“Ashley presents us with a true cornucopia of modern psalms, personal testimonies, and short stories. She has set out to reveal and unravel some of the most complex heart issues mankind faces in our quest of understanding what true intimacy with God really looks like. Prepare to have your soul massaged and worked on as you read Visions of Celestial Love.” — Jeremy Minard, Licensed Minister, Founder of Servant King Apparel, Active U.S Navy
~This devotional began with my heart longing to go on a date with Jesus:
Jesus said to the thief on the cross, “amen I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” Luke 23:43
There is a secret place in my heart called Paradise. It is a lush garden, bedded with polychromatic flowers. Everything is full of pure life here. A fountain with sweet living water is at the center. It is perfumed with the scents of heaven. Every time I enter this placeI find immeasurable strength, life-giving joy, rejuvenating peace, rest fueled by trust and incredible love.
The truth is…I can’t lead anyone here. I don’t know how to lead others to paradise…I can’t even lead myself. I am ushered in by the Holy Spirit. He leads me into the depths of me. And there…in paradise…I see Jesus. I am with Jesus.
Just as the thief on the cross had nothing to show for himself but faith after beholding Grace and Truth…so I come here with empty hands but child like trust.
You see, the truth is, I haven’t traveled to most countries in the world. I haven’t seen the seven wonders of the world. I haven’t even seen most of our national monuments. But, I never need to.
I’ve seen something…no Someone…in this secret paradise that gives life meaning. In His face, I experience all of my desires are met. I have been lead to heaven on earth. And this secret place, this sacred space, is worth more than all the gold and diamonds in the world. Grace glitters on every blade of grass like translucent pearls.
I write because Jesus has marked me with intimacy. Because God has given me a gift from his Holy Spirit to invite others into the one true thing that matters most in life…relationship with the Trinity. <3 xoxoxo
Just like the thief on the cross, we who have believed, have also died with Christ on the cross. Today, He is with us in paradise.
Before I understood the true gospel, I thought that I had to do so-called “Christian duties” to get God to bless me with a good life. If I had needs and wants that were not being met, I thought it was because I wasn’t doing enough of the good things He required, like reading the Bible, praying, and going to church, and perhaps I was also indulging in too much bad stuff like thinking bad thoughts, being unkind, and gossiping. My conscience was bothered, and I assumed a bothered conscience was God’s way of telling me that He was not pleased with me. I’d begin doing things to ease my conscience, checking items off the spiritual to-do list, and hoping it was enough to please God so that I could maintain the good life. It was the silent motivation behind almost every prayer, devotional study, and worship time.
When I learned the true gospel, that because of Jesus, and my faith in Him, God is forever pleased with me and has already blessed me with every spiritual blessing, I realized that my previous way of thinking was very wrong. Under the New Covenant, there is no such thing as “do good and God will be pleased and good to you; do bad and God will be angry and punish you.” Instead, the Lord, speaking through the prophet Isaiah, described what life would be like for believers under the New Covenant. He said, “Just as I swore in the time of Noah that I would never again let a flood cover the earth, so now I swear that I will never again be angry and punish you” (Isaiah 54:9 NLT). Since Jesus already suffered our punishment, God doesn’t need to punish us in any way, even though our outward behaviors may vary from day to day. Instead, He is confident that His goodness and grace will lead us to repentance and teach us to deny ungodliness (Romans 2:4; Titus 2:11-12). He has absolutely no doubt that His Word will produce the changes in our behavior that He desires as it transforms us from the inside out (Psalm 119:9; II Timothy 3:16-17). This is the good news!
