And Then He Kissed Me and Told Me That He Loved Me

It had been a full week, packed with blessings, and I needed a break. The blessings of Daddy God were overtaking me and following me everywhere I went, yet in the midst of the bustling of everyday life I longed for a restful therapeutic evening alone with Him.

“I know what you want.” The still whisper in my spirit sounded like a kiss to my heart.

“I want a date night with You,” I breathed, and made some warm black tea with vanilla cream and honey.

My feet felt every thread of carpet that blanketed the wooden floors. Making my way to my room I closed the sandy drapes for an intimate dimming effect. Snuggling the pillows I sat down on my bed and started up a movie.

“Jesus,” I called longingly, “I’m here waiting.”

“So am I.”

There You were before me, eyes rich with oceans of love, yet gently warm like the crackling of a small fire. You sat next to me on the bed and rubbed my back before cradling me in Your arms. I laid my legs across Your legs and rested my head on Your chest.

“My beautiful sister, friend, and beloved bride,” You spoke, feeding my heart with words of life and encouragement.

Your rich tone changed, and I knewYou were talking to my soul, going deeper into the depths of me. “Sshhh, shh,shh. Peace…be still. I lead you beside the still, quiet, restful waters. I restore you, I’ve lead you in the paths of righteousness. Peace I leave with you. Receive it, I’ve given it and want you to have it. It delights my heart to do you good, to see you happy, whole, restful…peaceful. Let my Spirit flow to you…”

I shifted and You squeezed me tenderly, “Open up beloved, allow Me to flow my life into you…sozo you…and make you well.”

I melted into your arms and my body conformed in yours, spilling over You like water over river rocks. I breathed deeply of the scents in the fabric of your shirt and allowed the Holy Spirit to flow into me. A loving mist overshadowed me, and then rivers of life began to flow in every unhealed part of my emotions, memory, and understanding.

I sighed, my breath a tremble. My lips quivered and You secured me more tightly.

“You know…some of my brethren think it’s harder to fight…but I say it is harder to rest. To trust yourself entirely to another. To allow Me to protect you. To allow Me to love you unconditionally from start to finish. It takes more strength to relax…and this cannot be done by will power. It’s something you have to allow my Spirit to do in you and for you. It’s another area of surrender.”

I shifted again and mentally decided to go limp in your arms but You read through it.

“Your body is relaxed…but how is your heart?”

I didn’t answer. Feeling within myself, I sensed some walls remained up in fear.

“I love you perfectly. I will always love you perfectly…perfectly and completely. Please…let my love in, and all walls of fear will come down, for my perfect love casts out all fear. Let Me protect you. Let Me make your soul feel safe and sound. I want so badly for you to receive my blessings, beloved…even more than you are. Rest with Me. Stay with Me,” You pressed Your cheek against mine.

“Let Me love you to life, give you my hope that does not disappoint, fulfill your dreams. I want to do these things beloved. I want to bless you immeasurably. Your only job is to trust Me by resting in my love, my promises, my finished work on the cross, and even that is done by the Spirit. I love to be good to you. I only want to be good to you.”

P.S: I wrote this devotional from a date experience with Jesus, weeks after my faith trek to Colorado for Charis Bible College. It would be the longest time that I had ever been away from my family and California. Little did I know how deeply Jesus would enrich my life with wonderful friendships, marriage, a baby and miracles. My first year at Bible college was like living in a blissful dream…where all my needs were met by my Heavenly Father and where the beauty of my surroundings captivated my heart. 

This devotional was taken from my recently published book Visions of Celestial Love. You can purchase a copy by clicking here.