A Heavenly Lesson: Take Time for Intimacy

~A vision that I was given when I was a teenager and first filled with the Holy Spirit.

He offered me something to eat as I was reading, studying and writing down the Word of God. The countryside smelled of sugar and dust. Months ago, I had been taken to this cottage of a mountain of honey hay as delicate as a moth’s hair. I would stay here until the next Jubilee with this angel of light. He asked me to call him Offer or Promise.

            I imagined rain from translucent azure waters falling through the roof and creating pools and rivers of glowing water in the house. The hay outside, moved like ripples in the wind and made waves of gold with every sweet, wistful breeze. This mountain was the only amber one. All the others were lush jade green. Often during sunsets, the ones in the distance paled into a lavender purple made rosy with the hue and heat of the setting sun. These mountains seemed as soft as mist.

            I looked up from my work at Promise. His sculpted hand held out a pearly saucer with a tea-size emerald bowl on top. The bowl was filled with a white, pasty looking substance. Promise or Offer was beautiful and tall with long hair that shone like silver in the sun. His hair appeared as gentle as silk. His eyes were as majestic as thousands of mountains that touched the sky. Yet, his eyes were kinder than a mother’s love and deep with mystery. He often wore layers of clothes, all made for the flow of the wind. Today he wore a deep pine green robe with the floral words of heaven etched on the sleeves and hem.

            I took the food with a smile as “thanks” and set it on the polished wooden table. He observed my writings and circled around the table before sitting down. I felt celestial water below my feet. It lapped over my toes and was as soothing as spa water, but when I looked down, all I saw was the white carpet. I didn’t ask Offer what was going on. Things like that always happened here. Taking up a spoon, I dipped it in the pasty white substance.

            “It is food and drink.” Offer said.

I opened my mouth and ate. It was light, like fat-free yogurt and it liquefied in my mouth as if it were whipped cream. It reminded me of a flaky pie crust sugared with cinnamon and ginger. It was dissolvable because of the thinness. It slid down my throat like a light mist and it seemed to dissolve into nothingness in my stomach. Because of this, I took a big spoonful and stuffed it in my mouth before taking another one.

            “Easy.” Offer said.

            I looked at him.

            “Go slow, it is filling you,” he continued.

            I knew his words were true, but it surely didn’t feel like it.

            “You sons and daughters of men take in too much too quickly before you are ready. It fills you, I promise.”

            He folded his hands together and then quietly stood. Again, he circled me. This time slower than the last. I saw his eyes peer at my work again which rested beside the Bible.

            “Think of it as reading the Word of God. You must go slowly. You must digest what you read and wait for full comprehension from Adoni before you continue. Most people read much too much too quickly and then claim they know the Word of God. They form their own opinions about it, or they listen to the incorrect, hasty interpretations of others because they have not studied. They have not relied on the Ruach Hakodesh to open their eyes of understanding. In this too they become worshippers of themselves as they rely more on their mind than the mind of the Spirit. Or they choose to become wedding guests instead of the Bride at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Intimacy takes time…a life time.”

            His words were as pure as ice forming from a water cave in the arctic. “What are you saying Promise?” I asked.

            “Read it to draw closer to Him.”

            “I…thought I was.”

            “You wrote three chapters.”

            “I’ve been here for hours. Are you saying three chapters is too much?”

            He nodded.

            “How much longer will I be here? All this must get done before that.”

            “What is that to you? That “longer” you speak of? He is in the past, the present and the future. How then can this thing you know as time exist? Only He exist and He fills all.”

            Promise saw that I failed to comprehend. He sighed slightly and smiled fondly at me. Somehow his visage assured me that all would be well.

            “Our Lord will give you enough time. In the same way as He supplied enough manna for the Israelites, His chosen ones, to eat in the wilderness everyday…He will supply you enough time. No more and no less dear one. Just keep drawing near to Him with all your heart. Remember to soar, enjoy and cherish every moment. Allow yourself to be put in all the way, in every experience.”

            I believe I understood and nodded.

            “Yahweh is not looking for quantity. He is looking for quality. A small diamond is worth more than a hundred tons of fool’s gold.”

…to be continued.

~If you’ve enjoyed this allegory, you may like my book Visions of Celestial Love. It is full of lessons that God has taught me since I first surrendered to Him. These lessons often look like “word pictures” for me. And remember, above all He wants intimacy with you. He wants your heart. He longs to sup with you in the secret place. <3

Top image by Quang Nguyen vinh from Pixabay. I chose this photo because the sun is shinning behind these men and their feet are standing on a mountain of salt. It reminded me of what Jesus said when He called us, “the salt and light of the world.” -Matthew 5:13-16.