Therefore, God is not in the business of withholding good things from us when we don’t do our “Christian duties.” However, doing these good things is still vital. The way we access anything in God’s Kingdom is by our faith. The way we keep our hearts fixed in faith is through the discipline of spending time with Him in Bible study, prayer, and worship. By doing our “Christian duties,” we allow God to minister to us, which keeps our hearts tender toward Him, not the other way around. His heart is always tender toward us because He never changes. Spending time with Him is how our hearts remain encouraged and convinced of His loving character and faithful promises. In fact, it’s the only way our hearts will stay convinced. When troubles arise and needs present themselves, it is the heart that steadfastly trusts in God that will be able to take ahold of the things He has already freely given. (James 1:6-7)
May your personal time with God be both precious and productive as your heart becomes increasingly more convinced of His good character, loving nature, and the nearly-too-good-to-be-true promises in Christ.
~A word-picture allegory that described the work of the Holy Spirit in my soul after my born-again experience.
Jesus, I love thee, oh how I love the sheer splendor of Your majesty. There is a cottage in a land of honey and milk. There is a love enclosed in velvety marine water, clinging to this love, yet drifting past it, barely touching its power. Dancing in graceful circles the water is life, life surrounding this pure love, never leaving its lifeline. Every clear drop acts as one—shimmering, reflecting, absorbing, sparkling, and snow-dusting rays from love.
There is a mushroom-shaped lighthouse behind this cottage lying on a hill, where the wind blows and streaks of golden sunlight rest on the tips of grass moving freely with the breeze. If one didn’t know better, one would think the grass liquidly moved, appearing like a sepia-colored ocean.
This egg-colored cottage has oval-shaped sides, with a small wooden circle-carved window at its tender center. You will find wonderful things inside; you will find love. The mushroom-shaped lighthouse behind it is creativity personified. Its white stem bark stretches ten stories in the air with a wide, deeply-dark, warm roof that towers over the stem. At the middle of the roof there is a pale yellow tinted glass that opens.
You will travel down the lighthouse stairway from the top floor, gliding, drifting like a light feather. The air here is soft and has a hue of pale yellow. When the roof slightly opens, sparkling golden dust–like a goldfish’s smooth scales, catches the sun’s light and drifts down with you. Beautiful paintings, sketches, and crosses are hung, posted on the circling wall.
The floor is a marble pearly-white, reflecting forms in the room. A wooden table is set by an oil painting canvas. On this smooth wooden table rests a crystal vase, a quarter filled with the cleanest river water. Gentle scarlet roses open their buds every morning, exposing an intricate pattern. Their silky petals peddle a cure, and they close every night, budding again. Beside this vase are cinnamon, clove, and ginger scented candles. When lit, a hazy cinder-like smoke is released from small yellow fire. Some of the scent spirits leave the tower to heal those who need Jesus’s light, His comfort. A Bible rests beside the candles—the truth—enclosed in its brown covering are eternal words that will never be ended by time.
There is a girl that lives here. She is Wisdom; Wisdom in youth, here is her pilgrimage. A yellow flower with a vibrant color and cream texture always adorns Wisdom’s hair. The oil painting she finished depicts a milk sepia background. A wave of dark sepia is at the center of this painting, while a tulip flower whose creamy petals form a bowl that fills with spring rain, filled with love, garnishes it. Beside this two-leafed flower is a bundle of raspberries. Its rich color stands out, adding to their realistic appearance; it is as if you could take the cluster and savor every bite.
There is a look in Wisdom’s eyes—Jesus has just sent her another inspiring work of art to create. She takes the Water Flower painting in her hand only to release it. It floats up, moving like paper onto its home on the wall. The new art is that of a fall forest. The trees thin, dark, and tall hold royal red-colored leaves, some splashed with yellow, gold, orange, or brown. The living soil that protects its roots is rich, nutritious and earthy-scented, like soil after a short April rain.
It is night time and the sky is scattered with enchanting stars. There is a girl in this forest whose hair and eyes are dark brown. She wears a deep aqua dress. She is the rain that waters this forest. Her contrast catches the eye.
From her blissful realm Wisdom leaves for the pilgrimage that she must do alone with God. She will venture from the cottage whose home is love where there is always warmth. Her journey is to defrost those who have cold hearts.
