I am learned by you beautiful and in the quiet recesses of my soul something glimmering is shinning forth.
Breaking free from frozen earth to meet the sun gazed stare of your eyes as you call what was once hidden so deeply within me to arise.
Someone divine beckons me forth through your voice coated with Truth.
Someone who has seen me from all eternity and loved me wholly.
He has been pleading and using every ploy to free me from self-chains and in the array of His grace I find myself becoming comfortable in the safe alcove of love once more.
Quietly I am becoming happy to be me as I see who God has made me to be.
She is beautiful Lord and she reflects You so perfectly, yet so uniquely.
You introduce me to myself again.
Special thanks to my husband for being a vessel that draws me out of hiding
“When I read Visions of Celestial Love, it is as if I am brought down to my knees to worship. What the Holy Spirit has done in and through Ashley, He is doing also in me. What a wonderful experience. It is very rich. Thank you for sharing the treasure.”—Riko Suci Alam, CEO of Ligar Jaya and owner of Clove Garden hotel in Bandung Indonesia.
-Afterward the sons of Israel will return [in deep repentance] and seek the Lord their God and [seek from the line of] David their king [the King of kings—the Messiah]; and they will come trembling to the Lord and to His goodness and blessing in the last days. -Hosea 3:5
I had forgotten how good You are…the rediscovery of it has been sweet, refreshing, and life-giving.
I cry as I eat of your goodness, knowing my soul had been so starved of it before.
And finally eating home, eating love, eating peace, and eating joy, my heart revives.
I am a kid in the infinite berry-fields of your goodness and every colorful fruit is for my enjoyment.
You say, “taste and see that I Am good.”
I’m awakened to the reality that your plans are for my prosperity, for life, for wholeness, for my entire well-being, for joy unspeakable and abundant love eternal.
I lie still in the waterfalls of your affections and finally allow You to pour out the streams of your pleasures upon my head and drench my body and soul in celestial cure, health and love.
For so long I was stiff, afraid of the power of your goodness.
Now…I let You sing over me.
My older sisters have told me a story (over and over again) about how when I was a little girl a friend of theirs raced them up a mango tree to grab the juiciest mango on top (this was when we lived in the Bahamas). They said they had all wanted that mango so bad, but he had gotten to it first.
When he came down the mango tree he gave that prized mango to me and I sat down on the hot cement and began to bite into it.
My sisters always describe the mango juice running down my lips and dripping down my chest, even onto my legs and the ground. “You were swimming in mango juice.”
Jesus, I feel like I’m biting into the juiciest fruit again.
Only now….it’s fruit from your tree…from your heart.
It’s fruit that I haven’t earned but that you’ve won for me.
And it’s a never ending song…singing over me.
Water to dry-cracked ground, rain to my skin.
Your mercy and loving-kindness, O Lord, extend to the skies, and Your faithfulness to the clouds.
Your righteousness is like the mountains of God, Your judgments are like the great deep. O Lord, You preserve man and beast.
How precious is Your steadfast love, O God! The children of men take refuge and put their trust under the shadow of Your wings.
They relish and feast on the abundance of Your house; and You cause them to drink of the stream of Your pleasures.
For with You is the fountain of life; in Your light do we see light.
~ “Visions of Celestial Love is a book of inspiring quotes and beautiful prose about God’s unconditional love for mankind. The insights of this book help us to understand that it was the Father’s great love for us that made a way for us to have life together with His Son, Jesus Christ. Through it we get a glimpse into the true meaning of Christ’s sacrifice of love expressed through His death, burial and resurrection as God’s magnificent gift of grace to us. His blood made it possible for all those who put their faith in Him to have fellowship with His Father again.
I am confident that at the completion of this book, you will also seek after God with your whole heart and want to be in His presence forever.” —Alice Paige
Going outside together looks different now (my mask was under my hat) 💕🌈👒
It was enjoyable having a change of scenery 💖
We both sat in the back of Papa’s truck and let the warm breeze brush over our faces ☀️😊. (We never got out of the truck as my dad ran errands but Eden had a huge smile plastered on her face. She was just pleased to be together “outside.” 🌳🌸💐)
~Things may look a little different in our world when it comes to socializing 🌎. But I encourage you to find delight where you can. In the every little day things. Eden naturally chose joy and simplicity during this time. I’m choosing to follow her example and love every day life. Because every time I wake up it’s a gift from God. And I’m grateful for the blessings that He’s tucked away in my pocket during this week. Things like:
~Seeing my brother for the first time in months.😃 ~My husband staying home from work and helping me with my daycare. 😘 ~My literary agent being so patient and encouraging toward me while I finish my book for her 📚 ~The presence of my parents ❤️ ~And Jesus always being near…despite social distancing. He washes me daily with kindness & helps me respond kindly to others 💦😇
I hope you find your hands cupped full of God’s everyday grace and may your heart take joy in Him 🎁💐💃🏽
~”No matter how hard we try, we love conditionally, don’t we?” -Terry MacAlmon , Heart of Worship 2010
This question voiced by Terry is not meant to bring condemnation but rather room for grace and honest vulnerability.
I was sitting in a small group. The evening sun was waning and casting the last of its orangy-gold rays into the living room. Myself and a few others sat together in a very intimate setting. Cups of steaming hot coffee was enveloped in our hands. We were talking about the importance of loving people and how closely it connected with worship.
A wispy thought perfumed my mind, and my soul felt nudged to share. I felt a little bit embarrassed to admit my thoughts at first (it was almost as if I were confessing a crime), but in obedience to the inner prompting I was sensing, I raised my hand. The group leader called on me to contribute to the discussion. With her gracious invitation I began.
“You know sometimes when my love for people runs out…Jesus will enter into the situation and ask me to behave differently. And because I love him, I will love them.”
At first that sounded kind of cold, even to my own ears. I imagined the ladies and the pastor in the room was thinking: what do you mean when your love for people runs out?Have you got a shortage in your love tank or something?
I received blank stares. Seeking to explain myself, I gave an example of one of the godliest women recognized in history. Jesus had recently given me her testimony as a refreshing encouragement regarding my daycare work.
