Shores of Love: Ephesians 3

~Dearly beloved reader, I found this old journal entry that I had written in 2014. Under blankets of snow in my first year at Bible college…the Lord began to melt my inner being with the warmth of His hearth. I felt like I was nuzzled in His chest. I pray you enjoy this entry of my journey of leaning into deeper trust. May the lavish grace, the beautiful heart peace and the exuberant joy of the Lord be realized in you as one in Christ Jesus. I hope this old letter finds you well, and enjoying the abundant life Jesus died to give you and the rich fellowship of the Holy Spirit and the saints.

~Journal: Friends, lately our Father has been changing some core beliefs in my heart and He has been calling me sweetly to dream again…to believe again in some promises and things that I had buried under the dirt of disappointment and heartache. It’s been a real healing journey as Jesus has helped me to realize these dreams were earthed from fear stemming from lies and that they could only be uncovered by the truth of His marvelous love. I’ve had to disagree with these lies and agree with the truth in order to dream again…and it’s a daily process…a daily changing…a daily eating at the table of intimacy with Jesus. And I know in the safe alcove of His love, my heart will blossom with dreams.

As time here in Colorado goes by I’ve watched the golden leaves of the aspen trees fall to the ground like little suns. A blanket of snow has taken the place of the carpet of the earth and the trees are glinting with snow. Despite the frosty cold God is doing a warming in my inner soul and a mending in the midst of winter. His Presence is melting away strongholds of pain as the seeds of His promises enter the soil of my imagination. He prepares a table for me daily and it is a feast of His goodness….a feast that I’ve been afraid to partake of in the past.

Recently Jesus has given me 1 John 4:16-19 to study and ponder. The most incredible phrase I have ever read chimes in the center of these verses like some small whiff of heaven: There is no fear in love. I came across this fragrant passage last night and wrote it down in my scripture journal, then my roommate Sarah wrote the verses down for me in Greek. Today in class one of the professors mentioned it and this evening as I was enjoying time with the Lord and listening to Pandora a song called No Fear in Love came on by Steffany Gretzinger.

Jesus has been taking me deeper and deeper into the truth of His love and it has been like drinking pure water from a saltless ocean. I feel like in my soul that I’m a child kneeling at the shore of His endless love. I cup my hands in the waters of His Spirit and drink…then I look out and see….wave after wave of affection rolling in and I know I’ll be drinking forever. It would take more than a million lifetimes to absorb all of His goodness. Then I realize Jesus calls me to take one sip at a time and savor my daily walk with Him; for all the goodness of God is wrapped up in the Man Christ Jesus.

I’m reminded that it’s a daily walk…because it’s a relationship—the sweetest and most fulfilling relationship. This journey of savoring His love has been kissed with yet another truth…that I already have all of it…that the ocean lives inside of me: Christ in you the hope of glory, as Jesus is so are you in this world, you are complete in Christ -Colossians 1:27, 1 John 4:17, Colossians 2:10 . My enjoyment of what I already possess in Christ is what I am experiencing in the daily delicious sips of truth. His truth is warm spiced ointment in my heart and the scents of His love are becoming one with the fabric of my soul as I allow Him to love different places within me.

As I’ve been walking the white shores of Ephesians 3:16-21 I’ve discovered the key to diving into the sun stained waters is 1 John 4:16a: And we know (understand, recognize, are conscious of, by observation and by experience) and believe (adhere to and put faith in and rely on) the love God cherishes for us. The secret, as I believe the Holy Spirit is whispering to me, is observing, putting trust in, resting in, and consciously meditating on the love of God as you walk with Christ in everyday life.

I pray the love, comfort, peace, pleasure, affection and joy of the Lord will blanket you all and may your souls be made into the garden of Eden…rich with the presence, thoughts and heart of Jesus as He walks with you inwardly in the cool of the day. May The Holy Spirit who is the source of all comfort, comfort and console your inner man, may you be loved on deeply and sweetly. May all your needs be met exceedingly and abundantly above all you could ask for and hope for in Christ Jesus, may you walk the blessed life God prearranged for you before the foundations of the world, may you receive from the Lord what you most need in this season…whether it be a word, direction, joy, peace, or anything, spiritual, mental or emotional. In Jesus name <3 

My love (that true love growing out of sincere devotion to God) be with you all in Christ Jesus. Amen (so be it), -1 Corinthians 16:24

~p.s: if you’ve found this devotional to be encouraging, please check out my free ebook on divine romance: Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul. You can find it on the Free Inspiration page and on amazon.

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