Weightless Peace and Childlike Faith

There’s a peaceful weightlessness about children that Jesus calls us to live in:💖

“…unless you become like a child, you shall not enter the kingdom of Heaven…” Matthew 18:2

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” -Matthew 19:14

Healthy children raised with love, security, and wisdom are:


-Have no stresses or worries.

-See the world for all its color and light. They have an untouched innocence that is beautiful and is the closest living reflection of Adam and Eve in paradise before the Fall.

-Trust with all their hearts.

-Feel loved.

-Are able to give love.

Because they feel and know they are taken care of.

We are children of God. We alone have the perfect, benevolent Father. We have a Fathe who is gracious, all-knowing, holy, good, and whose definition is love in its truest and purest form. We have a Father who never runs out of resources, in fact He is the richest, most powerful King and He generously bestows undeserved blessings through the finished work of the cross.

Recently Jesus has been encouraging me to rest. Rest is one of the deepest forms of faith because it requires us to have the humility of a child by casting all our cares, fears, and adult worries on the Lord. “Cast your cares on me because I care for you.” (1 Peter 5:7)

It also requires us to come to the end of our own strength and instead depend upon the strength of the Lord (Zechariah 4:6). It calls for us to lay down our wisdom and understanding for his greater wisdom and understanding (Proverbs 3:5).

It’s not always easy to become like a child when you’ve been an adult for long enough.

I find that popular culture promotes a self-sufficient, independent, get-it-done attitude. This is the opposite of the Gospel. This is the opposite of the Father-child relationship Jesus paints for us in scripture or the shepherd to sheep relationship the Bible often uses as an allegory of our own relationship with God.

Jesus himself did nothing but “what he saw his Father doing,” and he proclaimed that the works/miracles he did was really “the father doing the works.” (John 14:10) Jesus lived in dependence upon God as “Abba.” As I think Of Jesus’s own earthly walk, I am coming to grips with how rooted faith must be in God as Father. There is something so pure and life-giving when we call upon God as Father and trust him with the simplicity that we see children give their fathers.

I don’t know where you are today, but I pray you hear Jesus speaking to you through this. He is such a good Bishop of our souls. He is the Restorer of our souls. He is the binder of the brokenhearted. He is the “God of all comfort.” (2 Corinthians 1:3)

In his presence is fullness of joy. (Psalm 16:11)

In this season, I’m needing to lean more into grace like a well-loved child. As a wife, mother of littles, teacher, student, and author, I wear many hats…but non eof these things, no matter how great a blessing they are define me. My ultimate identity is a loved daughter of God. And recently Jesus has had to remind me of this.

Let’s lean in together…there is more than enough room in the Father’s arms.

Prayer 🙏

Dear Jesus, I thank you for your son or daughter reading this right now. I pray for everyone who will read this. I pray you will lead us into your shalom for you are the Prince of peace. I pray the shalom of God will make us whole. I pray for divine strength and rest to enter our bodies by your Holy Spirit. I ask that you restore whatever is broken in our lives whether it’s physical, mental, emotional, relational, circumstantial, etc. I pray for you to “lead us beside still waters” and for us to be humble enough to allow you to lead us (Psalm 23:2-3). May we always remember that we are well-beloved, and may we continually experience fuller and fuller measures of your heavenly love until we are overflowing and learn how to drink of your bounty without reservation. For you cause the sons of men to drink from your river of delights (Psalm 36:8). We choose to rest in You, sweet Savior.

I have some exciting news! My 1st children’s book is now available for purchase on amazon! This has been such a dream come true and I know Father God is leading me to write more stories for kids that will help connect them to their heavenly Daddy. You can check it out by clicking here.

Story synopsis 💐:

Four copper coins… four vastly different siblings… one task.

Aline is finally given the chance she’s been looking for, to take a trip down her mountain house into the quaint village of Chestnut. Her mother tasks her with the great responsibility of making a non-stop journey into town to purchase items for a delicious supper while keeping track of her younger siblings.

The journey is filled with delightful distractions, forested woods, and flowering mountains that easily catch the children’s attention.

Will Aline be able to resist the urge to disobey her mother and take a few fun detours? Will she be able to keep her playfully mischievous siblings in line and safely keep the coins?

Join these siblings on a whimsical journey of fun, competition, and games while they learn the beautiful truth that obedience brings good things. Ephesians 6:1-2

-Until next time, may you experience the abundant peace and love of your Heavenly Father in deeper and sweeter measures. 

