Rousing her Heart

~This sneak peek excerpt follows the romance of Trisha and Noble. To read more of their romance story, click here. <3

Trisha’s face swelled with heat as her heart pounded against her chest. She couldn’t shake the fear—she couldn’t brush off the nagging thoughts.

The air around her was heady with the sweet scents of rich wine. Lush grapes dangled like gemstones against the green foliage.

She hugged her arms and her fingertips brushed against her wooly white knitted sweater. It was a sweet gift from Sarah.

Trisha’s eyes brimmed from the sentiment this pearly sweater had…Sarah’s honeymoon.

She thought about Sarah’s retelling of her and Kris’ romance. She imagined the happy 30 years of growth and godliness.

She thought about Noble.

Her heart ached so bad for him she gritted her teeth.

In desperation she prayed, Father, why can’t I shake him off?

She sniffled and wiped at her nose.

It was almost like God was fighting her.

Why did you want me to come here with him? Didn’t you know I would…suffer inwardly like this?

A soft voice spoke in her heart, what if I don’t want you to resist him?

Trisha shook her head.

Noble’s eyes flashed before her eyes. The way he looked at her last night.

His eyes glowed like bioluminescent water in the arctic. They were streaked with a passion brighter than the northern lights. He was more vibrant than the sun on water to her.

She felt his perusal like the clothes on her body.

His soul seemed to walk across the room and melt into her skin causing her cells to sing.

She was washed in wave after wave of the poetry of his heart. I love you, I love you, I love you was the undercurrent message of his presence.

She thought he would overpower her with his gaze.

What are you afraid of beloved?

Trisha fell on her knees and hugged herself. She gaped with effort to shut off her feelings.

“No, no, no.”

What are you afraid of?

“He hasn’t proposed has he?” she asked Jesus, “if he truly loved me the way…the way all of his actions seem to say, then he would have asked.”

She started crying, “Lord please? I’m dying with love of him! I ca-….I can’t invest my heart in someone so deeply if he isn’t committed to me? You tell me to guard my heart in your Word.”

Beloved, guard your heart from fear, not from courage.

Trisha shut her eyes and tears trailed down her cheeks. She felt them collect at the bottom of her round chin before splashing on her arm.

I love you.

“I know you do Jesus,” she said feeling Him comfort her.

I gave myself fully away to you without your love in return. And I would do it again. What joy I have in loving you.

Trisha recognized His meaning, “but Jesus you knew I would respond one day.”

What about those who never respond? Don’t I love them too? I died for my enemies.

“But you told me to guard my heart! You told me not to awaken love until its time. I read that verse many times in Song of Songs.”

Peace beloved. I see you are at the time of love. He will propose to you soon.

A small gasp escaped Trisha’s lips, “But I’m not ready…”

What are you afraid of?

The sound of someone walking distracted Trisha.

She wiped her tears away and looked around.

Sarah was in the fields coming toward her slowly.

Her lovely visage was colored with quiet care and concern…

~To be continued….

And when I passed by again, I saw that you were old enough for love. So I wrapped my cloak around you to cover your nakedness and declared my marriage vows. I made a covenant with you, says the Sovereign Lord, and you became mine ~ Ezekiel 16:8 NLT <3

“Through vivid descriptions and thought provoking stories, Ashley invites us to experience deeper intimacy with our eternal Bridegroom. Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul inspires us to throw off the complacency of busy lifestyles and passionately seek the heart of Jesus. This book is a beautiful reminder of the ever-present love, steadfastness and mercy He offers to each of us throughout our covenant relartionship.” -Keely Metcalf