Jesus in the Romance

~The sequel to Nobel and Trisha’s love story.

…Sarah turned on a sapphire blue speaker and attached her cell phone Bluetooth to it. Beautiful island worship music began playing and I felt as if I were on a black sanded beach next to lapping crystal waters. A chorus of singers synchronized in the background, complementing the main singer harmoniously.

After flipping on the coffee machine, I leaned my back against the island as Sarah started dicing up potatoes and mincing vegetables. She worked like a sous chef.

I felt admiration for her in my heart.

She sliced through some honeyed ham and turned her oven on preheat before taking some frozen buttermilk biscuits out.

“I feel bad just standing here while you work,” I confessed after several minutes of waiting for her to ask me to do something.

“Then you haven’t quite understood grace yet,” she said with a refreshing tone.

Her words caught me off guard and I didn’t respond for several seconds.

“I’m not sure where you’re coming from,” I admitted.

She smiled up at me, “it’s a pleasure to serve you Nobel. Being served should never cause you emotional discomfort. You have no guilty obligation to help me.”

I froze and felt a depth in her words that struck the bars of an imprisoned place in my heart.

Suddenly what was unconscious became conscious.

Sarah said no more and left me to my thinking while she worked.

I envisioned Jesus kneeling at my feet shirtless with a large clay bowl of hot water in his hands. Those large bronze hands had the rough callouses of a carpenter, yet they carried the tenderness of a healer. His wavy black onyx hair was dusted from the dirt of sandal and foot travel.

Dip your foot in friend.

I gulped loudly and felt a sting of religion beckon me to pull away.

No, let me wash your feet Jesus! I almost spoke the words in my head out loud.

I saw Him look up at me with those burning ember brown eyes that knew every inch and corner of my soul like the back of His hand. His was the dearest face in all the world to me.

He seemed pained at my response.

My love is crippled by your thinking He said, tears gathering behind His eyes. You won’t impress Sarah or Kris through your works… so don’t try.

I sucked in air and suddenly the vision was gone.

My palms were sweaty now and I tried to rub them on my pants without being noticed.

Sarah didn’t seem to care and cracked six eggs into a measuring cup before whisking them and adding in spices.

The sunlight behind her spilled into the kitchen and living room like blonde paint and caused her silhouette to glow in ethereal gold.

Sarah threw two spoonsful of minced garlic in a frying pan with olive oil.

My stomach began to feel pangs of hunger when she threw in some chopped onion and cut bell peppers. She finally added the potatoes and began stirring things around with a large wooden cooking spoon.

“You haven’t touched your coffee,” she said over a shoulder with a soft smile. It took me a second to register her words and respond correctly, “no I haven’t,” I said and caught a whiff of the strong, full bodied aroma, “but it sure smells wonderful.”

“We have vanilla, hazelnut or Irish creamer. I have to warn you the Irish one has a little liquor in it.”

I grinned more widely than I meant, “I don’t mind a little alcohol ma’am.”

She laughed at my expression and touched a hand to her heart, “oh good! I was hoping our customs wouldn’t offend you. We do live on a winery.”

I laughed with her, “I’ll take the Irish.”

With that statement, I headed for the fridge and sifted until I found the choice creamer.

I went for the upper cabinet and grabbed a ruby red mug. His Blood was printed in white cursive on the cup. I poured some coffee in.

Afterward I added the creamer.

Sarah opened the frozen biscuits and lined them in a pan before placing them in the preheated oven.

I sipped at my coffee and almost closed my eyes in gratification at the rich taste.

Several minutes passed and the biscuits were baking, the eggs were cooking on the stove and the potatoes were browning.

I wondered what was holding Trisha up and just as I was about to pick up polite conversation with Sarah, Trisha opened up the front door.

She was smiling brightly and exclaimed, “that was one of the most beautiful sunrises I have ever seen!”

She hastened toward me and put the pitcher on the island. I saw the pure bliss on her face.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it darling,” I said, taking joy at her pleasure.

She then thanked Sarah and told her, “I was romanced by the Lord the whole time I was out there!” She giggled like a school girl and Sarah joined in her glee.

“Don’t you just love it when He does that?”

The two of them started chatting fluidly and before long Trisha asked for an apron and joined Sarah in cooking.

They worked together as if they had been best friends since childhood. I stood back amazed and still felt a little awkward for standing back idly while they cooked.

When I was done with my coffee I headed back to living room and sat on the couch.

Guilty thoughts tried to press their way into my mind.

What will Kris think when he walks in and sees you sitting on the couch while his wife and your girlfriend slave away in the kitchen? Some minister he’ll think you are!

I shook my head and rejected the accusations that were coming my way. I recognized its dark origin and refused to heed.

I glanced at the women in the kitchen, laughing together and knew they were having a good time.

