What a sweet blessing it was for me to be a part of Anchored Magazine’s cozy Fall edition !
Snuggle up with a warm blanket, a hot cup of coffee and be embraced by encouraging words full of grace !

Click here to read :

An Invitation into Healing Intimacy with God
What a sweet blessing it was for me to be a part of Anchored Magazine’s cozy Fall edition !
Snuggle up with a warm blanket, a hot cup of coffee and be embraced by encouraging words full of grace !
Click here to read :
From my heart to yours, Merry Christmas.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. -John 3:16-17 NKJV
“It is nearly impossible to believe God shrinking down to the size of a zygote, implanted in the soft lining of a woman’s womb. God growing fingers and toes. God kicking and hiccupping in utero. God inching down the birth canal and entering this world covered in blood, perhaps into the steady, waiting arms of a midwife. God crying out in hunger. God reaching for his mother’s breasts. God totally relaxed, eyes closed, his chubby little arms raised over his head in a posture of complete trust. God resting in his mother’s lap…” -Rachel Held Evans
Over 2,000 years ago, He came meekly perfuming wells of mercy as our representative, the Son of Man, our Passover (sacrificial) Lamb, the One who died in our place, the One who came to serve, seek and save the lost. He is the One who came to heal the broken-hearted and the sick, the One who came to be touched with the feelings of our troubles and humanness and offer the deepest empathy and compassion :
When God gives a gift…the blessings never end…they go into eternity
! The gift of Jesus is grandeur than the expanse of the cosmos. His life is more costly than all the jewels and treasures in the world
I will praise God forever for the gift of Jesus and the peace-giving gift of forgiveness and reconciliation He purchased for us all!
I thank God for the gift of relationship with Jesus that brings endless abundance and life !
God becoming human just amazes me time and time again.
I very often read and see things related to Jesus that cause my heart to leap forth in adoration, worship and excitement. Sometimes I feel like a child for how pure and sporadic my soul can leap into praise like someone lighting a match. Praise comes sparking out of me like fireworks crackling through a starry night. I react to the goodness of God with as much (if not more) glee and bliss as someone who has seen the most beautiful, wonderful thing. If you’ve ever been taken aback in awe and wonder at a sight, like a coming gasp at seeing the greatness of the Grand Canyon, then you understand my reactionary worship-born spirit.
“The first time He came, there was no room for Him. The next time He comes the whole world won’t be able to contain His glory.” -John MacArthur
Over two years ago, my heart sang when I saw this post quoting John MacArthur (the picture above)! I could feel first love fire inside of me breaking forth in spontaneous worship
The words below began to gush forth from within me in reactionary praise:
“Oh, how I love Him and delight to worship Him.
I excitedly look forward to the day of His return and to worship before Him as never before where my body will never tire to pour out adoration, and praise, and tears of joy and gratitude and passion for this One great, glorious Man who is Truth, Light, Salvation, Love, and everything good we were created for. We came forth from Him. In Him God has rebirthed us and every leader comes from Him. Our only Life. Our High Priest. In Him, through Him, by Him, for Him!!
Hallelujah to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Faithful and True is His name. Hosanna in the highest heaven !
I look forward to that day when His glory rises over the darkness like the sun’s stunningly, blinding rays pierces the irises of dimmed eyes. May glimmering rays of His glory be seen like shafts of lightning and flickers of candlelight in the hearts of born-again men/women on earth …those who have surrendered to His amazing love and Lordship and worship Him in Spirit and in Truth
Oh, for the glory of His name! There is no One so beautiful and magnificent or good than Him !”
