The Rescue

~This snippet is taken from my upcoming book, At The Time For Love, a romance novella based off Ezekiel 16:6-14. This story is meant to introduce teenage girls to romantic purity and the Bridegroom love of Jesus.

My family’s truck, Old Faithful, weakly trodden through the thick, crunchy and pristine snow. I thought he was just having a hard time and patted the dashboard as if comforting a person, “Sorry old buddy, I know it’s hard. But you can make it.” Just then the engine coughed dryly and then Old Faithful stopped. My eyes widened in disbelief. “What?!” I turned the keys back before turning them forward again. The car tooted a few times but then it died. “No,” I said in denial and tried again. Each time I received the same result, “this can’t be happening!” I exclaimed and prayed before trying again. This time the engine didn’t even make a sound. Just then it came to me.

The gas!

Remind me to fill Old Faitfhful up when we get into town okay? David’s words came back like a flood. I hadn’t remembered, and neither had he.

Did he remember now?

The heater had only been off for a few seconds and already the inside of Old faithful was growing cold.

I was about ten miles from home and about fifteen from work. I had no cell phone and no means of communication. I was also on the long stretch of the road that was mostly abandoned. The bulk of Pomeberry was five miles or so back. The snow was heavy and falling steadily. Apart from my warm clothes I had nothing to keep me warm but a mug of hot chocolate. I pressed my back against the seat and thought about my options.

It was probably around 6:45, I needed to be at work by 7:10. If I went back to town I would have to find a payphone or ask somebody if I could use there’s and call in for Danielle or somebody to come pick me up. My family wouldn’t be able to get me because Old Faithful was the only vehicle we owned and I doubted anyone would ride our horse Embers to come get me. It would be foolish to do so. I could walk back home but then I’d be super late for work.

I exhaled slowly and said a prayer, “God…please help me. Send help somehow, someway.”

A spark of determination went off on the inside of me and I decided that I would walk to work.

I couldn’t tell if it was from God or from my own self-determination but I went for it. I knew the logical thing for me to do would be to stay in the truck and at least wait until daylight before attempting to walk but I was anxious to be on time. And for some reason I allowed my anxiety to override common sense.

“Help me get there,” I said and grabbed my keys before stuffing them in my coco colored purse. I slung my purse strap across my shoulders and opened the door. A wave of icy cold air slapped against my face and pushed my body. Shivering I closed the truck door.

It was dark and cold. Glinting stars could still be seen in the sky but I saw a royal blue line along the horizon which promised sunrise in forty minutes or so. The rest of the sky was black. After zipping up everything that could be zipped on my coat, I fastened the furry hood over my head, hugged myself and started off.

To keep from being scared from the dead silence around me, I hummed to myself.

I sang an old hymn I remember my grandmother singing on Sabbath mornings, “God is good, all the time. He put a song of praise in this heart of mine, God is good, all the time. Through the darkest night His light will shine. God is good, God is good, all the time.”

After about an hour of singing I began to realize just how foolish I had been to leave Old Faithful. My lips were parched dry and felt like they would peel at any moment. I licked them constantly to keep them warm but that only served to make the brisk hair harsher when my tongue retreated back in my mouth. My nose felt like it was freeze burnt and I was sure it shone like Rudolph’s. My legs had painful goose bumps on them that protruded so sharply that every brush of my jeans against them hurt. My muscles were achy from shivering and I was thirsty. I had finished off my hot coco after five minutes or so of walking. The sky was lighter and the horizon bled deep orange despite the puffy clouds that covered the hemisphere. Unfortunately, the wind was restless and it pressed against me as I walked.

I continued on for about ten more minutes before exhaustion took over. My face crinkled and I wanted to cry. Why did I leave Old Faithful? How far along was I to work? Should I go back? I looked up at the falling snow and my boots sunk a little into the crunchy snow.

“What am I going to do?” I cried looking up to heaven, “please help me God.”

Powdery snow rested gaily on my eyelashes blinding me temporarily.

My eyes moistened and hazed my vision. With aching muscles, I continued to walk.

 About twenty more minutes passed by and the rose red sky was streaked gold along the horizon, a pretty blue lifted above it and an orange cream rested atop.

