The Secret Place

~This devotional began with my heart longing to go on a date with Jesus:

Jesus said to the thief on the cross, “amen I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” Luke 23:43

There is a secret place in my heart called Paradise. It is a lush garden, bedded with polychromatic flowers. Everything is full of pure life here. A fountain with sweet living water is at the center. It is perfumed with the scents of heaven. Every time I enter this placeI find immeasurable strength, life-giving joy, rejuvenating peace, rest fueled by trust and incredible love.  

The truth is…I can’t lead anyone here. I don’t know how to lead others to paradise…I can’t even lead myself. I am ushered in by the Holy Spirit. He leads me into the depths of me. And there…in paradise…I see Jesus. I am with Jesus. 

Just as the thief on the cross had nothing to show for himself but faith after beholding Grace and Truth…so I come here with empty hands but child like trust. 

You see, the truth is, I haven’t traveled to most countries in the world. I haven’t seen the seven wonders of the world. I haven’t even seen most of our national monuments. But, I never need to. 

I’ve seen something…no Someone…in this secret paradise that gives life meaning. In His face, I experience all of my desires are met. I have been lead to heaven on earth. And this secret place, this sacred space, is worth more than all the gold and diamonds in the world. Grace glitters on every blade of grass like translucent pearls.  

I write because Jesus has marked me with intimacy. Because God has given me a gift from his Holy Spirit to invite others into the one true thing that matters most in life…relationship with the Trinity. <3 xoxoxo

Just like the thief on the cross, we who have believed, have also died with Christ on the cross. Today, He is with us in paradise.