Below is one of my favorite Christmas songs. It beautifully captures the finer details of the incarnation of Christ and how natural, yet supernatural His appearing was. How closely He relates to us:
It’s still a mystery to me
That the hands of God could be so small
How tiny fingers reaching in the night
Were the very hands that measured the sky
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Heaven’s love reaching down to save the world
Hallelujah, hallelujah, son of God, servant King
Here with us, You’re here with us
It’s still a mystery to me
How His infant eyes have seen the dawn of time
How His ears have heard an angel’s symphony
But still Mary had to rock her Savior to sleep
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Heaven’s love reaching down to save the world
Hallelujah, hallelujah, son of God, servant King
Here with us, You’re here with us
You’re here with us
Jesus, the Christ, born in Bethlehem
A baby born to save, to save the souls of man
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Heaven’s love reaching down to save the world
Hallelujah, hallelujah, son of God, servant King
Here with us
Oh, hallelujah, hallelujah
Heaven’s love reaching down to save the world
Hallelujah, hallelujah, son of God, servant King
Here with us, You’re here with us
You’re here with us
Songwriters: Joy Elizabeth Williams, Jason Ingram, Ben Glover. For non-commercial use only. (I own no rights to the music or lyrics of this amazing song)
Always remember that He is with you, no matter how you’re feeling or where you are. He is with you, and He loves you. Because you have Him, you have hope.
Have a blessed Merry Christmas
If you enjoy reading devotionals full of worship, praise, and modern psalms, you will most likely love my book, Visions of Celestial Love (An Invitation into Healing Intimacy):
“Ashley presents us with a true cornucopia of modern psalms, personal testimonies, and short stories. She has set out to reveal and unravel some of the most complex heart issues mankind faces in our quest of understanding what true intimacy with God really looks like. Prepare to have your soul massaged and worked on as you read Visions of Celestial Love.” — Jeremy Minard, Servant King Apparel
“I have told you these things, that My joy and delight may be in you, and that your joy and gladness may be of full measure and complete and overflowing.” -Jesus in John 15:11.
When Jesus speaks to you, keep in mind that He is speaking to you to bless you, to lavish you with grace and truth, to give you rich life, to help you to receive His joy, love, freeing truth and peace in abundance until you are so full you are overflowing.
Jesus is wonderful and His nature is good. Therefore, when He speaks to you Who He is comes out…. pure goodness.
He wants to bless you more than you know.
Healing is in His heart of love toward you…
Until next time, may this Autumn bring you great and soft reminders of the goodness of God’s heart toward you. May you count your blessings and continually keep your gaze on the things of Heaven, so your soul may experience the peace and delight of Heaven.
P.S: If you enjoyed this small devotional, you would enjoy my book, Visions of Celestial Love (a cornucopia of a modern psalms, personal testimonies, devotionals, prayers and short stories). You can order a copy, by clicking here.
I’m very excited to share this chapter in the book, His Beauty for My Ashes!
God showed me a vision of Heaven and how He created me… and it’s my honest belief that He wants to show you your priceless value, acceptance, purpose and divine uniqueness so you can shine on the earth because the DNA of Heaven is inside of you…
HIS BEAUTY FOR MY ASHES Anthology with Visionary DrSherley Lefevre.
This book is a dedication to the resilient kings and queens transitioning from weeping to reaping. Crafted by fearless women who’ve conquered adversity, it’s your manual for empowerment, filled with testimonies, revelations, and biblical insights to deepen your faith. Get ready to rise above, triumph, and thrive!
The expected publishing month is November 2023! Be on the lookout for more details soon.
To check out my previously published books, click on the books tab. I pray you are blessed by God as you read!
“Ashley Thompson’s book, Visions of Celestial Love is just that; a visionary work of epic proportions. It is glimpses into a loving and remarkable relationship with the creator of the universe. You are invited to Dive into stories of love and compassion, healing and provision, loss and recovery, profound grace and faith. Ashley draws us in with her descriptive prose and unique style of writing. There are so many stories to relate to in this book and I’m sure you will find your own story among the many that are told here. So, find your favorite spot, your favorite beverage, and curl up with, Visions of Celestial Love.” -Amazon reviewer
“Romantic Rendezvous is a beautiful invitation into intimacy with Jesus! Ashley has done a masterful job of creating stories that depict the heart of the Father. I have truly been blessed by this book! As I read each story, I felt the closeness of Jesus and had continual reminders of how deep the Fathers love is for me. From the very first chapter, I felt the flame of my heart be rekindled with God’s goodness and love. This book is a must read!” -Jessica Leon
My review is biased but Fallen Coins really reminded me of my childhood growing up with the author(My Sister) she would tell me many stories before bed but this one i remember i asked to repeat several different times. The characters brought back many memories of us playing and enjoying each others company as well as the situations we’d find ourselves in often due to our impulsive curiosities the settings paints beautiful scenery of a wonderful small village our protagonists find themselves in. This short story is a wonderful read driving the importance of obedience especially to our parents.” -Amazon Reviewer
~Written in 2010 when I was single and (impatiently) waiting on God for a spouse. This encouraging testimony is included in my book, Visions of Celestial Love (A Rediscovery of God’s Grace and Love).