“I’m sure all of you have heard of Mother Teresa?” It was a question that didn’t need answering. Everyone gave a positive nonverbal response. After all, who could forget Mother Teresa? The teenager who gave up her life for love of Christ? I remember reading a biography of how she hopped on a train as a young single woman knowing that she would never see her family again. She willfully chose to give her life to the poor, suffering and dying in India after seeing their despair. I didn’t understand how she could ever give up matrimony…only that the depth of her sacrifice must have been divinely inspired.
“One thing that Mother Teresa used to say when she picked up a sick child, or a dying starving man before handing them to a fellow nun was, ‘just imagine that this is Christ. And you’re the one tending his wounds. You’re the one giving him milk. You’re the one washing his chafed skin.'” (Example: Matthew 25: 35-40)
“I realize that she was able to love faithfully her whole life because it was unto Jesus. It was worship.” I paused momentarily and saw that I was now starting to make sense to those around me. I continued, “As I reflected on that, I realized that when my natural love for others runs out, then the love that Jesus has poured into me throughout my years makes me unable to resist him if he steps into a situation and prompts me to be good to others. Because it’s him asking me and not necessarily the person that I’m grieved with, then I will be good to them. Not because I want to for their sake, but because I want to for his sake. My love for him compels me to obey in loving others.”
~“If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” (John 14:15).
“This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you.” (John 15:12)
I then shared with them about how God had prompted me to pray for the salvation of the man who sexually molested me as a girl (years later that man came to Christ). I gave them another example of when I prayed for the thieves who had broken into my older cousins apartment to steal some of his valuables. They murdered him outright in the process. There have been many examples of when God’s love has prompted me to respond differently to people who have offended me (thankfully, most of them are not as extreme as the two examples I have given). Because I responded with Christ’s love regarding the two situations above, my heart escaped the trap of bitterness and I was enabled to live in true forgiveness and freedom.
More recently I can think of the many instances that I’ve had with my husband Stephen. Through the course of our marriage we have both offended one another. Mostly not on purpose but sometimes we have both done it on purpose. There’s been times where I’ve been cruel to him and he will respond kindly to me. He has confessed to me many times that his response was because Jesus spoke to him in that heated moment. I know my husband will do things like that for love of Jesus more than for love of me. Because his love for Jesus is greater than his love for me. This quality in Stephen is something I prayed that my future husband would have when I was single.
As his wife, this actually gives my heart rest and a place security because I know the love of God that was shed abroad through Christ Jesus can never fail. -1 Corinthians 13: 8
So I know that my husband’s love for me can never fail.
There have also been times where i’ve been upset at him and I’ve been willing to hold a grudge despite what scripture says. And then Jesus will come into that dark space with me and want to talk to me. Sometimes in my stubbornness I’ve wanted to tune him out and literally plug my fingers in my ears and go, “la, la, la, la.”(immature, I know…especially for a licensed minister). I know I cannot resist Jesus, deny his wisdom or denounce the Truth, so I prefer not to hear him when I’m boiling mad (can anyone relate or is it just me?). Once or twice I have even told my Lord, “no, no! Please do not interfere right now or step into this. Can I not have one hour of sulking before you come?”
One of the most heartfelt things Jesus has ever said to me was, “Ashley, if you can’t do it because you love your husband…then do it because you love me.” My heart was immediately kindled with warm love for him. Deep compassion rose from within and in knowing “defeat” I let out a long exhale and said, “okay.”
We are able to love as believers because of our love for him.
Dear one, no matter what has happened to you, no matter who has offended you…you are able to love like Jesus. He lives in you and you’ve been recreated in him.
When the world sees that we love him more than them, then we will have faithfully loved the world the way that Christ has shown us love (After all even when his love for us wasn’t motivation enough, the love that Jesus had for God compelled him to willingly submit to the cross: “yet not my will but yours be done.” Luke 22:42).
This is the type of love that washes feet, prays for its enemies, binds up the brokenhearted, casts out devils, heals the sick, forgives repeatedly and continuously provides for the needs of men who can’t pay you back.
Every act of power that Jesus did on earth reflected the nature and motive of the One who sent him. (See John 3:16 for an example). His power acts because his love feels.
This may seem demeaning to the self righteous and even sacrilegious to others. It’s a somewhat scandalous thing to admit that you’ve run dry in your love for others (at least in the religious and traditional circles I grew up in). But I have learned that my natural love has its limits. My ability to be constantly good to others can only stretch so far (especially if they are behaving in an unpleasant way or if misunderstandings leave room for the enemy to point accusatory thoughts or if I’m facing difficulties myself). Throughout my years of walking closely with Jesus I have come to be quite comfortable with my own weaknesses and inability. I know I can only love so much but I know he can love forever. And so whenever my flesh fails I can call upon him and say, “love through me.”
He is always faithful to do so.
It’s kind of funny but throughout my years with different friends, I have often heard, “you’re such a loving person,” or, “you’re so sweet.”
I’m actually not a “great lover.” I don’t consider myself to be. I have simply received the love of Jesus very well (by God’s grace). It’s really him loving through me. A lot of my loving springs from his thoughts permeating my mind. My motivation for true, selfless love is simply him.
There has been so many times where I’ve wanted to walk away from people, give up on them or just not take so much of my energy and time to encourage others. But because he lives in me, I have yielded to the ways in which he has wanted to express himself to others.
~We love because he first loved us. – 1 John 4:19.
Your heart has the capacity to receive and give amazing grace. You are more like Jesus than you realize. You are capable of self-sacrificing love. You are capable of even dying for your enemies. Once you receive grace and his love for you….you can live just like him. This kind of extravagant love is a part of the fruit of the Spirit. (Galatians 5:22-23)
You don’t have to go through life trying to work works for God from your flesh. No healing miracle has ever come from somebodies flesh. No one has ever earned their salvation. No one will be able to boast on the day of judgement that they did anything for God apart from his ability working in them. No matter how much we think we’ve accomplished, on the day we see Jesus, we will cast our crowns at his feet. We will discover that all the eternal work that we’ve achieved that gets rewarded for in heaven has come from his life in us. Like Paul, we will say, “I am what I am by the grace of God,” and “I labored more than you all yet it was not I but the grace of God working in me.” (1 Corinthians 15:10).
