An Independence Day Prayer

Happy Independence Day 🇺🇸!

To those who have served in the armed forces or are serving right now, I am DEEPLY grateful to you! Thank you so much for your sacrifice, for your years away from family and home, and for your defense of our constitution!

I truly love this nation and I’m so thankful to God to be a citizen of this country. ❤

 I didn’t start really appreciating the blessings of being a citizen of the United States, until I went to Bible college and went on a subsequent missions trip to South America. Being away from home, my family and all I had ever known, made me acutely aware of how thankful I should be every day to have the things I have and to be able to work, establish a business, choose where I want to live (as long as I have the means), vote, go to church freely, and be in a place that I love etc. My eyes have opened to the blessings that I often took for granted growing up. 

But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Savior. -Philippians 3:20

More than this, I thank God for the honor of being a citizen of the kingdom of Heaven . As Christians, we have an eternal King who rules over a government without end. We have a constant anchor of hope for our souls that should cause joy and peace to swell within us as we reflect upon the countless blessings of this divine kingdom. When all else fails us, God’s promises and our King Jesus, never will. His Word is true in a world full of half-truths and “my truth” verses “your truth.” It is a wonderful thought to know that there is “the truth” and it never changes because God never changes. May all our faith be in Him and Him alone. He is worthy of all our trust and all our hope. 

Below is a prayer that I prayed over this nation. If you feel inclined, please pray along as we intercede to our faithful God on behalf of our country 🙏:

Heavenly Father, we thank you for offering true freedom to mankind through your son Jesus. Father, we thank you that this is never earned by us, but it is given by your precious grace through child-like faith. We thank you for your goodness and that you so loved us that you gave your best.

We pray for this country to be a place where justice is never perverted, where peace reigns in the hearts and minds of men and where righteousness prevails. Father we pray for unity among us. May we never seek the harm of our fellow men, but may we pray even for our enemies.

Father we pray for your divine protection, may your angels encompass this land, may every evil plan be thwarted that is targeted against this nation. Father we pray for those who are suffering in our land: the poor, the mentality ill, the stressed out single parents, the drug addicts, the runaways, the hopeless, the people even in our churches who are hiding their tears/hurts and everybody else who hasn’t been mentioned.

Father we pray for abundant life for them all. We pray for our children and all future generations in this land to be counseled in wisdom, nurtured in love, and educated in truth. We pray for encouragement to wash over the hearts of every body in this country who need refreshment and perspective. Father we ask that true revival will flood this land in unstoppable waves.

We pray for and speak healing over all the sick and we pray for your hand of blessing to sweep over this land. Let us be a light to those around us. Lord we lift up our leaders…whether it’s a local judge or the president…anybody involved in ensuring justice and the upholding of law. We ask for them to be counseled by You. We ask for them to not seek their own personal interest but the best interest of the nation as a whole. We ask for them to make wise decisions that will protect the freedoms of the common man. We ask for them to have hearts of mercy/grace and minds of truth/wisdom.

We pray blessings over those who serve to protect us, be they police officers or men/women in the armed forces. We speak your grace, life, protection and love over them. In Jesus name…amen.

My love to you on this Independence Day!

Celebrate and enjoy the freedom you have! 🕊🇺🇸