There is a brick fireplace on the right side of the cottage bending with the crescent-shaped wall. Its flames can never be extinguished. A small bed rests beside the window where floating brown leaves sometimes enter. The inside wall surrounding this round window portal is painted a warm marine color. Threaded on it are entwining carefree golden threads, some making flowers, others making leaves, fresh oven bread, and Bibles, while one makes a cup representing the Holy Grail. Beside the fireplace are two royal moss-green colored couches, one a three-seater, the other a rocking chair. The fabric on these chairs is softer than mist, and more gentle than rain. They have been stuffed with a filling more flexible than cotton, conforming to any shape, to any being; they were made for all, leaving no one unchanged or unhealed.
Draped over a dark wooded tea table between the bed and couches is a thin cloth. The cloth is green, and sewed in are many small white flowers. On top of that rests a cup of simply calming, soothing spice tea that wakens peace inside. Although one may drink out of this cup it can never be emptied, for it is filled and powered by love. It is the Holy Grail.
In the left of this endearing house there is a light tannish-colored carpet. This carpet is like a cloud, gentle and easy on the feet for all who enter this paradise. On the wall lays a curved painting, an image with astounding eyes. A white light is given off by this image. Any who wish it in their heart are immediately freed from flesh to walk in the Holy Spirit. May this light you carry with you be protected from all evil spirits who host wickedness.
To the right there is a small and square-shaped carpet, feeling smooth like dry olive oil beneath your feet. Anoint your head with a dab of biblical oil that stands in a clay pot beside the painting. The carpet is red representing the blood that Christ shed for our sins.
To your right shoulder is the kitchen. It has white tiles with peach spots. Here is where you take communion, and drink of the wine and break the bread that Christ has given you freely of His own will. There is a large glass sliding door but a foot to the left of this wooden table; it is always open for all who wish to enter, for all who wish for love. The sandy-colored curtains are spread apart and fly freely when the breeze of a soul enters. Looking like silk in the wind, they fly gracefully, happily, in gladness that one more will be saved.
To the right of this table of faith is a small room lit only by candles and hanging lanterns of hope, where the spirits of the disciples visit when a guest enters to help them take communion.
There is a rest area in another part of this cottage. Here, to unwise eyes, it is nothing but a beautiful little bathroom, but to the ready it is a place to leave things of the flesh, to leave materialism, to leave ungodly ways. There is a pocket-sized open Bible on a kelp-green marble counter. A verse is highlighted. Standing out, it reads:
Your word is a lamp to my feet,
and a light to my path,
I have sworn an oath and confirmed it,
to keep your righteous rules.
—Psalm 119:105–106 ESV
Are you ready to follow Him who loves you most? There is a new sunrise in this land that warms the maple-scented tree that canopies this cottage. Its brown leaves sometimes entering through the round window. The grass dances like the sea. There is a spirit who walks near. “I love You, Jesus, make me anew. Give me Your word so that I may recognize the truth when I see, hear, smell, and feel it. May I return Your awesome love and shun hate, jealousy, and immoral practices. Thank You God for sending your Son, who forgives continually. Thank You, Jesus.”
Jesus, I love thee, oh how I love the sheer splendor of Your majesty. There is a cottage in a land of milk and honey.
~This allegory was taken from my book Visions of Celestial Love. To purchase a copy click here.
~Dearly beloved reader, I found this old journal entry that I had written in 2014. Under blankets of snow in my first year at Bible college…the Lord began to melt my inner being with the warmth of His hearth. I felt like I was nuzzled in His chest. I pray you enjoy this entry of my journey of leaning into deeper trust. May the lavish grace, the beautiful heart peace and the exuberant joy of the Lord be realized in you as one in Christ Jesus. I hope this old letter finds you well, and enjoying the abundant life Jesus died to give you and the rich fellowship of the Holy Spirit and the saints.