We are meant to live by grace through faith….even when it comes to loving faithfully. We live through him (not “necessarily” for him…after all he is the vine and we are the branches). Loving faithfully is easy when it comes from his seed within us.
~This picture was taken on the day that I decided to announce to the world that Stephen and I are having another baby. You may not be able to tell, but my belly is sticking out.
The law was brought in so that the trespass might increase. But where sin increased, grace increased all the more- Romans 5:20 NIV
Have you ever behaved terribly and been blessed right after? Or lost your temper at a loved one and then been shown favor by God?
It seems like an oxymoron, doesn’t it?
“Good behavior gets good results; bad behavior gets bad result”. Culturally we’ve been saturated with this kind of thinking. We were raised by good, responsible parents who rightly enforced consequences for our rebellious behavior (whether it was time-out, spanking, loss of privileges, grounding, extra chores, etc). As we grew up, state law became our school-master, reinforcing to some degree, our upbringing.. Years in church soaked our minds with religious law that also echoed our parent’s rules; subconsciously connecting this principle to our relationship with God. Everyone and everything around us seems to respond to our bad behavior with justice, reinforcing the foundation of eye for eye and tooth for tooth….
Only this hasn’t been my experience with God. And I imagine it hasn’t been yours either. James 2:13 states that mercy triumphs over judgement.
A kind answer soothes angry feelings, but harsh
words stir them up. -Proverbs 15:1 CEV
My nerves were shot like heated electrified wires ready to explode. I was overcharged, tired, upset, angry and in a stew of self-pity rooted in victimhood. (The funny thing about a victim mentality is that it always places blame and thus becomes an accuser and predator. I have often found that people with a victim mentality take on the characteristics of an abuser)
“Why can’t you go the store for me?” I fussed at my husband with a rigid hand on my hip, “I’ve worked 10 hours today and you none. I’m exhausted!”
My husband looked at me with unmoving blue eyes and replied calmly to my toddler-like tantrum, “no.,” he said reaffirming his original answer.
My anger
felt more like fury now.
How could he be so unsympathetic? If I wasn’t so mad, I would be at the brink of tears!
Eden pawed at my knees, seeking my attention. She wasn’t used to sharing me all day with the daycare kids and so after they left, she often wanted undivided mommy-time when I just wanted quiet, therapeutic me-time.
Picking her up, I rolled my eyes and slipped my purse over my shoulders, “fine.” I spat making sure to pass my husband the sternness look I could conjure. I slammed the front door behind me with as much zeal as the Beast to Belle when she refused to have dinner with him during her first night at his castle (“Fine! Then go ahead and starveeeeeeee!” After he slams the door on Belle he promptly tells his servants, “if she doesn’t eat with ME, then she doesn’t eat at ALL!!!”)
(Mind you, I had just come from a short but intense week of ministry school with a pretty famous healing evangelist. We talked mostly about not letting your flesh rule you in that school. And here I was, doing just that… acting in the flesh with flying colors.)
Above all, love each other deeply, because love
covers over a multitude of sins. -1 Peter 4:8
As I sped drove to Walmart, I grumbled in the truck. “God, I’m so mad. I’m so upset. How could he treat me like this? Doesn’t he see how much I need help? Doesn’t he know how much these 50 hour weeks are taking it out of me?!”
I was sorely tempted to over-exaggerate this one instance of my husband’s refusal to do a grocery run for me and think things like: “he never does runs for me” or “he never understand where I’m coming from.”
I parked the car and took Eden out. Fingering through my i-phone, I found the detailed grocery list that I had made. I couldn’t wait to be in and out of Walmart as quickly as possible.
unbuckled Eden and held her to me before brisk walking into the store. Once we
were in, I put Eden in the cart. I began making my rounds and Eden soon became
fussy. She wanted down. I knew she liked walking around the store and while I
was hardly in the mood, I had compassion on her and set her down. She walked
around merrily.
After awhile, things were looking more costly than I expected and my conscious began to prick me with stress. I began to pick and choose what I really needed and I skipped over the brand name versions of the items that I wanted to buy the less expensive Great Value versions. Eden began to misbehave by running off or whinnying when I would tell her to stay by me. I had to snatch several items from her hands and eventually I just put her back in the cart.
Lord, I can’t wait to get out here!
I thought.
The checkout line was particularly long (or so it seemed. Since my attitude was bad I could have grossly overestimated it). Eden attempted to climb out of her seat and I was left trying to distract her with the things in the cart. I kissed her forehead and played with her hair.
Finally, it was my turn and while the cashier was plugging everything in, I was busy trying to appease Eden who grew increasingly fussy. The cashier gave me a once over and shortly afterward, quoted me the bill.
“Okay,” I said and pulled out my business card. It was a new card, and mostly my husband used it on grocery runs. (Remember, only an hour or so ago my flesh wanted to convince me that he never did grocery runs for me).
I fingered
in the pin only for it to be rejected.
pin.” She stated matter-of-factly.
“Oh,” I
voiced, heat rushing to my face, “can I try again?”
I tried
again, only to make another error. I tried another time. Failure. My heart rate
spiked and I peeked at my neighbors in line. Even though I knew this was my
card, I felt guilty, embarrassed and ashamed. I imagined they all were thinking
that I stole somebody else’s card and was using it. After all, who doesn’t know
their own pin for crying out loud? Well, that person would be me.
To add
insult to injury Eden began complaining loudly, “no! no! no!” She wanted out of
the cart.
I attempted
to appease her and simultaneously, I frantically searched my mind, desperately trying
to remember my pin.
Giving up,
I moved to pull out my personal card. I wasn’t sure how much money I had on it
but I hoped it would be enough.
“I’ll just
use this card.” I told the cashier, trying to hide how I was feeling.
She typed
in a code for me to retry and I stuck in my card. It worked. Thank goodness.
“Thanks.” I said and put the bags in my cart before hurrying off to the exit.