My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you, how I wish I could be with you now and change my tone, because I am perplexed about you! –Galatians 4:19-20
Dear God I love this. I love how Paul considered the church of Galatians to be his child. He loved them affectionally and passionately. In pain did he carry and bear them in his heart. So deep was his love for them that he wrote a whole book of the Bible inspired by them. With every word he wrote and with every prayer he earnestly knocked on your heavenly door to share his zealous love for your children God. Such a righteous God-fearing leader did you bless them with and have blessed me with.
I cannot help but think of my own pastor when I read these two verses. He’s always glad to see me when I walk through the church doors. On several occasions he’s come up to me and said, “You’re such a good girl. God has a great plan for your life,” and “I appreciate your faithfulness it really touched my heart,” and “You’ve got a sweet heart there are many people who love you at this church.”
I’m reminded of that Halloween night God where I decided for “once” I was going to disobey you. I was angry with you God. I cannot deny it. Forgive me. I was making decisions from a wounded aching heart. I had asked you for something, something my heart so desired for. Many times I had asked you to bring him to me Lord. To bring me my godly husband. I’ve never had a boyfriend, and every guy that I was ever interested in, I turned down for his lack of commitment to You. Little was I thinking of my commitment to Christ, and that before any man He is my lover, my husband. The night I had cried on the couch when you told to me “wait.” Wait was not what I wanted to hear. Too many nights of tears and too many comments from others such as “you’re such a goody goody,” from secular friends finally created a hole in the strong wall of my faithfulness.
My sisters were going to a staff party and to their surprise I asked to join them. We went to my sister’s friends house. I found a comfortable seat in the backyard and sat quietly. I felt uneasy and out of place. As the night progressed a drunk guy went around offering people drinks. Never would I have gotten up and fetched a drink for myself…my spirit wouldn’t allow it. This merry guy high in spirits with short wavy dark hair approached me and held out a glass of some alcoholic drink. Immediately my eldest sister protested “Not her! She’s misses innocent.” Inside the Holy Spirit told me “no” but I was tired of listening to Him. My hand flinched as my body and spirit waged war against one another. Within seconds Omar, my sister’s Jewish and Egyptian friend whom I was attracted to, ran directly in front of me and held out his hands in a way that reminded me of Christ on the cross. “Not this one dude. She’s too young.” The drunken guy insisted but Omar didn’t budge “Not this one.” he said again. Finally after a few moments of debating the drunken guy gave in. As soon as he left Omar walked away too.
I pondered what happened in my heart and later I wrote about it. You kept me pure God by using Omar, an unbeliever, to protect me. I never was attracted to the drink but I was attracted to Omar and in the end you refused me both. The drink left in the drunken guys arms and Omar left with his own two feet. I remember telling this event to Pastor one night excluding my feelings for Omar and just like Paul he was perplexed about me. “Young lady don’t you ever go to a party like that again.” He said firmly. I told him “I won’t.” “Thank God that young man was there to stop you.” I nodded my head. Pastor then told me that sometimes when a good shepherd saw that one of his sheep was straying on dangerous ground the shepherd would take his staff and break one of the sheep’s legs and then carry the animal back to safety on his shoulders. “You see the sheep can only see so far. It would have never known if maybe a pack of wolves was there on the other side of the hill.” I wondered why he told me this.
