Worship Through Voting

And now I am on holy ground. It’s voting season đź‡şđź‡¸ .

This space is sacred, how I vote has become worship. 

You see,, I’m not for a particular party (I have papers before me representing the two main parties). I’m not loyal to the right or the left. I’m loyal to only One Person & as I vote, I pray,, open his Word and seek his guidance as I gather facts. 

If you ask me to vote apart from Biblical morals in this or any election, I say, “I cannot.” To do so would be to deny myself, to detach myself from what is truest about me thus enacting a dual-personality. 

Jesus is not just my Savior, He’s not just my Lord, He’s not just my Friend, He is not just my Big Brother…He is my Life. And just like God is faithful even when we are faithless because He cannot deny Himself…so I cannot break from the Spirit of Jesus at the voters booth (2 Timothy 2:13).I will not split away from Jesus and deny Him access to this part of my heart and humanity. 

The idea that we as Christians ✝️ can vote in a way that opposes holiness (the Holy Spirit) is wrong. (Granted, all parties are FAR from true holiness and they all fall miserably short from righteousness. But which party is closer? That’s up to you and Jesus to decide.)

I like what Dr. Myles Monroe said, “the separation of church and state, is the separation of priest and king.” 

We are not just priests (meant to keep our worship/convictions hidden away in the church, like the priests of Israel did in the desert. They left the law-giving to Moses,, who acted as a “king” while going to Aaron, their high priest for godly things). No, God had in mind from the beginning for us to be both priests and kings/queens (Exodus 19:6, 1 Peter 2:9, Isaiah 61:6, etc). And this is why king David (an old testament figure) was so famous. Because he showed the world the binding together of these two elements that would unite perfectly in the coming great King. David wrote the longest worship book in the Bible, and yet he also reigned in righteousness as a king over millions of people. Jesus sits on the throne of David -Luke 1:32.

Let me encourage you to not vote based on your gender, your race, your offenses, your own understanding…but to vote as if you were worshipping Jesus . I will not tell you who to vote for, only to set apart this act as holy.

I for one will vote as close to righteousness as I can. And I continually pray for leaders to rise up in this nation who are not loyal to money, to their own private interests, to special groups who buy them out, to lasciviousness, to their own lust for power and acclaim etc. But for leaders who are honorable, wise, and who will seek the counsel of God. Selah. đź“–

“We need leaders not in love with money but in love with justice. Not in love with publicity but in love with humanity. Leaders who can subject their particular egos to the pressing urgencies of the great cause of freedom…..a time like this demands great leaders.” -Reverend/Dr. Martin Luther King Jr (a great recent example of both a king and a priest…he allowed his religious convictions to propel him to public service. And his actions/voice, changed our country for the better).

~For more publications by me, check out my books, Visions of Celestial Love, and Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul.