The Shepherd’s Arms

He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young. -Isaiah 40:11

The Shepherd’s Arms

Where do you go for shelter? There is nothing like the embrace of Jesus. In his arms, we find healing peace, wholesome serenity, unconditional love, powerful joy, and unmatched security.

When I was a little girl, I went to my mother for comfort, and I went to my dad for protection. I found that I needed their arms for different reasons. Today, I go to my husband’s arms when I want to experience unconditional love.

No matter where I go, no one has ever held me like Jesus. He often flows through the people in my life to touch me, but there have been times, where I’ve experienced a personal embrace from him, and it is like nothing on earth!

You can run to Jesus’ arms for everything. If you need comfort, run to him. If you need peace, run to him. If you need joy, run to him. If you just want to be held, run to him. He is your Good Shepherd. He laid down his life for you, his sheep. He longs to hold you close to his heart.


“Father, I thank you for your tender embrace through your son Jesus. Thank You for loving me in a way that is personal and that comes with all the meticulous care of a shepherd watching over his sheep. Lord, I lean into You for an embrace. I pray that You will show me how much You love me. Help me to trust You fully with every detail of my life. I invite your presence and Lordship in every aspect of my life. Fill my life with your tangible arms. Maneuver things around in my world until the fullness of your Shepherding care is complete. May your embrace in my life be tangible not only to me, but to others who witness how my life is going. May your glory, love, pleasure, and will be accomplished. I trust myself completely to your shepherding care. I open my heart, mind, and soul completely to you. Lead me, direct me, speak to me, and hold me. In Jesus name, amen.”