He looked at me with serious blue eyes “If I ever see you straying on dangerous ground…I’m not lying, I would break your leg. Better your leg get broken than for you to be in the company of wolves.” Some would find my Pastor’s words threatening or inappropriate but I found them sweet. I thank God that I have a spiritual father who is zealous to have “Christ formed in me.”
To check out my book, Visions of Celestial Love, click here. May your soul be blessed by the reality of God’s love for you!
“Ashley presents us with a true cornucopia of modern psalms, personal testimonies, and short stories. She has set out to reveal and unravel some of the most complex heart issues mankind faces in our quest of understanding what true intimacy with God really looks like. Prepare to have your soul massaged and worked on as you read Visions of Celestial Love.” — Jeremy Minard, Servant King Apparel
I usually don’t do this, but God has been so incredibly kind to me .
In a short time God has provided for me:
1. A plane ticket to Ireland with no stops for a great price! (My dream vacation)
2. A delicious Thanksgiving meal and groceries delivered by two beautiful women who love Jesus and my family.
3. A brand new tablet (A friend was praying and felt like God asked him to buy me a tablet, complete with a cover and keyboard (I’m sure it was $400+)
4. Two expensive bar stools (dark wooden with white cushions)
5. A big dresser, polished white
6. A matching night stand
7. I found an old love note from Bible college that someone wrote to me on behalf of Jesus. It was 4 long pages of pure poetry describing God’s compassionate love and truth toward me. It left me feeling so loved and seen and cared for.
My old worship pastor in LB once texted me, “I think God spoils you Ashley.” When I showed my husband her text he chuckled and said, “He does. You get almost everything you ask God for in prayer.”
As I look back on my life….I see the kindness of God everywhere. I see a great, loving Father and His fingerprints of tender care, mercy, generosity and favor all over my life. I see His radiant smile, I see His fierce loyalty, faithfulness and undying love.
Just last month, I was probably given $1,000 from God through the hands of saints who hear Him and worship Him enough to follow Him (without me ever voicing a need for anything by asking people. I only asked God)
Sometimes as I drive to work (my dream job), I am amazed again by the sheer beauty of the ocean view I have as I drive down the mountain. I live in a place I prayed for.
The love of God is sweet like melted sugar on my heart’s tongue. His love is the richest wine. His grace is the sweetest oxygen. His companionship the highest joy. I can’t imagine life without such a sweet, holy, faithful, powerful, kind-hearted Father. He has won my heart forever. I love His character. I love who He is. I love the way He loves. I often commune with Him in the secret place of my heart…and Who I find is the greatest Lover of all time, the greatest Father who will ever exist. He is such a good God! Such a personable God who wants a personal relationship with all of us.
I promise you, you will never meet anyone who loves you more than God. And He will show you His love. Once you meet Him and enter into a relationship with Him…He will be faithful to you always. Even if you let go…He will hold on.
2 I have seen you in your sanctuary
and gazed upon your power and glory.
3 Your unfailing love is better than life itself;
how I praise you!
4 I will praise you as long as I live,
lifting up my hands to you in prayer.
5 You satisfy me more than the richest feast.
I will praise you with songs of joy.
6 I lie awake thinking of you,
meditating on you through the night.
7 Because you are my helper,
I sing for joy in the shadow of your wings.
-Psalm 63:: 2-7
Jesus has opened up heaven for us. He has opened up a way for us to enter into a loving relationship with our heavenly Father where we are free from guilt, shame and condemnation. The fountains of mercy and kindness that pour from God’s throne room are endless. His grace-gifts are given freely because of His great love for us and because of what Jesus has done for us.
I will praise You forever beautiful King and High Priest of Heaven! You are the One my soul loves!
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. -Ephesians 2:10 NLT
I’ve been thinking about sharing this testimony for several weeks. I was recently hired as the Bible teacher for Monterey Bay Christian School. I will be teaching on the topic “Who is God” for the whole 2022-2023 school year! I cannot think of a greater topic to teach! The holy weight of this time has been like a cluster of sacred balsam in my chest, scenting my soul with exhales of heavenly joy.