My lips trembled uncontrollably as I walked, my arms were stiff and hugged my chest tightly. Pain enveloped me like a heavy coat and my knees felt like they were about to crack. All my muscles felt like giving in but I gritted my teeth and told myself I could either collapse and potentially go into hyperthermia or I could press on and get help.

A faint rumbling noise caught my ears like a wisp of wind.

What was that?

I looked to the left and to the right and saw nothing. My eyes brows creased, oh great, I’m hallucinating!

Somewhat saddened by the thought I continued walking.

I glanced at the trees around me. Their branches were drooping down with snow and the sight reminded me of soft pillows piled atop each other or white shirts stacked atop one another in a laundry basket.

My ears perked up and I thought I heard a rumbling noise again…only it sounded louder.

I looked around me again and saw two yellow lights in the distance.

I squinted my eyes and realized it was headlights.

My heart leaped and I weakly turned around and began walking toward the vehicle.

“Help,” I mumbled queasy to my stomach.

My legs sloshed over layers of snow and fresh tears rolled down my eyes, “h-h…help…me.”

Pain kicked up my arm as I lifted it and waved.

The vehicle…which was going at a slow pace seemed to speed up. Within about two minutes I saw a gleam of cherry red.

James! It was his truck!

My lips cracked into a smile until I realized I must have looked like a horrid mess.

I pushed aside the thought quickly and couldn’t believe that even in a dire situation like this I would be concerned with such a feminine thing.

Typical woman, I thought dryly to myself.

The truck stopped a few paces in front of me and James leapt out. His eyes wide. He was wearing a winter beanie, a jacket, jeans and thick wool boots.

“Autumn!” He cried rushing toward me. My body gave in at that moment and I collapsed to the ground. Powdery snow lifted as I crashed into it and for a moment I thought I would go unconscious. My body shivered violently.

“James,” I sighed sheepishly as he leaned over me.

“Your lips are blue!” he exclaimed.

“You’re so beautiful…” I said my voice trailing into a drool.

Did I just say that?

James bent down and secured his arms under me before picking me up igniting, everywhere he touched with pain. A sharp cry escaped my lips.

“I’m sorry,” he murmured warmly, his voice coated with tears.

“I…it’s o-okay.” I told him, “my body hurts all over.”

As gently as he could he placed me in the passenger’s seat before closing the door behind me.

When he got into the driver’s seat and closed the door I whispered weakly, “I-I can’t buckle myself in.”

“I know you can’t. I wouldn’t expect you to.”

He turned down the heater and I wondered why. “You can’t take in too much heat at once. It could put your body in shock.”

His eyebrows wrinkled and I saw he fought tears.

He turned to me and saw how I shook. He seemed so serious, and yet so concerned about something.

“I have to get you out of some of your clothes,” he said calmly…though his eyes were not equally as relaxed.

“My clothes?” my eyebrows rose.

“Yes. They are cold as brick, we need to get…s-some off. Do you understand?”

I nodded slowly.

“Okay…t-thank you.”

He moved closer to me and before long he was right beside me.

“Can you rest your arm here? …uh huh…and the other one here. I’m going to try to do this as gently as I can.”

Unzipping my outer coat, he moved slowly to free my arms from the sleeves.

I cried as he did for the pain was almost unbearable. I saw how it hurt him to do it and to see me in so much torture. “God help me,” he prayed, “help her.” My jaw trembled so much it was sore. Tears trailed down my icy pale cheeks. James moved to take my boots off my feet, then he removed my socks and massaged my stiff toes which were like ice. When I screamed as he helped the blood to start flowing again he withdrew. He looked up at me…a pained expression on his face.

“I have to. I’m so sorry Autumn.” His voice broke.

I sucked my bottom lip and closed my eyes. As he worked I bit my lip and tongue…puncturing my skin and releasing a slim stream of blood.

When James sat up again he saw it trailing down my lip and reached to grab a napkin. Voicelessly he gently patted it against my lip and wiped the trail of blood from my skin.

I inquired about my feet and he said with a sigh of relief, “your feet are going to be fine.”

“They sting like needles.”

“That’s normal. It means your tissues are warming up…and blood is flowing.”

