A Cup of Cold Water

After an 11 hour work day (from 6:20-5:15ish), I took my daughter to the park (these long hours are my new normal). I had taken her earlier with the other daycare girls…but a disappointment in her day compelled my mother’s heart to cheer her up. As I began to walk to the park with her, holding onto her small warm hand and a big beach ball…I felt Jesus. ❤️

It wasn’t like an overflowing rush of divine bliss…rather I felt His smile, His gratitude. It was almost like He wanted to thank me for caring for Him all day. I was reminded that Jesus said, “whatsoever you do unto these little ones (least) you do unto Me.” When I take care of children, it’s like I’m pouring oil on Jesus’s skin, washing His feet and offering Him a cup of cold water. I realize He’s making me like Him through service. “For the Son of Man didn’t come to be served but to serve.” He tells me to, “lay down your life to find it.” 💐 I don’t always remember this, and I don’t do it perfectly. Sometimes I get petulant (just ask my husband or my parents 😉). But, Jesus always reminds me. And I can’t shake the beautiful feeling that I’m fulfilling a part of His purpose for me xoxo

My life has completely changed within these last 2 years because I’ve changed. Just today I relentlessly served my daycare kids for 11 hours (that encompasses so much like: praying for them, speaking life over them, protecting them, teaching them, training them, equipping them, nourishing them, playing with them, etc). I got up early to have personal time with God, did a 20 minute ab workout, bathed my daughter, fixed her hair, fed her dinner, washed the dishes, encouraged a couple of women, disinfected my daycare toys, worked on my blog, etc. I could never have imagined the change in my attitude toward life. It all started with my weight and me pushing almost 220 pounds. I was lamenting on the couch to God in prayer, with my infant daughter beside me. God responded with these 4 words, “you have self control.” Only a fool despises wisdom and at that time, I wanted to despise His words.

I absolutely love the fruit of self-control now! It’s my second favorite fruit of the Holy Spirit (love is the first). Although God’s answer wasn’t what my flesh (lazy/selfish side) wanted to hear, His answer empowered me from within. I used to have such a victim mentality and such a small way of looking at myself and life. But I realize now that self-control is the ability/grace to harness yourself. It’s the ability to be a victor, an overcomes, a master of…well, yourself. This “mastery” for me came with a sense of completeness and then an understanding of personal responsibility. Later a holy love to serve others. Self-control transformed me from being self-centered to Jesus centered. From this place, I’ve become others-centered. Because being Jesus-centered will always, always, ALWAYS encompass sacrificial love toward others 🌈. Jesus was never out of control. He never sinned in His actions by “losing Himself” or blaming others. He was a master of Himself and completely yielded to the Father. Paul said that the love of God both “compelled” him and “restrained” him.

I realize that without the painful stretching that took place in these last two years of my marriage, I would not be able to live in the freedom that I’m experiencing. I wouldn’t have been able to begin to reign in life, like I’m experiencing now. Without harnessing self-control, I would have never been able to be the blessing that I am today in the lives of the families that I’m serving. I’m coming to grips with the fact that real freedom is not laying on a couch with no bills to pay, no demands in life and no obligations to others. No, real freedom is a life that yields to God from intimacy with Jesus. Real freedom is the ability to own up to yourself. It’s the ability to stop pointing fingers for where you are in life. Real freedom is realizing nothing is impossible for those who believe. I’m starting to understand it…💗💗💗

I encourage you to live in the fullness of the freedom Christ lived, died and rose again for you to have. Your destiny is vital to everyone around you. Your purpose is divine and the impact you make with your life is eternal. As Dr.Myles Monroe said, “find your gift and serve the world with it.” And believe me, if you belong to Jesus (which you do) then you have a powerful grace gift in you! You have self-control. You might not believe it…but God never lies. He gave you His Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit has planted in you every good fruit and gift and ability for a good life. YOU are complete in Christ! YOU are completely and eternally loved and valued by God! ❤️❤️❤️

If you have a God-dream but you’re struggling with mental blockages that seem to deter you, I am a certified Christian Life Coach and would love to partner with you💗! I promise you, nothing is impossible with God! He’s equipped you with everything you need. And the world is not the same without you! You light up the world in a special way. 💡

~For information on my life coaching services, click here.

~For a beautiful song about seeing Jesus in the eyes of each child, click here.

My daughter Eden and I.