As customary, the security employee stood by the door to check receipts. She was a short, light complexed young lady with dark hair. After scanning my receipt, she peeked into my cart and chose to scan the bag of golden delicious apples that I had bought for the daycare kids. Her machine showed a red circle with a white x on it. She said something wasn’t right and did it two more times. By this time, the line behind me was getting long. Thoughts of people thinking I was a thief again plagued me, leaving my face warm with shame.
Why wasn’t anything going right tonight? Perhaps it was my just dessert, for the way I spoke to my husband? Even though I don’t believe in karma, religious thoughts like this surfaced in my mind like wagging condescending fingers. It was as if I was placed under the curse of the law again…”all these evil things will befall you if you disobey the Lord your God…” -Deuteronomy 28:15
security lady tried to explain to me what was wrong. She repeated herself at
least twice but all I could hear were my own condemning thoughts and the sound
of my heart in my ears. She pointed to the apples on my receipt and said something
that made me wonder if I had been charged for one apple instead of a bag with
ten apples. She told me to go to customer service and pointed me in the right
direction. Humiliated, I turned my cart around and purposefully avoided the
gazes of the people in line.
For surely You, O LORD, bless the
righteous; You surround them with the shield of your favor. –Psalm 5:12 BSB
An older
lady with short curly hair and a guttural voice was at the customer service
counter. I went up to her and told her the little information I could remember
form the security lady.
“Okay, let me see,” she said squinting her eyes to see clearly despite her reading specks.
“Huh?” she huffed and furrowed her brow. “Who checked you out?”
“I don’t
know her name,” I said, “but I was on isle 3. What’s wrong?”
“You were severely overcharged. You see?” She pointed to the same area the security lady had.
My eyes
“She charged you for ten bags of apples instead of just one bag! I don’t understand how she could have made that error when it’s pretty simple.”
After several minutes of conversation, she opened her cash register and handed me the money I was due.
“Which isle were you on again?”
I was beginnign to feel sorry for the young lady who had checked me out. I saw her walk past us from a backroom. She glanced my way and bowed her head before continuing on.
Did she overcharge me on purpose? I wondered at her reaction.
“I was on isle 3,” I said reluctantly.
I retreved my cash and thanked the customer service lady before taking my exit.
After loading up the truck and securing Eden in, I turned on the heater. It was night time now and cold outside. I had been in Walmart for much longer than I originally intended.
As I drove home, I couldn’t help but think about how God had protected me. Of all the things I had in my cart that the security lady could have scanned, she chose to scan the apple bag. I knew God had influenced that. Gratitude filled me because despite my bad attitude and the ill way I had treated my husband whom I was supposed to honor, God still washed me with grace. He still had His arms of favor around me. He moved things around me to show me that He was there. I hope you know that this is how He treats you as well. No matter how your day went, He wants to respond to you with mercy. I felt His warm fatherly smile and discerned His voice in my heart.
“No one shall steal from my righteous daughter. I surround you always with favor and love.”
Righteous? I hardly felt righteous. But His words came like a whiff of Heaven’s aroma, reminding me that I was in Jesus (Ephesians 5:30). And Jesus was my home.
His love and soft answer melted my stresses away. When my anxiety dissipated, deep love began to spread in my chest like sugary roots. I felt the healing peace that only comes when we know that we are right with God through Jesus (Romans 5:1). The Holy Spirit began to minister reconciliation in my soul (2 Corinthians 5:18) and assure me that He was my strength. He showed me that I was overly stressed and angry because I wasn’t receiving grace. My body began to feel like soil, soaked through with misty rain. The offense and wrath that I had against my husband washed clear out of my heart like a fan blowing a feather out of a room. Suddenly, I could hardly wait to get home to my husband.
When I arrived at the house, I found him typing on his laptop in my preschool room. I unloaded the truck and put Eden down. We naturally gravitated toward each other and I told him what had happened before apologizing. I wanted peace with him. He graciously forgave me and it felt so good to be in a place of harmony with him again.
I have discovered throughout my walk with Jesus that I never misbehave out of desire. Nothing in my new nature desires to be bad or hurt the ones that I love. Like Paul in Romans 7, I sometimes wrestle with doing the good that I desire to do and not doing the evil that I loathe. Even though I may do bad things, my recreated nature is good.
As born-again Christians we have God’s love nature inside of us. When we act outside of the law of love (which sums up all of the law and prophets), we tend to feel it. I know I feel it. In those moments, I don’t need somebody to tell me what a failure I am and I imagine you don’t either. I need someone to remind me who I am in Christ. I need someone to hug me and speak life over me. God almost always responds this way toward me. When I misbehave, His discipline goes to the very core of the issue. His instruction looks a lot like an overhaul of grace. I have found grace to be the greatest destroyer of sin because grace changes my identity and makes me depend on Jesus. Grace provides all my needs and thus destroys the appeal to sin.
For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace. -Romans 6:14
Often when I mess up God will tell me, “this isn’t who you are. Have you forgotten who you are? Let me remind you by being good to you.” His goodness is intended to lead us to repentance (Romans 2:4).
Years ago when I watched the Disney animation movie Moana (which I didn’t really care for, for personal reasons. Sorry Moana fans), I was reminded of who I am in Christ through a scene. It was the scene when Moana realized that Te Ka (a demon manifested in a fire and lava form) was really Te Fiti (a joyous and loving goddess with the power to create life). Moana’s discovery was equally as surprising to me. I thought, “that evil thing can’t be a life-giver!” Suddenly Moana’s whole attitude changed toward the raging fire ball of hate Te Ka. She bravely started walking toward her with the intent of returning her stolen heart and healing her. As the velvety turquoise waters of the ocean split, Te Ka saw her opportunity to kill Moana who sang tranquilly. She crawled toward her like a possessed creature, fuming black smoke as she screamed madly. Moana sang love and identity over her. These words struck my heart as I realized this is how the Holy Spirit treats me when I act in the ugliness of the flesh:
“I have crossed the horizon to find you. I know your name. They have stolen the heart from inside you. But this does not define you. This is not who you are. You know…who you are.”
