s been looking for, to take a trip down her mountain house into the quaint village of Chestnut. Her mother tasks her with the great responsibility of making a non-stop journey into town to purchase items for a delicious supper while keeping track of her younger siblings.

The journey is filled with delightful distractions, forested woods, and flowering mountains that easily catch the children’s attention.

Will Aline be able to resist the urge to disobey her mother and take a few fun detours? Will she be able to keep her playfully mischievous siblings in line and safely keep the coins?

Join these siblings on a whimsical journey of fun, competition, and games while they learn the beautiful truth that obedience brings good things. Ephesians 6:1-2

-Until next time, may you experience the abundant peace and love of your Heavenly Father in deeper and sweeter measures. 



Royal Righteousness to Replace Shame

This testimony is shared in the revised version of my book, Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul. To read the original version, click here.

But YOU will be called the priests of the LORD; they will speak of you as ministers of our God; you will feed on the wealth of nations, and you will boast in their riches. In place of your shame, you will have a double portion; in place of disgrace, they will rejoice over their share. So they will possess double in their land, and eternal joy will be theirs. -Isaiah 61:6-7 (emphasis mine)

I have found that shame was the number one tool the devil used to keep me in bondage throughout my early Christian walk. During one of my first visits to Charis Bible College, the Father gave me a vision of myself. One of the worship leaders began keying what sounded like a spontaneous worship song on the stage piano. She created melodic and beautiful music on the keys.

Within seconds I saw a vision of myself kneeling on a still, watery floor. The water was so calm it appeared like glass. I was robed in a dark shirt and pants. Jesus began walking toward me to embrace me. Instead of receiving his love, I turned my face away and held out my hands as if pushing the air to discourage him from seeing me.

“No, no!” I cried. “Stay away from me.”

 I closed my eyes tightly until he “left.” I didn’t think of myself as worthy enough to look at him. Being a gentleman, he walked away (although he never truly left). When I opened my eyes again and didn’t see him. I began to feel lonely and I regretted pushing him away.

Before I could cry because of my poor decision, my black clothes began to transform into a beautiful pink dress with twinkling lights that moved. After I saw that I was more prettily donned, I felt worthier and my heart began to desire to see Jesus.

As if the water below me heard the silent language of my heart, it began to rise in large drops. It was like reverse rain. Large drops of water solidified and formed a spiral staircase that had the appearance of precious stone. The stairway led up to the heavens, beyond the starry dome ceiling. As I gazed up, I saw billions upon billions of stars. They twinkled and shimmered like silver, blue, green, gold and purple glitter refracting light. Star dust painted the sky like aurora lights and cosmic clouds.

Unconsciously, I knew the stairway would lead me to God. It was like Jacob’s ladder in a way. I began to ascend the stairs but before I could reach the top, Jesus reappeared. This time, I didn’t turn him away, because he had dealt with my shame by clothing me in a gown of royal righteousness.

I also believe he appeared before I could reach the top because he wanted to show me that I didn’t have to labor for intimacy. He didn’t want me to. He wanted to show me that he was always wanting connection with me.

And that he was the only way to the Father, who lived up the stairs…

In the same way, I pray Jesus shows you a picture of yourself clothed with royal righteousness. You are a child of God. Thus, you are royalty. You don’t ever have to earn your way to God because Jesus paid the ultimate price for the veil to be torn that separated you from God. The work is already finished. You are perfectly loved by God. Your body has been made into the temple of the Holy Spirit. Christ, the Lord lives in your heart by faith. All your sins have been washed away. You have no stains. You are a new creation in Christ and you have been given a righteous nature.