I nodded.

When he was done patting me he took a tube of chopstick from his pocket and applied some to my lips.

He looked down briefly as if embarrassed and then back up at me again.

“Do you have on an undershirt?”

I felt a flood of heat rise to my cheeks and I slowly nodded.

“How about tights?”

“Yes,” I breathed.

“…okay. Can I?”

He didn’t have to explain…I already knew.

I nodded and slightly hesitant at first, he began to raise my sweater dress over my head. He made sure to only keep his eyes on my face the whole time.

Tossing the cold garment aside he asked me if I could unbuckle my pants.

I tried but my hands were stiff and in terrible pain.

Tears pricked my eyes as I tried to loop the button out of the hole.

He saw my pain and put a large warm hand over my pale cold one. “It’s okay. I can…” He silently prayed as he unbuttoned me and then lifted one leg at a time as he pulled the jeans down and then off. It was a slow and tear-jerking process. I was so grateful I had put on tights and an undershirt…otherwise I would have been stripped down to my bra and hole-spotted panties.

When it was done he stripped himself of his outer coat and then his sweater. He gently draped the inside part of his jacket over my legs and then he rested his sweater in front of me…using the head of the seat behind me to tie the arms to. He then carefully buckled me in and handed me a cup of room temperature water. “Drink as much as you can.” He said gently.

He buckled himself in and then promptly started off, “I’m taking you to the hospital.”


“Forget about work Autumn. I will contact Carol.”

I began to drift to sleep. Pain racked my body and suddenly I felt so heavy with sleep. James pulled out his cell as he drove. I heard him talking to my mom and then David.

The road, and his dashboard blended together and I fought to stay awake.

“Yes, I have her…. she’s dehydrated…cold….in pain…. praise God He helped me find her…. we’re off to the hospital…. yes…yes…see you there.”

I felt the truck speed up. And I began to hear James pray in tongues and English.

“God, please help her. Send your warmth throughout her body…give her body the strength she needs, speak peace and comfort into her soul…”

Finally, everything went black and I drifted to sleep.

 I woke up momentarily when a shock of cold blew in the truck. My eyelids lifted and I saw we were at the hospital. James had opened up my door and was unbuckling me. The blistering wind howled outside. James took me in his arms and held me close to his chest like a baby before closing the door with his back.

I shivered and my teeth chattered.

“Hold on my sweet one,” he whispered warmly, and my heart melted at his endearing term for me.

Sweet one. It was the first time he used a pet name for me.

I nestled my head under his chin and closed my eyes.

Suddenly heat kissed my skin and bright lights beckoned me to open my eyes but I felt so weak I kept them closed. We must have entered in the hospital. My guess was soon affirmed as I heard James tell somebody, “please, my friend is suffering from hypothermia.”

“Right this way sir,” a feminine voice replied.

“Thank you,” James said and I felt his pace quicken.

I blacked out again.

Hours later I woke up feeling like I was floating on a cloud below a sunny waterfall of wind. I felt rejuvenated, replenished and peaceful.

My eyes fluttered and above me were concerned familiar faces. My entire family was in the hospital room.

“She’s awake,” Thomas said and I heard movement as everyone gathered around. Someone was holding my hand. I looked around and saw that it was Mama. David was holding my other hand.

“Thank God,” Kendell said relief flooding his voice. His dark chestnut eyes lit up and behind them I saw a gleam of glass…. had he been crying?

“Yes,” I said slowly, “I’m awake.”

“Oh Autumn,” Mama said reaching her hand to cup my cheek, “we were praying for you.”

“Worrying our heads off!” Kendell stated.

“How are you feeling?” David asked as Ginger went to sit beside me, her icy blue eyes fixed on my rosy face.

“…happy,” I said surprising them all.

I saw David’s eyebrows lift in amazement, then they relaxed and a small grin lifted his right cheek, “I’m glad to hear that.”

“What are you so happy about?” Paige asked, her silky light brown hair was tied to the side and dangled gracefully over her delicate shoulder. She was wearing her pretty pearl fur coat, and her lips were stained lavender.

“To be alive…” I said slowly, “I felt like God was talking to me while I was asleep…or rather…holding me.”