I tapped my pointer finger on my knee nervously. Lord what do I do now?

Nothing, came the gracious answer.

“Nothing…” I repeated quietly, “sounds like a plan,” I said with an amused chortle.

I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, “okay Lord.”

Before long I heard the oven ding and then a strong male voice erupt in laughter, “now there’s the man of the hour!” Kris said chuckling deeply.

My eyes popped open and I began to stand.

Kris put a firm hand on my shoulder, “no please, sit!”

He swiveled around and joined me on the couch. I saw the tickling jest in his blue eyes.

He was wearing a white polo shirt, dark shorts, and Bryce lace up shoes. His summer blonde hair appeared paler in the sunlight.

“Good morning Kris,” I said, unsure of what tone to take.

“Morning, how’d you sleep?”

“Pretty good,” I answered and then shrugged honestly, “not as long as I’d like.”

“Well weren’t you drifting on the couch a second ago?” he quipped playfully.

I couldn’t help but chuckle, “no sir, anything but…”

Sarah came toward us with a cup of strong black coffee in her hand. She set in on a saucer in front of Kris and gave him a peck on the cheek, “thanks dear,” he responded and looked up at her fondly.

She returned to the kitchen and Kris took a slow sip.

“Nothing like straight black,” he praised and then patted my shoulder.

“You’re from Europe?” I asked.

“Why do you ask?”

I pursed my bottom lip slightly in thoughtful reflection, “well in my former career, I ran across people from different countries often enough. A lot of my male European counterparts liked their coffee pitch black.”

Kris lifted his brows, “what career was this?”

I dipped my chin, “I’d prefer not to say…sometimes I try to forget.”

I glanced at him from the corner of my eye and saw his unassuming visage. A feeling of peace from the Holy Spirit rose to my heart and I knew everything would be okay.

“I was a male model for a prestigious…company.”

Kris arched an eyebrow, “yes Thomas told us you had a scarlet past,” he said and then took a leisure sip of his coffee. I slightly cringed when I remembered the glamorous parties that were only started to sleep with fast women. Kris set down his cup and smiled in triumph, “the good news about scarlet pasts is that God uses them for his glory. There’s no greater transition than from blood red to milk white.”

I nodded, “I know that for sure. Everything in my life is different. I had no idea this level of joy and peace…and purpose was possible.”

I leaned back and couldn’t help but glance at Trisha, “I had no idea how tremendous the goodness of God was. He amazes me with how God He is…first to have Him and then to be given such good and perfect gifts from His hand.”

Kris followed my eyes, “ahhh, yes. I know what you mean. I cannot think of a greater treasure, a more perfect gift than my wife…”

We both remained silent for a moment in reverential awe.

My heartbeat quickened, “she’s truly perfect. A masterpiece”

Kris perked up, “He knows whose perfect for us…”

I nodded.

“The greater news is…He makes us perfect for Him.”

My eyes enlarged as I felt a swell of the love of God rise in my heart.

“Let the two become one,” I said quietly.

“It’s a mystery. Somehow we are the bride of Christ.” Kris said slowly shaking his head, “I still don’t understand it.”

“Neither do I,” I responded truthfully and then stroked my chin, “but I’m beginning to experience it.”

Kris studied my face intensely for a brief moment.

“Hmmm, and what does that look like?” He probed.

I remained silent for a few seconds, combing for the right word. When it came, I turned to Kris, “like union,” I said in a hoarse whisper.

My eyes went wet before I could control the tears. Love for God wrecked my heart.

Kris examined me quietly and I felt an opening between us. We connected without speaking.

Finally, I broke the silence, “I’ve been experiencing Him all morning. It’s different now. I don’t have to search scriptures for hours or go into a prayer closet and try to focus and not lose interest. I’ve surrendered everything to Him. He talks to me first. We converse more easily than I am with you. I feel Him in me, I sense what pleases and displeases Him and I try to comply with His inaudible wishes…”

I hadn’t realized that my voice was gruff with emotion until Kris’s changed visage caught my attention.

“You sound like a man in love.”

I nodded and wiped my eyes, slightly mortified by the unmanly tears and yet proud of them.

Kris sipped at his coffee and I could see the smile he tried to hide behind the cup’s rim.

“I suppose I am. Madly in love with Jesus. It’s an odd sort of thing in a way.”

~To follow the beginnings of Trisha and Nobel’s pure romance, you can purchase a copy of Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul. May you find the greater eternal romantic story of Jesus pursuing you weaved through its pages <3

“Ashley has a very talented gift of weaving words together that display tenderness, compassion and purity. Each story reveals the heart of Jesus towards His children. As you read each one you can see past the characters and feel the depth of Jesus’ heart, as well as the longing for a deeper relationship with Jesus inside yours.” -Everesta Hannon, prayer minister.