“Yet now he has reconciled you to himself through the death of Christ in his physical body. As a result, he has brought you into his own presence, and you are holy and blameless as you stand before him without a single fault.” -Colossians 1:22

Reflection Questions:

  1. Are you dealing with any level of shame in your life? If yes, why?
  2. Are you currently struggling with faith righteousness? In what ways have you personally allowed Jesus to show you that you are the righteousness of God through him (not by your works but his finished work)? “For it is by graceyou have been saved,through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works,so that no one can boast.” (Ephesians 2:8–9 NIV) “This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile.” (Romans 3:22 NIV) Look up 2 Corinthians 5:21.
  3. Would you describe yourself as more God-reliant or self-reliant?

“This book is simply wonderful. Deliciously descriptive, it nourishes the soul with fresh revelation of God’s love for humanity. This collection of short stories may challenge your thinking about what true intimacy looks like, while making your heart yearn to daily experience the Perfect Love described within its pages. It invites you into a world created by Love Himself, where there’s no mistaking that His love is not only unconditional and never-failing, but also deeply personal and precious to Him. Get ready to experience the purpose, pleasure, and power of real love!” -Amazon Reviewer

Deep Worship

“For your Maker is your husband, the LORD of hosts is his name; and the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer, the God of the whole earth he is called.” -Isaiah 54:5

This allegorical love sonnet of worship/adoration, may be uncomfortable for some as it messes with limiting beliefs about nearness in relationship with Jesus. I wrote this poem, when I was unmarried and living out my single years in purity, faith and growing connection with Jesus. This sonnet is a shadow of the mystery Paul wrote about when he symbolically described the relationship between husband and wife with the relationship between Christ and the church. During my single years, Jesus showed me what it was like to be naked and unashamed and to enter into the “dark” holy of holies (in the deepest part of the temple) where no outside light was able to pierce through the thick veil. Only the light from the ark of the covenant (which represented his presence) illuminated the private chambers where man could touch God and God could touch man. In my imagination, the sound of the wings of the seraphim flying is terrifying wind music to my ears as they circle the glorious throne where the worthy One sits as King of kings and Lord of lords (Isaiah 6:3). Jesus is coming back for a bride without spot or wrinkle. (Ephesians 5:27) He is thrilled and excited to see his bride at the altar of Revelation, clothed in holiness with fiery singlehearted devotion for Him.

He Took Me Away

He took me away.

And I drank from the deep waters.

My heart’s desires equate to him. Every longing that pulses through my blood cries for him.

My heart is a bottomless well, a creation that was made for the rivers of life to flow through by his Holy Spirit.

He took me away.

And I worshipped!

I worshiped in his deep Presence!

Clouds of dark purple and blue surrounded me. I was in a place in his Spirit. And He was alive! He was in the air. He was within the floor, He was in the landscape.

My entire soul attached herself to him and I gave him everything. All of me was attached to him, and strings from Heaven bound my soul to his heart, and I drank from the deep waters. I gave him everything fiercely and with holy devotion.

I married this Man, this God of all gods, this King of all kings, the ruler of all the universes, the Maker of the heavens and earth.

The place where I walked dripped water as I took my first few steps. I reached out and felt the fog, and crystal clear water gushed out, flowing down and then disappearing into the bioluminescent mist.

White banners, like glinting snow were put in my hands and I flowed with them like liquid. I waved, spun, jumped, jerked, fell prostrate, rose up again, and became entranced by his Presence.

The energy from his throne was incredible, overwhelming, and heavy with holiness and power. I felt like a battery being overcharged, being shocked by waves of electric spiritual energy.

My body could do nothing but submit and move to flow of the bioelectric-spiritual signals in his Presence. My soul could do nothing but weep and rejoice at the same time. My spirit came alive, and she returned his love song.

He pulled me with his music. He called to me in his fierce and holy love. He whispered my name in longing affection. And He declared, breaking every idol, breaking all claims anyone had over me (including mother, father, and friend), “I Am her God!”

I exploded, and my flags were turned into swords that I wielded like an expert swordsman. They gleamed like silver in firelight and the sheen of them, like ember flames, were seen in the smoke of his Shekinah cloud where I praised, and gloried in his presence.

