For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. -Ephesians 2:10 NLT
I’ve been thinking about sharing this testimony for several weeks. I was recently hired as the Bible teacher for Monterey Bay Christian School. I will be teaching on the topic “Who is God” for the whole 2022-2023 school year! I cannot think of a greater topic to teach! The holy weight of this time has been like a cluster of sacred balsam in my chest, scenting my soul with exhales of heavenly joy.
I hope sharing my testimony creates a place of confident hope and expectation in your own soul concerning the words God has spoken over your life! He is faithful to his word, He is faithful to you! (2 Timothy 2:13, Psalm 36:5)
What’s been amazing about this whole journey was all the ways God showed me things beforehand:

“When the Spirit of truth comes…he will declare to you the things that are to come.” -John 16:13
1. Almost 5 years ago, when I was pregnant with Eden, my husband was busy creating a map out of our future in ministry. Anyone who knows my husband, knows that he frequently hears from God. As he was penning the children’s ministry portion the Lord spoke to him and he sat with me at our friend’s table and said, “The Lord says, he wants you in charge of our future children’s ministry. He told me he wants you to develop a curriculum for discipling children around ages 7 to 13.” My job as the Bible teacher comes with developing curriculum for children in grades 3-8. Talk about accuracy in hearing from God on my husband’s part!
2. Almost 4 years ago, shortly after Stephen and I moved to California for ministry I had two dreams about working at MBCS. I saw the deep blue wall downstairs with the painted eagle soaring in the sky. I saw myself in the staff room near the copywriting machine. I saw myself walking the halls upstairs. The dream felt so peaceful and so real that afterward, I started looking for job openings at MBCS but I never saw any. Eventually, I quit looking and started my own home daycare which I ran for 2 1/2 years. I figured if the dreams were from God, it would happen. And now, it’s happening!
3. About 2 years ago, I went on a “spiritual retreat.” During my time there, a lady walked up to me and said, “I felt the Lord showed me a picture of you…I saw you sitting before children, and you had a filing cabinet, and you were giving each child a book. Each of these books, you had written yourself.” At the time she shared that with me, I didn’t think I would write children’s books…. but I’ve secretly written two so far and I know there will be more to come!
4. When I was first hired by MBCS almost a year ago, I took the job as a preschool teacher. I have loved working at the preschool. But during these past 9ish months some things happened where all my early childhood credits were not qualified for the state of California. I felt a bit frustrated but started from scratch again and began taking CA ECE classes. During my time at the preschool, a friend of mine who prayerfully saw the gift of God in me would tell me repeatedly, “you don’t belong here. You should be teaching the Bible somewhere and writing books.” I would brush off her comments, but she kept them up and she prayed over me many times for an opportunity for ministry work that both aligned with my gifts/talents and God’s calling. How amazingly God spoke though her and answered her prayers!
5. When the principal brought up to me the possibility of being the Bible teacher, I felt it was too good to be true. Even though several people asked for/about the Bible position (people I felt had more teaching experience and were capable/qualified), the principal chose me. And I am sooo incredibly excited and full of joy over having a job position that aligns with the holy passions God placed in my heart: being a part of weekly chapel, facilitating worship, writing, Bible teaching, prayer, teaching dancing, etc. Not to mention the big pay raise

~There are so many more details I can share (including areas where I had to grow/mature). There were so many intricate details, confirmations and beautiful things the Lord did to set me up to bring me to this current place. I can think of few higher honors than to teach children/pre-teens about who God is. MBCS/MBCPS has grown to 200ish students (this is the largest I’ve ever known to the school to be). All I can do is praise God and thank everyone who has been a part of this journey!
Whatever God has called you to, I promise it will be full of joy. His paths for you are full of who He is: joy, peace, life, love, abundance etc. God is good! He is beyond the goodness you’ve experienced. I hope this encouraged you about your future with Him!
You have made known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand. -Psalm 16:11
~If you feel inclined, I would warmly appreciate prayer for me that I would: truly hear from God as I teach and prepare lessons about Who God Is. That I will be sensitive to the ways God wants me to speak, interact and reach out to the students (May I always be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit). Please pray for the kids to know God personally, to receive his amazing love, to have a real encounter with Him (that the world can’t take away) and that they would see Him as He truly is. Above all, pray that God’s kingdom will come and that his will be done over all the staff, and families that attend MBCS. May all his good purposes prevail and may we always be lead of Him.

~These professional and fun photos were taken by the amazingly talented Pairs Anderson. You can find her on :