About Ashley

Relax and Let Me Pour You A Cup of Coffee!

Hello, <3 

It’s wonderful to meet you! My name is Ashley. If we were together physically, I’d offer you some of my husband’s famous cinnamon cappuccino. We’d walk over to the living room and sit on a plush sofa together. I’d open up a window to let some cool air in and then start my introduction…

“I believe intimacy with God is the most healing balm in all existence, the birthing room of all iridescent creativity and the one pure cure for all of man’s woes.”

I was born on the tropical island of Nassau Bahamas. When I was 5, my family and I moved to a beautiful small beach town in California. At the age of 16, I had an encounter with the Lord and I became a new person. I worked for 5 years at my church’s private preschool and I served 7 years as a youth leader. Mid-way between college I went to a live-in missionary school where I shared a small, one-bathroom house, with 9 other people. My roommates consisted of women from France, England, Norway, Australia and different parts of the USA. The school had about 8 different houses that used to be prostitution brothels. I enjoyed the sights and cultures of those around me. Men and women from Africa inspired me with their dances, their bright smiles and I enjoyed feeling free to eat with my hands. I learned from missionaries around the world under a “luxurious” (wink, wink) white pitched tent where I and the other students had straw for seats and desks. We were centered in an impoverished, high-crime neighborhood. I had some life-changing experiences there. 

When I was 20, I published my first book: Inside the fields of My Heart which I’ve republished as, Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul (a book about pure, divine intimacy). You can read the first story in it for free on my Free Inspiration page or purchase an ebook copy (with all the stories) on amazon by clicking here.  I graduated from community college with my A.A in English and Humanities with an emphasis on Creative Arts. When I was 22, I needed a miracle and a new understanding of God’s love and grace. I left California to attend Charis Bible college in mountainous Colorado. I enjoyed crunching my boots in fresh snow and living at Christ Haven lodge with international Bible students. They became like my second family. You can find a video of me being interviewed about it by clicking here.  After my first year, I married the man of my prayers (my first boyfriend), Stephen McClelland. We finished our 2nd year of Bible college together and I earned my Bachelor’s in Biblical studies.

Two years later, God answered my prayer, and my body became swollen with life. In between pregnancy, I worked as a prayer minister and I also took crisis calls. It was a very stretching and rewarding time to learn how to comfort and pray for those in extremely difficult situations. I am happy to say, lives were saved and some people received the help they needed from God. Racing with my delivery date, I managed to publish my second book Visions of Celestial Love  and finish my Early Childhood Education classes before Eden-Rain was born. My midwives delivered her on a cold winter morning in Colorado. The room was filled with kind and professional doctors who sought to take care of me and Eden’s needs. I’m happy to say that my mother and husband were with me through every minute of labor.

For 5 months, I lived as a stay-at-home mom in a small, Elizabethan-styled cottage, pressed between two majestic mountains and a peaceful creek. The small bed and breakfast cottage was a dream come true. It had a large sauna bathroom (the size of my bedroom) that had heating and a Jacuzzi tub with jets. Whenever family or friends visited, they could be sure to find the fireplace burning, lit fragrant candles scattered about and me in pajamas with weary, star-struck eyes as I marveled at the young life I’d been entrusted to raise. My husband was gone 10-14 hours a day, working and finishing up the optional third-year ministers’ school at Charis. I am so proud of him.

More recently, my husband and I moved to California to put our Bible college education to the test. We want to make disciples and so here we are.” I point to our surroundings as you take a sip of cappuccino. I continue, “For about three years I ran a licensed Christian daycare in this home, until I was hired as the Bible teacher at Monterey Bay Christian School. I’ve become a certified Christian Life Coach. I have now opened up my own practice. For several weeks my husband hosted a radio show called the Encounter (where he shares amazing personal testimonies of people encountering Jesus around him).  He created a website  where he shares a years worth of encouraging messages that he preached when he served as a pastor of a home church in Colorado. I’m often in awe at the grace-gift of understanding and exhortation God’s given him. He has truly changed lives everywhere we’ve been.”

After a year and a half, my husband and I welcomed our second baby girl, Elena Sophia Brielle (radiant light, wisdom and “God is my strength”) into the world. She came like a beacon of light as the U.S faced unprecedented darkness with the corona virus and destructive racial tensions. My pregnancy with her was a constant sweet reminder of the sure promises of God and the beauty of racially blended love. During my pregnancy, God opened up a door of immense favor for me and I secured a literary agent. Together, my agent and I are working toward pitching my book, Romantic Rendezvous for the Soul, to a traditional Christian publishing company.

In Fall 2023, I was blessed to be a part of an anthology book with several amazing women. Together we collaborated our healing testimonies and created the devotional, His Beauty for My Ashes. Shortly after its release, it made it to the best sellers list on amazon! To check it out, click here

In 2024, I was honored to join Set Free Monterey Bay, a beautiful Christian organization that provides healing, housing, resources, classes and therapy for victims of sex trafficking. 

I pause in new revere at God’s faithfulness and then smile gratefully at you, “thank you for taking the time to listen to my story. It’s been an adventure since I gave my life to Christ and I hope you feel like the ice has been broken between us. I welcome you to freely peruse my home (this website) and I’m sure we’ll become more deeply acquainted with time. But for now, I’ve so enjoyed being introduced.” 

~p.s: I’m really glad you’re here. 


4 Replies to “About Ashley”

  1. I love your introduction! You have such a lovely way of writing! I am so looking forward to talking to you further about some of the experiences you shared. I miss you Ashley!

  2. Ashley I am so proud of you. It brought tears of joy to by eyes as I read this.
    I spent lots of time with you, your sisters and brother during your early years in the Bahamas and even after your family moved to California I visited for a month. At rhe early years of your life you had such a calming personality and I knew then, there was something just different about you.

    Many called Alex my baby but if truth be told you all were.
    You’ve made me proud.
    Continue living for God, serving him in Spirit and in truth.

    Love Eureka

    1. Eureka, you are so loved and special to my family and I! Did you know that I only found out about five years ago that you weren’t my aunt?

      Haha, I remember mentioning you to one of my sisters and saying, “our aunt who works at the airport…etc.” My sister stopped me and asked, “which aunt?” When I told her your name she told me that you weren’t “blood” related to us. I was stunned!

      You are just like family in all of our hearts. I love you!

      And, thank you so much for your encouragement! God has been incredibly good to me (you are a part of that goodness). Thank you for all the times you watched my siblings and I. We are blessed by you.

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