The swords became an extension of my arms, an instrument of worship. For love is as strong as death, this jealousy as consuming as the grave (Song of Songs 8:6) . And love is both tenderness and toughness. Love is both supple and hard. Love is both embracing and ferocious.

Love is a Lion, love is a Lamb.

I pictured Jesus/Yeshua. He took me to the mountaintops. I held his hand, completely romanced by his great love. I joined myself with him. And his blood became my own. His heartbeat became the rhythm in my body. His breath became my oxygen and wind.

Once atop the mountain, He showed me a beautiful part of his kingdom. Waterfalls poured forth water so clear, they burned with the gold of the sunset, and became light.

Rainforests sent forth sweet incense as dewy fog into the sky that glittered with billions upon billions of stars. Space dust colored the sky, painting it with hues of royalty and mystery. Flaming stars with streaks behind them moved like sea creatures. The sky was alive, the cosmos were living, and I could see them more clearly than I ever have. Yet, at the same time the sun shone, streaking part of the horizon with aureate light, like spilled golden paint.

Animals moved upon the land, from the great elephant to the small perched bird. Everything was alive! A river flowed through the land, a great heartbeat was in the soil echoing into the heart of eternity, kissing the air with love worship. Creation groaned no more but sang the song it had waited centuries to sing! (Romans 8:22)

Then I tasted in my understanding a piece of John the Baptist’s joy. He, who was friend to the Bridegroom, rejoiced in the Bridegroom’s joy at the sight of his Beloved (John 3:29). I felt in my heart this was the celebratory song of creation.

Yeshua extended his hand showing me this. As fascinating and breathtaking as it was, my eyes fell and stayed upon his scared wrists. Wrists that bled holy, princely, royal blood for me. These were the scars that healed me, yet my heart was torn from seeing them, from knowing He suffered great pain, and cried anguished tears from his pain.

He saw me. Eyes that knew everything about me, my every thought and attitude both past, present, and future saw me.

He pulled me to Himself. His arms wrapped around me and I pressed my head against his chest. I was so close, but it wasn’t enough, it didn’t satisfy.

“Let me enter You,” I silently pleaded. “Let me into your heart. I want to taste from the deep, deep water. The water without price. Simply for the self-surrender that accepts the blessing. I want to eat of the bread, and bind myself to You forever (Isaiah 55:1-2). I want to become yours forever. And I want to be connected to your church, Your bride forever. Connect my soul with Your Spirit. For You said in your Word, ‘unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you have no life in you.” (John 6:54)

He let me in and I sunk into his eternal heart. I dissolved into his being, and it was there that I worshiped.

Above me I caught a glimpse of the living creatures, covering their eyes and feet, and flying at the same time as they cried, “Holy, holy, holy.” (Revelation 4:8)

Worthy are You King! Worthy are You to be praised! There is no other like You! No one worthy of worship!

I want to live in Your romance. I was made for no other atmosphere, made to enjoy sweet intimacy with my King in the bedchamber of worship.

I feel the woman’s heart when she says, “Take me away with You—let us hurry! Let the King take me into His chambers! We rejoice and delight in you; we will savor your loving more than wine. How right they are to adore You!” (Song of Songs 1:4 NIV).

Her desire is my own. Rightly do I love You!

He took me away with him. I took from the well of His Spirit and prayed, “Let this water cause everything in me to long for and desire You.”

When I dipped my cupped hands in the diamond water and drank, a deep place in me desired to go down into the well. To find the beginning of this great love, to partake of the first note in the eternal love song. I dove in, knowing there was no end.

There are no words to describe the thirst.

This is what man was made for.

This is the reason a man should leave his father and mother and be joined together with his wife…and the two shall become one flesh. (Genesis 2:24)

This is worship.

Union with I Am.

Marriage, in all its beauty, is only a foreshadow of how He created us to know (be in relationship) Him.