~Journal: Friends, lately our Father has been changing some core beliefs in my heart and He has been calling me sweetly to dream again…to believe again in some promises and things that I had buried under the dirt of disappointment and heartache. It’s been a real healing journey as Jesus has helped me to realize these dreams were earthed from fear stemming from lies and that they could only be uncovered by the truth of His marvelous love. I’ve had to disagree with these lies and agree with the truth in order to dream again…and it’s a daily process…a daily changing…a daily eating at the table of intimacy with Jesus. And I know in the safe alcove of His love, my heart will blossom with dreams.
As time here in Colorado goes by I’ve watched the golden leaves of the aspen trees fall to the ground like little suns. A blanket of snow has taken the place of the carpet of the earth and the trees are glinting with snow. Despite the frosty cold God is doing a warming in my inner soul and a mending in the midst of winter. His Presence is melting away strongholds of pain as the seeds of His promises enter the soil of my imagination. He prepares a table for me daily and it is a feast of His goodness….a feast that I’ve been afraid to partake of in the past.
Recently Jesus has given me 1 John 4:16-19 to study and ponder. The most incredible phrase I have ever read chimes in the center of these verses like some small whiff of heaven: There is no fear in love. I came across this fragrant passage last night and wrote it down in my scripture journal, then my roommate Sarah wrote the verses down for me in Greek. Today in class one of the professors mentioned it and this evening as I was enjoying time with the Lord and listening to Pandora a song called No Fear in Love came on by Steffany Gretzinger.
Jesus has been taking me deeper and deeper into the truth of His love and it has been like drinking pure water from a saltless ocean. I feel like in my soul that I’m a child kneeling at the shore of His endless love. I cup my hands in the waters of His Spirit and drink…then I look out and see….wave after wave of affection rolling in and I know I’ll be drinking forever. It would take more than a million lifetimes to absorb all of His goodness. Then I realize Jesus calls me to take one sip at a time and savor my daily walk with Him; for all the goodness of God is wrapped up in the Man Christ Jesus.
I’m reminded that it’s a daily walk…because it’s a relationship—the sweetest and most fulfilling relationship. This journey of savoring His love has been kissed with yet another truth…that I already have all of it…that the ocean lives inside of me: Christ in you the hope of glory, as Jesus is so are you in this world, you are complete in Christ -Colossians 1:27, 1 John 4:17, Colossians 2:10 . My enjoyment of what I already possess in Christ is what I am experiencing in the daily delicious sips of truth. His truth is warm spiced ointment in my heart and the scents of His love are becoming one with the fabric of my soul as I allow Him to love different places within me.
As I’ve been walking the white shores of Ephesians 3:16-21 I’ve discovered the key to diving into the sun stained waters is 1 John 4:16a: And we know (understand, recognize, are conscious of, by observation and by experience) and believe (adhere to and put faith in and rely on) the love God cherishes for us. The secret, as I believe the Holy Spirit is whispering to me, is observing, putting trust in, resting in, and consciously meditating on the love of God as you walk with Christ in everyday life.
I pray the love, comfort, peace, pleasure, affection and joy of the Lord will blanket you all and may your souls be made into the garden of Eden…rich with the presence, thoughts and heart of Jesus as He walks with you inwardly in the cool of the day. May The Holy Spirit who is the source of all comfort, comfort and console your inner man, may you be loved on deeply and sweetly. May all your needs be met exceedingly and abundantly above all you could ask for and hope for in Christ Jesus, may you walk the blessed life God prearranged for you before the foundations of the world, may you receive from the Lord what you most need in this season…whether it be a word, direction, joy, peace, or anything, spiritual, mental or emotional. In Jesus name <3
My love (that true love growing out of sincere devotion to God) be with you all in Christ Jesus. Amen (so be it), -1 Corinthians 16:24
~p.s: if you’ve found this devotional to be encouraging, please check out my free ebook on divine romance: Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul. You can find it on the Free Inspiration page and on amazon.
