I so enjoy getting to talk to you <3
Listen, Watch, and be Encouraged!
Golden Flags Beach Worship- A Teaching on King David and Loving God.
Preparing for the Heavenly Wedding (A teaching on experiencing the bridegroom love of Jesus and loving him wholeheartedly in return):
The Father Loves You!
In Father God’s Arms- Prayer Devotional
Daddy- A Love Devotional for Father God
His Beauty for My Ashes: Stories of Faith and Restoration
I was recently interviewed by the amazing Dr. Sherley! We and a small group of wonderful women collaborated together to write, His Beauty for My Ashes. It became a best seller on amazon! I am so excited for the message of hope, faith and healing this book brings!
My Students Share About Having Visions of Jesus in Class
Golden light and a heavenly walk. A lion with shinning eyes of love, a mane of fire and huge white comforting wings. Last year, several students in my Bible class began having visions of Jesus (all glory to God)! I am so excited to share their testimonies and I pray it brings you great encouragement in your own walk with our heavenly Father!
Video) To view A morning introduction to intimacy click here.
Audio) My radio interview on KKMC 880AM: A talk on the power of grace, love, divine romance and the beautiful purpose of our birth
Worship to the King Flag Dance
Video) Colorado: I was interviewed on a promo video that introduced the wonderful idea of a community of student cottages for Charis Bible College. To view click here
Prophetic Flag Dance: Prophesy Your Promise
Video) To view His Power, My Trust (sharing God’s miracles in my journey of faith) click here
Audio) I give a talk on my husband’s radio show on how you don’t have to go through life in your strength. You can receive strength and grace from the Holy Spirit.
Video) I give a small interview at Pete Cabrera Jr’s school (Royal Family International School of Identity and Lifestyle) on my experience there. It was amazing seeing people healed in Jesus name! To view, click here. Or click here for a small, encouraging video on boldness, evangelism and prophesy.
Click the audio above to listen to an encouraging radio interview about intimacy with God, the beauty of the Bridegroom love of Jesus, and the whimsical purity of child-like faith. May you be blessed and comforted as you listen!
Teaching on Joel 2:28: The Promised Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
Did you know that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are for you today? I had the immense privilege of teaching on Joel 2:28, a special prophetic promise from God, at MBCS school chapel. This message promises us that God intends for everyone to receive the priceless gift of his presence, through the Holy Spirit, in their everyday lives. His holy presence comes with special gifts/abilities. We have a heavenly Father who truly gives with a cheerful heart. The gift of Jesus is already overwhelmingly good, but God's great heart chose to give us another gift....and this gift comes with many other gifts. We are truly blessed people! “It shall come about after this That I shall pour out My Spirit on all mankind; And your sons and your daughters will prophesy, Your old men will dream dreams, Your young men will see visions. -Joel 2:28 AMP