Once Te Ka’s heart was returned, green golden light from within her began to crack the molten lava that was suffocating her lush skin. A beautiful smile spread across Te Fiti’s face as radiant flowers began to bloom over her body. After she was healed she went forth and did what was natural to her….she healed the land around her. She truly became a life-giver once she realized who she was.
You see, before her heart was stolen Te Fiti was resting peacefully. The Life within her was creating beautiful life all around her. God used this scene (from an originally pagan story no less) to speak redemption to me. I understood that whenever I lose my rest and my inner peace, it’s because I’ve lost touch with the Life of Christ in me. Somewhere along the way, I’ve lost touch with my heart, my home…my Jesus. When that happens stress begins to manifest, fears spring forth, depression, anxiety and pressure begin to weigh me down like the clayed on lava that crusted Te Fiti’s green skin. In those moments of walking in the flesh (which produces death…or in Te Ka’s case, fire and brimstone), I need someone to look past my ugly behavior and see me the way God sees me…in the spirit. This Person for me has been the Holy Spirit.
I pray that you realize how God sees you despite your actions. You are not the mistakes of your past. You are not the stresses of your present. You are not an alcoholic. You are not bound by sin. You are not stained so bad that the blood of Jesus can’t make you whiter than snow. You are not used up waste (the results of what’s been done to you). You are not your thoughts or the thoughts of others toward you. You are not a mistake. You are not too much.
Dear one, YOU are God’s beloved child! He didn’t just cross the horizon of the earth to find you. He crossed Heaven, invaded earth and bankrupt Hell for you. He gave you all of His heart so that you can have abundant life inside. He’s already paid for your healing. He’s already paid the price for your sins. He’s already paid for your salvation, your redemption, your deliverance, your peace of mind (it’s all about what Jesus has done, not what you have done or what’s been done to you). God loves you. He’s never stopped loving you. He will never stop loving you: In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. -1 John 4:9-10
You have favor with God through Jesus Christ. His favor doesn’t just stop at saving us, His favor spreads across our lives. His favor is a daily reality. He cares about everything…even the simple little things like an overcharge for apples. I pray that you grow in awareness of all the ways He daily loves you and takes care of you.
We can never run out of reasons to thank Him for this undeserved favor <3
A recent picture of my husband Stephen and I. I treated us to a hearty breakfast while we had our Family United meeting. An idea Stephen and God came up with to help us create a vision for our ministry, marriage, family, and businesses and implement steps toward our goals.
~For information on my life coaching services, click here.
P.S: I used the returning of the heart scene in the fictional tale of Moana as an analogy of the scriptural reality of Christ in us (Colossians 1:27). I don’t claim any rights whatsoever to Moana. All credit goes to Disney and Ron Clements, John Musker, Don Hall, Chris Williams and everyone else involved. Also, I don’t believe in goddess because they are not scriptural, except given in example in heathen cultures (see Acts 19). I do believe in demons however since the Gospels are full of recordings where Jesus and the disciples cast them out of people. I hope you were greatly uplifted and encouraged through this devotional. Never forget that you are beloved of God.
Train up a child in the way he should go [and in keeping with his individual gift or bent], and when he is old he will not depart from it. -Proverbs 22:6
~What if God appeared to you and asked you, “what is it that you want? Whatever it is I will give it to you.”
It seems too good to be true doesn’t it?
Well it’s not because nothing is too good when it comes to God as Father.
These are the very words God spoke to me. These are the words He dearly longs for all of His children to hear and believe.
Years ago, I was in worship at Bible college. I was up in the front (my usual, comfy spot) with my arms outstretched worshipping God. After services were over the Dean of Women (whom I’ll call Mattie for privacy purposes) came up to me. She had a bright smile that radiated in her light blue eyes. She gave the best “grandma-like hugs” and she embraced me. She giggled warmly as she spoke, “I heard the Father say, ‘ask what you will and He will do it for you.'”
My face was not as enthusiastic as her’s, but I did smile, “thank you.”
I tried to act friendly and excited but the truth was, I wasn’t.
Mattie was one of the kindest and most loving women that I had ever met. Because she was sooo sweet, I didn’t know if she was just trying to encourage me in the “flesh” rather than in the Spirit.
I walked to work afterwards…which was at the college’s ministry phone center. I walked past a Floor Leader desk and suddenly my husband turned around in his swivel chair. He looked at me, “The Lord say’s ‘ask what you will and He will give it to you.'”
I half-smiled and went to my desk, prepping myself to pray for the myriad of precious callers who would be buzzing the phone lines soon.
As I sat there in my chair, God’s request of me began to nudge on my heart.
Questioning God’s goodness isn’t foreign to most believers that I’ve met. And I’ve met quite a few..both in person and over the phones or net. It’s an unbiblical, religious mindset that questions the goodness of God because everything about God is good. He is the most cheerful Giver you will ever meet. His very nature is Love and love always gives the best (with no selfish strings attached).
For years I grew up in church and heard the above scripture about training up a child in the way they should go. I was always taught that it meant training them up to fear and follow the Lord. As a result I threw away my goals and dreams in pursuit of serving Jesus through work that I was not passionate about. I was taught that, “whatever you really don’t want to do, will probably be the thing that God asks you to do. And you just need to suck it up buttercup because this life is all about death to self in order to please God.” (I confess there is some truth in dying to self but it wasn’t explained accurately to me for many years). It’s absolutely detrimental on so many levels how religion paints God.
Scripture gives so many examples of God blessing people above and beyond what they asked for. When God gives, it’s like a lavish party that never ends. Solomon asked for wisdom and God said, “I will give you what you asked for! …And I will also give you what you did not ask for—riches and fame! No other king in all the world will be compared to you for the rest of your life!” -1 Kings 3:12-13 NLT.
God’s answer to Jabez’s prayer is one of my personal favorites (you can find it in 1 Chronicles 4:10). I have personally prayed a similar prayer to this.
God made all the patriots of our faith (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) smashingly wealthy. I mean, over the top rich! They were so rich and famous that the nations around them were jealous but couldn’t do a thing because God’s favor surrounded them like a shield (just ask the Pharaoh who wanted to have Abraham’s wife whom he thought was his sister).
