Beyond The Fear

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. -Isaiah 41:10

Almost every morning I wake up to Elena’s pure and beautiful smile. Her smile is a layer of sunshine in my soul. She makes my heart feel like melted sugar. An infant’s love is so genuine. There is no guile behind her eyes…no secret agendas…no hidden motives. There is just pure bliss. There is just pure adoration. She is built to love her parents by our Creator. She is designed to be loved. I can’t imagine life without my girls. But did you know that the enemy and the world tried to steal them both before they were born?

Eden (God’s Paradise) was planted in my heart before she came to be in my womb and while I wanted children really badly…my husband was naturally worried about finances. After a few conversations, I decided to just pray about it and ask God to talk to him. Faithfully, God did and with an income loss of over $1000 a month and a bill increase of $950 Eden entered the world like a flower from heaven. Miraculously, all of our needs were supplied and we even had extra! Trust God.

Years later, I began to desire another child. A few weeks after that desire entered my heart, I found out that I was pregnant with Elena (Radiant Light). Shortly after this discovery, I began to experience irrational fears for a short time period about carrying her to full term (“it’s not a good time.” “You don’t have as much in savings.” “How will you continue to pursue your dream?”). It was like an onslaught of thoughts and emotions that were not from me began to bombard my soul and I heard the word “abortion” being whispered into my mind. It didn’t take me long to realize that it was demonic. So I rebuked the unclean spirit speaking to me and shortly afterward I was once again full of joy over Elena’s developing/blooming life.

Did you know after I accepted Stephen’s proposal for marriage, I woke up almost every morning for a month with “evil” panic attacks? With feelings of great trepidation? There was such an obvious fight for me to not marry Stephen that it’s almost laughable now because I know the devil’s game. Did you know, I was attacked with anxiety before I headed off to Bible college by faith? My marriage to Stephen, my memories from Bible college and our two girls have enriched and added more light and layers of glory and love and divine bliss to my life than I can ever begin to describe! Nothing that I trusted God for has hindered my dreams…rather my dreams wouldn’t have been fulfilled without these 3 priceless humans. (3 business later and now a pending publishing deal). Almost every beautiful and wonderful blessing from heaven in my life has been opposed by the enemy and the rational/logic of the world/men.

From thinking about my own life, I can’t help but wonder how many millions of babies have died because the logic of men stirred fear, anxiety and doubt in the hearts of their mothers and fathers? I wonder how many billions of adults miss out on the abundant lives they could be living because fear opposed them from moving forward into their destiny? One of my favorite quotes from the song Brave by Moriah Peters is, “fear kills more dreams than failure.” (How true). I’m not a special case. I believe every person (myself included) is confronted with the fear of the world’s logic (which is often cloaked as “wisdom”) and the demonic (which also disguises itself) when it comes to entering into a place of heaven’s plans. Whatever you do, let me encourage you to never give up on your dreams and never stop loving selflessly. Because the two (in God’s kingdom) go hand in hand.

There is a treasured destiny from heaven that belongs to you. And this life, you will find, will be better than your dreams. God’s reality is always sweeter and greater than we could ever imagine. “My yoke is easy, my burden is light…you will find rest for your soul.”-Jesus in Matthew 11:28-30

One of my dreams was to become a Life Coach so I could see others living the abundant life of their dreams. I truly believe every child of God is meant to have a life that radiates the beauty of wholeness, joy, fulfillment and love. If you would like a partner on discovering and entering your God-destiny, I would be honored to walk with you! Click here to fill out a form to begin your coaching sessions!

“I love you (Ashley) and I thank you because you’re the only one who stirs me up with my dream. God has ministered to me so many times! I think that those who truly pursue God’s dreams are few and far between. He gave me insight while I was singing with him that every single one of his children are supposed to be drenched in success and aiming high. God’s plans are no where near the standard that the average Christian has been walking in. It’s a beautiful thing and an awakening because he literally has an outstanding plan for everyone. If all of us would only tap into our skill sets and design, then we would all be hitting the nail on the head. Everyone’s glory was originally supposed to be huge! There is no mediocre lifestyle or money or love or blessing or talent or skill set or job in the body of Christ! We’re all the cream of the crop. Every single one of us but few of us believe and receive and tap into his mind. Few of us understand how huge God’s kingdom on earth is! I’m not waiting anymore. I’m running and I’m going to be diligent in what he asks me to do today! I’m going to believe it when he gives me insight about tomorrow! I will not waste my life away waiting.” -Chloe Lange, worshipperwife, mother, Lioness Lips entrepreneur.