Soul Satisfaction

For He satisfies the longing soul and fills the hungry soul with good. -Psalm 107:9

Soul Satisfaction

How many people do you know who are satisfied inside? Are you satisfied? Our society is teeming with advertisements that promise to fulfill the desires of our hearts. The problem is, God has set eternity in our hearts and nothing earthly can truly ever fulfill us in such a way that we will feel complete without God (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

Solomon was the richest and wisest man on earth during his time. He was so wealthy that silver was as common as stones in his kingdom (1 Kings 10:27). He was surrounded by such glamor and spoke so intelligently that a visiting queen was struck by his wealth and captivated by his words. To impress a common person is good enough, but to render a queen awestruck is another matter entirely. Yet despite acquiring all his soul- could desire Solomon cried out in Ecclesiastes “everything is meaningless!”

Aristotle once wrote, “it is the nature of desire not to be satisfied and most men live only for the gratification of it.” While this is true without God, we have the promise of scripture that those who come to Jesus and drink of the water he gives will “thirst no more.”  This is the same promise king David sang about in Psalm 23, “the Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.”

David had a close, abiding relationship with God, and through that relationship, he discovered that his soul was satisfied to the point where all his wants were fulfilled. It’s not material wealth and acquisition that fulfills us, although God promises to provide us with what we need, and he is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above what we can ask for. It is only a relationship with God that satisfies.


“Father, I pray that you will help me to draw near to you in a fulfilling way. I pray that you will reveal yourself to me daily as my good shepherd. Open my heart, mind, and soul to your goodness and presence in a way that satisfies me. I pray that you will be the treasure of my heart and the desire of my eyes. I pray for a love relationship with you that is divinely beautiful, wholesome, holy, and powerful. Help me to place my soulish desires in your hands from a place of trust and peace. I thank you for never withholding good from me. You are the most giving father (James 1:17). Create a paradise in me. Make my soul a well-watered garden (Isaiah 58:11). May I walk with you in the cool of the day as Adam and Eve did in Eden before the fall. I love you Lord and I praise you forever. In Jesus name, amen.”