I hope sharing my testimony creates a place of confident hope and expectation in your own soul concerning the words God has spoken over your life! He is faithful to his word, He is faithful to you! (2 Timothy 2:13, Psalm 36:5)
What’s been amazing about this whole journey was all the ways God showed me things beforehand:
“When the Spirit of truth comes…he will declare to you the things that are to come.” -John 16:13
1. Almost 5 years ago, when I was pregnant with Eden, my husband was busy creating a map out of our future in ministry. Anyone who knows my husband, knows that he frequently hears from God. As he was penning the children’s ministry portion the Lord spoke to him and he sat with me at our friend’s table and said, “The Lord says, he wants you in charge of our future children’s ministry. He told me he wants you to develop a curriculum for discipling children around ages 7 to 13.” My job as the Bible teacher comes with developing curriculum for children in grades 3-8. Talk about accuracy in hearing from God on my husband’s part!
2. Almost 4 years ago, shortly after Stephen and I moved to California for ministry I had two dreams about working at MBCS. I saw the deep blue wall downstairs with the painted eagle soaring in the sky. I saw myself in the staff room near the copywriting machine. I saw myself walking the halls upstairs. The dream felt so peaceful and so real that afterward, I started looking for job openings at MBCS but I never saw any. Eventually, I quit looking and started my own home daycare which I ran for 2 1/2 years. I figured if the dreams were from God, it would happen. And now, it’s happening!
3. About 2 years ago, I went on a “spiritual retreat.” During my time there, a lady walked up to me and said, “I felt the Lord showed me a picture of you…I saw you sitting before children, and you had a filing cabinet, and you were giving each child a book. Each of these books, you had written yourself.” At the time she shared that with me, I didn’t think I would write children’s books…. but I’ve secretly written two so far and I know there will be more to come!
4. When I was first hired by MBCS almost a year ago, I took the job as a preschool teacher. I have loved working at the preschool. But during these past 9ish months some things happened where all my early childhood credits were not qualified for the state of California. I felt a bit frustrated but started from scratch again and began taking CA ECE classes. During my time at the preschool, a friend of mine who prayerfully saw the gift of God in me would tell me repeatedly, “you don’t belong here. You should be teaching the Bible somewhere and writing books.” I would brush off her comments, but she kept them up and she prayed over me many times for an opportunity for ministry work that both aligned with my gifts/talents and God’s calling. How amazingly God spoke though her and answered her prayers!
5. When the principal brought up to me the possibility of being the Bible teacher, I felt it was too good to be true. Even though several people asked for/about the Bible position (people I felt had more teaching experience and were capable/qualified), the principal chose me. And I am sooo incredibly excited and full of joy over having a job position that aligns with the holy passions God placed in my heart: being a part of weekly chapel, facilitating worship, writing, Bible teaching, prayer, teaching dancing, etc. Not to mention the big pay raise
~There are so many more details I can share (including areas where I had to grow/mature). There were so many intricate details, confirmations and beautiful things the Lord did to set me up to bring me to this current place. I can think of few higher honors than to teach children/pre-teens about who God is. MBCS/MBCPS has grown to 200ish students (this is the largest I’ve ever known to the school to be). All I can do is praise God and thank everyone who has been a part of this journey!
Whatever God has called you to, I promise it will be full of joy. His paths for you are full of who He is: joy, peace, life, love, abundance etc. God is good! He is beyond the goodness you’ve experienced. I hope this encouraged you about your future with Him!
You have made known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand. -Psalm 16:11
~If you feel inclined, I would warmly appreciate prayer for me that I would: truly hear from God as I teach and prepare lessons about Who God Is. That I will be sensitive to the ways God wants me to speak, interact and reach out to the students (May I always be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit). Please pray for the kids to know God personally, to receive his amazing love, to have a real encounter with Him (that the world can’t take away) and that they would see Him as He truly is. Above all, pray that God’s kingdom will come and that his will be done over all the staff, and families that attend MBCS. May all his good purposes prevail and may we always be lead of Him.