Years ago, I began to notice that Jesus never asked people what they needed from Him. He only asked them what they “wanted Him to do for them” (example: Mark 10:51). The Lord opened my eyes to this. Most people just asked for healing (and who can blame them?). But Jesus said, “your heavenly Father knows what you need already” (Mark 6:32). It was like He was inviting them to a feast they didn’t know existed. “Taste and see that I am good,” -Psalm 34:8.
C.S Lewis put this so eloquetly in his sermon “The Weight of Glory.” Here he writes the truth regarding most peoples poverty mindset when it comes to God’s infinite love and resources:
“If we consider the unblushing promises of reward and the staggering nature of the rewards promised in the Gospels, it would seem that Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased.” (26)
Until now you have not asked for anything in My name. Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete. -John 16:24 BSB.
I feel like I should give some personal examples now of how God has said “yes” to me:
I asked Him to go to college but not ever have debt. So far I’ve been through roughly 9 years of college, vocational schools, certification programs, etc without debt and without government assistance.
I asked Him that my first boyfriend would be my husband and that he would be a man who heard from God often…Stephen is just that and so much more! God knew what I wanted and needed.
I asked to move to CO as a teenager because my two favorite Christian authors lived out there and because it just looked beautiful (not all my requests have been “spiritual.”), Years later I moved to CO for Bible college and didn’t even remember my earlier request as a teen until God reminded me. “You see Ashley? I give you good and perfect gifts.”
I asked God for a baby and He enlarged my womb with life after personally speaking with my husband (who didn’t want a child at the time) that everything would be okay.
I asked God to be able to start up my own preschool. I now have a home-based Christian school.
I asked God to self-publish Visions of Celestial before Eden-Rain was born and start up Nourishment Through Words Press. He granted those requests.
I asked God to move back home to California because I missed my family and the beach. A year or so later He again spoke to my husband, this time about moving, and now here we are.
I asked God for money to be able to become a certified Christian Life Coach so that I could speak life and encouragement over others to follow their God-dreams. Father told me He would give me the money I needed and not to worry about it. He came through over and above the amount that I needed (which was a hefty amount).
I asked God to not be a self-published author anymore but that i wanted to be a traditional-royalty based author. I began to pray to Him that He would connect me to a Christian publishing company that would be able to distribute my books to the masses. Just last week…He supernaturally gave me favor and my book has been picked up by a prestigious literary agency who want to present it to big publishers. I know this dream will come true also.
I asked to see my brother this Christmas. He’s in the Navy and my heart has longed to see him personally. Later on today, my family and I will be going to AZ to meet him! Yay God.
This list is exhaustless and could go on forever. So, I’ll stop here. I can’t help but smile and thank my Father.
You see, God as your Father has put certain passions, gifts, talents and desires in your heart. He’s not a tight-wad. You can ask Him and expect good things. They don’t even have to be spiritual things (I know I asked Him for chocolate cake on my 21st birthday and when I walked out my front door my neighbor who never spoke to me before had a table full of chocolate cake and said she wanted to share). God just delights in being good to you because He loves you. He has always loved you. He will always love you.
Please understand, asking God for things and expecting them, has got nothing to do with your goodness or holiness (at least not in your flesh)! Spiritually you were made the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21). When you accepted Jesus as your Savior and Lord, God made you a co-heir with Christ (Romans 8:17). He gave you a heavenly inheritance that manifest here and now on earth. “…The people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.” -Daniel 11:32.
God wants you to ask Him. Come to Him like a well-loved child (because you are) and make your requests known to Him. Then, trust Him by letting Him guide you through the process of stepping into the reality of your dreams. Submitting to His Lordship is not painful. Submitting to His Lordship is allowing Him to lead you into abundant life. Into a life that is far better than you can imagine. Trust His heart. He only wants good things for you.
I find it interesting that the next scripture that follows training up a child is this: the rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. -Proverbs 22:7.
I believe that when parents submit to God’s way of truly training their children up, that their children will flourish in life. And their children will live in great joy because this training will be tailored to their individual bent or talent. Meaning parents won’t squish their children’s dreams but help them discover their God-sized dream and encourage them in it. Their children will never be a servant to the lender. God as your Father never wants you to live in an impoverished state. In the Old Testament poverty was considered a curse. It’s not holy or good to be poor. If God doesn’t think it is, then I am confident in His opinion.
He wants you as His child to trust Him with the dreams in your heart, beleive Him through the process and experience His great goodness and ability in your life!
I pray that this blog post encouraged you to dream big and to run to the ever-open arms of your Father. I pray that you grow to trust God more for your life and that you walk in sensitivity with His Holy Spirit. He has glorious promises for you.
~If you need any prayer, encouragement and clarification on your God-dreams, I would love to help you on your journey! You can contact me for Life Coaching services! It’s absolute my pleasure to see you soar in the destiny that God has for you!
“I love you (Ashley) and I thank you because you’re the only one who stirs me up with my dream. God has ministered to me so many times! I think that those who truly pursue God’s dreams are few and far between. He gave me insight while I was singing with him that every single one of his children are supposed to be drenched in success and aiming high. God’s plans are no where near the standard that the average Christian has been walking in. It’s a beautiful thing and an awakening because he literally has an outstanding plan for everyone. If all of us would only tap into our skill sets and design, then we would all be hitting the nail on the head. Everyone’s glory was originally supposed to be huge! There is no mediocre lifestyle or money or love or blessing or talent or skill set or job in the body of Christ! We’re all the cream of the crop. Every single one of us but few of us believe and receive and tap into his mind. Few of us understand how huge God’s kingdom on earth is! I’m not waiting anymore. I’m running and I’m going to be diligent in what he asks me to do today! I’m going to believe it when he gives me insight about tomorrow! I will not waste my life away waiting.” -Chloe Lange, worshipper, wife, mother, Lioness Lips entrepreneur.
Your sister in Christ, Ashley xoxo
I chose this picture of my Father and i because I think it’s befitting to the message. This man (as seen on the right) has done more for me than I could have ever asked for…just like God. <3
Your presence releases a fragrance so pleasing— over and over poured out. For your lovely name is “Flowing Oil.” No wonder the brides-to-be adore you. Draw me into your heart. We will run away together into the king’s cloud-filled chamber. -Song of Songs 1:3-4 TPT
My heart yearned for him like a
swallow for the wind. I longed to spread my wings and ride the current of his
vaporous love until I was perfumed with the scents of his soul.