~If you’d like to give back to my ministry of words, please consider writing me a review on amazon by clicking here. Your review encourages others to read the things that Father has laid on my heart <3 ! You can also purchase a copy of my book Visions of Celestial Love. I pray you are blessed through it and share that blessing by loving others.
It had been a full week, packed with blessings, and I needed a break. The blessings of Daddy God were overtaking me and following me everywhere I went, yet in the midst of the bustling of everyday life I longed for a restful therapeutic evening alone with Him.
“I know what you want.” The still whisper in my spirit sounded like a kiss to my heart.
“I want a date night with You,” I breathed, and made some warm black tea with vanilla cream and honey.
My feet felt every thread of carpet that blanketed the wooden floors. Making my way to my room I closed the sandy drapes for an intimate dimming effect. Snuggling the pillows I sat down on my bed and started up a movie.
“Jesus,” I called longingly, “I’m here waiting.”
am I.”
There You were before me, eyes rich with oceans of love, yet gently warm like the crackling of a small fire. You sat next to me on the bed and rubbed my back before cradling me in Your arms. I laid my legs across Your legs and rested my head on Your chest.
“My beautiful sister, friend, and beloved bride,” You spoke, feeding my heart with words of life and encouragement.
Your rich tone changed, and I knewYou were talking to my soul, going deeper into the depths of me. “Sshhh, shh,shh. Peace…be still. I lead you beside the still, quiet, restful waters. I restore you, I’ve lead you in the paths of righteousness. Peace I leave with you. Receive it, I’ve given it and want you to have it. It delights my heart to do you good, to see you happy, whole, restful…peaceful. Let my Spirit flow to you…”
I shifted and You squeezed me tenderly, “Open up beloved, allow Me to flow my life into you…sozo you…and make you well.”
I melted into your arms and my body conformed in yours, spilling over You like water over river rocks. I breathed deeply of the scents in the fabric of your shirt and allowed the Holy Spirit to flow into me. A loving mist overshadowed me, and then rivers of life began to flow in every unhealed part of my emotions, memory, and understanding.
I sighed, my breath a tremble. My lips quivered and You secured me more tightly.
“You know…some of my brethren think it’s harder to fight…but I say it is harder to rest. To trust yourself entirely to another. To allow Me to protect you. To allow Me to love you unconditionally from start to finish. It takes more strength to relax…and this cannot be done by will power. It’s something you have to allow my Spirit to do in you and for you. It’s another area of surrender.”
I shifted again and mentally decided to go limp in your arms but You read through it.
“Your body is relaxed…but how is your heart?”
I didn’t answer. Feeling within myself, I sensed some walls remained up in fear.
“I love you perfectly. I will always love you perfectly…perfectly and completely. Please…let my love in, and all walls of fear will come down, for my perfect love casts out all fear. Let Me protect you. Let Me make your soul feel safe and sound. I want so badly for you to receive my blessings, beloved…even more than you are. Rest with Me. Stay with Me,” You pressed Your cheek against mine.
“Let Me love you to life, give you my hope that does not disappoint, fulfill your dreams. I want to do these things beloved. I want to bless you immeasurably. Your only job is to trust Me by resting in my love, my promises, my finished work on the cross, and even that is done by the Spirit. I love to be good to you. I only want to be good to you.”
P.S: I wrote this devotional from a date experience with Jesus, weeks after my faith trek to Colorado for Charis Bible College. It would be the longest time that I had ever been away from my family and California. Little did I know how deeply Jesus would enrich my life with wonderful friendships, marriage, a baby and miracles. My first year at Bible college was like living in a blissful dream…where all my needs were met by my Heavenly Father and where the beauty of my surroundings captivated my heart.
This devotional was taken from my recently published book Visions of Celestial Love. You can purchase a copy by clicking here.
