An Inner Look

What if there was a pleasure that made you whole?

Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul introduces fictional stories painted with tender intimacy to gently unravel the ageless waters of human desire for everlasting love. Based on the sacred theology of Jesus as the Church’s Bridegroom, Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul’s storybook manner sparks the imagination, exposes hidden wounds, and nourishes the soul. Through deeply warm conversations, unsuspecting characters encounter Jesus, who is sometimes disguised, and come to find Him as the healing Lover of their souls.

These therapeutic conversations take place in a café, a ballroom floor in heaven, beside a lake, in Jerusalem and other colorful places that welcome rest. Each story is uniquely crafted to touch the reader in a deeply personal way by ministering the curative and multi-faceted love of Jesus to their specific need. These stories shine in a myriad of ways to reach readers in their precise season of journeying deeper into the satisfying love of Jesus; while simultaneously encompassing the overall desire for a greater relationship. Every consoling story is like a thread in the archway of the readers personal pilgrimage, sensitively inviting them to enter the most holy covenant relationship. 

The book is framed by the extended story of Noble and Trisha’s romance—one that connects with many young women. Ultimately, this book was designed to usher the reader into the comforting arms of Jesus, where He can make them whole with pure love.

The Stories and Their Descriptions:

A Date with Jesus, expresses the pursuing love of Christ for both a saved woman and an unsaved woman. His love is just as gentle but his approach differs. In a café, he woos a comely barista with compassion, theology anchored in freeing truth and relentless love.

Salvation at Snow Café, displays the pursuing love of God to an unsaved man through a Christian barista. Trisha serves Noble not coffee or cake in this café, but the message of salvation and forgiveness for all past sins. The story ends with tears as Jesus makes a personal appeal to his prodigal son to come back home.

Lavereen’s Rain, paints the tender motherly love of God through a thoughtful mother. Lavereen prays over her infant child and soon her words become mingled with the wisdom of Jesus as she realizes his infinite love for Rain through her musings.

The Holy Wall, takes place in the Middle East. The story is set in a time of war. A soldier on the run is tempted to give up hope and flee his country. He stays as the Holy Spirit calls him with the love and hope of Christ through a widowed and pregnant woman. Despite her losses, this woman of hope is filled with a heavenly peace that brings this soldier to Jesus and a miracle at the wall.

I Do, is an illustrative allegory of Ephesians 5:25: Men love your wives as Christ loves the church and gave himself up for her. Jesus gave me this story when I was 19 and it has forever changed my heart. This story has been given to women at a Christian conference and in Bible groups. It has brought women to tears and even silenced men as they realize the weight of the Bridegroom love of Jesus and his constant forgiveness even when the church commits adultery.

Dancing with Jesus, takes place in a Persian ballroom on a starry night. The main character is in the midst of swaying royalty but finds herself alone. When a man asks for her hand in a dance, she discovers that he is Jesus. She places her trust in Jesus for her future spouse.

Love Like a Fairy Tale, is based on the book of Hosea and displays the fierce and unfailing love of Jesus even in the midst of extreme depravity, betrayal and utter darkness. When Jesus, who is a king, asks a poor woman to be his wife she discovers that it is hard to accept his love when she doesn’t accept herself. She runs away from him constantly and indulges in every evil imaginable. He faithfully pursues her through it all. She finally realizes that he is her safe home.

Growing in Love, follows the story Salvation at Snow Café. Trisha and Noble grow closer together as they walk intimately with Jesus. They find that he is the author of all “happily ever after’s” and that he is the source of every “good” pleasure enjoyed on earth.

A Meeting with God’s Son, takes place in a book store and fancifully threads two characters together through their personal encounters with Jesus. Both characters are complete strangers at the beginning of the story and each are reading books at separate tables. Through prompting by the Spirit of God they begin to engage in heartfelt conversation. Stories of salvation and personal testimonies are shared that are sure to uplift and be relatable to the reader.

Pine and Coconut Love, vividly describes the pleasure and thankfulness between a husband and wife for one another. In showing the intimate connection between the two, readers can see how Jesus is the glue that interlocks families together.

Naked, confronts the timeless shame of condemnation with the fierce grace and devotion of God. The main character seeks to hide herself in the same way Adam and Eve did so long ago. Only, she finds that in the New Covenant, she is not told to leave. Jesus displays the true heart of God in pursuing her, washing her clean, clothing her and assuring her of her unstained worth in his eyes.

Adult Childhood, shows the healing love of God in places of hopelessness. This story acts like warm ointment on the wounds of disappointment that fester into cynicisms. Jesus shows that no matter how disillusioned anyone might be, there is a place that people can put their hopes that will never fail them. This story is meant to heal broken hearts and inspire people to pick up their buried dreams. It takes place on a snowy trail as the main character converses with Jesus.

He’s the Most Beautiful Man, attempts to describe the excellences of Jesus as the holy Bridegroom of the church. This “story” is akin to Songs of Solomon in that it reads like a descriptive sonnet.

Ballroom Lover, takes place in a ballroom in heaven. This story is likened to Dancing with Jesus. The main character finds herself married to Jesus and living in heaven with him. They converse and she learns of his goodness and desires for her life

This book is simply wonderful. Deliciously descriptive, it nourishes the soul with fresh revelation of God’s love for humanity. This collection of short stories may challenge your thinking about what true intimacy looks like, while making your heart yearn to daily experience the Perfect Love described within its pages. It invites you into a world created by Love Himself, where there’s no mistaking that His love is not only unconditional and never-failing, but also deeply personal and precious to Him. Get ready to experience the purpose, pleasure, and power of real love!” -Amazon Reviewer.

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