Horse or Sheep?

~By: Danielle Sanders

John 6:29 NET – “Jesus replied, ‘This is the deed God requires – to believe in the one whom he sent.’”

You’re probably familiar with the term “dangling a carrot in front of a horse.” This refers to the practice of a horse driver placing a carrot on a string and holding it in front of a horse’s head, just beyond its reach, to entice the animal to move forward to eat the carrot. Of course, as the horse moves forward, so does the carrot. Thus, the reward remains unattainable no matter how much effort the horse puts forth.

This is a great metaphor for religion. The blessings of God are the carrot, and the believer is the horse. Religion dangles the carrot in front of the believer with the promise that with just a little more effort, the prize can be attained. When a person thinks that he must do more in order to get more from God, he will find that, despite his best efforts, he always falls short, and the blessings of God remain unattainable. This leaves him in a chronic state of disappointment with God.

Fortunately, the carrot-stick model is NOT what Jesus gave us. Through Him, we have an actual relationship with a loving Father. God becomes our Good Shepherd, not a cold horse driver using gimmicks to get us to do what He wants (John 10:11, 14). Instead of using His blessings as bait, He richly gives us all things to freely enjoy. (I Timothy 6:17) The only condition is that we believe on Him.

So if you’re having trouble hearing from God, believe that you can hear Him because He said, “My sheep hear My voice.” (John 10:27) Are your needs seemingly going unmet? Believe that He will supply them because He said, “I will never forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5) Faith without works is definitely dead. However, believe God first, and the appropriate works will become evident. He will lead you into them because He loves you and wants you to succeed.

Your relationship with God is designed to be a never-ending source of everything good. (John 10:10) If it’s not, then give up on being a horse and become a sheep, and let your Good Shepherd lead you back to the lush, green pastures where every provision and delight is waiting for you. (Psalm 23)