Let My Beauty Heal You

Jesus, You are the Light of my life. Your irresistible and undeniable love pulls on me like a current. Your rafters of love wash over my heart. Pouring over in gentle ripples, Your love cleanses every aching wound in my heart and dismounts every erected wall that keeps You out. I am lost in Your stream, in Your river of love, and tears glide down my cheeks like rain drops from the Heavens. They are my own…and then they become Yours.

Such intimacy I’ve never known. Such tender love I can taste on my tongue. My entire soul absorbs your balmy, fragrant love. Inside, I taste You everywhere. You are my only strength.

I look up at the stars—they look like millions of glitter flakes tossed in the sky. Entranced, I gaze up at them from the bioluminescent river of Your love that glows blue, and I melt in Your love. You’ve shown me where I am. I am under the stars of Your beauty in a radiant moving pool of healing.

Your sky is breathtaking, Lord.Dust and translucent gas from the cosmos create a light work of brilliant beauty. Your stream is calm, yet these waters are living. They float me along and there are flecks of silver, gold, blue and lavender gems in them—moving, living light. I am cradled by living light in living water. Trees, shrubs, and blossoming vegetation bend over me in the river.

Everything is so calm here and You say, “Let My beauty heal you. Let the facet of My love that you are seeing ravish your heart. Be still, and let Me love you. I want to love you to tears.I want your heart to cry those tears you so need to get out…not in light of your pain but in light of My love that is so much stronger than your pain, and overcomes and heals your pain.”

My eyes well at Your words and the healing beauty of what my eyes are beholding. Aromatic wafts of the spices of Your love lift from the pool that laps at my body and soul. You ravish me with the way You love me. You love me so tenderly, so slowly, so completely. Your love is more patient with healing my inflicted wounds than my own heart is.

~This sample poem was taken from my recently published book Visions of Celestial Love. You can purchase a copy by clicking here.