Angel Encounters

Therefore, angels are only servants–spirits sent to care for people who will inherit salvation – Hebrews 1:14 <3

This picture means so much to me. It’s been dear to my heart since the early years when I was filled with the Holy Spirit. I always saw myself as a child in God’s eyes and I prayed for angelic protection. Now, I’ve been pretty apprehensive in the past to share about my supernatural experiences with angels because I fear some people will take their eyes off Jesus who is the only One worthy of adoration (well, Jesus, God and Holy Spirit). Sometimes supernatural experiences can be sensationalized….and really, God wants the simplicity of a pure, deep, intimate, faithful and thriving relationship with us…. like a Father to His children, or a Husband to His wife. He’s done things for me (and for you) that are extravagant, but really, He is the extravagance, the true treasure.

I can swing pretty hard one way and become extreme quickly if I’m not too careful. There was one point where I belittled Father’s supernatural gifts to me and didn’t really thank Him or appreciate them like I should. A grateful heart is precious to the Giver. I have since repented of my flippant attitude toward angelic encounters and I wanted to share some of them with you. I say some because when I share too much as a writer…sometimes I feel like I am stripping my heart of treasures and not everyone appreciates or gives the treasures of their hearts in return. I only pray these testimonies encourage you to know that you serve a supernatural God who loves you and will employ heavens armies to help you, protect you, warn you and yes, even speak to you (although direct heart messages from the Holy Spirit and Jesus trump anything external):

1) Two days ago, in worship I was experiencing God’s loving gentleness, like a soothing spa bath. In worship, I was reminded of the three angels who came to me in a dream. This was during a season where I had just been delivered from demonic oppression and I was deciding on whether or not I would attend Bible college. In my dream, I had just come home from working at my church’s preschool (so this felt very real). When I walked into my room I saw 3 handsome men inside. They were all relaxed, like they had been waiting on me for a while. I wanted to ask them who they were and to get out! Then inside of me I sensed they weren’t human…but actually angels. I felt peace and a sense of calm. One of them was laying on my bed with his legs folded, the other was sitting on the carpeted floor and the other one was gazing out my bedroom window. The one who gazed out my window came toward me. He looked like he was 28.

“Where are your bags?” he asked me calmly.

“My bags?” I questioned.

His eyes became incredulous, like I should have known this information (but in a sweet way…it’s kind of hard to explain).

“Yes,” he said, “for Bible college. Why aren’t you packed?”

My eyes widened, “oh! Yes, I’m so sorry! I’ll get them packed right away!”

I brushed past him…not even glancing at the others.

“We will be in the car waiting,” the angel said and I saw a small red car at the front of Alice’s house in a vision.

They all left me to my packing.

I scurried around the room gathering my things and suddenly I remembered my brother Alex. He had to come with me! I called him up.

(Now, if you know me very well, you know that I had a habit of dragging my brother around with me on my God-adventures. At the drop of a hat I could say, “Alex, I’m going south tomorrow and I want you to come.” And he would come lol).

This time, God was letting me know in my dream that he wouldn’t be my tag-along anymore. He showed me these 3 angels would escort me to Bible college.

However, like many Biblical characters, I was stubborn. And Alex ended up coming with me anyway. Later I was a bit stressed about it, thus I reaped the reward of my stubbornness.

A few weeks into Bible college my, then friend, and now husband would tell me frequently, “I see a man standing outside your door a lot.”

“A classmate?”

“No, an angel. Sometimes I’ll just look up and there he is, arms on the railing, standing there.”

2) This encounter goes back to my teen years. I had just been filled with the Holy Spirit and I was doubting my salvation. The fruit of salvation was evident in my life. God talked to me often and I talked to Him. I felt His nearness and peace and yet religious thinking was causing me to doubt. So, I asked Him one day when I was alone at home, “am I saved?”

He answered right away, “yes.”

I felt peace but was still unconvinced. I went into my room and knelt by my dresser with my Bible in my lap. Suddenly my eyes lifted and I saw a huge angel in my room. He was hovering and I sensed him spiritually. He said, “Ashley, you are saved.” And then he left. I just stared blankly.

I began to doubt again and within about 30 seconds of my angelic encounter my cell buzzed.

I picked it up and my friend (who is also a brother in the Lord) said excitingly, “Ashley! I was just talking to the Lord and He told me you and I are saved!”

Now, you would think I would leap for joy, right? My security of living with Jesus for all eternity and the treasures of Heaven were secured for me. But did I leap? No. I said with less enthusiasm than should be possible, “that’s wonderful. Thank you for sharing that with me.”

Don’t be like me lol. Scripture and the Holy Spirit should be enough confirmation for you about your salvation. Jesus paid it in full.

3) I was taking a shower and was just finishing up. When I drew the curtains back I saw that I had left my towel on the sink which was past the commode. My eyes drifted to the towel railing and I thought to lean on it and stretch my body toward my towel so I wouldn’t drip on the floor. The Lord told me, “don’t do that. The railing isn’t stable.”

I heard His voice, but ignored Him, “it’ll just be for a second,” I reasoned.

I put my hand on the railing and went to reach for my towel.

Of course, the railing gave way and I started to fall.

My fall should have been painful. I should have bucked my knees on the tub wall and slammed down. Instead, midway down I felt wind rush underneath me and someone caught my body in midair! I was then softly put down until my hands and arms held me up!

I knew an angel had caught me.

“Thank you,” I said as I stood up and went for my towel to dry off.

~I hope God encouraged you somehow through these stories. I would love to hear some of your stories as well! How has Father used angels or people or His Spirit to care for you? May we be mutually encouraged in the faith through our testimonies of His goodness and grace.

P.S: Contrary to popular imagery angels are never presented in the Bible as women or feminine. I just had to say that. So, if you have an encounter with a female looking angel I would question that. Everything must be tested by scripture! No supernatural experience that breaks scripture is good. The Bible is our guidebook for behavior, for finances and yes, for supernatural encounters. There’s a real devil out there who loves to disguise himself as an angel of light. Jesus Christ is the authority for all truth, the Redeemer, higher than all the angels and our Savior. He is also healing for every heart and the only One who can truly satisfy the longing of our souls. Go to Him to be made whole. He loves you with all His heart <3

~To read more testimonies like this, check out my book, Visions of Celestial Love.

Ashley McClelland presents us with a true cornucopia of modern psalms, personal testimonies, and short stories. She has set out to reveal and unravel some of the most complex heart issues mankind faces in our quest of understanding what true intimacy with God really looks like. Prepare to have your soul massaged and worked on as you read Visions of Celestial Love.” — Jeremy Minard, Servant King Apparel