“For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” This mystery is profound, but I am speaking about Christ and the church. – the apostle Paul in his Ephesian epistle 5:31-32 (emphasis mine)

For more exploration of the Bridegroom love of Jesus, check out my book, Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul by clicking here.

“As I read, I quickly became enthralled with this book, so beautifully written in the language of love. Each of these short stories so accurately reflects the romantic and wooing heart of the Bridegroom which draws you to Himself into a deeper place of love and intimacy. If you have not yet experienced romantic intimacy with God, I’m confident that this book will set you on course. It’s bound to warm your soul and whet your desire for your own heart-to-heart conversations and experiences with God. The author creatively ministers to the soul, bringing truth to light in the most tangible ways; you will feel that God is speaking directly to you, and He most certainly is! Some stories caused me to be drawn away into remembrance of my own experiences and conversations with God that have freed my soul; others caused me to reevaluate my heart’s commitment to my first Husband and cry out for forgiveness; and yet others simply took me on a delightful and exciting adventure of what the beginning of a holy, unadulterated love looks like – so refreshing to the soul! I commend the author for using her creative gifting to share personal reflections and heart intimacies which I know could only come from the deep well of Father’s heart. I highly recommend this book as a must read!” -Marina Garcia

For a breathtaking worship song on intimacy with Christ, listen below (I don’t own any rights to this beautiful, holy song):

Copyright 2011 Catherine Mullins Music

Love is the Greatest

~I wrote this scene in the revised version of my book, Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul, to honor the woman who has loved me like a spiritual mother. She is a living display of God’s unconditional love and grace in the lives of others. And I truly believe the words that I wrote in this scene were inspired and reflect a small sample of God’s love and delight in her. Enjoy!

Chapter 12

“For who is greater? He who is reclining (at meat), or he who is ministering? Is it not he who is reclining (at meat)? And I — I am in your midst as he who is ministering.” —Luke 22:27 YLT

Angel began saying grace. “Heavenly Father, thank you for this meal that we are about to receive. We pray that it will bring nourishment to our bodies. God, we ask that as we eat and converse that our speech will be pleasing to you. Let it be like Christ is in the midst of us, edifying us all with his presence, truth, and love. We love you Father, and we thank you for all of our blessings. I ask that you especially bless this young man who came so quickly to our aid this morning and offered to fix our pipes for free. Multiply the goodness that he has shown us back to him a hundred-fold. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

“Amen,” Jesus said, and I echoed the same.

Angel lifted a spoonful of fish to her mouth.

I broke off a piece of bread and nibbled on it.

“You remember Daniel?” Jesus asked Angel.

“Daniel…the prophet?” Angel asked slowly between bites.

“Yes, him.”

“I remember certain things about him, yes,” she chuckled nervously. “This isn’t a Bible quiz or anything like that is it?”

“Oh no. No quiz.”

Angel swallowed. “Okay, good. What about Daniel?”

“He was called greatly beloved of God by the angel who was carrying a message for him.”[i]

Angel nodded and took up another bite of fish. Her facial expression lifted with pleasure as the taste of fish touched her palate.

“You were right,” she said and sucked wet fish sauce off her fingers. “The sumac adds something special to the boiled fish. It’s perfect.”

“I’m glad you like it,” Jesus said, and then cleared his throat before continuing on. “The angel told him that God heard him the first time he asked for the message, even though it was delayed in coming.”

Once again, Angel nodded.

“Angel,” Jesus said, turning toward her intently, “your prayers are so valued by our Father that even before you ask, he answers them. He anticipates the desires of your heart and he moves to act on your behalf.”

Angel stopped chewing and her eyes locked on Jesus’ face.

Jesus didn’t delay but continued unabashed, “Your heart is the home of his Son. You are his temple, his daughter. When you ask for something, you have the power to persuade his heart, simply because of his great love for you and because your desires are pure. You have served him well by washing the feet of his children. As I said earlier, you are pretty famous in the Father’s house.”