Jesus, You are the Light of my life. Your irresistible and undeniable love pulls on me like a current. Your rafters of love wash over my heart. Pouring over in gentle ripples, Your love cleanses every aching wound in my heart and dismounts every erected wall that keeps You out. I am lost in Your stream, in Your river of love, and tears glide down my cheeks like rain drops from the Heavens. They are my own…and then they become Yours.
Such intimacy I’ve never known.
Such tender love I can taste on my tongue. My entire soul absorbs your balmy,
fragrant love. Inside, I taste You everywhere. You are my only strength.
I look up at the stars—they look like millions of glitter flakes tossed in the sky. Entranced, I gaze up at them from the bioluminescent river of Your love that glows blue, and I melt in Your love. You’ve shown me where I am. I am under the stars of Your beauty in a radiant moving pool of healing.
Your sky is breathtaking, Lord.Dust and translucent gas from the cosmos create a light work of brilliant beauty. Your stream is calm, yet these waters are living. They float me along and there are flecks of silver, gold, blue and lavender gems in them—moving, living light. I am cradled by living light in living water. Trees, shrubs, and blossoming vegetation bend over me in the river.
Everything is so calm here and You say, “Let My beauty heal you. Let the facet of My love that you are seeing ravish your heart. Be still, and let Me love you. I want to love you to tears.I want your heart to cry those tears you so need to get out…not in light of your pain but in light of My love that is so much stronger than your pain, and overcomes and heals your pain.”
My eyes well at Your words and the healing beauty of what my eyes are beholding. Aromatic wafts of the spices of Your love lift from the pool that laps at my body and soul. You ravish me with the way You love me. You love me so tenderly, so slowly, so completely. Your love is more patient with healing my inflicted wounds than my own heart is.
~This sample poem was taken from my recently published book Visions of Celestial Love. You can purchase a copy by clicking here.
I like sitting close by your side next to pumpkin spice candlelight.
I long and crave for my life to be an emblem of internal intimacy with You.
I love worshipping You in the quiet, still, cold morning air…where all the world sleeps and I am awakened by your love.
You brush past me like a cool breeze, like a gentle sweet scent.
How I desire to worship You in a cottage-shaped temple in Heaven, where beds of spices are laid around like a garden outside,. Where incense arises from your presence like vaporous apple and pear butter tickled with cinnamon.
How I wish time could be frozen!
So I could worship You for hours and the sun would stay young in the sky.
I see frankincense arise like fluid water, forming oceans of scents around my face.
I am loved-on gently by You, and in the quiet wonder of your presence I rest.
I rest in your love. I only wish moments with You could last for eternity.
I wish there were no other demands in my life.
Help me to live in a daily atmosphere of worship where I am aware of your presence close to me wherever I go.
~This sample poem was taken from my book Visions of Celestial Love. To purchase a copy click here
“Visions of Celestial Love is a book of inspiring quotes and beautiful prose about God’s unconditional love for mankind. The insights of this book help us to understand that it was the Father’s great love for us that made a way for us to have life together with His Son, Jesus Christ. Through it we get a glimpse into the true meaning of Christ’s sacrifice of love expressed through His death, burial and resurrection as God’s magnificent gift of grace to us. His blood made it possible for all those who put their faith in Him to have fellowship with His Father again.
I am confident that at the completion of this book, you will also seek after God with your whole heart and want to be in His presence forever.” —Alice Paige,
There are tabernacles and pillars. Ivory polished white with no walls, open to the air where water from Heaven flows through like crystal glass. These waters are air and water all in one. They reflect light like diamonds. They radiate crystal. Transcendent beauty.
Daddy, You transform me with Your beauty. Thank You for sharing the goodness of Your heart with me.
I see these pillars from ballroom floors, all white like pearls of melting snow in the sun. These tabernacles stand atop one large waterfall with many rifts. The air is spicy with the fragrance of something heavenly, like all my favorite aromas mixed in at once, yet distinct. It tickles my nose and awakens my senses softly, like the taste of whipped cream lingering after a cool glass of water.