I wanted the oil of his skin to become like an eternal anointing on the terrain of my flesh. Jesus, my heart had cried…
The Swiss alps were quite a sight. Majestic mountains powdered with glinting white gold bounced reflective shafts of light from the sun’s aureate waves. Blades of emerald green grass made pockets like quilt along the rugged terrain— lustrous gemstones. Clouds formed puffy castles that spilt like rain in slow motion down the cliffs. Their fluid motions seemed celestial. The cloud cover glowed like pearls and appeared as rich as whole milk. A double translucent rainbow made an iridescent crest in the sky before touching down on a distant mountain that was hazed purple.
Richly clad people, sitting on crimson plush benches, leaned over each other to peek out the windows in the luxury tour train that seated us all. I noticed a woman with a remarkably large ruby ring set on a rose gold band. Her fine fingers were speckled with gold dust and she wore a long sleeved nude dress sequined with light bronze beads that formed star patters. The patterns were clustered around her lean torso and then thinned into a V shape around her tapered waist. Indeed, the jewels, so keenly fashioned into her gown they seemed a part of her flesh. Her caramel skin glowed like honey in the sun and she had amber eyes flecked with a darker cinnamon brown color. Her charcoal shiny black hair was tied back with a silver burette with tiny gems. A gold chain with a captivating moonstone hung from her petite neck. She arched a curvy eyebrow and her full lips painted red wine curved upward in a small, pleased smile. She lifted a perfectly manicured finger to the clear glass window and tapped. Rosy pearls hung in her ears.
Her lover, a man of lighter complexion rubbed her shoulders and kissed the nape of her neck. As beautiful as it was outside, his eyes were steadfastly set on her. His blue eyes were as clear and piercing as the sky over the ocean after a hurricane washed clear through. It was like morning light. His lustrous hair resembled the dark burgundy color of wet henna. He had a strong chin, Jude Law nose and his box beard shaped his chiseled jaw and lined his lower face. He wore a collared white dress shirt underneath a dashing, long black trench coat. A Rolex Trench watch donned his left wrist. A thick golden band with curious inscription was on his middle finger. He looked like he could be a duke, and she a countess.
Suddenly aware of the enamor and wealth of everyone else’s attire, I became embarrassed for wearing my sky-blue pajamas under a cream wool robe. My hair was pinned up in fat dark chocolate brown twists and lip balm was my only facial dress.
Jesus sat across from me and because of my own self-awareness, I failed to notice the smoothness of his bronze skin. It was like a brown terrain of amber butterscotch as placid as silk. The corner of his lips lifted into a smile. A joy foreign to the world shone in His swirling chestnut eyes like sparkling fire embers against a velvety night sky. Deep peace came off of Him like a swell of sauna waves from an invisible ocean…
To read my first romantic novella about the Bridegroom love of Jesus, click here.
“The stories in this book will invite you into a marriage relationship with Jesus showing you what it looks like to be loved without condemnation. Ashley brings you into personal conversations with the one who’s very name is Love. Sometimes life just gets so busy and I grow distant from the Lord that I don’t hear His gentle voice wooing me, calling me to His side. As I read this book, Jesus was reminding me of His great love for me, reminding me that He actually longed to spend time with me. If you are longing to know what it means to be loved and romanced by your creator, read this book and allow Jesus to romance you like only He can!” – Rachel Sklenicka, Licensed minister and former missionary to Russia.
I wrote this story as a teenager, during the years of my new birth, when Abba first began to call me away with images of beauty that held spiritual concepts, and endeared His heart to mine.This story was taken from my book, Visions of Celestial Love.
Why Lord? With every step I take my feet embrace the soft, wood-brown earth beneath. Please answer me. This place is beautiful Lord, this forest is…enchanting.
The tall slender trees are spaced out so that they all stand comfortably apart from one another. The soil that feeds this forest is dark brown and beaded with white balls. It is soft, dry, and oily at the same time. I move the earth around in my hands and bring a pleasant handful to my nose. Sniffing it, I smell pine leaves with spring rain. I breathe it in and let out a long leisurely, “Ahhh.”
The tall trees canopy this forest, dappling my face with sunlight and shadows as I walk. Everything is quiet and still here. Nothing but the faint, low whisper of the wind through the trees and my own quiet breath and footsteps stir this forest. It’s wonderful, Lord. I smile with my heart, enjoying the slow-paced peace that surrounds me. I feel as if the world I am visiting is alive—but I do not fully believe it yet. I feel a divine Personality here.
I see up ahead a long bowl of water darkening the soil that outlines it. The water is clear, with a marine color, like the aqua band on my wrist. I walk, without thinking, toward the center of the pool. I see large, silver-color rocks; some have moss on their sides.
My right foot touches the water first, entering it, causing a dance of ripples. Nothing has ever felt so gentle to my skin, to my soul before. Water of life. The wooden bracelet on my left ankle gets a taste of this sweet water as I continue on. The wet earth that my feet embrace is a texture indescribable. It feels as if I were walking on wet silk. My toes wiggle and dig, covering themselves in sheer glee.
As the cool, enjoyable water reaches my elbow, I smile, and continue enjoying the fluid music it makes as I move through it.
Now I am completely covered, soaking in life. A bright yellow fish swims by me and stops for a moment to look into my maple, tea-colored eyes. I smile in the water, and the yellow fish with wide, blue eyes passes by. He swam so gracefully and freely, like drifting kelp.
The sand underneath the water is white like pearls, and the sunlight plays at the bottom of the water like silk in the sky. A large shark swims past me and I lift my hands to feel the bottom of his belly. Then a slender hammerhead swims past me.
A rose-pink jelly fish moves to the top of the water. As I near the center of the pool and look up, I too begin to rise. I drift up like a feather in the wind. My body moves in light and soft waves. My hair is dry as soon as it leaves the graceful waters. All of me is dry, except the bottom of my feet, which still stand on the water.