Angel stiffened and I couldn’t read her face because her back was turned to me. Before long, I noticed the quivering of her shoulders, and soon I heard a soft cry. Her glasses fogged up and she removed them from the bridge of her nose, which was lightly speckled with cinnamon brown freckles. She shakily wiped at her lenses with the edge of her robe.

“I would ask you how you know these things. Are you a prophet?”

“No,” Jesus said with an endearing smile on his face. “You know that’s not true. You knew who I was when you let me in your house. Don’t give in to the doubts that block out your child-like faith.”

Angel’s hands stilled. She let her glasses lay in her lap before wiping away the tears gathering in her chestnut brown eyes.

“You know me really well,” Jesus said, and took hold of one of her hands. Their bronze complexions almost matched, except her skin was more darkly hued. He folded his hand over hers and stroked the surface of her hand with his thumb. Angel covered her mouth with her free hand to stifle her cries.

I was beginning to think Jesus had this effect on everyone.

After several minutes of trying to compose herself, Angel managed a low mutter. “Lord?” She looked him up and down before her eyes shifted over his face. “Is it really you?”

“Yes,” Jesus said, his smile bright. “Earlier, you prayed that I would be in your midst…I Am.”[ii]

Angel took his hand up and kissed his fingers reverently before pushing her chair back. It made a scraping noise. She moved to bow at his feet. Surprisingly he let her and with one hand he made a smooth stroke of her hair. She pressed her forehead to the cold sand-tan tile and her hot tears fell.

Jesus’ visage shone down upon her and then he looked upon me, “She is one of those who wears an invisible crown on her head. For when I was hungry she fed me, when I was thirsty she gave me something to drink, when I was a stranger she invited me in, when I needed clothes she clothed me, when I was sick she looked after me, and when I was in prison she visited me.[iii] She did all of this by loving on others in my name and trusting me to be her strength.”  

Angel’s clothing altered and I saw that she was in a pure white dress fit for a queenly bride. The multiple skirts of her gown had whimsical layers. Each layer had a unique glory of its own—almost as if they represented different seasons in her walk with Jesus. I tried to count the airy folds, but they were too many. Tiny flakes of melted white gold glimmered in her gown. A sash, the gossamer color of golden beryl, was draped across her right shoulder and curved left to her waist. It was beatific.

An equal colorful crown rested on her nutmeg brown hair. She had a single gold chain tied around her neck, which hung like a huge tear drop. Inside the tear drop was a sapphire blue gem, the reflective color of the heavens.

From within her belly, I saw what appeared like rivers of water coursing in circles. It was living water with life in itself. It was building in speed and mass. Prompted and inspired by the Holy Spirit within her, Angel began to sing in tongues—it was the most beautiful song. I felt goosebumps break out on my legs and arms as I realized that she was worshipping in Spirit and in truth. As her heavenly language poured forth from her lips, the blue gemstone necklace began to radiate and I saw the rivers of Spirit water begin to flow from her body.

After clasping Jesus’ ankles and kissing his feet, she bent her head back to look up at him.

He cupped her face and kissed her forehead, “Arise, my beloved, my dove, my fair one.”[iv] He released her face, took hold of her by the elbows, and helped her to her feet. She retrieved her specks from the chair and sat down.

When she moved to brush off an airy piece of chair fabric lint from her glasses, I noticed she was blind to the spiritual frock she was clothed in. I wondered why it was masked from her vision, but seen by me?

I wanted her to know how spotlessly adorned she really was, but when I caught sight of Jesus I knew that my questions could wait.

“I’ve sat at this kitchen table with you many times, Angel, and I’ve enjoyed every second that you’ve sought my face. Not one minute has ever gone to waste or been unnoticed.”

“I always knew you were with me, even if I couldn’t sense it.”

Or see it, I thought.

“Truly, you have given my heart much pleasure and you’ve ministered to me many times through your surrender and purity.”

The chai began to boil and then foam in the pot on the stove. Tiny milky bronze bubbles started to rise, permeating the air with sweet and spicy aroma. I stood and hastily made my way to the stove to turn off the burner before the tea boiled over.