There is such peace here, such celestial bliss, such tender tickling, such laughter and mirth of soul. These waters glide like skies of opal blue, as they touch the glassy floors they turn into air but still have the fluid body of water. Then as they leave the ballroom they become water again before pouring down the waterfall caressing rock and air. Cascading down and then crashing, the vapor of clouds arises forming poufy mountains in the skies.
Here You have taken me within my soul to show me Your great goodness and beauty. Here You have shown me…to bless me with sweet love.
“Visions of Celestial Love is a book of inspiring quotes and beautiful prose about God’s unconditional love for mankind. The insights of this book help us to understand that it was the Father’s great love for us that made a way for us to have life together with His Son, Jesus Christ. Through it we get a glimpse into the true meaning of Christ’s sacrifice of love expressed through His death, burial and resurrection as God’s magnificent gift of grace to us. His blood made it possible for all those who put their faith in Him to have fellowship with His Father again.
I am confident that at the completion of this book, you will also seek after God with your whole heart and want to be in His presence forever.” —Alice Paige, Ministry Volunteer, True-Heart friend of author
You can watch a video promo of this book by clicking here
I want to speak to you personally
about being uniquely you; about loving and savoring yourself. That may sound
conceited to some ears, but there’s nothing wrong with loving and enjoying
In fact, it is holy. Jesus loves
and savors you. You are pleasing to Him. You are so very precious in His
sight…inside and outside. He loves you. He created you. He fashioned and
formed you uniquely in your mother’s womb, and He carefully and skillfully
(probably with a huge smile on His face and excitement in His heart) wove a
life for you full of grace and hope using the golden thread of Heaven, and the
very pleasure of His heart.
Jeremiah 29:11 NIV says: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope
and a future.”
You are so
priceless and precious to Him. There are things—gifts and talents that He’s put
in you that nobody else has. Yes, if you’re a painter you will meet other
painters, but the version of the talent of painting that you have is unique to
you, and it is God-breathed.
I’ve had the bittersweet pleasure of meeting a lot of people in life who are insecure in some way, shape, or form. There’s an “epidemic of insecurity in our society” as Joyce Meyer likes to say. It’s insecurity with a root of fear that sprouts all kinds of ugly branches, like comparison, which leads to jealousy and hatred. This fear comes from not knowing yourself in Abba Father. It comes from a lack of receiving His healing love, for perfect love casts out all fear.
We need to understand and value
ourselves, to take the time to connect with our souls and truly see with all
our heart the beauty of our spirit and outward design.
There’s a beauty, a radiance within
you that is entirely unique to you. This radiance, beauty, and strength is the
way God portrays Himself through your soul. You are a one-time masterpiece, and
your reaction to His love cannot be copied by anyone else. You are unique, and
He wants to love you uniquely. He wants to hold you uniquely. He wants to
encourage you uniquely. He wants to have a relationship with you uniquely.
In the same way that no two fingerprints are the same, nobody is like you in all the earth. Listen to the wise words of John Mason in his book title: You Were Born an Original, Don’t Die a Copy. You are the “lily among thorns,” and the “apple tree among the trees of the wood.” God sees you as the “chief among ten thousand!” Indeed, in His eyes you are entirely perfect for Him.
May you see yourself through His washing, through His cleansing eyes of love, through His ecstatic delight. He calls you mighty, He calls you strong, He calls you tender, He calls you lovely. You are called loved. Please friend, whatever you do, don’t wrongfully compare yourself with others, or even with yourself, for the Bible calls this foolish.
Go to Abba, and ask Him what He thinks of you, and then open the Word and let Him minister to your deepest needs.
~This sample devotional was taken from my book Visions of Celestial Love. You can purchase a physical or ebook copy by clicking here.