~These professional and fun photos were taken by the amazingly talented Pairs Anderson. You can find her on : https://www.instagram.com/parisandersonphoto/
“How much more beautiful is the earth because you’re upon it…a righteous, glowing star. Happy Thanksgiving!”
I wrote this text message with a specific friend in mind, but soon I was copying and pasting it to several dear friends.
Normally, I would give God thanks for my family (my husband children, parents, siblings, grandparents and other members), for the things He’s blessed me with throughout the year, for daily grace, mercy, favor and his kind thoughtful intentions toward me and my husband and my children. Words would truly fail me to describe just how thankful I am for my family…the 3 most precious people in the all the world to my heart. The 3 people who douse my soul in a bath of golden joy more brilliant than the sun. They are a constant Spring birdsong in my heart, raising continual thanks to my Heavenly Father.
As for the saints (godly people) who are in the land, They are the majestic and the noble and the excellent ones in whom is all my delight. -Psalm 16:3 AMP
This Thanksgiving, I’m thankful for the saints upon the earth.
Lately I’ve been developing a deepening appreciation and love for the church and the individual members that make it up. I’ve been blown away, almost to the point of awe at how valuable, amazing and priceless every son and daughter of God truly is. I have thanked the Lord for his presence through his people in this world. I have considered that there is nothing more beautiful or valuable on earth than a recreated human being who has been transformed from the nature of Adam, to the nature of Christ.
What in the world could be more radiant than a person with God inside of them by the Holy Spirit?
“You are the salt of the earth…you are the light of the world…”- Jesus in Matthew 5:13-16.
God’s people are earth’s hope. We are a foretaste of heaven to the lost and dying. We are royal priests, kings and queens and a holy nation (1 Peter 2:9), we are living tabernacles (1 Corinthians 6:19), we are the salt and light of the world. We are the hands and feet of Jesus, (1 Corinthians 12:27) and God works through us to appeal to the world. We are his ministers of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:11-21). We are ambassadors for Christ, his representatives (2 Corinthians 5:20).
Weeks ago, I was driving home with a full heart after meeting with two dear friends (they are featured in the head photo). As I drove, I thanked and praised God! I was full of glorious joy because of the saints who dispensed the sweet fragrance and mighty power of his Presence. I thanked Him profusely for his people upon the earth because of how incredibly rich their lives are. Inside of them are the rivers of life (John 7:38), inside of them is all the wealth and treasures of the kingdom of heaven (Ephesians 1:3), inside of them is the Person of Jesus Christ and his Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:17), inside of them is them is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17). Inside of them is the virtue for every healing miracle and every truth that brings freedom (Mark 3:15, 1 John 2:20). Inside of them is the authority and power to cast out demons and set the captives free (Luke 10:19).
As I gave him praise, I almost cried. It was dark outside and the sky was sheeted with the blackness of the night, but the ground was lit from the lights of the city. Each store bulb, street lamp, and house light illuminated the earth like aureate-gold stars. I imagined, from Heaven’s perspective, this must be how the saints look on the earth. Have you ever seen a satellite photo of the earth at night? Entire continents are speckled with clusters of twinkling lights as eye-catching and glistening as bioluminescent algae. Every single light represents a sign of life. While, our eyes are drawn only to see the invention of man (the electric bulbs) through these satellite photos… God’s eyes see into the spiritual realm. Each believer shines like these lights. From an ethereal perspective, we look like the lights on the earth.
I pray that you will continually experience the immeasurable greatness of God’s power made available to you through faith. Then your lives will be an advertisement of this immense power as it works through you! This is the mighty power that was released when God raised Christ from the dead and exalted him to the place of the highest honor and supreme authority in the heavenly realm! -Ephesians 1:19-20 TPT
My friends and I sat in a small diner where we talked for nearly 4 hours about our adventures with God, his goodness in our lives and the ways we’ve experienced his amazing love. The tangible presence of God was so strong in the diner that several times, we all laughed, cried, and sat in silence as we savored his holy company. These saints are probably the most radiant stars/lights I have ever spiritually seen on the earth. Not because they are somehow more special than other children of God…but because they don’t hide their light under a bushel. Instead, they boldly and lovingly praise God through their actions and words and they share his light with others (Matthew 5:15). Their lives resemble Jesus in a way that naturally convicts and draws others to God. Not only are their personalities and character brimming with the love of God and the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), but their lives are full of the power of the Holy Spirit in miracles (1 Corinthians 12).