Only by faith can these things be achieved. I walk on, causing more streaming ripples that reflect the yellow sun to bowl out until they reach the end. My feet and body feel the warmth when I touch the familiar dry soil again, and I feel as if I have greeted a longtime friend. Bending down by the pool I cup my hands and bring the water to my face. After splashing my face with the water, I noticed the skin on my face was softer.
Why am I here? I whisper to the Lord. I enjoyed the land, but my heart knew not the purpose of my being here. My quiet spirit knew, but never spoke. Up ahead was a patch of eye-catching, yellow flowers grouped together. They were as bright as lemons, and as rich as sunflower petals.
I walked near, but stood back in awe as the flowers began to drift to the sky, dancing around in fanciful circles. They danced with one another, playing in the sky. Oh, how can my words describe to you such beauty? The appearance of them was like yellow glazed glass with fire inside. Moving along they floated, some in the sun and some in the shade.
Do you hear that? my soul whispers. I turn to see glowing butterflies equally as dazzling fly towards the petals. They blended in with them, so that I couldn’t discern what was petal and what was butterfly.
Spring grass scattered over the ground like the flowers, but most of the forest floor was earth and trees. I began to near a silver-colored rock and I slid down it before trotting again. Fluidly moving mist rested in this area of the forest and it sounded like celtic music to the ears. As the light mist thickened, I saw before me a rose, stretching up to the branches of the trees. The setting sun’s light colored the mist a warm, milk-orange and I started to climb up the rose using the thorns. They were like a ladder to me, and each one dulled itself, as if I were meant to climb this rose.
When my hand first touched the petals, peace fell over my body like a waterfall over rocks, soothing, and warming me more than any hot spring ever could. The extravagant patterns of the cream-peach texture amazed me. The petals at the center were smaller but all the more soft. I crawled to the center, feeling as if I were touching mist, touching oil, laying in silk, and moving in milk. My arms stretched out and my legs moved—feeling, moving, enjoying, and cherishing such a bed that wafted aromas from Heaven’s springs, from Heaven’s kitchen. Nothing has ever felt this good before.
The petals conformed to the shape of my body and enveloped me inside. I hugged a big petal and it felt like I was hugging a fluffy, white cloud. Not even water was as gentle as this. Each petal formed a hill, all of them together created a waving pattern. I soaked in the petals, becoming one with them and they with me, until my eyes grew heavy and I fell asleep, entering a world undefined.
After an ample night’s rest, I leisurely awoke to find the flower glowing as if the sun was inside. My cheek pressed against a petal as my eyes fluttered.
I had lost myself in the night. I had lost my fleshly nature—I lost every degrading lie I’d believed about myself. My spirit spoke to me as the flower lowered itself slightly and tilted so that I slid off. I watched the flower straighten again, but as I gazed at the soft petals I had just lain on, I realized there was a petal in my heart—a petal of peace, a petal of comfort.
You, Lord, I told Him, smiling with closed eyes, I know why You sent me here.
My human eyes opened but my spiritual eyes saw now.
“When I read Visions of Celestial Love, it is as if I am brought down to my knees to worship. What the Holy Spirit has done in and through Ashley, He is doing also in me. What a wonderful experience. It is very rich. Thank you for sharing the treasure.”—Riko Suci Alam, CEO of Ligar Jaya and owner of Clove Garden hotel in Bandung Indonesia.
~The reason why I write is because I just can’t get over Him. He’s worthy of worship, and this worship heals the souls of men.
For the Pure and Shining One, by the prophetic singers of Korah’s clan A contemplative song of instruction for the Loved One To the melody of “Lilies”
My heart is on fire, boiling over with passion. Bubbling up within me are these beautiful lyrics as a lovely poem to be sung for the King. Like a river bursting its banks, I’m overflowing with words, spilling out into this sacred story.
Beautiful! Beautiful! Beyond the sons of men! Elegant grace pours out through every word you speak. Truly God has anointed you, his favored one, for eternity!
Now strap your lightning-sword of judgment upon your side, O mighty warrior, so majestic! You are full of beauty and splendor as you go out to war!
In your glory and grandeur go forth in victory! Through your faithfulness and meekness the cause of truth and justice will stand. Awe-inspiring miracles are accomplished by your power, leaving everyone dazed and astonished!
Your wounding leaves men’s hearts defeated as they fall before you broken.
Your glory-kingdom, O God, endures forever, for you are enthroned to rule with a justice-scepter in your hand!
You are passionate for righteousness and you hate lawlessness. This is why God, your God, crowns you with bliss above your fellow kings. He has anointed you, more than any other, with his oil of fervent joy, the very fragrance of heaven’s gladness.
Your royal robes release the scent of suffering love for your bride; the odor of aromatic incense is upon you. From the pure and shining place, lovely music that makes you glad is played for your pleasure.
~A short devotional on healing, written by Stephen McClelland.
Jehovah Rapha. “I WAS, I AM, and I ALWAYS WILL BE your healing.”
Let’s say my hands were covered in dirt, with motor oil, or something else hard to get clean. Or, say I had an infectious disease like leprosy. If I touched you with my unclean hands, you would be unclean where I touched you.
But when Jesus touched a leper, Jesus didn’t become unclean and infected. The leper became clean.
The leper asked Jesus, “if you are willing, you can make me clean.” Jesus answered “I am willing, be made clean.” And He touched him.
A God that is still able, and just as willing. You can’t clean up enough to receive Him, His touch is what cleanses you. Whether it is physical healing, or something else in your life that makes you feel unclean and unworthy.
Not a God that heals, but a God that IS healing. Not a God that changes your circumstances and makes things hard on you to clean you up, but a God that exudes cleansing from within Himself.
All it takes is one touch. “Be made clean and whole.”
Stephen McClelland is a licensed minister and a church consultant . A graduate of Charis Bible College. He runs a radio show in California called Encounter, where he retells amazing personal stories of people experiencing Jesus. He has served God as a preacher and pastor, with a strong emphasis on relationship with God and hearing His voice. He runs a ministerial website where viewers can listen to inspirational messages designed to mature believers in grace and truth. To visit his webpage click here.