“Holding you?” Thomas inquired.

I nodded sheepishly, “uh huh…. some place…beautiful.” My body relaxed and I let out a long quiet sigh.  

Paige walked forward and kissed my forehead. I smiled sweetly as her lips met my skin and I moved my arms to hug the nape of her neck. She smelled like a fresh bed of flowers spiced with cinnamon apples. Only when I went to do so did I realize IVs were in both of my hands. I hesitated and then slowly lowered my hands.

“How much longer do I have to wear these things?” I asked a little disgusted. I never liked needles.

“Not any longer,” an unfamiliar voice said. Everyone turned.

“Doctor Flores,” mama said greeting an olive face with ebony black hair and sparkling dark brown eyes.

Doctor Flores greeted me, “good to see you awake Autumn, you gave your family here quiet the scare.”

I nodded and thanked her for helping me.

“My pleasure hun,” she said and checked my vital signs, “perfect…” She then moved to take out the IVs and I closed my eyes tight. To my surprise it didn’t hurt at all. Dr. Flores applied some alcohol to the area and then taped some gauze on.

“How soon can I leave?” I asked.

“Right now, if you’d like…but I think you should eat something right away and we’ve already got a gentleman fetching you some soup.”

“What kind of soup?”

“He said creamy tomato was one of your favorites?”

I nodded.

“Great. Well he should be here soon,” Dr. Flores said before addressing mama, “may I have a word with you ma’am?”

Mama nodded and went off with the woman.

While they were away I asked, “Who went to get me soup?”

“Who do you think?” Paige said with a grin.

“James…” I breathed.

“I’m so happy you’re okay Autumn,” Ginger said and then spread her body next to mine. I giggled and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

“I’m glad I’m okay too.”  

Ginger kissed my neck multiple times and before long everyone dispersed in the room and began to relax.

 Paige picked up a book and began to read it out loud to me. David, Kendell and Thomas engaged in hushed conversation, and Ginger lay peacefully by my side fiddling with my hair between her fingers.

Eventually James walked in carrying a bowl of soup in one hand and a beautiful bouquet of wine red roses and a stuffed teddy bear in the other.

My heart leaped at the sight of him and I sat up without knowing.

“James,” I breathed as he neared me. He walked past everyone and leaned over me pressing a kiss on my head. I titled my head up and went to kiss him before stopping myself. My eyes widened when I realized how natural it felt to just reach to kiss him. My hand made its way atop his as he rested his on the bed. I smiled brightly and he withdrew his hand. It all happened so quickly, yet so slowly at the same time.

“It’s good to see you awake and well,” he said gently.

“Thank you so much,” I sang.

He breathed, “thank God.”

 David stood to take the roses and put them in a vase. “They are beautiful,” I remarked taking a closer look at them. Delicate petals flowering open in layer after smooth layer of ruby hills. “Not as beautiful as you,” James said and I blushed.

If you’ve enjoyed this sneak peek of, At The Time For Love, you will likely enjoy my book, Romantic Rendezvous for The Soul. To find out more about it, click here. To purchase a copy, click here.

“For centuries, the female heart has melted with desire for the lasting pleasure of unchanging love. In the course of time, civilizations have risen and fallen, yet the single longing for tangible intimacy has never faded. Millions of lyrics have been written to the passionate tune of this fluid yearning and more are being written every day. Unfortunately, few people find the lasting love that they longed for as children.

Life, education, and societal pressure transform what was once a tangible hope, into a mythical fairy tale. Industries have reaped unlimited monetary gain from the erosion of this waned hope. Billions of girls grow up into women who have long since tossed their dream of true love in the trash bin of responsibility and cynicism. Countless others, have buried their ache of unmet desire under the disappointment of failed relationships and hopelessness.

Despite most women’s’ best attempts, this starved craving remains alive, like a faint stimulating aroma.

This ethereal hope goes back to the first relationship…in a place of being so “seen” and “lovingly known” that “she” was naked and unashamed.

This novella was not written to add salt to the gaping wound of unsatisfied need. It was written to satisfy the need completely. Let Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul introduce you to a lasting relationship with Transcendent Love where reality becomes sweeter than your dreams.”