I want to mention some of the miracles we shared together. I hope these testimonies encourage your heart in the faith:
There are so many more stories I can share but I hope these 3 stories uplifted your heart and encouraged your faith in God.
You have resurrection power in you as a son or daughter of God.
You have the authority of the name of Jesus at your disposal.
You are truly a priceless treasure on this planet, a bright light, and a home for the presence, salvation, love, and grace of God.
I pray you realize how valuable you are.
I am grateful for you this Thanksgiving!
We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves. -2 Corinthians 4:7 NLT
Some of the most faith-building messages that I’ve heard on our identity in Christ and God’s will to heal us are (I don’t any rights to these videos):
Right now, I just want a pumpkin spice latte (with real pumpkin puree), an electric blanket and my authoring buddy…my laptop. I’m thankful I have at least one of those.
It’s an early crisp morning in October. My favorite season has come. Autumn. As the weather cools my soul becomes warm in the glow of this solstice. It’s as if my heart catches on to the last rays of sunshine like a candle being lit by a match. I long to unearth the scents that make up my being as a candle does when it is flamed. The perfume of Christ in me mingles with my own recreated heart like clove and cinnamon in a coffee shop. I am perfumed with joy and peace.
Like the deciduous leaves that radiate ruby red, tangy orange and honey yellow, I realize that even in death, there is life. Fall has amazed me with its paradoxical differences: death, life, richness, reserve, copiousness, and hibernation.
For farmers, this is the season of reaping everything they’ve sown. It’s a season of abundance, like the day before the Sabbath for them…they gather double what they need (Leviticus 25). I always imagine the husbandry wiping their perspiring foreheads with broad smiles on their bronzed faces. All the labor and work they put in has paid off. Now is their time of holy jubilee. Profuseness that produces rest. I look at Fall this way too.
Except for the trees, Fall is the time to release the leaves that absorbed sunshine for them. Fall is the season to shed their beautiful garments in one last glimmering bang. As their cloaks transform into sunny hued tones, they drift away from their once secure branches. Fall is the season for storing, preserving and releasing all unnecessary weights. It’s a transitional time.
I love the way the leaves rustle and then float away in the frigid breeze. Wafts of something celestial awakens my heart even as I crunch my boots on the quilted patterned earth.
This Fall brings me the soft reminder that because of Jesus’s death, I have new life. Because He emptied Himself of His divinity and became a man (Philippians 2:7), I have been graced with the Holy Spirit (Heaven’s presence in me). The trees begin to look like gnarled crosses to my hazel eyes. The leaves on the ground become a showmanship of all the false and flashy garments of works-righteousness that I used to wear. I learn to let go of self-effort and embrace the rugged cross. My heart sees the cross as the beginning place of birth. One life was exchanged for another. And I’ve heard from Messianic Jews that Jesus was known to be crucified in Autumn…not in winter (how factual this is, I’m not sure).
May this Fall bring you the sweet potency of Christ’s eternal love and sacrifice for you. May this Fall bring an abundance of life in your heart (John 10:10) even as you die to the lies of religion that shielded your nakedness and shame. God’s love will cloak you in new light and new birth. There is nothing like releasing our burdens to Him, only to have Him give us weightless life and freedom. May your soul be wrapped in the garments of heaven’s pure joy and the sugary water of hope. Like trees trust in their leaves to photosynthesis…. I pray you trust in the true sunshine of Christ to produce the food of peace in your mind and heart.
~If you were blessed by this blog, you will probably enjoy my book Visions of Celestial Love. You can find more about it on my Books page, or on amazon. God bless you!