Created for Heaven’s Blisses

The room changed and suddenly I was clothed in a scintillating white robe. Jesus stood beside me and we were on a beach. Gentle waves lapped the shore. The sand was a beautiful color and were almost as smooth as sheets on a bed. Mountains lush with vegetation stood like emerald diamonds along the shoreline. Tropical flowers and fruit glittered along the mountains like polychromatic gems. It was almost unbelievable beautiful. Everything here was made from peace, love, joy and righteousness. The Father’s Spirit was tangible in everything. The waves were like jade glass with aquamarine splashed inside. Every time a wave rose to meet the sun before lapping down a sweet laughter like wind flutes ticked the air.

“What are you feeling beloved?”

I saw everything yet it was like an invisible wall was around me preventing me from truly indulging in all the magnificence of the wonderful beach I was in.

When I didn’t respond Jesus responded for me.

“I created you to be surrounded by wonderful beauty. Your soul was created for heaven’s blisses.”

“I don’t feel like I belong.” I murmured.

I reached out and took Jesus’s hand. I felt like I would almost faint.

“No beauty is too great for you.” Jesus reassured me and held my hand, “nothing in all the world is lovelier than you. No sunset, no ocean, no natural wonder. The world is a gift to man… Ashley, we created you in our image.”

When He said “we” I knew He meant Abba and Holy Spirit as well.

“Well, yes but…”

“Do you think this place is too beautiful for me?”

“No,” was my immediate response. I knew nothing was too good for Jesus.

“I live in you.”

A small and unexpected gasp escaped my lips. A sense of worth came into my soul from my spirit.

Jesus knew and quoted Romans, “The Spirit bears testimony with your spirit that you are a daughter of God.”

I paused and gazed at my surroundings again, slowly spinning. Such beauty was so lavish I couldn’t imagine gulping it in…such wonder would cause my heart to burst from fatness (the profuseness of spiritual joy). Perhaps I could sip it in…and slowly allow my tongue to savor the taste.

“You are not a beggar my daughter, my Bride, my treasure…”

The sweet air intoxicated my imagination like shimmering translucent rainbows. The heavy scent of aged wine rose on the wings of the wind.

I felt the Presence of peace nearby me and reached my hand out, expanding my fingers as if to lace them around the Holy Spirit.

“Sweet friend,” I whispered, deep affection welling from the roots of my soul, like soaked soil, “I love you.”

I wished I could lean my head on His shoulder.

My sweet Friend.

…to be continued.

~For stories like these, check out my book Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul. May your heart be ushered into the deepest romance with Jesus.

“The stories in this book will invite you into a marriage relationship with Jesus showing you what it looks like to be loved without condemnation. Ashley brings you into personal conversations with the one who’s very name is Love. Sometimes life just gets so busy and I grow distant from the Lord that I don’t hear His gentle voice wooing me, calling me to His side. As I read this book, Jesus was reminding me of His great love for me, reminding me that He actually longed to spend time with me. If you are longing to know what it means to be loved and romanced by your creator, read this book and allow Jesus to romance you like only He can!” – Rachel Sklenicka, Licensed Minister, Graduate of CBC, Former Missionary to Russia