False Science

…what are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them? -Psalm 8:4 NLT

I went to college to study environmental science because I wanted to help protect the earth from global warming. I took all sorts of classes: marine biology, botanical science, geology, environmental science, etc.

In high school I spent roughly 30 hours writing an extensive article for the journalism team on how global warming was a major threat to the earth. I took about 80 pages of research and condensed it down to 3. I interviewed a large number of people. My instructor loved the paper so much, she published it in the end-of-the-school-year newspaper and my parents laminated it (my ego was puffed up).

Little did anyone know that in all my fervor and misplaced zeal…I began to lose my love for mankind. I began to forget that God made man in His image and that He paid the greatest price to redeem His sons and daughters. Although I was never fully persuaded to endorse or agree with population control…because I knew murder was wrong, I did think the earth would be better if people would just get their “act together” whatever that meant.

Out of all the people I interviewed, I had a Christian teenager tell me God wasn’t scared about global warming when I had asked him what his thoughts on the topic were. I practically rolled my eyes at him. Even though I was a Christian too, I thought he was so naive and simplistic to give such an answer because my head was bloated with false science and humanism and atheistic philosophy (like most 17 year olds my age, I thought I knew everything). Because he didn’t agree with me, I rushed through our interview and made sure not to include his sentiments in my final notes. Talk about unbiased journalism. (Apparently loss for human worth is more common in our society than I knew. I recently heard of a study done where this question was asked: “If your dog was drowning in the ocean and a stranger/person was drowning a few feet away and you could only save one, which one would you save?” 70%+ of people said they would save their dog over a human they never met. That’s what I call a low view of human life).

Then on a drive home from high school I heard God speak to me from my heart. He asked me three times, “do you love trees more than my children?” I realized after the third time, God was ACTUALLY speaking to me! I also realized I cared more about trees than people.

Slowly during my six years of college, my major changed from environmental science to Humanities. I never intended to get a degree in Humanity but slowly the hot love of God began to warm and melt my heart. He softened me to truly love on others and dedicate my life not to “save the whales” but to save the people.

Years later I began to realize false science has been responsible for the literal murder of billions of people: False science claimed African slaves were 1/3 human so because they were “mostly” animal they could be enslaved, raped, abused, killed and treated like chattel. They actually had false science books and articles and news to “prove” this. False science said Jews, those with special needs, and the handicap were “subhuman” and not real “persons” and so they could be brutally experimented on, annihilated, gased, burned, skinned (with their skin used as decorations in Nazi camps), etc by the millions if they weren’t the anglo white race.

Today false science says unborn babies aren’t “fully” human so they can be killed, torn limb from limb, left to die in cases of botched abortion, burned by chemicals inside their mothers wombs, have their organs harvested, experimented on and have their tissue used in vaccines, injected into mice and pigs and basically used as biological timber.

False science hands are swimming in human blood. And I weep thinking of all the innocent casualties it has claimed. All the dying screams it has caused while numbing public ears to the excruciating pain of others by filling our ears instead with politics, religion and fancy language.

My new lingo is: “Save the people.” I cannot choose between mother and baby. They each have equal worth in my eyes.

The worst injustice I can ever imagine is the abuse and deaths of truly innocent, defenseless human beings (children and babies) 🙏🏽🌍👑🌈

Today over 3,000 people lose their lives every day. They are judged and condemned for the actions of adults (actions they did not cause). Their lives are all irrefutably innocent and free of guile. Yet they receive the death penalty.

My prayer is for love for humankind to be put back into the hearts of men/women everywhere. It doesn’t matter if you are left, right, independent, black, white, hispanic, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Jew, etc.

Human is what matters.

~Also, if you are a woman who has had an abortion, please know, I am not, nor will I ever be anything but loving toward you. I’ve prayed with several post-abortive women. Jesus loves us all just the same…no matter where we’ve been. He died for everyone. If you need healing, counseling or someone to talk to, please seek care from a trusted source.

~I am still what some may call a “science geek.” I watch science shows for fun. I am absolutely fascinated with biology and how God mircologically created all life to operate. I care for the environment and I long to see the day where our oceans are clean and our planet is free from pollution. I believe in treating animals well…even the Bible says a wise man is kind to his animal -Proverbs 12:10. God does not endorse animal cruelty. But as much as I love the earth, I love mankind infinitely more. God has helped put things in proper perspective for me (He is still working on showing me more truth). And one day, God will recreate the world and make it into a place He originally had in his heart: free of all sickness, abuse, pollution, death, cruelty, fear, etc. See Isaiah 11.


God, brilliant Lord,
    yours is a household name.

Nursing infants gurgle choruses about you;
    toddlers shout the songs
That drown out enemy talk,
    and silence atheist babble.

3-4 I look up at your macro-skies, dark and enormous,
    your handmade sky-jewelry,
Moon and stars mounted in their settings.
    Then I look at my micro-self and wonder,
Why do you bother with us?
    Why take a second look our way?

5-8 Yet we’ve so narrowly missed being gods,
    bright with Eden’s dawn light.
You put us in charge of your handcrafted world,
    repeated to us your Genesis-charge,
Made us stewards of sheep and cattle,
    even animals out in the wild,
Birds flying and fish swimming,
    whales singing in the ocean deeps.

God, brilliant Lord,
    your name echoes around the world.

-Psalm 8 The Message Translation

Dear reader, if you have the means to, I want to encourage you to help pregnant women who are fearful right now. I ask you to reach out to them in any way that you can (no matter how small). I know some women are afraid of financial ruin if they have their baby, I know some women are suffering from lack of employment, poverty, domestic abuse, self-rejection, anxiety and other factors. Please pray for them and if you can support ministries that help women facing an unwanted pregnancy. I truly believe that the love of God is strong enough to not only care for babies but their mothers as well. No one is invaluable to Him. No life is without extreme beauty to Him. We are worth more than the gold in heaven to Him. Together, we can be examples of his love and save lives. Below is a list of a few ministries you can partner with (I have helped all of these ministries myself):




God bless you!

