I Could Sing of Your Love Forever

I am romanced by You.

You cause me to relax.

You ease and lift off all the burden.

As I lay in bed comfortable, knowing that Your Presence is here, You heal me with delightful images.

I see fields of gold.

Shining wheat in the sun swaying in the breeze as deep colored as honey.

Fanciful beautiful butterflies, white like doves in the snow flutter leisurely from strand to strand.

They frolic and play with each other.

Many more butterflies appear, each like a white candle.

My eyes lift above these golden hills.

Women appear spinning and twirling in the aureate fields.

Their sleeves are long and flowery and they too are dressed in white.

Their dresses are gossamer and the sleeves and helms of their dresses are translucent.

They are all lovely and each represents a different nation but all of them are one in Jesus.

One has long, curly, sandy blond warm hair. Her skin is golden, her eyes ocean blue. She rushes forward, spins and then withdraws skipping her feet up gaily.

The other is olive-toned with smooth skin and long ebony hair like silk. She is serene and her eyes are pools of rich beauty that pour from her redeemed soul. She sways in the breeze and her movements are fluid.

The other has bronze-brown skin. She is all lovely and her glowing eyes are like maple-brown bowls with cinnamon flecks in them. Her dark brown hair is springy and ripples down like vines from a tree. Her smile is bright and she spins like a princess.

The wind catches her dress and the skirts of her dress lift just above her knees and spin in smooth waving folds.

Before long a multitude of other women appear—all are rejoicing.

They carry tambourines and other musical instruments in their hands.

Some have colorful scarves to wave in worship.

Smiles lift every face and they celebrate forward in a procession.

Butterflies coat the clear blue sky before swooping down.

They too spin and make whimsical patterns in the air.

A dark wooded tree with deep green leaves is seen on a hill.

An ocean appears whose waters laugh and sparkle with the reflection of the sun.

The water shimmers and its colors are like teal blue mixed with azure.

Along the shore the waves are clear like a mirror and the worshipers jump in.

Some swim in the refreshing pool while others cheerfully glide and skip on the surface of the water.

Their angel-like movement kicks up splashes and drops of water that glisten in the sun like gauzy glitter.

Some hold hands and dance together.

I watch as two women in floral white dresses stood alongside a friend and lift her up out of the playful water.

Suddenly as the women praise on the water their dresses colorize.

One spins in front and the inner skirts of her dress transform into rhubarb purple.

She lifts and stretches her arms and hands. Her movements are fluid and as graceful as silk in the air.

Another’s snow white dress becomes a cream pink as soft as a rose petal. I watch in amazement at the wonder of it all.

A Presence is felt in the waters and in the sky.

He is all together radiant and His beatific blessings become one with the air.

Suddenly butterflies the same color as the ocean come out of the water. They flap around wildly.

They group and separate as they dance gleefully.

Just below the waters and on the ocean floor more butterflies are seen.

They seem content to play inside the water. Reflections of the sun ripple on the ocean floor like placid lightning forming diamonds.

There is perfect peace here.

There is perfect joy here.

The women twirl in a line and joyful dusty rose dolphins the color of summer pink burst from the waters laughing. They flip and bob their heads and swish their bodies in the air as they reach for the sky.

One blocks the sun for a moment and all his features become indecipherable. All you can see is his silhouette as the sun’s rays shines behind his sleek form. He dives down in happiness and causes a big splash.

The dolphins begin to form a moving canopy above the women like a pink bridge.

They jump one after another above the heads of the women who twirl and spin in the shining light of the sun.

Some do flips along the side like a fountain.

The scene is celestial.

The movements are the rejoicing of love.

You romance me with images of beauty.

You delight, uplift and comfort me with your love.

~This short devotional was taken from my book Visions of Celestial Love