A Date with Jesus in the Swiss Alps

~A sequel to Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul’s story: A Date with Jesus. To read it for free, visit my Free Inspiration page <3

Your presence releases a fragrance so pleasing—
over and over poured out.
For your lovely name is “Flowing Oil.”
No wonder the brides-to-be adore you.
Draw me into your heart.
We will run away together into the king’s cloud-filled chamber.
-Song of Songs 1:3-4 TPT

My heart yearned for him like a swallow for the wind. I longed to spread my wings and ride the current of his vaporous love until I was perfumed with the scents of his soul.

I wanted the oil of his skin to become like an eternal anointing on the terrain of my flesh. Jesus, my heart had cried…

The Swiss alps were quite a sight. Majestic mountains powdered with glinting white gold bounced reflective shafts of light from the sun’s aureate waves. Blades of emerald green grass made pockets like quilt along the rugged terrain— lustrous gemstones. Clouds formed puffy castles that spilt like rain in slow motion down the cliffs. Their fluid motions seemed celestial. The cloud cover glowed like pearls and appeared as rich as whole milk. A double translucent rainbow made an iridescent crest in the sky before touching down on a distant mountain that was hazed purple.

Richly clad people, sitting on crimson plush benches, leaned over each other to peek out the windows in the luxury tour train that seated us all. I noticed a woman with a remarkably large ruby ring set on a rose gold band. Her fine fingers were speckled with gold dust and she wore a long sleeved nude dress sequined with light bronze beads that formed star patters. The patterns were clustered around her lean torso and then thinned into a V shape around her tapered waist. Indeed, the jewels, so keenly fashioned into her gown they seemed a part of her flesh. Her caramel skin glowed like honey in the sun and she had amber eyes flecked with a darker cinnamon brown color. Her charcoal shiny black hair was tied back with a silver burette with tiny gems. A gold chain with a captivating moonstone hung from her petite neck. She arched a curvy eyebrow and her full lips painted red wine curved upward in a small, pleased smile. She lifted a perfectly manicured finger to the clear glass window and tapped. Rosy pearls hung in her ears.

Her lover, a man of lighter complexion rubbed her shoulders and kissed the nape of her neck. As beautiful as it was outside, his eyes were steadfastly set on her. His blue eyes were as clear and piercing as the sky over the ocean after a hurricane washed clear through. It was like morning light. His lustrous hair resembled the dark burgundy color of wet henna. He had a strong chin, Jude Law nose and his box beard shaped his chiseled jaw and lined his lower face.  He wore a collared white dress shirt underneath a dashing, long black trench coat. A Rolex Trench watch donned his left wrist. A thick golden band with curious inscription was on his middle finger. He looked like he could be a duke, and she a countess.

Suddenly aware of the enamor and wealth of everyone else’s attire, I became embarrassed for wearing my sky-blue pajamas under a cream wool robe. My hair was pinned up in fat dark chocolate brown twists and lip balm was my only facial dress.

Jesus sat across from me and because of my own self-awareness, I failed to notice the smoothness of his bronze skin. It was like a brown terrain of amber butterscotch as placid as silk. The corner of his lips lifted into a smile. A joy foreign to the world shone in His swirling chestnut eyes like sparkling fire embers against a velvety night sky. Deep peace came off of Him like a swell of sauna waves from an invisible ocean…

To read my first romantic novella about the Bridegroom love of Jesus, click here.

“The stories in this book will invite you into a marriage relationship with Jesus showing you what it looks like to be loved without condemnation. Ashley brings you into personal conversations with the one who’s very name is Love. Sometimes life just gets so busy and I grow distant from the Lord that I don’t hear His gentle voice wooing me, calling me to His side. As I read this book, Jesus was reminding me of His great love for me, reminding me that He actually longed to spend time with me. If you are longing to know what it means to be loved and romanced by your creator, read this book and allow Jesus to romance you like only He can!” – Rachel Sklenicka, Licensed minister and former missionary to Russia.

Top image by David Mark from Pixabay