In Defense of Life

The first time I heard the sacred sound of Elena’s heartbeat, I recognized life was in me (a person is pronounced dead once their heart stops, so it seems logical to me that a person should be pronounced alive when their heart starts). I knew she wasn’t “my body”, because I don’t have 2 hearts. If I did, then I’m sure doctors would consider something to be medically “wrong” with me. I only have one . And it was her heartbeat that my OBGYN recorded…not mine. It was the sound of her heart that forever changed mine for the better.

I don’t pretend to know why every person who chooses to get an abortion does so. I can never understand unless they personally tell me. I genuinely want to know why people choose this. I’m not casting ignorant judgement/stones. Instead, I want to know how we as a society can help our most vulnerable members live (both the mothers and their babies).

What I do know for sure (and every scientist who sticks with the facts will tell you this also) is that unborn babies are human. They are living. The issue is not their humanity…but their worth in the eyes of men/women outside the womb. This is something called the “personhood theory.” And this theory is just that…theory…not fact.

The personhood theory creates an imagined “subclass” of humans whose right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” is dependent on “higher humans” (those with the ability to intellectually voice their thoughts…who are considered “superior” to the subclass).

This theory has spilled the lifeblood of billions of people over the course of recorded human history and civilizations as we know it. This theory has bounced between people groups as changing laws have permitted it to legally kill those who (at the time) are considered “subhuman”: Jews, African Americans, Native Americans,, Asians and yes…different “classes” of the Caucasian “race” (ex: the Irish). No “people group” has been untouched from this deadly ideology.

I pray for the day, when love for humanity (as a whole/one group) will purge the hearts of all men. I pray for the day when unconditional love (not based on race, physical ability, religion, political friction, etc) will sweep over this planet and stir the hearts of mankind to “love your neighbor as you do yourself.” -Jesus. I long for the day, when the majority of mankind will be compassionate toward their fellow men and will put righteousness and True justice above their own selfish motives/wants/offenses, etc. Because only when we learn to truly value every life the way God does, and put the needs of others first, will the world be free of all evil/sorrow.

It’s not up to a politician. It’s a decision we make everyday to get up and to walk in love Jesus gave us the answer when He said, “if you die to this life (selfishness, godlessness) you will truly live. Only when you lose your life, will you find it.” 🌈

Motherhood and marriage have caused me to “lose” my life more than anything (besides Jesus) in the world. And because of my family, my heart has been purged of darkness (selfishness). Their lives have swept over my soul like a constant river, cleaning my mind of impure sediments (hidden and bad agendas💔). They have required of me to “lay down my life, so that I may truly live ” And in this, I have tasted the radiant blisses of heaven and feasted on the sweetest joy ✨. 🌤🌄.

I have “seen” God more clearly because when we “love one another, God dwells in our midst” -1st John 4


~3 months after her birth, I laid Elena on the bed and played a recording of her heartbeat (I had taped her heartbeat on one of my visits to my OBGYN…when her life was still hidden inside me). I can’t tell you how sacred and priceless that moment was as I watched her react to the sound of her own heart.

Speaking Tenderly

~This devotional is taken from my book, Visions of Celestial Love. To learn more about it, visit my Purchasable Goodies page.

Therefore, behold, I will allure her [Israel] and bring her into the wilderness, and I will speak tenderly and to her heart. There I will give her her vineyards and make the Valley of Achor [troubling] to be for her a door of hope and expectation. And she shall sing there and respond as in the days of her youth and as at the time when she came up out of the land of Egypt. —Hosea 2:14–15 AMPC

This is sheer poetry to my soul. God speaks volumes to His beloved in these verses. The church is His beloved, both individually and collectively. This morning I dropped my brother off to school and was aware of a familiar pain. I spent time alone in my mom’s van talking to God about it. I was honest and open with Him.

When I walked in the house these were the verses that I turned to. Through them He pointed things out to me. He said, “I want to give you hope again. I don’t want you to give in to cynicism because of disappointments and supposedly deferred dreams.”

God said He would make my troubling a door of hope for me, and not just a door of hope but a door of expectation.

God reminded me through scripture that He is a good lover, because a good lover is the caretaker of His beloved’s heart. He said, “I will speak tenderly and to her heart.”

As my eyes scrolled down the pages He spoke more:

And it shall be in that day, says the Lord, that you will call Me Ishi [my Husband], and you shall no more call Me Baali [my Baal]…. And I will break the bow and the sword and [abolish battle equipment and] conflict out of the land and will make you lie down safely. —Hosea 2:16, 18b AMPC

Through these verses the Lord said, “You will know Me personally. You will be close to Me, for I will cause your heart through intimacy to call Me Husband.”

He also said, “I will break the bow in your soul, I will abolish the inner turmoil you feel and cause you to rest in my serene peace.”

Prompted through reflections of His loving words I continued reading:

And I will betroth you to Me forever; yes, I will betroth you to Me in righteousness and justice, in steadfast love, and in mercy. I will even betroth you to Me in stability and in faithfulness, and you shall know (recognize, be acquainted with, appreciate, give heed to, and cherish) the Lord. —Hosea 2:19–20 AMPC

Here God spoke, “My mercy, and My love for you is steadfast. It does not die, it does not deplete. It isn’t diminished by you, nor however you think you’ve disappointed Me. My love is timeless and nothing you do or don’t do can affect the steadfastness of it.

“You are rightly Mine through royal, and holy blood. Blood that is other, not of this world. Blood that is spirit and life paid for you to live in paradise and be wooed by My love. You are betrothed to Me in righteousness and justice. It is right and just that you are Mine…and I am yours as far as My love is concerned.