I retrieved two café au lait mugs made of smooth green ceramic before pouring Angel and Jesus a cup.

My hands began trembling as I made my way back to the table. I set their tea down beside them, grateful that I hadn’t spilled it.

There was a holy weight in the air. My knees felt a little heavy as I went back in the heart of the kitchen to get myself a cup.

Angel was beaming and she couldn’t even see it.

I managed to pour myself some of the fragrant tea without spilling. When I neared my chair, I almost buckled into it. I let my head rest in my hand and chose to enjoy the presence of the Holy Spirit, who was filling the room.

It felt like a river was lapping at my feet, but when I glanced down, all I saw was the tile flooring.

My thoughts drifted like autumn leaves to the scriptures in First Kings that spoke of the dedication of the temple. I remembered that the cloud of God’s presence filled the chambers, so the priests couldn’t even stand to minister, for the glory of the Lord diffused the very air.[v]

Indeed, Angel was truly a priest unto God, living out a seemingly plain life that was drenched with charitable deeds. She was known by her goodness and generosity to many.

“Do you smell that? The smoke?” Jesus asked her.

Angel glanced up, as did I, to find that we were all inside a cloud. She took a long inhale and slowly released air.

She nodded, clearly liking the aroma.

“It’s all your good deeds. These have risen to the Father as a holy, sweet incense. It is more pleasing to him than you understand.” Jesus’ warm eyes glimmered. “Angel, you have tapped into a tender part of our Father’s heart. You have discovered that love is the most excellent way.[vi]

“Indeed, while some have sought the miraculous and searched for signs, you have sought the most valuable thing—the love of God. And in doing so, you have really sought God, for he is love.[vii] Truly, where miracles and wonders cannot change the hearts of men, take Israel in the desert for example, consistent godly love can.

“Love never fails. It has the power to do what miracles cannot. It transforms the heart. It opens up the hearts of men to see me and my Father as we are. Therefore, it softens and enriches the soils of people’s hearts to receive grace and truth by faith…and thus live. Your love has opened the hearts of many to receive the seed of my Word.

“Love is the purest catalyst for miracles and the reason behind every miracle I ever performed. Your lifestyle of good deeds points back to the Father’s heart and many cannot deny he exists, because of your example.

“And while miracles are important, and many of my brothers have disregarded the precious gift of healing that I died for, you have found the way that fulfills all the law and the prophets.

“What you have done in Noelani’s life and the life of many of my people will never go unrewarded. You have surely been a priest by serving my people and reflecting me to them.”

Overcome now, Angel buried her face in her hands. She sobbed and laughed simultaneously.

[i] Daniel 10:11

[ii] John 18:6

[iii] Matthew 25:35-36

[iv] Song of Solomon 2:10

[v] 1 Kings 8:10–12

[vi] 1 Corinthians 12:27-13:1-13

[vii] 1 John 4:7

To check out the original version of, Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul, click here.

“This book is filled with amazing love stories. These stories bring hope to the deepest part of your heart and soul. The writer keeps you engaged so much that it’s as if you are there experiencing the emotions and feelings of the characters. Your heart will race. Your heart will flutter. You’ll feel the presence of the king. You’ll find yourself falling more and more in love with Jesus as you realize and experience the unending love he has for you.

If you’re struggling with your relationship with Jesus, this book is for you.

If you are grounded and solid in your relation with Jesus, this book is for you.

If you want to know him … it’s for you. If you are seeking love ….start here.” Pastor Irene Torres, Marriage and Family pastor at Our Father’s House church. Irene carries a powerful testimony of family restoration and transformation. Her passion is to help families build strong and healthy relationships that prosper in unity. Irene carries a gifting to help others see God’s glory inside themselves so they too can rise up and live to bring God glory. Irene has a Bachelors in Christian Leadership and a Masters in Governmental Development.