“I will even marry you in stability and faithfulness. Do you know what that means? That means you don’t have to worry about chaos. Our marriage is stable as far as the Heavens are everlasting and immovable. You have peace. We have peace. Our relationship is marked by My peace…and you will remain in this peace for as long as you know that My love cannot be moved from you. You are My heart’s gaze, and My affections are set firmly upon you. Know that even if you fail to believe sometimes, you always have My peace…you just don’t always remain in it.

“I will betroth you to Me in faithfulness. I will be faithful to you through all eternity. Let My eyes wash you with My love. I look at no others. I see no others. I Am the Husband of your dreams. The Husband that marks every part of you and calls you beautiful all over. The Husband who sees you on those early mornings where your hair is disheveled, when your breath stinks, when you’re having an emotional meltdown, when you’re moody, when you’re sweaty from work, and in sweat pants. I love you in those areas that you think you are ugly. I love to love you in those areas where you feel embarrassed and would rather not be seen. I love you in those areas because those are the areas where you most need to be loved.

“I Am the Husband of your dreams. I have eyes only for you. And I will be faithful to you always. Though the world shakes, though times change, though people come and people go, though you may act unfaithfully, though you may lose sight of love, though estrangement and loneliness may come, though you may pull away sometimes, though things rage…I will be faithful to you always.

“You are the queen I’ve waited for since I created the world. And I will clothe you in royalty and crown you with honor and virtue. It is Me who makes you beautiful. You are a reflection of all My affections, and the more you receive My love for you the more you display My beauty…the beauty that was always yours to own and have.

“You are the prize I’ve worked for throughout the ages. You are the one My heart dreamed of when I hovered over the waters in the beginning. Nothing else in all of creation can compare to you, My love—not oceans, not seas, not sunrises, not sunsets, not grassy plains or rainbows in the sky, not angels, not gold or precious stones.

“If only you could see the way I stare at you. If only you could taste the love that wells up in My heart every time I see you. I want you to experience Me the way I experience you. I am here, and I am here for a lifetime. I’ll be here for eternity loving you, and I rejoice in the day that you believe it. I am faithful.”

And in that day I will respond, says the Lord; I will respond to the heavens [which ask for rain to pour on the earth], and they shall respond to the earth [which begs for the rain it needs],

            And the earth shall respond to the grain and the wine and the oil [which beseech it to bring them forth], and these shall respond to Jezreel [restored Israel, who prays for a supply of them].

            And I will sow her for Myself anew in the land, and I will have love, pity, and mercy for her who had not obtained love, pity, and mercy; and I will say to those who were not My people, You are My people, and they shall say, You are my God! —Hosea 2:21–23 AMPC

May God’s loving words wash you with sweet, restoring love, the way it did me this morning.

To purchase a copy of Visions of Celestial Love, click here.

“A delightful book that reflects the praises from a heart that desires to abide closely with our Heavenly Father. Written in a style that summons us to experience a journey of deeper intimacy with a loving God. Ashley covers the foundation of the Christian faith that brings encouragement and assurance of God’s promises when faced with life’s challenges. Embracing our uniqueness and the safety of transparency before our Maker who cares about the most intricate details of our life. Yes, an invitation indeed from the One and only who can fill what are heart’s ache for.” — Jocelyn Reyna,

Woman That I Love

~I felt Jesus tell me these words on a night where my soul was grieved. I hope these words bring you as much comfort as they did me. Be blessed:

You were made to be loved.


You were made to be nourished, and nurtured.

You were made to be appreciated.

You were made to feel the waves of my love pouring over you like warm-scented rain every day.

You were made to be kissed good night every night.

You were made for my joy, my peace, my comfort. You were made to be faithfully loved—not just for a year, or ten years or fifty…but forever.

I know you long. I know you desire. And I want to take you up in the sky until you can taste the clouds. Until your eyes widen with a view of Heaven.

Woman that I love, listen to me. Read these words. Let them saturate your heart and bring the deep healing that is so desperately needed. Let not your heart shrivel, but expand in the embrace you were made for.

Where you are cold, I will make you warm. Where you are disappointed I will prove Myself faithful. Where you are bitter I will make you sweet.

I will love you past the mental bondage, past the pain, past the heart hurts, past the despairing hope. I see you hoping, struggling, letting go, and taking up again. I know the weariness a broken life can bring. I know the daily routine that dries out all the excitement in your heart.

I know the wishes you have that seem so far stretched that you look upon them as fantasy… as child’s play. Don’t scold yourself for them. I want to give you all that you long for, that is right for you to have. My Father only gives good and perfect gifts. It starts with letting yourself be embraced, with letting the tears flow, with looking upon my face, with diving in my eyes.

My love is consuming yet it’s gentle. It restores life to the dying. It brings life to the dead.

Look up. Look down. Look around you. I’m right here. I’m right here. I’m in your heart. Ask me what you would have me do for you. Talk to me.

Be loved. Be most deeply loved.

Don’t settle for anything less than perfect love.

This snippet was taken from my book, Visions of Celestial Love. You can learn more about it on my Purchasable Goodies page or purchase a copy on amazon.

“Visions of Celestial Love is a book of inspiring quotes and beautiful prose about God’s unconditional love for mankind. The insights of this book help us to understand that it was the Father’s great love for us that made a way for us to have life together with His Son, Jesus Christ. Through it we get a glimpse into the true meaning of Christ’s sacrifice of love expressed through His death, burial and resurrection as God’s magnificent gift of grace to us. His blood made it possible for all those who put their faith in Him to have fellowship with His Father again. 

I am confident that at the completion of this book, you will also seek after God with your whole heart and want to be in His presence forever.” —Alice Paige, True-Heart friend of author